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Guest Just call me Dan

Would you ever accept him?

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Guest Just call me Dan

I think if Show was a face in new gear and lost 100 pounds, he could be pushed heavy again. I know the backlash could be huge because his workrate isn't so hot but the guy has a lot of charisma and just his size warrants a top teir spot. I really enjoyed his last days as chap feuding with HHH and I think if the guy put more effort into trimming down and his overall look ( Look at him when he had the title and now, he just LOOKS lazy) he could be believable as a Main Event guy again.


Now getting him there would be like walking on eggshells. There could be a big out of nowhere feud with a big name or he may slowly work his way up which could kill the push of guys like RVD, Benoit, Booker , Jericho, etc who DESPARATELY need wins.


Now there is no denying that those four mentioned above deerve the big push more than Show, but that is not the point I'm trying to make. My question is would you accept him in the ME or has his credibility and overall career been flustered beyond repair in your eyes?


I think he has been booked so poorly that his motivation to keep in shape and keep his character somewhat watchable has been voided. The guy is booked as a fat idiot who is big but sucks. He got the title and was forced to lose any heat he had to Bossman. That wasn't his fault he didn't get over, no one would with him. Remember Show/Austin after Wight's debut on Raw 3 years ago? I found that very enjoyable and back then Show was a HUGE threat with lots of potential. All gone now.


Can it ever happen again? If it were up to you would you ever give him another chance?

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

I think that he's been booked so badly that even a good wrestler would struggle to get over in his position, never mind an unmotivated, overweight, bad worker.

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Guest saturnmark4life

to be honest, i've always liked him. I agree if he lost that weight they could push him (probably not to main events, but it's better than hhh) but i don't think they should consider doing anything in the vein of a push before he loses the weight. It's MANDATORY if he's going to get anywhere, if not for his own health.

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Guest Incandenza

I think Show's blown all his chances. I can't possibly see him on top again, and even if he lost a lot of weight and stepped up his game, nor would I want to see him there. It's time to move on.


It's funny, I was watching Halloween Havoc '98 yesterday, and Wight, after slowly climbing the turnbuckles and taking an eternity to balance himself on the top, pulled out a missle dropkick. Yeah, it was an ugly missle dropkick, but it was quite a sight.

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Guest Just call me Dan

What chances though? The guy was given the opportunity to hold the belt and then thrown with Bossman??? Not for just a month, we're talking extended feud man.


Belt taken away by Triple H. Never really got his rematch because that hotshotted all the HHH-Rock we saw forever.


Then he's booked as a comedy act doing Showster, Showkishi, etc and made cry by Shane McMahon.


In his return he was still overweight but not so bad. The guy was booked into the Hardcore title picture with TEST and STEVE BLACKMAN.


Became a member of the nWo. Looked to be promising. He got fatter (his own fault) and was made to sleep and dream about cheeseburgers in the locker room, the same thing Hall supposedly did at the UK PPV and got FIRED for. (minus the cheeseburgers)


He's been squashed repeatedly by Taker/Kane and anyone else and now wheres a plain singlet making him look fatter and the guy doesn't even try to look presentable.


Some things he could control, but why? What chances has he been given? I say he's been given the shaft.

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Guest Ripper

I have never understood what people wanted from him. He is 7'2 and 500 lbs for Christ sake. Do you want the guy flying like a cruiser. His size limits the moves that can be done on him, and the moves he can do. He is just to big to be a wrestler actually. I like him as a power guy that wins some and loses by the skin of his teeth. His match with Austin his first Raw in the thread was probably the best of his career(heh, I said probably...it was) and that is how he should be used.

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Guest Just call me Dan

He just needs a reason to be pissed off or a reaon (on TV mind you) where he can be viewed as a threat.


He hasn't been given much of anything while in the WWE. It may resemble that but in reality it was just career poison.

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Guest Incandenza
Some things he could control, but why? What chances has he been given?  I say he's been given the shaft.

