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Guest JaKyL25

WCW World Champions Tournament

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Guest JaKyL25

Welcome back for Round 2 of the WCW World Champions Tournament.


But first, here are the results from Round 1:


The Top 10 seeded wrestlers got byes. They were:


#1 Ric Flair

#2 Sting

#3 Hulk Hogan

#4 Booker T

#5 Kevin Nash

#6 Jeff Jarrett

#7 Randy Savage

#8 Big Van Vader

#9 Dallas Page

#10 Lex Luger


As far as those who had to win to make it to round 2, here you go:


#11 The Rock vs. #22 Vince Russo

Due to controversy over the Rock's involvement in the tournament, this match ended in a tie, 3-3! However, I am the tiebreaking vote, and I choose...The Rock!


#12 Chris Jericho vs. #21 David Arquette

Controversy strikes again, but this time Arquette wins cleanly over Jericho. 4-2


#13 Bret Hart vs. #20 Kurt Angle

The controversy didn't really matter here, as Bret should have won anyways. 6-0


#14 Bill Goldberg vs. #19 Chris Benoit

Goldberg shuts out The Crippler. 6-0


#15 Scott Steiner vs. #18 Ron Simmons

In a huge shock to me, Simmons dominates Steiner. 5-1


#16 The Giant vs. #17 Sid Vicious

In a huge sigh of relief to me, Giant dominates Sid. 5-1


Now that that's out of the way, here comes the Round of Sixteen!


#1 Ric Flair vs. #16 The Giant


#2 Sting vs. #18 Ron Simmons


#3 Hulk Hogan vs. #14 Bill Goldberg


#4 Booker T vs. #13 Bret Hart


#5 Kevin Nash vs. #21 David Arquette


#6 Jeff Jarrett vs. #11 The Rock


#7 Randy Savage vs. #10 Lex Luger


#8 Big Van Vader vs. #9 "Diamond" Dallas Page


Voting begins now and will end at 9:05 Eastern, 8:05 Central this Thursday in memorium of the later Clashes of the Champions. Because I'm not gonna give Thunder a memorium. :lol:

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Ric Flair


Hulk Hogan

Booker T

David Arquette

Jeff Jarrett

Lex Luger

Big Van Vader




Rock was still never WCW champion...Arquette wins because Nash killed the company...Booker was a FAR BETTER WCW CHAMP than Bret...due to injuries and short reigns.



I hope everyone takes this as NOT a popularity contest...as Flair has no business winning a WWF champ poll...Bret has no business winning a WCW one.

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Guest Youth N Asia

#1 Ric Flair vs. #16 The Giant




#2 Sting vs. #18 Ron Simmons




#3 Hulk Hogan vs. #14 Bill Goldberg




#4 Booker T vs. #13 Bret Hart


-Booker Man


#5 Kevin Nash vs. #21 David Arquette


-David Arquette (The smarks are determined to keep Nash down)


#6 Jeff Jarrett vs. #11 The Rock


-The Rock (JJ's 34 title wins in the 2 week span meant shit...even though Rock's reign sucked Jarrett should have never been champ)


#7 Randy Savage vs. #10 Lex Luger


-Macho Man...Dig it!


#8 Big Van Vader vs. #9 "Diamond" Dallas Page


-DDP...in a close one

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Guest Redhawk

I just want to know how the hell anyone could think Ron Simmons was a better champ than Scott Steiner. Anyway...


Ric Flair over Giant

Sting over Ron Simmons

Goldberg over Hulk Hogan

Booker T over Bret Hart

Kevin Nash over David Arquette

The Rock over Jeff Jarrett (this was tough, since I am a Jarrett mark)

Lex Luger over Randy Savage

Vader over DDP

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

THE ROCK WAS NEVER WCW CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He never wrestled for WCW and therefore just held another WWE belt.


This is a joke right?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Sorry, but Jarrett was just dreadful as champ...didn't he win the belt like 6 times in 4 weeks or something...my reasoning for picking Rok over JJ is the same as Aquette over Nash

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Guest Moses The Monkey

Ric Flair


Bill Goldberg

Booker T

Kevin Nash

Jeff Jarrett

Randy Savage

Big Van Vader

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Guest crandamaniac
#1 Ric Flair vs. #16 The Giant


#2 Sting vs. #18 Ron Simmons


#3 Hulk Hogan vs. #14 Bill Goldberg


#4 Booker T vs. #13 Bret Hart


#5 Kevin Nash vs. #21 David Arquette


#6 Jeff Jarrett vs. #11 The Rock


#7 Randy Savage vs. #10 Lex Luger


#8 Big Van Vader vs. #9 "Diamond" Dallas Page


Voting begins now and will end at 9:05 Eastern, 8:05 Central this Thursday in memorium of the later Clashes of the Champions. Because I'm not gonna give Thunder a memorium. :lol:

Ric Flair- The best ever


Sting-the Franchise of WCW


um...enney menny miny mo..Goldberg- I couldn't care for either


Booker T- With all due respect to Hart, I feel that Booker's reign meant more


Arquette- Smarks hate Nash!


JJ- Rock, as stated above, was basically a WWF wrestler winning a "WWF" belt.


Luger- Neither had a reign I liked, but I'll go with Luger


Vader- Vader's strongest American showing

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Guest LesnarLunatic

#1 Ric Flair vs. #16 The Giant




#2 Sting vs. #18 Ron Simmons




#3 Hulk Hogan vs. #14 Bill Goldberg




#4 Booker T vs. #13 Bret Hart




#5 Kevin Nash vs. #21 David Arquette




#6 Jeff Jarrett vs. #11 The Rock




#7 Randy Savage vs. #10 Lex Luger


Randy Savage


#8 Big Van Vader vs. #9 "Diamond" Dallas Page



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Guest Kahran Ramsus





Nash (at least he was a wrestler)




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Guest AlwaysPissedOff





Nash- I have to go with Kahran, at least he was a wrestler




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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Ric Flair


Bill Goldberg

Bret Hart

Kevin Nash

Jeff Jarrett

Randy Savage

Big Van Vader

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Guest ShamRock

Ric Flair



Booker T

Kevin Nash

Jeff Jarrett

Randy Savage

"Diamond" Dallas Page

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Guest TheHulkster

#1 Ric Flair vs. #16 The Giant



#2 Sting vs. #18 Ron Simmons



#3 Hulk Hogan vs. #14 Bill Goldberg



#4 Booker T vs. #13 Bret Hart

Booker T


#5 Kevin Nash vs. #21 David Arquette

David Arquette


#6 Jeff Jarrett vs. #11 The Rock

Double J


#7 Randy Savage vs. #10 Lex Luger



#8 Big Van Vader vs. #9 "Diamond" Dallas Page


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