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Guest BifEverchad

The Upside Down American Flag avatar

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Guest Some Guy

I know, but we were talking about the northern territory, whatever you guys call it now.

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Guest Some Guy

I was closer than I thought. It used to be called the "Northern territory" before Nunavut was created, right?

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Guest CanadianChick

Close but no. It was called the Northwest Terriotories. Actually, the NW Territories were split in two and half of it remained NW Territories and the other half was named Nunavut.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

The indigeneous peoples who live in Nunavut have always lived there. It's not some Nazi ghetto job or something. And native americans live all over Canada, unfortunately some continue to let the government ghettoise them on reserves.

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Guest bob_barron

I could see people think it was a province but a providence??? Yeaaaaa that aint right

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Guest Just call me Dan
Funny none of those opinions have anything to do with WRESTLING, waht this board is mainly about.  So if you guys have didferent opinions totally on subjects that MATTER, you'll still be an alliance because you're from CANADA!  It just seems so kiddy to me, especially when the Team Canada angle has just been brought back on television.  Kind of un-original and pointless don't you think?


who asked YOU?


You're apart of a group here, and we are another group here. So fucking what.

I think you are missing my point by a mile. Being in a group normally consists of people who have like opinions joining together for a certain cause. Yours is that you like Canada. All you are doing is pushing buttons and trying to stir the pot when you should be having intelligent conversations and contributing to the board rather than standing up for your country.


What if I started a group and said "Only white males can join" Wouldn't that just be stupid and unnecessary and just cause un-needed trouble?


All I'm trying to say is that patriotism is good, but discrimination is ignorant. Start a group with meaning and that serves a purpose, not this half ass excuse for a stable.

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Guest Moleculo

"In theory, it's disrespectful, and breaks one of the five millions rules about how the American flag must be handled (along with the regulations about taking it down at sunset, folding it a specific way, not letting it touch the ground, etc) that were all invented in the 20th century."


Isn't the upside-down flag flown to represent distress?On Raw they made it a specific point that it was one of the reasons they put the flag upside down (the other being the "upside-down morals of America")


"I think you are missing my point by a mile. Being in a group normally consists of people who have like opinions joining together for a certain cause. Yours is that you like Canada. All you are doing is pushing buttons and trying to stir the pot when you should be having intelligent conversations and contributing to the board rather than standing up for your country."


Where are they "pushing buttons"?I didn't even see this faction around until 'Sault started the Anti-Canada thread (which was "stirring the pot").


"What if I started a group and said "Only white males can join" Wouldn't that just be stupid and unnecessary and just cause un-needed trouble"


There's a difference between racism and defending your country from 20-something year old trolls.The only trouble I've seen is the trouble that was caused by the upside-down flag avatar,which he apologized for.


"All I'm trying to say is that patriotism is good, but discrimination is ignorant. Start a group with meaning and that serves a purpose, not this half ass excuse for a stable"


It's not like they're shoving some "Canada's number 1, love it or leave it!" rhetoric or anything.I don't even see many posts where they talk about how much better Canada was than America,and how Americans suck, which would be discrimination.Also, what purpose do the "Underground Smarks" serve?

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Guest Just call me Dan
Where are they "pushing buttons"?I didn't even see this faction around until 'Sault started the Anti-Canada thread (which was "stirring the pot").


The whole basis of thier stable is that they are Canadian. This is equivalent to something to the extent of my example. Guys could start a stable because they are black, or guys could start one because they are male, it is pointless. I love my country, and if someone stomps on it I will defend it, but starting a group of Canadians serves no purpose. If your only common bond is that you are from the same country, your group serves no purpose on a discussion forum. No I don't agree with anglesault's calling out canadians, I think it is immature, but this group has no place on this board, in my opinion. I can't tell anyone waht to do, and I'm not trying to.


There's a difference between racism and defending your country from 20-something year old trolls.The only trouble I've seen is the trouble that was caused by the upside-down flag avatar,which he apologized for.


Yes there is, they aren't really being rascist, I never said that. If someone shits on my homeland I'd defend it too, and I'd expect everyone from there to do the same. But to try and start a stable based on the fact that you are Canadian on this discussion forum sereves no purpose, that is my point.


It's not like they're shoving some "Canada's number 1, love it or leave it!" rhetoric or anything.I don't even see many posts where they talk about how much better Canada was than America,and how Americans suck, which would be discrimination.Also, what purpose do the "Underground Smarks" serve?


One person said in this board they got together because Canadian beer is the best, hockey rules, etc. Ok, Why? What does that have to do with anything on a WRESTLING DISCUSSION FORUM? The Underground Smarks was a group started by a few people that consists of people who look on the bright side of things rather than act like trendy cynical smarks who just bash wrestling repeatedly. We became tired of hearing no praise anmd all bitching so we got together to express our opinions as a group because they were alike. A group that joined because we had something to discuss, a new point to put on the table. I, nor has anyone else said "Our group rules! You need to be one of us!" No, and our few peoplegetting together is no better than the Canadians getting together. All I am saying is that they have people who just say Go Canada and nothing else, and it is all irrelivant in a forum such as this. I have been to Canada and really enjoyed the beautiful company, but I'm not coming on this discussion board and kissing Canada's ass, I'm just trying to have good conversation. I love America, but that is beside the point of the board.

