Guest mach7 Report post Posted July 30, 2002 The "Un-Americans" has to be the lamest name for a group of people who hate the United States. Shit, why not just call them The "USA is Not Okay" faction? Not only that, but it doesn't even make sense. "America" refers to two continents: North & South America; this includes Canada. So technically, it's counter-productive to their cause. They should have just went with something like "Team Canada" but I guess they want to leave the door open to more than just Canadians to join this group. And yes, I love to overthink things. Thank you. ;p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted July 30, 2002 i think calling themselves USgAy would be better...despite the fact that the name sucks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Satanico Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Well did they actually give them that name or was it just Jr rambling on like usaul that called them that? Well either way hopefully they come up with a better name by next week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted July 30, 2002 America refers to USA, the center of all that is evil with Capitalism. I agree that the team name is one of the lamest of all time, but considering that USA is not at war with Canada, the name of Team Canada it will not work. A better name would be something like Dugeon of Doom 2K - Hart Affiliate You know what would be funny if Eddy Guerrero showed up next week wearing a soccer jersey from the Mexican team America Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted July 30, 2002 That didn't stop Awesome from joining in WCW. But yeah, I admit the name sucks. Remember that this is the same group of writers who came up with "The Alliance." I think there mustn't be anyone there with a good stable name. I mean...look... nWo was borrowed, Degeneration X was coined by Mushnik, "The Alliance" sucked, The Corporation? The Ministry? Both lame--as was the "Corporate Ministry." JOB Squad was already a buzzword when they came about, Didn't they call Lita/Jeff/Matt Team Xtreme? Wow...uncreative AND stolen. The Union? Er...I guess that was decent. Nation of Domination? A bit better... DOA and Los Boriquas--well, screw it-- Point is, lame stable names have been a WWF/E staple for a long time. Don't surprise me that this one sucked. When Cole started using "Anti-Americans" I was afraid that's what it'd be called. Now they can't make up their minds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted July 30, 2002 they can call themselves The Truth Commission 2K Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest I Hate Radio Shack Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I don't think anything creative at all comes out of the writers meetings anymore and all these old re-used ideas are vince's or stephanies... if you have 10 writers in one meeting and each and every one of them has their own agenda, none of them know dick about wrestling storylines past, you're going to get a billion ideas for anti american groups, and the only one which every one of those fucking idiots could agree on is the "un-americans" or "anti americans" because it was probably damn near the bottom of everyone's fucking list. fuck the wwe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mach7 Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Well did they actually give them that name or was it just Jr rambling on like usaul that called them that? Well either way hopefully they come up with a better name by next week. Well they said "Un-Americans" about as much as they say "Ruthless Aggression".. so I'm guessing it's here to stay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest thefrenchargel Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Should've called them the canadian mafia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrEvil Report post Posted July 30, 2002 That goes back to the "Team Canada" problem, what if they bring in a non-canadian. And you know with how firm and consistent they keep the storylines, such a thing just couldn't be done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hogan Made Wrestling Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Exactly, and it looks like they are hinting at William Regal joining, which would be a great addition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Am I the only one that finds the whole stupid angle uncreative, not just the name? The whole thing was a lot more entertaining when Bret did it back in '97. I hated it when WCW rehashed it, and I hate it even more now that it's giving Test mic time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mach7 Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Am I the only one that finds the whole stupid angle uncreative, not just the name? The whole thing was a lot more entertaining when Bret did it back in '97. I hated it when WCW rehashed it, and I hate it even more now that it's giving Test mic time. Well Lance & Christian get twice the mic time that Test does so I could care less. If it gets them more exposure, then I'm all for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Steviekick Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Everyone knows that Anti american wrestlers get heel heat. They don't want to call them anything with Canada in it, as that is derogatory to Canadian buyers of WWE product. They should call the group Stormwatch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Am I the only one that finds the whole stupid angle uncreative, not just the name? The whole thing was a lot more entertaining when Bret did it back in '97. I hated it when WCW rehashed it, and I hate it even more now that it's giving Test mic time. Well Lance & Christian get twice the mic time that Test does so I could care less. If it gets them more exposure, then I'm all for it. That's fine. I like Lance and Christian. But the angle is still lame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I can't wait for their first show north of the border. It'll be like Canadian Stampede all over again. Anyone know where and when? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nl5xsk1 Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I agree that it's not as powerful as when it was the Hart Foundation vs. Austin, but I think it could work. What I'd do is eliminate the whole idea of the stable, drop Test and Jericho, and just have Storm and Christian as a Tag Team that happens to dislike the bias towards Americans. This will get them sufficient heel heat in the US and face pops in Canada, but not be a re-hash of the Hart Foundation angle. And I think we all know it's not creative, it's been done countless times with just about every foreign (non-American) country. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Drop Test, add Regal and Maybe Tajiri Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mach7 Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Actually I was thinking - in another thread someone mentioned that the upside down American flag was also a symbol for Anarchy. Maybe they should have went with "The Anarchists" for a group name? It sounds a little to "punk" like, but still.. anything is better than "Un-Americans." Hell, at this point I'd even settle for "Anti-Americans." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted July 30, 2002 ...Hell, at this point I'd even settle for "Anti-Americans." While they're at it, they can repackage Ivory as a Canadian heel and call her "Auntie-American"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrEvil Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I like Test in this group. Keep him as the silent designated big-guy who comes in and hits a few power moves to give the heels a cheap win. It's better than another singles push for him. Of course, he is getting a lot of singles work and mic time, so maybe I should agree. It will be interesting to see the reaction they get on the next Canadian show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I like Test fine as long as he's kept away from the mic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I hate the name, but I love the angle. This is pro wrestling after all, and going for "cheap" regional heat never gets old. But that name is just...ugh. First of all, ANY person who's not from America, or is at least not a citizen, is an "Un-American." That would include Edge, Rikishi, Tajiri, Eddy Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Valbowski, etc. Calling Storm and Co. the Un-Americans is just like calling JR and King, "The Oklahoman and the Tennesseean." It says nothing of their feelings about America. Why not call them...hmm, I don't know...TEAM CANADA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Calling Storm and Co. the Un-Americans ...says nothing of their feelings about America. Why not call them...hmm, I don't know...TEAM CANADA? First off, "Un-American" pretty much sums up how they feel, I think. Secondly, if any other non-Americans were to join (Regal, Guerrero), it would be silly to call it Team Canada. Personally, I think the name sucks 31 flavours of ass. Couldn't they be more creative, like calling them "The International Hate Syndicate" or "Terror Unlimited". What's with all the wishy-washy crap like "The Alliance" or the "The Union"? I know, it's all been said before... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Un-American sums up what they are, not really how they feel. Have you ever heard of that track star guy who's from like Morocco but is trying his ass off to get American citizenship? He would also be an Un-American, but he's the most patriotic person I've seen in some time. Storm and Co. don't feel Un-American, they feel sick and tired of America. And you're probably right about Team Canada, since they're more bashing America than promoting Canada. So call them the Flag Burners or something, I don't know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mach7 Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I hate the name, but I love the angle. This is pro wrestling after all, and going for "cheap" regional heat never gets old. But that name is just...ugh. First of all, ANY person who's not from America, or is at least not a citizen, is an "Un-American." That would include Edge, Rikishi, Tajiri, Eddy Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Valbowski, etc. Calling Storm and Co. the Un-Americans is just like calling JR and King, "The Oklahoman and the Tennesseean." It says nothing of their feelings about America. Why not call them...hmm, I don't know...TEAM CANADA? Rikishi & Rey are both Americans. Born & bred from what I understand. Rey's from San Diego & Rikishi, I believe, is from San Francisco. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Un-American sums up what they are, not really how they feel. Have you ever heard of that track star guy who's from like Morocco but is trying his ass off to get American citizenship? He would also be an Un-American, but he's the most patriotic person I've seen in some time. Technically, that guy would be a non-American. "Un" gives it a negative, unfavourable connotation, which is what they're going for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MentallyNormal Report post Posted July 30, 2002 They should of called the them "All aboot the Eh Eh" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RicFlairGlory Report post Posted July 30, 2002 Well if they brought someone in like Eddy (Mexico) they could rename the group "Fuck NAFTA" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BobbyWhioux Report post Posted July 30, 2002 I kinda like the Anti-Americans a little better than Un-Americans. Of course, that's like saying "I kinda like having syphillis a little better than having AIDS" but here's my rationale... By calling them "Anti-Americans" one better creates the impression of a group of people opposed to America, or at least what America has become. This leaves the door open to non-Canadians joining the group logically, and it also keeps the door open for what I think would be a great addition to the stable, although it's an oft-used device: The Traitor. Seriously, I'd mark the hell out if an American joins the team and starts cutting vicious, virulent, but TRUE promos on how horrible America has become. I mean, it's one thing for a foreigner to say "your schools suck" ...but to have an American come out and talk about how "You people [the fans] have betrayed America and let it become a hellhole. You people let what USED TO BE the best country in the world become a corrupt, ignorant, BACKWARD country. The fact that you people don't understand why the rest of the world hates America demonstrates perfectly what has gone so wrong. The Open Democratic Debate has died, strangled by your laziness and apathy, and your Selfish "I don't care as long as I get my money" attitude. That attitude has destroyed our schools. That attitude has allowed a COUP, a RIGGED ELECTION, to overthrow your own government, and all of you just sit on your ass and wave a little flag too engrossed with "Survivor" to care." "You don't care that the CIA brings drugs into ghettos and lets ethnic minorities kill themselves over it. You don't care that major corporations RIP YOU OFF every day and poision your air and your water with pollution. You don't care that your children are made desensitized, disaffected, and violent by what they see on TV, because you're too LAZY to teach them about life yourselves! You just indulge yourself with fast food and beer, and let the violence and depravity and stupidity of television educate them." "I used to be proud to be an American. But I have opened my eyes, I have taken the red-white-and-blue blindfold off, and I see what you people have let happen to it, what a bunch of ignorant, lazy, selfish, cultureless, classless rednecks have turned it into, and now I stand before you ashamed to be associated with this nightmare of a country in any way." "These people...these Anti-Americans...they're actually doing you a favor. They point out your flaws, they give you an example to look up to. Something to pattern yourselves after, something to use as a model for fixing this broken nation, and you SHOUT THEM DOWN like juvenile jackasses. You're actually PROUD of how stupid you are. You celebrate your ignorance. You act as if knowing the lyrics to Limp Bizkit songs yet being unable to name or recognize a photo of your congressman is OKAY." "Well, to hell with all of you. You deserve your polluted drinking water. You deserve your defunct school system. You deserve your corrupt government. You deserve to be hated by the world." "Best country in the world? You're not even close. Truth Hurts, don't it?" [ As you can probably tell, that's the type of character I'd like to be if I had what it took to be a pro wrestler. ] In my opinion, the reason why this Anti-American group isn't as cool as the Hart Foundation or even Storm's Team Canada of 2000 is that the WWE still has them operating with kiddie gloves and training wheels on. You really can't have an anti-american group get well over unless it gets to go all out. Beating down the Undertaker is a good start, but they shouldn't "gradually overwhelm" the Undertaker 3 on 1. They should DOMINATE him 3 on 1. 1 on 1 can be a different story. But an "Evil Empire" or "International Threat" isn't going to be very impressive unless its, you know, threatening. [The Alliance last year had the same problem]. If the NWO was a threat to WCW on par with the "Evil Empire" of the U.S.S.R., than the Alliance, this year's NWO, and The Anti Americans are all only slightly more intimidating than Grenada. They need to be beating the shit out of everybody like they were the 1996 NWO. And their promos aren't out there and hateful enough. They should be out there almost as far as Sgt. Slaughter was...maybe as far. Slaughter, if I recall correctly, burned a flag. Why can't Christian and Storm? Yokozuna obliterated Duggan... AND Hogan. Squeaking by Rikishi and being verbally "one-upped" by a high school sophmore in a balding, bad backed, hasn't wrestled in four years and "loses his smile" at the most convenient times, middle aged man's body just ain't gonna cut it. And how about calling them "The Axis [of Truth, of Good, of Righteousness, or maybe just plain The Axis]" ? Or maybe "the Front United to Stop America [F-USA] ?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites