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Guest undisputedjericho

Trivia questions!

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Guest undisputedjericho

PM me your answers (With the questions), I'll post the results tommorrow. Don't post your answers here.


1) What is the only WWF/WWE pay-per-view that the Dudleys have main evented?


2) Who was the first WWF wrestler to win a WCW title while a member of the WWF? Which title was it?


3) Who did Christian defeat at the 2001 Survivor Series?


4) Who saved Steve Austin from being embalmed?


5) How did the Rock retain the WWF title over Steve Austin the night after the '98 Survivor Series?


6) How many times in 2001 did the WWF tag team titles change hands at pay-per-views?


7) Who did Jericho and Benoit defeat in the tag team turmoil match to become #1 contenders?


8) Who cost Bossman the Hardcore title at SummerSlam '99?


9) Who was the sole survivor of the Hardys/Dudleys vs. RTC/Edge & Christian tag at the 2000 Survivor Series?


10) Who did Kurt Angle pin in the 6-man Hell in a Cell match to retain his WWF title?


11) What kind of forgien object did Owen Hart use to beat Shamrock in the Stu Hart Dungeon match?


12) How many times has HHH beaten Chris Jericho at pay-per-views?


13) Who was given the European title by Jeff Jarrett?


14) At the first Raw from the Georgia Dome in October 1999, HHH and Chyna met Steve Austin and who in a no DQ tag match?


15) Who did the Oddities beat in a tag match at the Rock Bottom PPV?

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Guest undisputedjericho

Answers, and who got each right:


1) Invasion (5) Anglesault, bob_barron, BigTim2002, Slickster, Fook_Hing_Ho


2) Kurt Angle - WCW Title (1) Anglesault


3) Al Snow (4) Anglesault, bob_barron, Slickster, Fook_Hing_Ho


4) Kane (4) Anglesault, BigTim2002, Slickster, Fook_Hing_Ho


5) Undertaker hit Austin in the head with a shovel causing a DQ (5) Anglesault, bob_barron, BigTim2002, Slickster, Fook_Hing_Ho


6) 4 Times (Rumble, X7, Backlash, SummerSlam) (3) bob_barron, BigTim2002, Slickster


7) Edge & Christian (4) Anglesault, bob_barron, BigTim2002, Slickster


8) Road Dogg (3) Anglesault, bob_barron, Slickster


9) Jeff Hardy (2) Anglesault, bob_barron


10) The Rock (4) Anglesault, bob_barron, Slickster, Fook_Hing_Ho


11) A dumbell (3) Anglesault, BigTim2002, Slickster


12) 3 (Fully Loaded 2000, WM X8, Judgement Day 2002) (2) Anglesault, bob_barron


13) Mark Henry (4) Anglesault, bob_barron, Slickster, Fook_Hing_Ho


14) Jim Ross (3) Anglesault, bob_barron, Slickster


15) The question was wrong, the Oddities lost to the Headbangers.





1 - Anglesault: 13/14

2- bob_barron: 11/14

2- Slickster: 11/14

3 - BigTim2002: 6/14

3 - Fook_Hing_Ho: 6/14

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Guest prez

Me too. I knew 14 out of 15 off the top of my head (maybe I should get some interests besides wrestling and video games). Could someone please make another one of these lists?

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Guest Youth N Asia

I missed 2...I could have gotten them had I ran to my almanac


Post another

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Guest Anglesault

Ddidn't the Dudleys beat the Hardyz for the WWF tag titles a Survivor Series?

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Guest midnight_burn

Anglesault's right, the WCW tag champ Dudleys beat the the Hardys for the WWF Tag titles in the cage match at Survivor Series.

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Guest kane3212321

Didn't X-Pac win the WCW crusier title first b4 Kurt won the Heavyweight title

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Guest Nevermortal

Road Dogg didn't help Al Snow win the match at SS '99....it was Zakk Wylde.


Ok, well Zakk Wylde didn't cause the direct pinfall, I consider him a MUCH BETTER person than Road Dogg, dammit.

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Guest papacita
Didn't X-Pac win the WCW crusier title first b4 Kurt won the Heavyweight title

No. Kurt lost the WCW World the same night X-Pac won the Cruiser

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Guest BionicRedneck



Thats right. I think X-Pac was the first to hold both a WWF title and a WCW title (Light Heavyweight/Cruiserweight) at the same time.

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Guest Prince Paul

I would have got 11 right that time. Who wants to post some more questions??



Not me.

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Guest Anglesault

So with the revelation that the titles changed a FIFTH time, I'm 14/14!

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