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Guest AxelSmash

1993 WWF Fantasy Booking

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Guest AxelSmash

Monday Night Raw:

January 11, 1993

Manhattan Center, New York City, NY


-Opening Match: WWF Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © def. El Matador by DQ after Marty Jannetty runs in after the back suplex. (8:19) **1/2

-This Continues the rivalry between the two, as they will meet at the Royal Rumble.


-Bob Backlund def. Skinner with a School Boy after Skinner missed a corner charge (6:43) *1/4.


-Non Title Match:

Rick Steiner fought Ted Dibiase to a Double Disqualification after both respective partners interfered. (8:09) **


-WWF Royal Rumble Report:

30 Man Royal Rumble Match: Participants are: Randy Savage, Jim Duggan, High Energy, Natural Disastors, Mr. Perfect, Crush, Bob Backlund,Nasty Boys, Kamala, Bushwhackers, Max Moon, Yokozuna, Razor Ramon, The Narcissist, Papa Shango, Jerry Lawler, Repo Man, Rick Martel, The Head Shrinkers, Skinner, Kim Chee, Doink The Clown, Terry Taylor, Beau & Blake Beverley.

WWF World Title Match: Bret Hart Vs. Ric Flair

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty

WWF Tag Team Title Match: Money Inc. Vs. Steiner Bros.

The Undertaker vs. The Berzerker


-Non-Title Match:

Bret "Hitman" Hart def. Repo Man with the sharpshooter (7:38) **1/4

after the match Ric Flair attacked Hart, injuring his knee.



January 18, 1993-Manhattan Center-New York City, NY



-Opening Match:

High Energy & Bret "Hitman Hart def. Ric Flair & Head Shrinkers when Bret Hart pinned Fatu. (13:48) ***

everytime Bret Hart entered the ring Flair ducked out. The Heels kept the advantage for the most part beating down Koko until Bret got the hot tag.


-Damian Demento def. Max Moon in a filler match. (5:27) 1/2*

Demento pinned Moon after a back breaker.


-WWF Royal Rumble Report:

30 Man Royal Rumble Match: Participants are: Randy Savage, Jim Duggan, High Energy, Natural Disastors, Mr. Perfect, Crush, Bob Backlund,Nasty Boys, Kamala, Bushwhackers, Max Moon, Yokozuna, Razor Ramon, The Narcissist, Papa Shango, Jerry Lawler, Repo Man, Rick Martel, The Head Shrinkers, Skinner, Kim Chee, Doink The Clown, Terry Taylor, Beau & Blake Beverley.

WWF World Title Match: Bret Hart Vs. Ric Flair

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Marty Jannetty

WWF Tag Team Title Match: Money Inc. Vs. Steiner Bros.

The Undertaker vs. The Berzerker


-"Macho Man" Randy Savage def. Rick Martel after the Flying Elbow Drop (7:36) **


-The Undertaker def. Papa Shango by Disqualification after Berzerker ran in attacking Taker. (4:21) DUD

Taker after the match sat up from the punishment and sent Berzerker off in fright.




JANUARY 24, 1993


-Non Televised Match:

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Virgil (7:16) with the diving headbutt off the top rope.


-Opening Match: WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

Money Inc. © def. The Steiner Brothers (11:15) when Dibiase pinned Rick.

The match was back and forth until the end where it seemed the Steiner Brothers would pull off the victory, but I.R.S nailed R.S. with his briefcase, knocking him out, allowing Dibiase to cover for the pinfall. ***1/4


-The Undertaker def. The Berzerker (9:53) after the Tombstone Piledriver.

After The Match Giant Gonzalez attacked Undertaker, laying him out on the concrete. 1/4*


-WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Marty Jannetty def. Shawn Michaels © (16:47) after a sunset flip form the rop rope.

