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Guest Nick the Pick

Poll for the wonderful Smarks people

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Guest Nick the Pick

Howdy, one and all


This is my first longish post since starting up on this board a day ago. My name is Nick and I am an alc...D'OH! Wrong board...


I actually came over here from the 1wrestling discussion forum, on the recommendation of a mate. Love the Smarks site, especially Scott Keith's PPV reviews. Got a bit bored with 1wrestling's board for the following reasons:


1. The topics there were getting really samey, with lots of 'Who was the best champion?' tournaments, fantasy booking, and endless slagging off of sports entertainment. I hoped that this board would be a wee bit more varied


2. On one occasion, discussion veered way off-topic and homophobia reared its ugly head. I ain't homosexual but I do have strong moral beliefs and couldn't carry on posting there in good conscience


3. A lot of the posters there were great but a lot also seemed to use 1wrestling.com as their sole source of news. I prefer to use a range of sources from the Torch and Observer to thesmarks to Pro Wrestling Between The Sheets and even lordsofpain.net. I liked the board but never used 1wrestling for news, due to the page taking aeons to load, and on account of Bob Ryder being a total tool, who's a mark for himself, and isn't above taking cheap shots on his own board at respectable contemporaries like Wade Keller and Meltzer, who he knows are too professional to retaliate. And sad to say, a lot of the posters followed Ryder without question. Having said that, I miss the guys, and am wiping away a nostalgiac tear as I type (sniff)


Anyhoo, moving on...


3 things you should know about me:


a. I'm not exactly having an orgasm at the prospect of the NWO in the WWF

b. I think Michael 'wow, what a slam' Cole is the biggest waste of time on the WWF roster, followed by Lillian 'I'm here with Chris Benoit...uh, Jericho...uh, Champion...uh, Walker...uhhh' Garcia

c. I 95% believe that the Montreal Screwjob was genuine (I refuse to use the terms 'work' and 'shoot' in reference to an event that began the end of the career of the best US wrestler of the 90s)


Onto the fun stuff. It's twenty questions poll-time (actually not a poll as such, since I'm too lazy to add up the answers). So, er, it's twenty questions time!


1. When did you start watching wrestling

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

5. Favourite submission hold

6. Favourite finisher (current)

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

11. Favourite high-flying move?

12. Most overrated performer (current)

13. Most overrated performer (all-time)

14. Best babyface (all-time)

15. Best heel (all-time)

16. Best promos (all-time)

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

19. Your hometown/country?


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


Hope that was fun for one and all. See you guys around.;)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

1. When did you start watching wrestling


1986...good god I feel old


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)




3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)


Stunning Steve Austin


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)


Hollywood Blondes or Eliminators


5. Favourite submission hold


Texas Cloverleaf


6. Favourite finisher (current)


Crippler Crossface


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


Old school Mike Awesome- Awesome Bomb from the ring through a table on the floor


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?




9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book


Foley is Good


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


Every once in a while i'll pick up a PWI for special issues (year end awards, the 500)


11. Favourite high-flying move?


Shooting Star Press


12. Most overrated performer (current)




13. Most overrated performer (all-time)




14. Best babyface (all-time)


Does not compute...


15. Best heel (all-time)


Ric Flair


16. Best promos (all-time)


Ric Flair


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


Actual wrestling (see the irony involved....I'm an RVD mark...that don't add up)


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)




19. Your hometown/country?


Buffalo, NY USA



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


Mick Foley at a book signing...Sandman getting a hot dog at an ECW event (that was...odd)

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Guest imajackoff?

Sure, I'll play.

1. When did you start watching wrestling 1979-80

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)jericho

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)snuka/piper/jake

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time) midnight express

5. Favourite submission hold  shamrock ankle lock

6. Favourite finisher (current) senton bomb

7. Favourite finisher (all-time) ddt

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones? no

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book foley's 1st

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?no

11. Favourite high-flying move? snuka's leap

12. Most overrated performer (current) Edge

13. Most overrated performer (all-time) Bruno

14. Best babyface (all-time) Bret Hart

15. Best heel (all-time) Piper

16. Best promos (all-time) Foley

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling? without storylines, its just guys in their underwear pretending to fight.

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time) Vince

19. Your hometown/country? baltimore, md usa


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

i met chyna. she looked like she was made out of plastic. She was very nice though

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Guest InigoMontoya

1. When did you start watching wrestling?

About 1997 (I'm so green, lol)

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)?

Austin or Christian

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)?


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)?

Dudley Boyz

5. Favourite submission hold?


6. Favourite finisher (current)?

Vertebreaker (I'm sure someone still does it)

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?

Dirtsheets? I guess I don't then.

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book?

Mankind (only one I've read but I can't imagine it getting any better)

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


11. Favourite high-flying move?

Such a range in the WWF... lol. Swanton by default.