To be more specific, Show has never recovered from the chances he received back in 2000, after his comeback from knee surgery. He was given a decent heel push upon his return, but the guy was so grossly overweight and out of shape, plus he allegedly had a lousy backstage attitude to boot. Of course the WWF shafted him, and shafted him repeatedly. I'll agree that they may've taken so far that his character can never fully recover, but honestly, I don't care. The man's days as a credible threat are gone, and likely never to return.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Can't really argue that. I just can't seem to fathom where all JR's bullshit came from. JR bitched and bitched about Show's weight saying he won't be in the WWE until he fixes his problem. They even pulled the guy from any merchandising at the time (WWF No Mercy: N64).


Show comes back (when he wasn't in need) and looks just as bad?!?!


What the fuck was JR talking about?


Big Show is progressing well, Big Show has lost a lot of weight and can do so much more now. Big Show only needs about 10 more pounds.


The guy comes back and can do The Eye of the Hurricane and can leap over the top rope but he's *GASP* Just as fat!!


Hypocritical bull shit made Show look like a jackass, and the WWE booked him that way. I'll be damned that if Show took time off and was repackaged and ACTUALLY BUILT UP a bit (HHH, Austin, Rock, Taker's returns) He could be right back up there.

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Guest Incandenza

I'll agree JR seems to bury the Big Show whenever he's being pushed. They put him in the main event at last year's Survivor Series, but JR, in spite of Show being a face, just stops short of calling him a dimwitted moron on commentary. What the hell's the point of pushing him, then?


I like Show as a comedy character, and that's where they should keep him. But please, I never want to see him in a match that lasts longer than three minutes again.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I see your point. I guess this is just one of those things that nags me because it makes no sense. Take DDP for example. The way they did him makes me want to puke.


JR LIKES HOSSES. How the hell can he excuse crap Bradshaw puts out and Rikishi but Show is just a peice of shit? His lies have overshadowed Show especially in his time in OVW and now it has just gone to far to where it is sad.


Yeah, you don't want Show in the ME because he can't really go, but the man was dealt a shitty hand, gotta give him that.

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Guest saturnmark4life

i agree with ripper, he needs to lose weight sure, but for his size he's really not that bad.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I don't think he is either. He just stands out so bad and everyone wanted so much from him that when he steps in the ropes he is just so critisized. He can't do good enough.


It is kind of like that Gatorade commercial where the basketball player shoots a freethrow and to him it feels like a huge boulder, but everyone else sees a regular ball. He throws it up and it goes about 2 feet and hits the ground. The guy was just too tired.


I swear everyone sees the Big Show as a 6'3 250 pound guy who should be able to go, but Wake Up, the guy is 500 pounds!


He can go and if he's booked right can look good! No one gives him any respect and just shits on him. Pisses me off.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't hate Big Show.


But I wouldn't go out of my way to watch him.


And if he MAin Evented a ppv...that wouldn't be too great.

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Guest Anglesault

OMG! MEANESS TOWARD BIG SHOW! NO HOLDS BARRED HO HOLDS BARRED! ::runs around like a chicked with it's head cut off::Why won't you ShowHaters keep this blatant flaming of Nig Show in No Holds Barred? That's what HHHaters are ordered to do.

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Guest SlowChemical6

I don't think that they can get Show over. They've had him chokeslam the Undertaker through the ring, they've had him feud with Austin and Rock, they put the strap on him, they've given him a comedy gimmick, they've pushed him as a monster...nothing works.

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Guest Vitamin X

I got three numbers for ya...




Big Show would be AWESOME in a "Quality Control" type of gimmick, where a match would suck and he'd just come out and kill everyone. Imagine if that happened during the Jackie Gayda/Trish fiasco a couple weeks back, I'd mark out, and quite honestly say Big Show could get over with the crowd as a fan favorite. Plus, occasionally you'd get a guy who had a bad match or lost due to his interference (this of course would be after Big Show got over) and get mad at the big guy, who would shrug him off and say he was jsut doing his job. Instant feud.


Thank You, thank you.

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Guest Austin3164life

Meh, I don't know about the Big Show. He's a fairly good worker for a huge guy but his persona has been changed and killed off many times. I doubt a Big Show push would garner any credibility.

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Guest thefrenchargel

Big show isn't the LAST guy I want in the main event, but he's mighty close. Name one ***+ big show match.

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Guest Just call me Dan

He was in a pretty entertaining match with Flair/Austin, and that was about *** I'd say but it was all Austin/Flair.

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Guest notJames

Slightly off topic:


That shove he gave to Trish was brutal.


Slightly on topic:


His days as a credible main eventer are over. The combination of his failed pushes and non-athleticism have killed any vestige of hope for him.


Don't think that it will stop Vince and Co. from his period pushes, though. He's still got about 90 years left on his contract, I think. Gotta make up those ducats somehow, eh?

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Guest Angle-plex

I think the feud with Bossman killed him. Although, that feud would have killed ANYONE.


Big Show is just a big nasty bastard, and his momma said so.

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Guest Goodear
OMG! MEANESS TOWARD BIG SHOW! NO HOLDS BARRED HO HOLDS BARRED! ::runs around like a chicked with it's head cut off::Why won't you ShowHaters keep this blatant flaming of [big] Show in No Holds Barred? That's what HHHaters are ordered to do.

Oh yeah, there's absolutely no Triple Hatred on the main board anymore. What in the name of Oscar Wilde are you talking about? Wait...wait... I don't want to know.


Anyways, Show needs a couple things to get himself a little better off. I would suggest first he put on some pants and some sort of shirt. The less flesh we see the better. Mostly because Show's got a body like Tommy Dreamer except, you know, bigger. Putting him in anything form fitting is just asking for trouble.


Secondly, the chokeslam needs to go and a new finisher be found, because everyone and their mom used that thing anymore. I would suggest going to more of a gorrilla press drop, sort of like The Ultimate Warrior used to do, except Show would toss his opponents up in the air upon release.


Thirdly, short matches are his friend. Three minutes is about right.

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Guest Nevermortal

I think that when Big Show came in, he was pushed as a hardcore threat to Steve Austin's existance....then he just kinda, flopped.


If there was ever a time to put him at the main event, it was then. Now, he's just too far gone.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I agree about the whole wrestling attire thing Goodea,r I just say put him back to what he was wearing in late 1999 eraly 2000 and he'd be fine.


The Bossman feud DID kill him. Plain and simple.


Big Show has tried the "Final Cut" and that Powerbomb throwover I think they called the "alley-oop" They all failed.


Show throws a mean chokeslam and If it should be taken away from anyone, it's Kane.


I don't see why Show's first big push can't be re-done if he takes time off and gets back inot better shape. The man coming back looking different, being heavily hyped and thrown in there with the biggest name in the WWE would do it right.


Not going to happen, but I'd like to see it, I can't help but like the guy.

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Guest Goodear
Big Show has tried the "Final Cut" and that Powerbomb throwover I think they called the "alley-oop" They all failed.


Show throws a mean chokeslam and If it should be taken away from anyone, it's Kane.

Yeah, but those moves didn't work for reasons. In the case of The Final Cut it really didn't play into his strengths of being big and so really didn't do him any good. And in the case of the Alley Oop, the move looked really dumb. So there you have it.


I'm pretty much of the opinion that all chokeslams are pretty overused at the moment (just like the spinebuster) and its time to make changes across the board. But that's just me.

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Guest the pinjockey

I realize that he is big and all but I would never want someone in the main event that moves so damn slow. I am willing to cut a guy his size a break in that department but on Monday when he was setting up the table he was walking slower than a 90 year old with two arthritic hips. From the time he chokeslammed Buhbuh to when he got the table set up took about 50 seconds. That is just way to much dead air to have for a worthless spot.

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Guest Redhawk

Show's high point so far in the WWF was during early 2000, when he was playing the monster heel and feuding with Rock and kind of with Cactus Jack. If he played that same character -- complete with the same long hair, t-shirt, and tights that look more like shorts than underwear -- I could take him as a main eventer.

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