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Guest Choken One

Flea Market

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Guest Choken One

Anyone whose smart knows the greatest deals are at Flea Markets. It has a stigma of poorness to it but not anymore. Nowadays they are upgrade and classy. They sell Brand Name merch inside and people find great antquies and collectables outside. You spend 15 bucks for a Wrestling tape on the 'net....Pay 10 for 3 tapes here. They have food stands of all sorts.


Of course, I live not too far from the biggest Flea Market triangle in The midwest so I'm used to going every Weekend. People in Ohio know about Traders World, Ceasar's Creek and Turtle Creek.

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Guest razazteca

well thats all good if you live in or near the big city but I'm in a small town and the flea market still has the shifty rip off artist sell things like Playstation games on CD-r for $10.


to me the flea market still has that stigma of being a "Dirt Mall" as in the movie Mall Rats.


the best one I have been to was in the Dallas/Fort Worth area where you had to pay $5 for parking, I forgot the name of the place but it had a carnival feeling to it with funnel cakes and cotton candy stands everywhere. It also had a pet store that had some bizarre animals.

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Guest Choken One

That is a stigma and YES, I've seen a few of those. At the Market Trio, Parking is free or .75 cents a person and Kids (10 or under) are free. You've just have to find the good ones...

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Guest razazteca

the one in my town is convently located about 1 mile from the Mexican boarder. Has the good and the bad. There is the usual knock off name brand stuff and then there is the hidden treasures of comic books, VHS tapes, records, laser discs, 8 Tracks.


but really what is more fun than going to the big city to stare in awe at the 2 head snake.


the best flea markets are the indoor ones, I believe.

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Guest DerangedHermit

The flea market near me (Attias Flea Market, Sayville, NY) has 50% wigger-wear, 40% jewelry, 5% crappy T-shirts and 5% good stuff (like 2 card shops, and a magic tricks shop).

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Guest Youth N Asia

I like Flea Markets....


I got a Survivor 97 for $3...and a Sega Master System and 20+ games for $20...what's not to like.


Plus I get a lot of new sealed DVDs for $10...I just don't ask where the guy got em from :D

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Guest Karnage

I might find the ocassional goods, but most of the time all I see at the flea market is CD-R copies of Playstation games going at 10 bucks each, those "designer" clothing which consists of FU05BU and useless crap like outdated car decks.


Why do they call it a "flea" market anyways?

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Guest Daredevil21
Why do they call it a "flea" market anyways?


It goes back to the early days of outdoor sales. I read that it may have been the French (I can't remember for sure) that dubbed them flea markets because among much of the merchandise, were actual fleas. And no, I'm not making that up, I've got the book that I read it in around this joint somewhere.


While were discussing such things like flea markets, garage sales can occassionally be a good place to find some stuff. I went to a couple this morning, and even though it was one of the crappier outtings that I've had, I managed to pick up Blink 182's Enema of the State in perfect condition with case for a quarter. I already have it, but mine has been circulating around the house without the case for about 2 years now, so I figured I'd pick it up.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Gone to my local one once or twice to look around for random objects to buy. I like playing superdick in the knockoff areas and haggling for stuff I don't intend to buy. It's $5 for parking so I have to make the trip worth it when I go.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

I haven't been to a flea market since I was around 10, give or take a couple years.


The one I went to (it's still around, I believe) is along the highway somewhere north of Denver. Technically it's in the craphole known as Commerce City, I think.


I remember it being of decent size, with some good deals. But of course, there's your sub-standard knockoff and tacky/strange/worthless crap, that no one in their right mind should buy.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

If anyone knows of any good flea markets in/near the Hampton, VA area... let me know :)

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Guest NoCalMike

The flea market around here has the best fruits and vegetables and bread around, but I would never buy stuff like audio equipment because if it doesn't work, how the hell do you get a refund?

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Guest mesepher
The flea market around here has the best fruits and vegetables and bread around, but I would never buy stuff like audio equipment because if it doesn't work, how the hell do you get a refund?

ebay ;)

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Guest El Satanico

I also like Flea Markets, but i like the good and the bad ones. I just ignore the counterfeit clothes and shitty gold plated jewelry.


However i love odd or cheesy shit. I bought a 60's chrome foil christmas tree at one. Oh and a disco ball, some beer signs and some 12 inch star wars dolls. I usually don't buy anything but i love walking around looking at shit.

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Guest El Satanico
Of course, I live not too far from the biggest Flea Market triangle in The midwest so I'm used to going every Weekend. People in Ohio know about Traders World, Ceasar's Creek and Turtle Creek.

heh...I know all about Traders World and Ceasar's Creek. Traders World is a good flea market. Ceasar's Creek isn't as nice but there's still some good merchandise.

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Guest wwF1587

yeah but you wouldnt find a common dog or cat anywhere near the flea market

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