Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Ok, first the bad news... ...RAW's total rating was a 4.7, which is about average for the RAW after a PPV for the past few months. Hour one got a 4.3 and hour two got a 5.0..., the good news... ...the Hogan/Rock segment got a 5.3, the same rating that the over-run got. This is VERY good news for the nWo angle, as it got the highest ratings of the show. Now what will the WWF think of these numbers? Will they put the nWo on more TV in hopes that it helps over all ratings? Will they work more on the "other parts" of the show? Anyhow, only time will tell! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted February 21, 2002 If WWF oversaturates their shows with nWo it will kill the angle. look at Rock, HHH, Austin and other big returns as a good example. The object is to leave the fans wanting more, not giving them too much. But the rating is good news. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 21, 2002 If WWF oversaturates their shows with nWo it will kill the angle. look at Rock, HHH, Austin and other big returns as a good example. The object is to leave the fans wanting more, not giving them too much. But the rating is good news. Yep, I agree with you 100%. I hope they take it as they need to work on the other parts of the show, instead of use the nWo as a cheap "out". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I think the WWF will be disappointed with the overall rating, but they're probably happy the Hogan/nWo/Rock angle got a good rating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I think the WWF will be disappointed with the overall rating, but they're probably happy the Hogan/nWo/Rock angle got a good rating. Well, just like I said in the column/post that I put on here not long ago, what does the fans have to care about besides the "main angles"? I mean really, I can understand totally why the other parts of the show gets a lower rating than the "main angles". They need to develop the other talent, and put them in meaningful angles/feuds, make the other belts actually mean something again, and give the fans a REASON to care about something else besides the "main angles". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I'd like to point out that if the WWF put about two seconds of thought into there midcard...they have the talent and the popularity there to make it interesting. It's interesting that people turned off Raw after the segment...Hopefully the WWF will learn that the Godfather does not equal ratings. As far as the segment itself: I'm glad it did well...(comparitive to the rest of the show) If the angle had not been spiked ratings...I shudder to think what they would have done to pop ratings... All in all it has to be a little disapointing that the NWO couldn't deliver an overall bigger rating then they have been getting. But the stuff at the end of No Way Out (a very lackluster ppv) didn't really make me say "ooh...I can't wait to see what they do on Raw." The true test of the angle's effectiveness will be seen on Raw's ratings for next week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted February 21, 2002 "They need to develop the other talent, and put them in meaningful angles/feuds, make the other belts actually mean something again, and give the fans a REASON to care about something else besides the "main angles"." Exactly!!! That's why we come to the smarkboard to bitch. The writers are lazy. Even their main event angles are half-assed so the mid-card gets the shaft even more. "All in all it has to be a little disapointing that the NWO couldn't deliver an overall bigger rating then they have been getting. But the stuff at the end of No Way Out (a very lackluster ppv) didn't really make me say "ooh...I can't wait to see what they do on Raw."" Yeah after the uninspired effort of No Way Out, I almost didn't turn into RAW which I've watched religiously for the last four years (when I finally gave up on WCW). If the PPV was strong and then the WWF delivered the Rock-Hogan segment, it could have been high 5's easily. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Actually, this is a VERY GOOD sign. You have to understand that things don't change overnight. The WWF isn't going to go from the mid 4s to high 6s in a week. It's going to take at least three months for something like that to happen. Right now the WWF is doing a good job. They just need to add a little more NWO, develop a mid-card around people like Test, RVD, Christian, and some others, develop a few characters and we'll be in business. Personaly, I think Vince should hire Russo back to handle the mid-card and certain aspects of the NWO angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted February 21, 2002 "develop a mid-card around people like Test, RVD, Christian, and some others, develop a few characters and we'll be in business" This is the key. Develop the midcard and sustain the ratings throughout the show. As for more NWO, it may be cool seeing on tv but wait til they get in the ring. You will not be entertained. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Midcard yes! But Test? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Personaly, I think Vince should hire Russo back to handle the mid-card and certain aspects of the NWO angle. That's a good idea. Won't happen, but a good idea. One of the things I thought Russo did right was the fact he liked to have characters and angles for the midcarders. The WWF hasn't done a good job of doing that since Russo left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted February 21, 2002 "Midcard yes! But Test?" LOL Seriously, Test is the heat assassin killing all wrestler's heat wothout prejudice. This guy must be blowin' SHane O MAc to still have a job. Now him and Nash are in the same federation. Fear for your lives. My prediction: Nash and Test form a tag team eventually and destroy modern day tag team wrestling by displaying zero workrate, ending the concept of fans even popping for tag matches and holding the belts until they become defunct after two years of complete apathy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wrestlemaniac16 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I really don't have a problem with Test, but if you guys want to help the mid-card out, then the WWF should make their secondary titles more meaningful like the I-C and European title. Instead of the midcarders just wrestle each other for the hell of it. Also the rating s to me seem like a good sign for both ends, the WWF should be happy that the ratings are staying steady in the higher 4's, and that the Rock-Hogan got a 5.3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 21, 2002 If you watch No Way Out a strange phenomenon takes place. Tag Team turmoil had thecrowd whipped into a frenzy that even APA vs. Chuck and Billy couldn't kill. The RVD/Goldust got the most crowd reaction of the night. Then Test came out and the rest of the show was watched in silence. Test sucked the heat out of the whole show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mastermind Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Actually, you can't expect ratings to jump that much. The system doesn't work like that. It takes into account the average viewing habits of the past few weeks. It's next week and the following weeks which will be the test. The ratings should jump out of the high 4's because of increased viewership. I think some people have to realize that when the NWO was at their peak the current average is what the ratings were. Remember the wwf use to be getting mid 2's and low 3's at best during the NWO hey day, while the NWO was getting low 3's and mid 3's. When 1998 came the combo of the NWO and Mcmahon/Austin storylines got late 4's and mid 5's. When the wwf was getting 6's wcw was not a threat at all in the ratings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted February 21, 2002 "If you watch No Way Out a strange phenomenon takes place. Tag Team turmoil had thecrowd whipped into a frenzy that even APA vs. Chuck and Billy couldn't kill. The RVD/Goldust got the most crowd reaction of the night. Then Test came out and the rest of the show was watched in silence. Test sucked the heat out of the whole show." It's True. It's True! But then Regal-edge didn't help either. Regal is so boring! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted February 21, 2002 regal boring? no way, the problem's that edge is to busy doing all those fancy moves like the "spear" and a the "dropkick" and poor william is so embarresed to be in the ring with a wrestler who just flip flops around the ring he gets bored. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Read Meltzer's reactions to the rating if you want a good laugh. I love the guy, he's a wrestling guru, but I never can understand his reactions to ratings. He always blows it way out of proportion. And this week he should know better than anybody that you can't expect to gain a full point in one week. If the angle was effective, then it will be reflected in the ratings of the next few weeks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest InigoMontoya Report post Posted February 21, 2002 I think that the jump is good news, but I wouldn't be worried that the rest of the show didn't jump aswell. Hopefully it levels out again higher than it started, rather then jump for a few weeks then drop to where it was. Gradual climb rather then just a bump. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest buffybeast Report post Posted February 21, 2002 The next couple of Raw ratings should tell us more clearly if the fans are really into the NWO angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Shockmaster! Report post Posted February 21, 2002 After the clusterfuck that was No Way Out I almost didn't watch RAW and I'll watch pretty much anything so I wouldn't take that rating to mean so much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WWF4Life Report post Posted February 21, 2002 Why do you all care about the ratings anyway? Do you work for the WWF? All I'm concerned about is whether or not I'm entertained by the product, not the ratings...=) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheNewF'nShow Report post Posted February 21, 2002 ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Sorry, Gladiator was one of my favorite movies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NateSharp Report post Posted February 22, 2002 How can you expect the WWF to raise alot? They should be happy. Its been ages since WWF has had a good show and it was take awhile for WWF to raise its ratings alot. Just keep on putting out shows like Raw and Smackdown and they should be fine. Weither you "smarks" like it or not, WRESTLING is not a ratings grabber like it use to be. WWF needs to go back to the mostly angle way it was in 98. Once its ratings improve, then they can go back to focusing on wrestling ala 2000. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 22, 2002 Wait a were entertained by Smackdown? Today's Smackdown? If you want to know what I thiknk the WWF needs to do about my column by clicking the link in my profile. If you don't want to know what I think...then reply with a smart ass comment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted February 22, 2002 Smart ass comment. Just kidding dude. Good column. Is this your first column? Interesting that you had HHH on the list for WWF1 knowing your hatred for the man though. Care to explain? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 22, 2002 I hate the fact that he is being pushed as a face to the main event at Mania. He wasn't much a part of the year...and I feel that there are other people who are 1. More over 2. More deserving 3 Better in the ring (right now) That being said. HHH has been in my MOTY for the last 2 years...and Is one of my favorite heels of all time. It isn't blind hatred. It's just that he doesn't deserve what he's getting right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted February 22, 2002 Why do you all care about the ratings anyway? Do you work for the WWF? All I'm concerned about is whether or not I'm entertained by the product, not the ratings...=) I care about the ratings, because like it or not, they do in a way determine what it is that we will possibly see on TV. That is just the way things are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted February 22, 2002 I now see where you are coming from as far as HHH. I agree that I dig a heel game instead of "beautiful day" game. Creatively though I think the writers are in a bit of a rut and knew HHH would get a monster face pop when he returned, but forgot how he excelled as a heel and should work to get him there. Hopefully they are working on that right now. I do however disagree with how much power you think HHH holds. If push comes to shove and Vince sees his product slipping, he will take the reins in himself and not let a worker be the man as far as who gets pushed and who doesn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cabbageboy Report post Posted February 22, 2002 BPS: you are forgetting Booker was tag teaming with Test. Now there is a team destined to kill all heat and if you watched the PPV, it certainly helped. I'd say Regal/Edge killed the crowd more though. That match damn near put me to sleep. Besides moving slow, does anyone else think Regal has the least athletic offense in wrestling? The guy just has ZERO athletic prowess. He's the anti RVD. Now, ratings. Who exactly are these 5 million people that are going to mysteriously start watching again just because of the NWO? If you mean WCW fans I doubt it because I think it's obvious they hate the NWO at this point and got sick of them a long time ago. If you mean former WWF fans well they were just bandwagon fans and teenage girls who are fickle and they could care less about old bastards like Hogan, Hall, and Nash. I still laugh at that moron Bubba the Love Sponge who said on the radio in Tampa that Hogan would double the ratings. He added .2. Here is some news for the WWF: you aren't going to get 7.0 ratings again for a long time. Quit panicking at a 4.5 rating, that is a damn good rating truth be told. The ridiculous 7.0 stuff was from the aforementioned teenybopper fans who get bored with stuff. You can't try and get those viewers back, they have moved on to something else. Just satisfy the fans you have now and eventually the boom period will happen again. You can't force it though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites