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Guest NoCalMike

A Smaller Ring, Tighter ropes....

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Guest NoCalMike

I was thinking while watching Rey Jr.'s debut on Smackdown, that in order to truly get cruiserweights over like they were in WCW/ECW that the WWE might have to consider restructuring their ring specs. You can obviously see the pacing differences that have to come into play because of the larger ring and the looser ropes. Then I was thinking, why Vince wouldn't want to do that, and the only reason I could think of was that Vince has the mentality of, "this is the WWE and our ring is this size, so haaaa" I think all of the wrestlers could benefit from this idea, especially the cruisers, and if the WWE is as serious about getting a CW division going and pushing it hard as I have read in past Ross Reports, then they should heavily consider this. Or Maybe just have one of the shows wrestling rings smaller and allocate all the Cruisers to one show.....?? Comments........

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Guest notJames

I hated the smaller rings in wCw/ECW. I think they're fine the way they are now. I think the WW_'s cruisers have adapted quite nicely. Rey should have no problem, either.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Actually most of the wrestlers would probably have quite a bit of trouble with the ring becoming smaller, namely because they're so used to the ring's current size. When WWF guys went to WCW, they always looked uncomfortable in the ring at first, namely because they just weren't used to it's size, same with WCW coming to the WWF, they had memorized where exactly everything was in a WCW ring but it was different in the WWF. Flair almost died a few times tryin to do his bounce off the ropes strut at first because he almost didn't go back far enough to hit the ropes.


In general, a new ring at this point would be bad, they've gotten all the boys conditioned to the current one, no need to change it.

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Guest Ravenbomb

didn't the ropes used to be super loose? I saw this match from like 1982 and it looked like they were just kinda almost hanging there.


Tighten the ropes a little

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Guest Anglesault

If the looser ropes cause Rey to wrestle like he did on SD!, then leave them like that

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Guest Brian

They really need cable ropes. The WWE produces more ACL injuries, and other knee related injuries, than any other ocmpany mainly because it wants to give the illusion that their guys are bigger and running hard into the ropes. The ring size is fine. I think all the wrestlers benefit because the steel cables generally reduce injuries.

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Guest Brian

Alot of the times what happens is guys bounce off and just plant at the wrong time, or just get too much bounce off the rope. That's part of what contributes to the knee problems; that and the constant bumps, but that's more focused on the joints.

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Guest AssDroid!

Now see, I would have thought that the cable ring ropes would have been more dangerous, based on Foley's ear getting squeezed off. But that does make sense about the knee injuries.

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Guest The Man in Blak

I agree - the ring size seems quite fine to me (I've always been irritated by the smaller WCW ring), but a little bit of change in the ropes could definitely be good.


Doesn't Foley talk about how he hates loose ropes in his first book, mainly because he lost his ear to them?

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Guest TheBlurricane

How many people besides Foley even used the hangman anymore?


Cable ropes make for better snap and quicker matches. Isn't the WWE the only organization anywhere that even uses the regular ropes anymore?


I like the smaller ring cause it keeps the pace more up beat and fast, but I agree they don't need to change. I think they could just change the ropes and be okay. Not to mention the cable ropes are more smooth and presentable looking than the rigid WWE ropes.

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Guest AssDroid!
"But that does make sense about the knee injuries."


Why not?

I meant that your explanation made sense. I can see how ropes would be a problem compared to cables.

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Guest DrainYou42
Doesn't Foley talk about how he hates loose ropes in his first book, mainly because he lost his ear to them?

If I remember correctly, there was a match before Foley's and someone complained that the ropes were to loose, so they were tightend, the problem was that Foley didn't know about this and when he went for the move he panicked about the ropes, and he was having trouble breathing.


But it's been a while since i've read the book, so i could be wrong.

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Guest saturnmark4life

there's no need for the 'caught in the ropes' bit anymore, cos normally now they just have guys being occupied on the outside rather than being trapped. And they use handcuffs. They use tighter ropes everywhere else, there's no harm in tightening them. top rope moves (not just all the springboard stuff) would be much safer.

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Guest I Hate Radio Shack

Nash said that the smaller rings prevented him from having good matches in wcw











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Guest Trivia247
Nash said that the smaller rings prevented him from having good matches in wcw











Yea With those smaller Rings Nash can't pick up that momentum needed to Trip fall and Break something heh

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