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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

s.n.a.f.u. moments

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

Let's name some of our favorite fuckups in wrestling history.

Mine would have to be:

1. Michael Cole at WMXV giving away the main event finish

2. Jackie F'N Gayda. 'Nuff said.

3. Whenever a mic dies in the middle of a promo

4. Anytime on WCW TV during a backstage segment: "And we're clear," before the cameras turn off.

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Guest HartFan86

I've always wondered....WTF does S.N.A.F.U mean?


I'll add more...but the main one in my head right now is Eric Watts dropkick @ Starrcade 92. It's great.

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Guest Jack Tunney

SNAFU is "situation normal all fucked up" or something like that.


Anyway I seem to remember Steve Austin cutting a promo and his mike dies,he's thrown a new one and that doesnt work either.So he just tosses it at the titatron,then he does it again,and again,and again to all the other mikes that dont work.Funny stuff.


Does anyone remember the date of that RAW btw?

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Guest Youth N Asia

The WWF from 1988...they printed the WWF magazine with Macho Man on the cover saying "new champion" and released it the week before wrestlemania 4


Jeff Hardy "Since you like to beat up women...why don't you try beatin me up?!"


Or something like that, implying that he was a woman.


HHH: "I'm bi-lotta things...but lingual's not one of them...*long pause*...did I mean to say that?"


Then you have Tony Shavonie calling a powerbomb a sidewalk slam...and a sidewalk slam a legdrop...he was the worst at calling moves.

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Guest HartFan86
Anyway I seem to remember Steve Austin cutting a promo and his mike dies,he's thrown a new one and that doesnt work either.So he just tosses it at the titatron,then he does it again,and again,and again to all the other mikes that dont work.Funny stuff.


Does anyone remember the date of that RAW btw?

November 9, 1999? I think..

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Guest eiker_ir
I've always wondered....WTF does S.N.A.F.U mean?


what the fuck mean WTF? :P



i remember one of a WWA match i downloaded the other day......the ring announcer was about to present the wrestlers and was like ......



"ladies and gentlemen..............(long pause)...................landies and gentlemen...........(pause again)........ladies an......................(long pause)..................ladien adn gentlem.............................................ladies and gentlemen the foll.........."(and continued normally)



hehe funny

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