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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Austin-Hogan would have been better for WM

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Think about it:


1) Granted they would never play it up but there is legit heat with the way Austin was screwed with his last year (and Hogan's first year) in WCW.  Basically not given his just due even though he was the US Champ and jobbing to Hacksaw on his way to being Fedexed out the door.


Of course that actually gave birth to the groundwork of the "Stone Cold" character as Austin would then show up on ECW TV as a disgruntled ex-WCW employee mad as hell at Hogan/Bischoff and gave intense promos that sound almost like what the Rattlesnake is today (without the WHAT!? and redneck humor) not to mention a great Hogan impression


2) Given that you can say Hulk Hogan is partly to blame for Austin's character, what better way to have a feud fuelied by "You created me, now, I'm gonna DESTROY YOU!" hatred.


3) I ain't buying The Rock's claim to the throne just yet, this is still Stone Cold's era in WWF history, and Austin's legacy as the dominant figure in the era has yet to be challenged, and Austin's run can be compared to Hogan's.  6 time champ, 3 time Royal Rumble Winner, Superb record at WM (only guy to go in without and walk out with the title 3 times) and other PPV Main Events, ect... No one, other than Hulk Hogan has been that decorated in WWF History, certaintly not in the modern era (I'll say right around Hogan's first title win as the start of the WWF's modern era) so right there would be the match of the two biggest WWF icons of all time.  


There is a kernnel of truth in Hogan's "flavor of the month" comment about The Rock.  Rocky is still young enough that if it all ended tommorrow, or if Rock is on top when the WWF is in the crapper soon like it was in 94-95 (basically champ but no one cares), would Rocky be on the Austin/Hogan/Bruno/Backlund/Flair/Hart/HBK level in terms of All-Time Legends?  Or will he be flung into that second tier where the Lugers/Stings/Nashs/Savages/Taker/ect are lumped?  Or will he be simply forgotten and be another "Dude whatever happened to that guy?  I LOVED him back in the day" like Warrior/Sid/Goldberg/ect


But thats my .02



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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I whole-heartedly agree with you there, Steve. I even mentioned this one of the many NWO/Rocky beatdown threads.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I'd have to disagree with you. No doubt Austin is the bigger ambassador of the WWF and would be percieved as a much more meaningful dream match with Hogan (and don't worry, it'll happen soon enough), I think Rock is the perfect opponent at the moment for WM. Austin's character as much as I hate to say it has become stale. The fans would only care about WHAT! which would downplay the importance of the feud, it'd just get silly with Austin talking about drinking beer, WHAT, beer WHAT! while Rock is ready to put over the importance of the angle and seems to hold down a better impression of reverance and respect for those before him, making it seem all that much more important. Plus Rock is easily the bigger media star, making an even better contest for who is wrestling's biggest STAR, its something even the media can get into to promote WM.

Plus, with the way the tremendous beat down with, Rock works better as the victim who will be injured for several weeks, rather than Austin who'd be more prone to come back wearing a cast later in the show and beat everyone.

Hopefully I made my points somewhat clear, but the Rock is the best choice for now. Believe me, Hogan vs. Austin will happen at or before Summerslam.

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Guest Tony149

The WWF will probably do the Austin/Hogan feud (Although I read Austin didn't want to work with Hogan at WM). I wouldn't be surprised if they brought up the history. Especially if they signed Bischoff.


Rock/Hogan is happening first for the mainstream attention it will get. It's been reported on sites that the media is picking up on it already.

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Guest The Fett

Well Rock has a movie coming out soon and this is an excellent way to help get Rock some attention and publicity. Plus, they both have the Hollywood background, have mainstream popularity, and are considered celebrities and not just wrestlers.


They are the two most well known names in wrestling. More people outside of wrestling know about these two than any other wrestler in the WWF, including Austin. I don't buy the flavor of the month comment either. Rock has been main eventing for about 4 years now. That's not much shorter then how long Austin has been. Hogan and Rock just match up really well. Austin would match up better with someone like Flair.

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Guest Some Guy

Rock will bump better for Hogan than Austin could.  Austin is great but I think Rock might be able to get a better match out of Hogan.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i think you've got it in reverse Hogan will get a great match out of Rock, hogan's legandary matches against earthquake, king Kong Bundy, And Big Bossman set the standards for all the other matches in the wrestling world.

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Guest mastermind

Austin/Hogan or Rock/Hogan that is the question. This all depends on what the real long term plan is(I think there is). Long term I think the wwf is doing the smart thing with having Rock BEAT Hogan(in his first return match in the wwf) at WrestleMania. Rock needs the win and rub much more than Austin who has BEAT Rock at Mania twice already. Rock is the one who needs the torch passed to him since the wwf will have to get someone to star after Austin and Hogan go. Who will be young and strong in the wwf in 4 to 5 years barring serious injury? The Rock not Austin. This IS the Hogan/Andre of this era.


HOWEVER, Austin/Hogan IS the match between the two stars who helped the wwf from extinction and the two stars who brought the wwf into prominence. Hogan can't pass the torch to Austin because Austin took the torch upon himself in 1998. You don't think Hogan MIGHT have thought that and that's why he jobbed to Goldberg to give himself more of a rub that his company had the new era's top star?


Rock/Hogan has more long term effect because they DO crossover more than any stars in history. Hogan/Austin has the effect of the two biggest stars who helped the wwf become the top dogs in wrestling. There's a difference. Isn't it also funny how maybe the "passing of the torch" is again happening in Toronto?

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Guest HellSpawn

Good point, but remember the WWF still have SummerSlam, and thats WWF's second Big One. They can play Austin vs Hulk on SummerSlam.

And also, remember Rocky is taking some time to play advertising or movies parties for Scorpion King, and he needs a Big Match (to be remmebered) before he dissapear.

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