Match had a lot of heat built up and both men came out with a vengeance. Shawn soon gained control of the match until a mis timed charge to the corner changed it. In the latter part of the match both men traded off 2 counts until Marty got the upset pinfall. ***3/4


-WWF World Championship Match:

Bret "Hitman" Hart © def. Ric Flair (21:34) with a small package.

Flair had the match won basically after attacking the leg he injured on bret a few weeks ago. and was setting up for the figure 4 leglock, until Mr. Perfect came out to distract Flair, long enough for Bret to recuperate and cradle him for the 3 count. ****



Winner Recives WWF Title Shot at Wrestlemania IX:


Entry Order:

1. Fatu of the Headshrinkers

2. Kamala

3. Doink The Clown

4. Skinner

5. Max Moon

6. Beau Beverley


<Skinner elimanated by Kamala>

<Kamala elimanated by Fatu, Doink, Beau>


7. Sags


<Beau Beverley by Sags>


8. Terry Taylor

9. Blake Beverley


<Sags by Blake Beverley>

<Blake Beverley by Sags>

<Terry Taylor by Max Moon>


10. Bushwhacker Butch

11. Jim Duggan

12. Mr. Perfect


<Max Moon by Doink>

<Doink by Mr. Perfect>

<Fatu by Mr. Perfect>

<Butch by Jim Duggan>


13. Koko B. Ware

14. Repo Man

15. Razor ramon


<Koko B. Ware by Razor Ramon>

<Jim Duggan by Repo Man & Razor Ramon>


16. Bob Backlund

17. Earthquake

18. Rick Martel

19. Randy Savage

20. Luke


<Luke by Rick Martel>

<Repo Man by Randy Savage>


21. Lex Luger


<Rick Martel by Lex Luger>

<Earthquake by L:ex Luger>


22. Crush

23. Kim Chee


<Kim Chee by Crush & Mr. Perfect>

<Bob Backlund by Razor Ramon>


24. Samu

25. Yokozuna


<Razor Ramon by Yokozuna>

<Samu by Yokozuna>


26. Knobbs


<Yokozuna by Crush, Lex Luger, Mr. Perfect, Randy Savage, Knobbs,>


27. Typhoon

28. Jerry Lawler


<Typhoon by Lex Luger>


29. Owen Hart

30. Papa Shango


<Jerry Lawler by Owen Hart>

<Knobbs by Papa Shango>

<Owen Hart by Lex Luger>

<Crush by Mr. Perfect>

<Papa Shango by Savage & Perfect>

<Randy Savage by Lex Luger>

<Mr. Perfect by Lex Luger>


Lex Luger wins the Royal Rumble last elimanating Mr. Perfect (1:03:34)

Mr. Perfect was distracted by Ric Flair, who came to ringside in the closing moments, hoping to get revenge for Perfect costing Flair the title. ***1/2


To Be Continued.........

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Guest nWoScorpion

Yay, my nWoscorpion name works again. Ok, from now on all posts for this booknig are under this one.

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Guest nWoScorpion

WWF Monday Night Raw:

January 25, 1993


-Opening Match:

WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

Nasty Boys def. Money Inc. © via Count-out. (8:12)

-The Steiner Brothers surfaced at ringside which distracted the champs long enough to be counted out.


-"The Narcissist" Lex Luger def. Kamala (3:36)

-Luger beats Kamala with a running forearm, knocking him out cold.


-WWF Wrestlemania IX Report:

WWF-World Title Match: Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger

Retirement Match: Mr. Perfect Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair


-Handicapped Match:

Giant Gonzalez def. Barry Horowitz, Reno Riggins & Jim Powers (2:31)

Gonzalez pins Riggins with a chokeslam.


-Non-Title Match:

Marty Jannetty def. Papa Shango (7:46)

Jannetty pins Shango after the Rocker Dropper.


<end of this show>


WWF Monday Night Raw:

February 1, 1993:


-Opening Match:

Yokozuna def. "The Rocket" Owen Hart (5:49)

-Yoko pinned Owen after the banzai drop, following Mr. Fuji knocking Owen off the top rope.


