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Guest evenflowDDT


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Guest evenflowDDT

When I first saw previews, I didn't want to see Signs at all, but now I'm starting to warm a little to it. I still probably won't see it until it comes to video, but the real question is, given the backlash M Night Shyamalan (I'm sorry I butchered the spelling) received for Unbreakable NOT being The Sixth Sense 2 (I actually liked Unbreakable much better), do you think critics and moviegoers will give the same kind of reaction for Signs, or perhaps a more favorable reaction? Do you think there will be a big "twist" in the ending, like in those two movies? How do you have a twist like that in an alien movie, anyway?


Also, from the newer TV spots, that shrill screech sound that is made during one scene where Mel Gibson sees an alien (I guess, it's obviously not made very clear) could be VERY effective if used properly... that's actually the main thing that warmed me from "not wanting to see that mainstream pile of piss at all" to "if I have extra money I wouldn't mind seeing that". I'm also interested in whether the aliens look like "greys", which would probably freak me out, or if they look like "typical" imaginary, cartoonish-style inhumanoid aliens, and if the latter, how they are made to look menacing. Also, I didn't even realize until today from reading an article in the paper that Joaquin Phoenix was in the film as well... what's his role? I don't remember seeing him in any of the TV spots/trailers (maybe for the twist ending, he's the alien :P)


NOTE: If you know the answers to any of the questions I posted in the thread, please don't spoil them! Let's keep this one good and clean for those who really want to see the movie and can afford to. Maybe after the movie comes out you can post you rthoughts, but make sure not to include too many spoilers without warning.

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Guest TUS_02

I was kinda in the same boat as you, just more extreme. The first teaser wasn't that great and I wanted to pass on it. But now with the full trailers out... I honestly can't wait to see it. It looks like it's going to be one of my favorite movies of the summer. And I'm not even a big M. Night fan.

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Guest JBwwenjaj

Damn that Mel Gibson :blink:


But anyway I've seen preview for this crap looking film for the past 8 or so months..It still looks like it's going to be a snooze fest. Everybody I have talked to or see the preview with agree's that it looks like it's going to suck. It might not but thats not one of the movies I'm going to pay 8 bucks to go see (and I paid 8 bucks to go into a empty theater to Zoolander :angry: ).

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Guest converge241

id rather see the unbreakable trilogy he wanted to do...but im anxiously awaiting signs. Im already figuring out what i think the twist will be..
















i dont know yet :)

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Guest Dangerous A

Here is a question for you guys.


Do you think that M. Night's movies are now going to have to have the twist ending because of Unbreakable and Sixth Sense. Somthing tells me if Signs doesn't have the twist, people are going to be disappointed.

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Guest El Satanico

At first when the vague trailers were out i felt indifferent like i could see it or couldn't and wouldn't care. But now that the trailers have revealed alittle more of the details i will probably now make sure to check it out. Besides i liked both of the directors other movies. I still don't understand the widespread hatred that Unbreakable seemed to receive. Damn american public who hates stuff just because it isn't what they were expecting.


But still the movie makes me think of an amish Fox Mulder.


Well it appears that the movie is about the crop circles being a hoax or not. So i'm sure if the movie is about that then the twist ending(if there is one) would be concerning that.


I'm pretty sure that Joaquin Phoenix is in all the trailers. He appears to either be Mel Gibson's son or a friend.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i hate the whole movie for that one line...


"There's a monster in my room, can I have a glass of water"

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Guest El Satanico

heh...actually that's one of the things i like about the trailers.


I don't know why i like that line it must just be the delivery.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I can't wait to see it. I'm a big fan of Shyamalan's directing (Sixth Sense wasn't a great film, but it was well directed). From what I have read, Signs is pretty much a horror/alien invasion film, and that the trailer shows nothing, which is fine by me since I hate it when trailers show all the good stuff. I've also heard it's scary as hell.


Friday night baybee!

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Guest TUS_02

Personally, I won't be disappointed if this doesn't have a twist ending. I don't want it to. I have an idea of why it would be a twist ending, but I won't spill the beans.


Plus, I don't think Shyamalan wants to be typecasted as the director with "twist endings" for his whole career.

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Guest J*ingus

bps21 didn't know any spoilers when he said this, so it's pure conjecture, but I found it kinda funny:


"An M. Night Shyamalan film? Mel Gibson is an alien. Let's move on."

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Guest Incandenza
but the real question is, given the backlash M Night Shyamalan (I'm sorry I butchered the spelling) received for Unbreakable NOT being The Sixth Sense 2 (I actually liked Unbreakable much better), do you think critics and moviegoers will give the same kind of reaction for Signs

I was never a big fan of The Sixth Sense, but I hated Unbreakable because it was a stupid, hokey cinematic claptrap that wobbled between embrassing comic book theatrics and cringe-inducing drama, all the while unable to decide what kind of crap it wanted to be. The "twist" ending sucked it hard, too.