12. Most overrated performer (current)?


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)?

Rock (in my all-time anyway)

14. Best babyface (all-time)?

Austin (done it differently)

15. Best heel (all-time)?

HHH (done it perfectly)

16. Best promos (all-time)


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

Actual wrestling for sure. The psychology/how they work a crowd is really interesting to me too, but I don't know what that would go under.

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)?

Mr MacMahon

19. Your hometown/country?

The great land of Oz (Australia)


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet? Nope. To meet? Foley. To talk to? Austin. (about his neck, lol. What made him go back.)

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Guest Nick the Pick

Guess I should do the polite thing and answer my own questions


1. When did you start watching wrestling


around late 1990


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)


Tough one - hard to narrow to just one. Probably either Austin, Triple H or Jericho. Booker's certainly improved more than anyone in the last couple of months, and it's good to see DDP getting some proper airtime.


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)


Bret Hart, followed by Ted DiBiase and the Great Muta


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)


Doc and Gordy ruled during their short stay in WCW - didn't catch their Japan stuff. Also liked Furnas and LaFon, the Hart Foundation, and Doom.


5. Favourite submission hold


Texas Cloverleaf, Fujiwara armbar, cross-armbreaker, EZMoney's pendulum


6. Favourite finisher (current)


The Last Ride is a nice move, if done right. Also, Al Snow's Northern Lights Bomb, and TAKA'S Michinoku Driver II.


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


Vader's hammer-bomb, Blitzkrieg's Skytwister Press, Saturn's Death Valley Driver


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


Nope. Will do, when I have the money


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book


As an entertaining read, Foley's first. As a source of info, Meltzer's 'Tributes'. What's Scott Keith's book like?


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


Still buy Apter mags - sure they still try as much as possible to keep kayfabe but they're nicely presented, and are a better source of info on movenames, history etc. than a lot of websites. The best wrestling mag available though is 'Powerslam'.


11. Favourite high-flying move (all-time)?


Essa Rios' suicide somersault plancha over the ringpost was a thing of beauty, even though he sucked in every other area. Also mark out for Muta's moonsault, and Tajiri's incredible hurracanranas. Kronus' standing suicide moonsault to the ring floor was also amazing.


12. Most overrated performer (current)


Rob Van Dam. Great high-spot artist but has a lot to learn about ring psyche


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


Hulk Hogan. Although he gets a lot of slagging on the Net, people still maintain that he was the greatest entertainer ever. I’m not sure he was a patch on Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels. Another guy who gets endless respect but never impressed me was Andre the Giant.


14. Best babyface (all-time)


Rick Steamboat. As well as being a terrific worker, I don’t think this guy was ever a heel. Also, The Rock.


15. Best heel (all-time)


Hard to narrow down to one; my shortlist includes Flair, DiBiase, Vader, Rick Rude, Shane Douglas, Triple H, Scott Steiner, Bret Hart, and the Fabulous Freebirds.


16. Best promos (all-time)


Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, the Rock, Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, Paul Heyman, Jim Cornette.


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


Actual wrestling.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)


Shortlist includes Chyna, Scott Steiner, Eric Bishoff, Mel Philips, Rena Mero, Stu Hart, and Vinnie Mac himself.


19. Favourite wrestling journo/columnist


Bruce Mitchell, followed by Fritz Capp and Dave Meltzer.


20. Your hometown/country?


London, United Kingdom.

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Guest TheHulkster

1. When did you start watching wrestling-1978

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)- The Rock or RVD

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)- Take a wild guess brother!

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)- The Steniers

5. Favourite submission hold- Figure 4 on the ring post

6. Favourite finisher (current)- ?

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)- Jake's DDT, he got some snap on that sumbitch

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?-no

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book- Pure dynamite, Have a nice day, or positively page(dang it, that was a good book)

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?- I pick up wwf raw once in a while, i always get the pwi almanacs if that counts

11. Favourite high-flying move?- Dragon-rana

12. Most overrated performer (current)- Have to go with HHH

13. Most overrated performer (all-time)- Andre

14. Best babyface (all-time)- Hogan

15. Best heel (all-time)- Jake Roberts or Ted Dibiase

16. Best promos (all-time)- Jake Roberts, Terry Funk, Rick Rude, Randy Savage... i can't pick just one

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?- I like an even mix of both

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)- Shawn Michaels

19. Your hometown/country?- Amsterdam, Ny (right next to schnectady, future home of the pro wrestling hall of fame)


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?- I met Snuka and Dustin Rhodes, I'd like to meet hogan.

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

shit! I cannot resist polls!




1. When did you start watching wrestling





2. Who's your favourite performer (current)


Triple H/Benoit


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)




4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)


Hart Foundation/Bulldogs


5. Favourite submission hold




6. Favourite finisher (current)


Tombstone, don't give a fuck if it's banned, it still rocks on occasions and it's more meaninful...

