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Guest hockeytown9321

How Austin could get rid of Scott Hall

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Guest hockeytown9321

Whenever Austin has any physical contact with Hall, he should stiff the shit out of him.  Hall will go back and complain, and maybe do something to get back at Austin.  Austin can claim it's accidental, and he would have JR on his side.  Hall is already in the doghouse, so anymore incidents might get the job done.


Also when they are out at the bar, all the wrestlers should buy Hall drinks, and generally just annoy him so bad that he does something stupid.

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Guest Some Guy

Hall is apparently the only nWo guy that Austin will voluntarilly work with, why would he want to get rid of him?  So he could work with Nash?  At least with Hall he might have a good match.

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Guest dreamer420

Give Hall a chance, or at least one match in the WWF before dismissing him right away.  I hope he proves all of you who doubt him WRONG!

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Guest Dangerous A

Go on with your bad self, Dreamer420!!! I agree. Give him his chance first. If he screws it up, then we start the post fun. Until then, shut the fuck up and enjoy the damn program.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I have absolutely no problem with Scott Hall. He's better than his 2 buddies.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I'd prefer how to get rid of Steph, or Vince, or the crappy bookers or bad skits.

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Guest hockeytown9321

"Give him his chance first. If he screws it up, then we start the post fun. Until then, shut the fuck up and enjoy the damn program"


The guy has had several chances, and he screws up everyone of them.  He's already made an ass of himself in the two weeks he's been around.  You can't trust him.  I don't think that Austin working with Hall is his choice.  All I'm syaing is that the WWF would be better off without Scott Hall.  He adds nothing to the program except wiggling his fingers.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Hall was indeed the talented one to begin with, and I have faith he won't pull a Kronik. Austin was the worker of the year in 2001, so there's no problem there. One problem. Is Hall over on his own? He has the catchphrase but not the size or legendary quality of teammates a and b. I think he's the spare part in a mark's eyes, fer sure.

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Guest AustinHHH4life

An Austin vs. Hall program might be ok, and if Hall keeps up his pace and doesn't get drunk, I think he'll be fine.  What I don't get is why would Austin go into a feud with Hall, and not with Hogan.  I'm not trying to bitch, but Austin doesn't have really any relevance to Hall.  Austin was referred to (by JR and Heyman and Cole) as the "greatest WWF Champion of all time" and "the most popular man ever in wrestling".  Wouldn't Austin's legacy be conflicting to Hogan's legacy rather than Hall's?  The Rock is a popular figure in WWF history, no doubt, but his character doesn't represent the WWF.  He represents himself and "the people" more.  Austin figuretively (and literally) IS the WWF, and Hogan WAS the WWF in the late eighties and early nintees.  The only explanation I can think of is that Austin holds contempt from the 1994 WCW days, and doesn't want to work with Hogan.....

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Guest WWF4Life

I think Hall has always been more over than Nash with the fans. Maybe it's just me, but he has more charisma and obviously more talent. It's just a shame he screwed up any chance of getting the World title. At No Way Out, he got a louder ovation than Nash. Hall was more over than anyone is WCW in late 2000, and he wasn't even working there.

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Guest Some Guy

The Razor's Edge and "Hey Yo" got huge pops.  Hall has always been more over than Nash, but he kept screwing himself.  Hall screwed Hall.  

He is far and away the best worker in nWo and if he keeps his shit together he'll ultimatley be more successful than Nash.

Just ask marks who they like better, I bet 9 times out of 10 they'll say Hall because he's funnier (the toothpick, hey yo, acting goofy) and a better wrestler.

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Guest RSK

Well.. I do think that Hall is the better of the three, I'm just hoping that the others having made him believe that not Performing completly will sell you to the fans.

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Guest J Boutier

We shouldn't forget that Hall was half of one of The Greatest Matches Of The 90s, with his I.C. ladder match with Michaels at WM X. (Which he later repeated at SummerSlam).


Apparently, he was impressive when he tried to shed his ring rust at HWA, compared both to Nash and the absent Hogan. Out of all the combos, Hall/Austin (should) work because that they are both extremely able. Where as Rock/Hogan will probably get the mark vote (although anyone claiming that it'll even be as good as Hogan/Warrior WM VI is clearly derranged,) Austin/Hall *should* be atleast a *** star affair.

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