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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Triple H - The Game DVD

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

I'd like any feedback on the Triple H-Game DVD, the brand new one.


Should i get this mean bastard or what?


High/Low Points?




Taker mark

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
It has Flair v. Steamboat from WrestleWar 89- get it

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! Holy mother of crapulence...


...What's a Ric Flair match doing on a Triple H DVD anyway?....Who cares right? Is the match hidden at all?

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Guest TheDames7

I'm pretty sure thats why 90% of Smart Marks bought it....over at WWE headquarters they're probably thinking "Man, HHH is SO OVER" look at the DVD's he sold!



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Guest bob_barron

HHH probably thinks it's cause of one of the extras is the Test-SMH wedding.

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Guest Some Guy

The DVD is the typical wresler blowjob thing, a few HHH matches that no one cares about and then Flair vs. Steamboat. It is kind of funny hearing HHH explain why the "smart fans" dislike Steph and how she really is good at her job. I was siting there thinking, "Yeah buddy and you're drawing as a face, right?"

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Guest godthedog

i picked it up about a week ago. i'm in the middle of a rant on it, it should be up by tomorrow night.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i have it, but i only watched Flair Steamboat, what did he say about smartmarks?

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Guest razazteca

is the HHH vs Cactus Jack cage match on it from No Way Out or No Mercy....you know the PPV that is not on DVD.

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Guest TheDames7
is the HHH vs Cactus Jack cage match on it from No Way Out or No Mercy....you know the PPV that is not on DVD.

Its the Rumble 2000 one, thus a waste of an extra for me.



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Guest bob_barron

No Mercy 2000 nor No Way Out 2000 is on DVD.


The extra does have guest commentary from HHH and Coach

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Guest bob_barron


RAW IS LOVE (the wedding)

HHH v. Cactus- RR00

HHH's debut match

Flair v. Steamboat- WW89

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Guest Some Guy
i have it, but i only watched Flair Steamboat, what did he say about smartmarks?

He critized us for hating Steph. We are stupid because we think she is an annoying bitch and we don't want to watch her 48 times a show twice a week. We're stupid and she knows the business. I guess they forget the "It's all about what the fans want" line when it helps their argument.

I think it's kind of funny that HHH must know how many of us hate him right now if he knows that we all hate Steph, yet he and she do nothing to try to get better and just keep doing the same shit over and over again.

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Guest Shaved Bear

hmm he said that verbatim...


anyway, isnt she supposed to be hated

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

She is supposed to be hated. But she's not supposed to make me turn off the television. She has X-Pac heat.


'Sides. Smarks are different form marks (I know, obviously). Marks hate someone = oooh, I hope he gets his ass kicked". Smarks hate someone = *change the channel*


So anyway, I will pick up this DVD but only for, you guessed it, Flair/Steamboat. Is there really any other reason to get tripe like this?

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

But I've always hated HHH, so it's Flair/Steamboat or nothing. Plus I've never, EVER seen a Flair/Steamboat match. Never. I can't get anything before SummerSlam 91 at my video rental stores.

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Guest JaKyL25

I would also like to add that the DVD is especially worth it if you don't already have Rumble 2000 in DVD, since the match with Cactus is (IMO) the best match of either of their careers, and the best match of the last 5 years (In North America at least) period.

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Guest Si82
Extras -

HHH's debut match

Who does he face in the match and is it any good. Actually, if I were Triple H I wouldn't have wanted that match on the DVD 'cause it shows how roided up he is now. Back then he actually had a normal looking body instead of a over muscled one with a strange case of back ance.

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