-Bam Bam Bigelow def. Typhoon (6:18)

Bigelow used the top rope diving headbutt to get the pinfall.


-WWF Wrestlemania IX Report:

WWF World Title Match: Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger

Retirement Match: Mr. Perfect vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair


-World Title Match contract signing. Lex Luger knocked out bret Hart with his loaded forearm following this.


Main Event:

Shawn Michaels & Ric Flair def. Marty Jannetty & Mr. Perfect (10:24)

Michaels pinned Jannetty after using the Intercontinental Title Belt to knock him out cold while Flair/Perfect distracted the referee long enough.



February 8, 1993


-20 Man Battle Royal for #1 Contendership of Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania IX:

Shawn Michaels def. 19 other competitors, last eliminating Tatanka (16:41).

Participants: HBK, Tatanka, Razor Ramon, Tito Santana, Kamala, Papa Shango, Max Moon, Damian Demento, Typhoon, Earthquake, Bob Backlund, Virgil, Koko B. Ware, Owen Hart, Berzerker, Doink, Skinner, Repo Man, Rick Martel, Jerry Lawler.


-The Undertaker def. Yokozuna via Disqualification (4:23)

Yokozuna hit UT with the salt bucket after Taker sat up form the banzai drop.



WWF World Title Match: Bret "Hitman" HArt Vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels

Retirement Match: Mr. Perfect Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair


-Return Match:

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake def. Mike Sharpe (5:16)

-Beefcake def. Sharpe via submission with the sleeper hold. Following the Match, Bam Bam bigelow layed Beefcake out with several diving headbutts.





Februay 15, 1993:


-Opening Match:

"Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase def. Rick Steiner (6:57)

-Dibiase put Steiner to sleep with the Million Dollar Dream.


-WWF-Intercontinental Championship Match:

Marty Jannetty © def. The Berzerker by disqualification (7:24)

Berzerker hit jannetty with a steel chair several times during the contest.


-Scott Steiner def. Irwin R. Shyster (7:48)

Scott pinned I.R.S with the frankensteiner after a miscommunication between Dibiase & IRS.


-Giant Gonzalez def. "El Matador" Tito Santana (3:34)

Pinfall after the chokeslam.



WWF World Title Match: Bret "Hitman" HArt Vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels

Retirement Match: Mr. Perfect Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Just Added....

WWF Tag Team Title Match: Money Inc. Vs. Steiner Brothers


-Hulk Hogan Return Interview. He challenges Bam Bam bigelow to a match next week.


-Backstage, The Head Shrinkers attack The Nasty Boys.


-"Nature Boy" Ric Flair def. Crush via submission (11:10)

Flair wins with the figure 4 leglock.



February 27, 1993:


-Opening Match: 6 Man Tag Team Match:

The Nasty Boys & Tatanka def. Head Shrinkers & Razor Ramon. (8:37)

Tatanka pins Ramon after a small package roll up.


-Non-Title Match:

Money Inc. def. High Energy (6:25)

Irwin pinned Koko B. Ware after the write off.



WWF World Title Match: Bret "Hitman" HArt Vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger

WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels

WWF Tag Team Title Match: Money Inc. Vs. Steiner Brothers

Retirement Match: Mr. Perfect Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Just Added.....

Nasty Boys Vs. Head Shrinkers.


-"The Narcissist" Lex Luger def. "Hacksaw'' Jim Duggan (4:17)

Luger wins again with the running forearm smash.


-Main Event:

Hulk Hogan def. Bam Bam Bigelow via Disqualification (12:34)

Giant Gonzalez attacks Hulk Hogan after Hogan dropped the Leg on Bigelow, laying him out after a series of chokeslams.




Whacha Think so Faaaaaar. (Besides Gonzalez/Hogan)

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