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


Tombstone, same as Q 7.


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


I'm a Torch subscriber and was thinking about subscribing to WO, too.


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book


It may sound bizzarre, but other than "have a nice day" I'd say "everybody down here hates me" by Pat Barrett. It's all kayfabed but has got tons of good road stories.


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


I buy RAW mag once in a while.


11. Favourite high-flying move?


Huracanrana, classic.


12. Most overrated performer (current)


HAHAHA, Hogan!... or Test


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


HAHAHA, Hogan!


14. Best babyface (all-time)


Hogan? ok, I'll give ya that.


15. Best heel (all-time)


Ted Dibiase.


16. Best promos (all-time)




17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


both, but enjoy some good japanese bouts here and there.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)


Buff? of course...


19. Your hometown/country?


Milan, Italy



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


Nver met and I'd like to meet... uh, Triple H? no, better, Steph ;)

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Guest RickyB

1. When did you start watching wrestling


1991 when some I first got cable and WWF shows were on it.


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)


Hulk Hogan


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)


Hulk Hogan


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)


Either The Outsiders or The Eliminators


5. Favourite submission hold


The Liontamer


6. Favourite finisher (current)


Outsider (Razor) Edge


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


Torture Rack


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?




9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book


Never read one


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


Not really, i've brought Power Slam a few times and PWI once


11. Favourite high-flying move?


Senton Bomb


12. Most overrated performer (current)


Chris Benoit


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


Shawn Michaels


14. Best babyface (all-time)


Hulk Hogan (by a long shot)


15. Best heel (all-time)


Ric Flair


16. Best promos (all-time)


Hollywood Hogan


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


I like the storylines (I see sports entertainmant as a different thing).  When it comes to Wrestling i'm not into "Workrate" i'm into matches that make me mark out, like Rock-Hogan will and like Hogan-Piper and Hogan-Goldberg did in WCW.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)


Probably Shawn Michaels but HHH is up there.


19. Your hometown/country?


Middlesbrough, England



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


I've met Goldberg, Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan (i'll never forget meeting Hulk Hogan!!) and a load of British Wrestlers.

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Guest The Shockmaster!

1. When did you start watching wrestling

a very,very long time ago

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

Booker T

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

Stan Hansen

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard

5. Favourite submission hold


6. Favourite finisher (current)

The move that Shane Helms isn't allowed to use anymore

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

Jake Roberts DDT

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

Don't have a favorite wrestling related book, sorry


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

Haven't bougfht a wrestling mag since the early 90's


11. Favourite high-flying move?

Great Muta's Moonsault(in his prime)


12. Most overrated performer (current)



13. Most overrated performer (all-time)

Bruno Sammartino


14. Best babyface (all-time)

Dusty Rhodes


15. Best heel (all-time)

Ric Flair


16. Best promos (all-time)

Dusty Rhodes


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

A little from column A and a little from column B


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

Vince McMahon


19. Your hometown/country?




20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

2 Cold Scorpio

Tito Santana

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Guest Mike the Guido

1. When did you start watching wrestling

Around 1986


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

Jericho or HHH


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)



4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

The Midnight Express


5. Favourite submission hold

Crippler Crossface


6. Favourite finisher (current)



7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

Tombstone piledriver


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?

I don't.


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

I haven't read any.


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?



11. Favourite high-flying move?

Anything that RVD can do to show up Jeff Hardy.


12. Most overrated performer (current)

The Rock


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)



14. Best babyface (all-time)



15. Best heel (all-time)

Honky Tonk Man


16. Best promos (all-time)

Jake the Snake


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?



18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

Anybody who thinks HHH plays political games


19. Your hometown/country?

Detroit, USA



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

Nope, and Ric Flair.

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Guest AM The Kid

1. When did you start watching wrestling     1987


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)   Chris Jericho or Austin


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)   Bret Hart


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)       The Hart Foundation


5. Favourite submission hold       The Sharpshooter


6. Favourite finisher (current)      Stunner


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)     The Sharpshooter...


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones? Hell no.


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book?     Either Pure Dynamite or Have A Nice Day


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones? Yes, Pro Wrestling Illustrated, WWF Magazine and RAW Magazine


11. Favourite high-flying move? Elbow Drop


12. Most overrated performer (current)   The Rock


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)   X-Pac


14. Best babyface (all-time)     Hulk Hogan


15. Best heel (all-time)            Bret "I hate the US" Hart


16. Best promos (all-time)       Steve Austin


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?       Both


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)    X-Pac, lol


19. Your hometown/country?    Calgary, Alberta, Canada



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?     Yes I have, still I wanna meet Vince Mcmahon...