So no, I will not be seeing Signs.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Well, I liked The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, but had not desire to see them in theatres. This is the case with Signs. Looks 'iffy', so I'll wait 'till the DVD is released. Besides I already read spoilers for it and it looks like it starts out great, but gets held down at the end by the same hokiness that Unbreakable had to deal with.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...my friend saw it last Fiday at his theater at one of those screenings they do from time to time (the screenings that let me see the Britney Spears movie without having to pay for it...which is the only way that was going to happen)


I didn't go...cause it was at 10 in the morning...and you know...lazy...


anyway...without any spoilers he said it was disapointing.


HE said it was fine for a while...then just got real lame.



And...damn...I said that a long time ago.


I now know whether I was right or not...but you know...no spoilers.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Damn... too bad, well hopefully that was just your friend bps, but widespread release and reviews come in... when is it released, this Friday, or next week?


And DangeousA, I definitely think if there's no twist the public will be disappointed. I think Shyamalan was typecast into having to have a twist ending from the beginning of Sixth Sense, since that was all anyone ever talked about from the film.

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Guest Army Eye
anyway...without any spoilers he said it was disapointing.


HE said it was fine for a while...then just got real lame.

I've seen the movie (downloaded it) and that's an accurate assessment. Although I'd say it's a lot better than 'fine' until it all falls apart.

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Guest pochorenella

I really enjoyed Sixth Sense and Unbreakable (this one more than the other, in a sense) and I think it's unfair to label the Director with the stick of "he has to do a twist ending or else". I'll go and watch Signs and hope it's good, twist ending or not. But I have to admit the first trailers didn't impress me much. The later ones did. And for those of you who care about this things, Ebert and Roeper gave it Two Thumbs waaaay up.


And I agree about trailers not giving away the stories. They screwed up on movies like Castaway or What Lies Beneath, were you only needed to see the trailers to get the whole movie.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...I use the word "fine" like I use the word "good"


as in...


he said it was a good movie to a certain point.

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Guest SuperTonyJaymz

Im a big fan of M. Night, so im going to see it.

Hopefully, it deals more with the family coping with this whole freakyiness than an X Files type thing.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Im a big fan of M. Night, so im going to see it.

Hopefully, it deals more with the family coping with this whole freakyiness than an X Files type thing.

To me it looks like it could be a big-budget, stylized remake of "Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County" :o

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Guest kane3212321

I saw it today, this is one tense flick. It takes a lot to make me frightened from a movie and this actually made me tense. Overall really worth seeing.

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Guest Angle-plex

I saw it. Lots of scary moments. Ending was kind of "blah", but the rest is great.

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Guest JaKyL25

I also saw it today. bps's friend's comment is very accurate.


*Slight spoilers maybe*


The movie is VERY frightening for the build-up. If you're like me, and await the day that a mass acknowledged alien sighting really DOES happen (and it better happen in my lifetime, dammit!), the first half of the movie will be VERY VERY cool but also VERY VERY nerve-wracking to you.


But there are things wrong with the movie. The philosophy that the film pimps to us is pretty much the exact opposite of what I believe, and it seems to me to have enough holes in it to fly a spaceship through. But that's just personal opinion. In the technical sense, the follow-through is SO much weaker than the build-up. Anticipation of scary things is worse than actually confronting them, I suppose.


Oh, and the woman police officer is a HORRIBLE actor. Thankfully, it's a relatively small role.


A lot of people in the theater where I saw it were laughing at a lot of things that were meant to be serious. I commend M. Night Shyamalan for his ambition in trying to make legitimate movies out of fringe subjects generally ridiculed by the unwashed masses (The Paranormal, Comic Books, and now Extraterrestrials), but he's too ambitious for his own good at this point. He has the right attitude, now he just needs to learn how to actually follow-through on it to perfection like the great filmmakers can.


I'd be willing to discuss the movie's strengths and weaknesses further, but I can't without spoilers, so I'll wait until more have seen it.


I give it *** out of *****.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I saw it today, and MAN, what a HUGE disappointment. Seriously, this is by far his worst film in my book. The film looked and sounded good, and the actors did a good job, but that was about it.









This whole movie was about building suspense, but there was no payoff. Nothing happened. Sure, they threw in the token alien at the end, but big deal. Also, the dialogue got really tedious after a while, and all the religious subtlies got tiresome.


Sorry, I wanted to see a suspense filled, alien invasion movie, not a film about the director's religious theory.

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Guest redbaron51

i saw it too and i agree with chud. it had build up, but really it never payed off in the end, and just left it really bland.


two four ass monkeys out of five

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