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Guest Some Guy
It's not like they're shoving some "Canada's number 1, love it or leave it!" rhetoric or anything.I don't even see many posts where they talk about how much better Canada was than America,and how Americans suck, which would be discrimination.

Uh, yes some of them where. The whole thing seemd to me to based of the false notion of Canaidian superioty over America. "Our heathcare is better, our cities are better, we have no racism, we have better beer" etc...


That along with teh up-side down flag got me started and I think everyone has calmed down and agreed to disagree, if they haven't then they shoudl go to Current Events and argue their case there where they'll find people who know more about the world than those in the NHB folder.

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Guest Cancer Marney

I really don't care what the hell people do with my flag. I love and respect it as a symbol of liberty and justice. You can burn it, wipe your ass with it, or both at the same time if you like. Couldn't give a damn. Someone pressed Ctrl+R in Paintbrush? Cry me a river. There are slightly more important things on my plate these days. Like say maybe protecting what the symbol stands for instead of the symbol itself.


That said, one of the funniest photographs I've ever seen was in the Times a few months ago, during Operation Infinite Justice. A "peace protester" in Pakistan was burning an American flag, and he accidentally set himself on fire in the process. Taken to a hospital with second degree burns over 70% of his body. I laughed myself silly.

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Guest Moleculo

"I have been to Canada and really enjoyed the beautiful company, but I'm not coming on this discussion board and kissing Canada's ass, I'm just trying to have good conversation. I love America, but that is beside the point of the board."


You do realize that the Canadians aren't just "kissing Canada's ass" and they do contribute to discussions,right?You act like all they do is talk about Canada.They have Canada-related stuff in their sig and they've talked about Canada only when they had to do it to explain something, or when it was brought up by someone else.

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Guest Just call me Dan

OK. Basically I'm saying this group's purpose is unnecessary, not all its members. There are a good many of them who contirbute to the board and are good postersm and then the other half just say hey! Canada rules!, and are associated with some of the elite of the board. I am saying this faction has no purpose, not that its members are idiots.


You have some like Kahran Ramsus in the same faction as some guy who just likes Canada, I doubt their opinions and great conversations are shared.

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Guest BifEverchad
OK. Basically I'm saying this group's purpose is unnecessary, not all its members. There are a good many of them who contirbute to the board and are good postersm and then the other half just say hey! Canada rules!, and are associated with some of the elite of the board. I am saying this faction has no purpose, not that its members are idiots.


You have some like Kahran Ramsus in the same faction as some guy who just likes Canada, I doubt their opinions and great conversations are shared.

Well, where do I fall in Mr. Dan?



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Guest Just call me Dan

Bif, from what I picked up on, you don't usually make any huge waves in the forum (heh, neither do I) and you are one who discusses topics sporatically and usually get straight to the point. People like you help us enjoy conversation here, but half your group does nothing. I just don't see the importance of being associated with people you share nothing in common with except where you hang your hat. I have no problem with you, I respcet you and your opinions, I just tried to argue your groups origins, and it may have gotten a bit out of hand. I hope this doesn't create any animosity between us because I hold nothing against you.

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Guest Gamengiri2002

As is now my job, I will chime in with the relevant George Carlin thought on the subject...


"I don't get all choked up about yellow ribbons and American Flags. I consider them symbols and I leave symbols to the symbol-minded."

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Guest Shaved Bear
I could see people think it was a province but a providence??? Yeaaaaa that aint right

yep, they thought he moved rhode island to canada, and vancouver was the new capital

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Guest BifEverchad
Bif, from what I picked up on, you don't usually make any huge waves in the forum (heh, neither do I) and you are one who discusses topics sporatically and usually get straight to the point. People like you help us enjoy conversation here, but half your group does nothing. I just don't see the importance of being associated with people you share nothing in common with except where you hang your hat. I have no problem with you, I respcet you and your opinions, I just tried to argue your groups origins, and it may have gotten a bit out of hand. I hope this doesn't create any animosity between us because I hold nothing against you.

Well, I hear what you're saying and it does makes some sense. The Canadian Alliance? Ok, its a smarksboard fictional group, no big deal. It's just a stupid gimmick like any other on this forum. No hard feelings here, I totally understand what you meant in your previous post.


*shakes hand and grins, thus teasing a swerve of Bif leaving the Alliance for the Underground Smarks*



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Guest evenflowDDT
There are a good many of them who contirbute to the board and are good posters...

Ahem... uhh... that includes me, right?

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Guest mach7

Pretty lame. What if you were just showing support for American records? That IS their logo afterall... It's not like you had "SUCK MY COCK, AMERICA!" written over the avatar... did you?! j/k ;)

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Guest BifEverchad
Pretty lame. What if you were just showing support for American records? That IS their logo afterall... It's not like you had "SUCK MY COCK, AMERICA!" written over the avatar... did you?! j/k ;)

that is true Mach...I love American records..


maybe I'll put it back up..


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