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Guest gangsteruwa

1. When did you start watching wrestling - 1989

2. Who's your favourite performer (current) - Red (SAT)

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time) - Bret Hart

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time) - RVD and Sabu

5. Favourite submission hold - Dragon Sleeper

6. Favourite finisher (current) - Spanish Fly (SAT)

7. Favourite finisher (all-time) - Kryptonite Krunch

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones? - None

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book - Haven't read any wrestling related books but the book Lords of Chaos: the bloody rise of the satanic metal underground is really good.

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

11. Favourite high-flying move? - Spanish Fly (again)

12. Most overrated performer (current) - New Jack

13. Most overrated performer (all-time) - New Jack

14. Best babyface (all-time) - Hogan (oh I hate to admit it)

15. Best heel (all-time) - Raven

16. Best promos (all-time) - Raven

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?  PURE WRESTLING!!  SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT SUCKS!!

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time) - Vince McMahon

19. Your hometown/country? - Plattsburgh, NY/USA

20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet? - I haven't met any wrestlers, but I would like to meet Mick Foley or Ric Flair

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Guest Kinetic

1. When did you start watching wrestling - Sometime in the late 80s.  I couldn't pinpoint a year, but that was the timeframe.


2. Who's your favourite performer (current) - Kurt Angle


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time) - Steve Austin


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time) - New Age Outlaws.  In retrospect, they kind of sucked.  But, to be perfectly honest, they're one of the few tag teams that have ever held my interest.


5. Favourite submission hold - Sharpshooter


6. Favourite finisher (current) - Rock Bottom


7. Favourite finisher (all-time) - I've always liked the Powerbomb.

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones? - Nope.


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book - "Have a Nice Day" beats the piss out of any other wrestling book.  The absolute worst one I've read is "The Rock Says..."  Awful.


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?: I have a few, but I don't buy them with any regularity.


11. Favourite high-flying move? - Five-Star Frog Splash.  It not only looks cool, but unlike a lot of other high-flying moves it actually looks like it could hurt someone.


12. Most overrated performer (current) - The Dudleys.  Zzzzz...


13. Most overrated performer (all-time) - Andre the Giant


14. Best babyface (all-time) - Hulk Hogan


15. Best heel (all-time) - Call me crazy, but I absolutely loved The Rock as a heel.


16. Best promos (all-time) - Cactus Jack


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?:  I couldn't say.  I think they're both essential to make the product work, so it's futile to choose sides.  


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time) - Eric Bischoff


19. Your hometown/country? - Abilene, Texas, USA


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet? - I got to meet Rhyno at a car show a few weeks back.  Gore!  Gore!  Gore!

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Guest Stupendous Man

1. 1989-1992, then there was an incident involving myself, my brother and a tombstone piledriver (luckily no injuries, just a very scared mom), needless to say we weren't allowed to watch must wrestling awhile.  I started watching again sporadically starting in 96 or 97, starting with the Rey Misterio is a lawndart episode of Nitro.  Began watching WCW faithfully after the WWIII Nash won, and then the WWF again around WMXV.  Sorry about the rambling.


2. Kanyon or Benoit


3. Ted DiBiase or Bret Hart


4. Legion of Doom


5. Crossface Chickenwing


6. Crippler Crossface


7. Death Valley Driver


8. Nope


9. Foley's first book, only one I've read.


10. No wrestling mags for me.


11. Shooting Star Press


12. HHH


13. Mick Foley


14. Hulk Hogan


15. Ted DiBiase


16. Crowbar's guest commentary.


17. Actual Wrestling


18. Vince Russo


19. Shelton, CT, USA


20. I've met Bob Backlund, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Kevin Kelly, Taker, Jim Dotson(former WWF security guy), Road Dogg, and Mideon.

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Guest old_mort_wwfe

1. When did you start watching wrestling - 1994 (what a year to start eh?)

2. Who's your favourite performer (current) - Rock (guess im a sheep eh?..baaaa)

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time) - Flair (always loved him)

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time) - don't really have one

5. Favourite submission hold - Crossface Chicken Wing

6. Favourite finisher (current) - Stunner

7. Favourite finisher (all-time) - Tombstone

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones? - none

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book - read parts of Mankind book

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones? used to buy PWI, WWF and RAW

11. Favourite high-flying move? - Moonsault

12. Most overrated performer (current) - Benoit (you heard me)

13. Most overrated performer (all-time) - Benoit (it is my opinion u know)

14. Best babyface (all-time) - Hogan (Austins up there too)

15. Best heel (all-time) - Flair (made being a heel cool)

16. Best promos (all-time) - Rock, Flair, Austin..etc. too many to name them all

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?  - As much as I like a good match..I'd also like there to be a point to having it not just 2 guys rolling around a ring for no discernable reason..so I lean toward storylines

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time) - Bret Hart (go ahead and argue)

19. Your hometown/country? - Michigan, USA

20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? no

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Guest Frankie Williams

1. When did you start watching wrestling: 1982

2. Who's your favourite performer: Austin

3. Who's your favourite performer Flair

4. Favourite tag-team: Hart Foundation

5. Favourite submission hold: Abdominal Stretch

6. Favourite finisher: Stunner

7. Favourite finisher: Powerslam (yes the powerslam used to be a finisher)

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? nope

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book: Pure Dynamite

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? Raw

11. Favourite high-flying move?: Suicide Dive

12. Most overrated performer (current): RVD

13. Most overrated performer: Lex Luger

14. Best babyface: Hulk Hogan

15. Best heel: Roddy Piper

16. Best promos: Roddy Piper

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling? I enjoy them both but being old school there is nothing i enjoy better than a damn good wrestling match.

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling: Fritz Von Erich

19. Your hometown/country? Brooklyn New York


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? Ive met Mick Foley. He was driving right next to me on the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn. I had the "Foley is Good" book with me and i was hanging out the window. He was me, rolled his window down and asked me how I liked it. My girlfriend who was driving the car thought i was psycho becasue after he drove away I kept looking for him. Ive also met Bret Hart, Freddie Blassie, and Lou Albano. I know...not too exciting.

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Guest treble charged

1. When did you start watching wrestling

-Late 1992 (hiatus from 96-98)

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

-Lance Storm

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

-Bret Hart

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

-New Age Outlaws

5. Favourite submission hold

-Crippler Crossface

6. Favourite finisher (current)

-Stone Cold Stunner

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

-I like both of Foley's books

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

-I by the Raw magzine every month

11. Favourite high-flying move?


12. Most overrated performer (current)


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)

-Ultimate Warrior

14. Best babyface (all-time)


15. Best heel (all-time)

-Vince McMahon

16. Best promos (all-time)

-Flair, Rock, Austin, Foley, they're all good

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

-Both (I like good wrestling, but I also liked to be entertained in other ways)

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

-Vince for just being Vince, plus JR, for being a fat slob but always telling people that they need to lose weight.

19. Your hometown/country?

-Brockville, Ontario, Canada


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

-Never met any wrestlers, but anyone who is remotely famous would be cool to meet.

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Guest LooseCannon

1. When did you start watching wrestling

    1985 or 1986


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

    A year ago, I would've said HHH.  Right now, it's tough, but I'll probably go with either Angle, Jericho, or Christian.


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)



4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

      British Bulldogs


5. Favourite submission hold

       Ankle Lock


6. Favourite finisher (current)



7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

         I loved the Mandible Claw.  Don't ask me why.        


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?



9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

            Foley is Good (haven't read many)


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

          Now and then.  


11. Favourite high-flying move?

         Shooting Star Press


12. Most overrated performer (current)



13. Most overrated performer (all-time)

          Hogan.  (easy)  


14. Best babyface (all-time)



15. Best heel (all-time)

           Ric Flair


16. Best promos (all-time)

       Mick Foley


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

  I like both, or at least I'm content w/ storyline driven television as long as the PPVs deliver good wrestling.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

      This is probably the toughest question on here, but it would probably have to be Rob Black


19. Your hometown/country?

       Originally from Cleveland, OH, now going to school in Philly



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

  My friend and I bribed someone from the event staff to sneek us backstage after a Raw in Columbus Oh, about a year ago.  We tried saying hello to HHH, who was the first wrestler we saw, and he yelled at us, because he was apparently enthralled in some conversation w/ Chyna.  Then security fell upon us and threw us out.

   I would love to meet Mick Foley and Scott Hall

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Guest dreamer420

1. When did you start watching wrestling

- Around 1987

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

- Tommy Dreamer

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

- Bret Hart

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

- Hart Foundation

5. Favourite submission hold

- Sharpshooter

6. Favourite finisher (current)

- Five Star Frog Splash

7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

- Awesome Bomb

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?

- None

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

- Have A Nice Day by Mick Foley

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

- None

11. Favourite high-flying move?

- Shooting Star Press

12. Most overrated performer (current)

- Edge

13. Most overrated performer (all-time)

- Shawn Michaels

14. Best babyface (all-time)

- Bret Hart

15. Best heel (all-time)

-Bret Hart

16. Best promos (all-time)

- The Rock

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

- I like it all.

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

- Shawn Michaels

19. Your hometown/country?

- Campbell River, BC, Canada (great weed!)


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

- I have met Bret Hart, Arn Anderson, Koko B. Ware, Jimmy Hart, Brutus Beefcake, Hercules, Smash (no makeup which was weird), and almost anyone else on the roster in 1990 except for Hogan, Warrior, Rude, and Savage.

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Guest Ulf ist Gut

1. about 1990 i think, twas when i was about 6

2. Ulf Herman or Christian, their both wicked

3. Mr. Perfect (i marked out for him when he was a heel in '91 and i was 8-talk about smarking early)

4. Hart Foundation-the Anvil/Hitman one

5. Shamrock's Ankle Lock (complete with Face expression)

6. Vertabreaker

7. Perfectplex

8. Nope, who needs books when you have television

9. See 8

10. See 9

11. Tumbleweed

12. Edge or Jeff Hardy or Lita

13. The Rock

14. The Hurricane

15. The Hulkster-when that music hits, you can't help but mark out

16. The Rock-He sucks in the ring but he's so damn funny, especially with coach

17. I like both as long as they don't suck

18. Vince McMahon,Scott Hall or the Honky Tonk Man, they're all shits

19. Merry Old England

20. Ulf Herman several times, Adam South (more of an announcer, but still involved in wrestling) and Scottie Rock, all residents in The Frontier Wrestling Alliance, my local fed here in merry old England


ps. Ulf ist Gut

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

1. When did you start watching wrestling?


- 1989 or so


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)?


- The Rock


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)?


- Bret Hart


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)?


- Hart Foundation


5. Favourite submission hold?


- Ring post figure 4


6. Favourite finisher (current)?


- Pedigree?


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)?


- The flying elbow drop


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


- No


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book?


- Don't have one


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


- Not anymore. Used to get WOW and PWI


11. Favourite high-flying move?


- Flying elbow


12. Most overrated performer (current)?




13. Most overrated performer (all-time)?


- Hulk Hogan?


14. Best babyface (all-time)?


- Hulk Hogan


15. Best heel (all-time)?


- Ric Flair


16. Best promos (all-time)?


- Steve Austin


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


- Mostly wrestling


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)?


- Kevin Nash


19. Your hometown/country?


- San Francisco, CA



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


- I met Bret Hart, Mike Rotundo and Ted Dibiase. I'd like to meet Ric Flair or Mick Foley.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

1. When did you start watching wrestling

November 1990


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)



3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

Randy Savage


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)



5. Favourite submission hold

Dragon Sleeper


6. Favourite finisher (current)

Stone Cold Stunner


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

Flying Elbow


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?



9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

Mick Foley's First Book


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

WWF and Raw every once in a while


11. Favourite high-flying move?

Flying Elbow


12. Most overrated performer (current)

Jerry Lynn


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)

Dunno......all the people I really hated were never overrated. Everyone hated them.


14. Best babyface (all-time)



15. Best heel (all-time)



16. Best promos (all-time)

Arn Anderson


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?



18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

Duh....Vince McMahon


19. Your hometown/country?

Moore, OK, USA



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


Ted Dibiase

I'd like to meet Benoit

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Guest ])r. ])eath

First off.. What the fuck is a "smark?" If you consider yourself to be a "smart" you probably aren't one. Just because you read some shit on the internet, or hear about some backstage politics doesn't mean that you know a goddamn thing.


Anywho, welcome to the boards. I'm new as well, but I feel that my opinions & thoughts will come off as well received. Only time will tell I guess.


Onto the questions:


1. When did you start watching wrestling?


Well, I was 4 years old. It was in 1981.


2. Who's your favorite performer? (current)


Wrestling wise it would have to be Misawa or Steve Austin


3. Who's your favorite performer? (all-time)


Either Ric Flair or Barry Windom.

4. Favorite tag-team? (all-time)


I would have to say either the Dudley Boyz (ECW) or The Fabulous Freebirds (Gordy & Hayes)


5. Favorite submission hold?


That's a tough one. I would go with either the Figure-Four Leglock or the Dragon Sleeper.


6. Favorite finisher? (current)


I'm a mark for any bridging suplexes. Dragon suplex, Tiger Suplex, etc.


7. Favorite finisher? (all-time)


I was always fond of the "Western Lariat." Simple but effective. Tiger Suplex 85' & Tiger Driver 91' are both brutal as well.


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


What the fuck is a dirt sheet? Sounds like a waste of money to me. If it's free, sounds like a waste of inbox space.


9. What's your favorite wrestling-related book?


I was fond of Mic Foley's first auto-biography "Have a Nice Day." The shit that man has went through is phenominal.


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


Nope. My bedroom is covered with wrestling posters, most of which I got from a local Time Warner Cable Co. after the promotion for a certain PPV was over. Most could still go for $20 or more on Ebay.


11. Favorite high-flying move?


The Snuka Splash was good for it's time, but nowadays I would have to say the Shooting Star Press.


12. Most overrated performer (current)


Chris Benoit. He is damn good, and has done it all, but I don't see why everyone has to like him. I appreciate the fact that he can wrestle, but this isn't Japan. In the states a wrestler needs personality.


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. His finisher was a cross-body block, and he used 37 Japanese Arm-Drags per match. He was boring to me.


14. Best babyface (all-time)


It would be hard for anyone to say other than "Real American" Hulk Hogan.


15. Best heel (all-time)


It would be hard for anyone to say anything other than "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair.


16. Best promos (all-time)


Cactus Jack was simply amazing behind the mic. He truly did have me believing that he was a raving maniac.


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


I like both. Sometimes I wanna sit down & watch The Rock & Austin sing and sometimes I wanna watch a Liger Vs. Ultimo Dragon match. That is what a record button is for.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)


I don't know if I can answer this question. I don't really know wrestlers personally. "Cowboy" Bob Orton smashed my great aunt's hand back in the day, when she placed her hand on the mat. Back then, front row was right beside the ring though. I don't really want to base an opinion off of anything that I have heard or read, so I will just say N/A.


19. Your hometown/country?


Sweetwater, Texas USA (The same city that "The Widowmaker" Barry Windom is from.)


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


I have met several, although I didn't really think that it was that big of a deal. All men are created equal in my eyes, so just because they get TV time, don't mean that I will worship the ground that they walk on. I would like to meet Vince McMahon though. He has a very smart business eye, and could probably provide a lot of advice.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Eh, what the hell? I gots time to burn...


1. When did you start watching wrestling? 1986


2. Who's your favourite performer (current): tie - Chris Jericho/Steve Austin


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time): Ric Flair


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time): Bit tricky here, probably the Midnights


5. Favourite submission hold: Crippler Crossface/Sharpshooter/Liontamer/Dragon Sleeper


6. Favourite finisher (current): another tie- Stunner/Pedigree/Tombstone/Orange Crush


7. Favourite finisher (all-time): Vaderbomb


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones? None whatsoever.


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book: Have a Nice Day


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones? Used to buy WOW, but since PWI snapped them up, nothing anymore.


11. Favourite high-flying move? Moonsault/Frog Splash


12. Most overrated performer (current): used to be RVD, but I'd say Edge now


13. Most overrated performer (all-time): Kevin Nash and Scott Hall


14. Best babyface (all-time): Hogan


15. Best heel (all-time): Ric Flair, of course


16. Best promos (all-time): see 15 and add Steve Austin


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling? I like both, just don't like when the sports entertainment part is so overbearing(i.e. the ambulance part of the NWO beatdown of Rock)


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time): Kevin Nash


19. Your hometown/country? Dothan, AL/USA



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet? I've met Arn ANderson, Larry Zybsko, the Steiners, and a blond chap by the name of Stunning Steve Austin all at a WCW Saturday Night taping down here way back in 91.

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Guest Some Guy

1. When did you start watching wrestling

late 1988, I was 7

2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

Benoit, Angle, and Austin

3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

HBK, Flair, Hart

4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

Bulldogs, Hart Foundation

5. Favourite submission hold

Bret's Sharpshooter

6. Favourite finisher (current)


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

Spear/Jackhammer combo

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?


9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

Have a nice Day and Dynamite Kid's

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

Raw Magazine

11. Favourite high-flying move?

HBK and Savages' Elbow and Benoit's headbutt

12. Most overrated performer (current)


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


14. Best babyface (all-time)

Hulk Hogan

15. Best heel (all-time)

Flair, Piper

16. Best promos (all-time)

Flair, Rock, Piper, Austin, Foley

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

I like both but I'll take a bad match over a bad sports entertainment segment anyday.

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

Vince, Bischoff

19. Your hometown/country?

Boston, Mass


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

Jimmy Hart at Survivor Series 93.  He was signing autographs at the Garden.  If you can count that as meeting him.

I'd like to meet Flair

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

1. When did you start watching wrestling

TECHNICALLY, 1988. I was 2, but my entire family would sit down and watch the WWF. Even back then I was a fan of Piper, not Hogan.


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)

Rob Van Dam


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)

Shawn Michaels


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

Midnight Express (Lane and Eaton)


5. Favourite submission hold

Texas Cloverleaf


6. Favourite finisher (current)

The Godsmack (airplane spin into Stunner, used by The Messiah of XPW/CZW fame)


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

Kudo Driver/Vertebreaker


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?



9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

Mick Foley's Have A Nice Day!


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?

When WOW was still around, I bought that. I'll grab an occasional PWI now and then for fun.


11. Favourite high-flying move?

Corkscrew moonsault


12. Most overrated performer (current)

Chris Benoit (hey, I love the guy too, but he's not GOD like some people make him out to be)


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)



14. Best babyface (all-time)

Hmm...this is a hard one...I'm saying Sting


15. Best heel (all-time)

Ric Flair


16. Best promos (all-time)

Mick Foley


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

I like a balance. I don't JUST like watching the matches, because then they mean nothing more than an exhibition to me. I enjoy knowing the history leading into the matches so that I can enjoy the product more. That's one of the reasons I'm not a big puro fan, because they seem more adept on putting on a great in-ring product, and to me, the drama just isn't there.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)

Rob Black, hands-down


19. Your hometown/country?

Franklin, Massachusetts - USA



Good, my hands are getting tired...


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

I've met Mikey Whipwreck, and that's it. I wouldn't mind meeting:

DDP, Jake Roberts (although I'd be sure to keep my valuables hidden), Eiji Ezaki, Rob Van Dam, HHH, Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Mick Foley (oh, the stories), Hulk Hogan (admit it: you'd mark out if you met the man), Scott Hall, Austin

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Guest king_frisbee

Word... love this kinda shit...


1. When did you start watching wrestling

1986 or so...


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)



3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)



4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)

Hart Foundation


5. Favourite submission hold

Crippler Crossface


6. Favourite finisher (current)

Perfect Plex!!


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)

Love the Dragon suplex... tomokaze as well.


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?



9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book

Foleys first


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?



11. Favourite high-flying move?



12. Most overrated performer (current)

Lance Storm


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)



14. Best babyface (all-time)



15. Best heel (all-time)



16. Best promos (all-time)

Arn Anderson


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?

Why, the wrestling of course...


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)



19. Your hometown/country?

Halifax, Canada



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

I met kurgan exiting a corner store once... I think.

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

1. When did you start watching wrestling


1993, watched occasionally before that when I got the chance, but it wasn't until 1993 that I got to watch it on a regular basis, until a few years ago (stupid fucking swedish tv stations! )


2. Who's your favourite performer (current)


Out of those I've actually seen, Steve Austin and (even if he's injured) Chris Benoit.


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)


Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Dynamite Kid, Curt Hennig and probably Jushin Liger.


4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)


The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard).


5. Favourite submission hold


The Figure Four.


6. Favourite finisher (current)


Is Helms using the Vertebreaker again? If so, that.


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


Probably Randy Savage's Flying Elbow.


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?




9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book


Haven't read any.


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?




11. Favourite high-flying move?


No clue. Shooting Star Press perhaps.


12. Most overrated performer (current)


No clue.


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


Again, no clue.


14. Best babyface (all-time)


No clue.


15. Best heel (all-time)


I'll just wuss out and say Flair.


16. Best promos (all-time)


I don't really care THAT much about promos, but if I had to pick, probably Arn Anderson.


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


Actual (pro) wrestling.


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)


Jose Gonzales, no contest.


19. Your hometown/country?


Röbäck, Sweden




20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?


Nope, and I haven't really thought about it.

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Guest Anglesault

1. When did you start watching wrestling: I watched casually from 93-96 and really statred in late 96

2. Who's your favourite performer: Kurt Angle

3. Who's your favourite performer: Undertaker

4. Favourite tag-team: Edge and Christian

5. Favourite submission hold: Liontamer

6. Favourite finisher: Rock Bottom

7. Favourite finisher Tombstone

8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? N/A

9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book: The 2nd Foley Book

10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines: WWF Magazine

11. Favourite high-flying move:Savage Elbow

12. Most overrated performer: Mike Awesome

13. Most overrated performer: Jake Roberts

14. Best babyface: Hulk Hogan

15. Best heel: Ric Flair

16. Best promos: Ric Flair

17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling: 50/50

18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling: that Porno XPW guy

19. Your hometown/country: NY, USA


20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

No, Kurt Angle

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Guest Risk

1. When did you start watching wrestling


1988, I'm about to be seventeen.



2. Who's your favourite performer (current)


"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam


3. Who's your favourite performer (all-time)




4. Favourite tag-team (all-time)


The Dudley Boyz


5. Favourite submission hold




6. Favourite finisher (current)


Van Daminator


7. Favourite finisher (all-time)


Diamond Cutter


8. Do you subscribe to any dirtsheets? If so, which ones?




9. What's your favourite wrestling-related book


None, right now.


10. Do you buy any wrestling magazines? If so, which ones?


PWI, Wrestle America, Inside Wrestling.


11. Favourite high-flying move?


*****  Frog Splash


12. Most overrated performer (current)


Stephanie McMahon


13. Most overrated performer (all-time)


Stephanie McMahon


14. Best babyface (all-time)


Don't like the idea of faces.  Too campy.


15. Best heel (all-time)


Don't like the idea of heels.  Too campy.


16. Best promos (all-time)


Paul Heyman badmouthing McMahon on Smackdown!.


17. Do you prefer wrestling for the storylines/sports-entertainment aspect, or the actual wrestling?


70% wrestling, 30% storylines.  


18. Who's the biggest slimeball in wrestling (all-time)


Rob Black


19. Your hometown/country?


Birmingham, Al



20. Have you ever met any wrestlers? If not, who would you most like to meet?

None, Rob Van Dam or Jericho.

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