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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

Promo: Sweet Vengance

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

The hotel room is quiet.


But the flickering sound of a TV being turned on snaps that silence in two, as Matt Myers leans back in the hotel bed. And why...he's just in time to see his match on the late-night replay of Smarks Junior Leauge Crimson.



"Jenkins backs off away from Thor respectively and waits for Thor to get back up. When he does Spike goes for a quick side kick but is denied by Thor, obviously too clever for the mortal. Jenkins then jumps and swings his other foot around, kicking Thor in the head with a sickening slap. Thor doesn’t go down but simply stumbles into the ropes. Jenkins instead of hitting another offensive maneuver, picks up his foot and looks in disgust at his white shoe, which is now spattered in Thor’s blood. He makes a disgusted face but puts his foot down to deal with it later.


As he looks back up Thor is charging right after him and takes him spinning to the mat with a huge clothesline. Thor sees his opportunity and goes for it he climbs the turnbuckles and turns around and points directly at Matt Myers, and he leaps off getting some big air as his elbow lands on Jenkins' sternum knocking what little breath he already had clear from his body. He throws his arm over him for the cover... except Myers is refusing to do it. This time its not a phony injury or a beautiful woman distracting him, he just flat out refuses to allow a victory to pass as is evident by him waving his finger at Thor.


Edwin: That dirty son of a bitch! I can’t believe he would refuse to do his duty like that. That is just flat out disrespect to me, and I will NOT stand for it *kkccchhk*


Edwin disconnects his headset and walks over to the ring.


Axis: What is MacPhisto doing King?


King: Hell if I know!


Edwin walks up to the ring and steps onto the ring apron. He spins Myers around and waves his arms frantically trying to somehow intimidate Matt. Myers thinks about it for a second or two and slaps the face of Eddie Mac with the fans in disbelief. Edwin’s head is knocked to the side but he quickly snaps it back into place and stares into the eyes of the man formerly called Poisyn. Thor is now up and also spins Myers around, his seven foot frame towering over the sWo originator. Thor tries to say something to Myers but he interjects with some other sort of trash talk.


Spike is just now getting to his knees as Thor and Myers are arguing and Thor turns to Jenkins and delivers a kick to the stomach while at the same time Myers turns around only to find that Edwin had hopped down from the ring, went to the announcers table and grabbed something. Just as Myers turns around Edwin steps up to the ring apron and spits some of his strawberry daiquiri in his face, mocking Myers’ own move, Your Poisyn. Myers barely recovers from being sprayed with the pink mist as Edwin MacPhisto grabs Myers by the head and drops himself downwards in a stunner-like move, pulling Matt’s throat against the ropes and sending him bouncing back into the ring.




King: Do you have to yell? I’m right here and I can tell you are excited by the urine stain on your pants rather than your incessant shrieking.


Edwin steps into the ring and takes off his coat and makes the cover for while Edwin was disposing of Myers, Thor hit the Ragnarok piledriver on Jenkins and went for the cover. Edwin gets down to the mat and makes the count.












"Still watching that show, Matt?" A voice booms behind him.


Myers turns around to see his girlfriend, Brianna Flynn, sitting on the bed next to him. Myers sighs


"I can't get it out of my mind. I was just having some...you know. Fun. Taking my time. You know me, Bria. You know my potential. I was getting in their heads. A little...warm up for what's to come for them. If there's a European Title shot down the line. Or maybe they'll strike gold and get the World Championship someday. You know what I mean. But...why does Edwin have to pry into everything I do?!" Myers says. Brianna walks over to Matt, as she puts her arms around him.


"Oh, babye...you know that I love ya..." Brianna says, "But sometimes, you gotta go against the head cheese. You gotta fight for what you belevie in. You gotta go on strike. Or something. Edwin dosen't like you. You don't like Edwin. Isn't there a union in the JL or soemthing?"


Myers smiles.


"Yeah, hun. It's called...the s...W...o."


--------------------- The Next Day ---------------------


Commissioner Edwin sits in his black, leather chair, russling though papers and video tapes alike of wrestlers hoping to get their big break in the JL. Edwin tries to match contracts to video tapes, papers to contracts, and so fourth. His World and Tag Team Championship sit on his desk, as their is a slight knock on the door.


"Oh, come in, boyo..." Edwin says, his eyes fixed on the papers.


The door slides open, as a man steps in.


"What can I do for you, Mr. Whoever you are," Edwin says, as he adjusts his glasses, his eyes still fixed on the papers and tapes on his desk.


"Goodday, Mr. MacPhisto..." The voice booms. Edwin jumps in his chair, as he finally looks up to see the face of Matt Myers. He gives a sour smile, as he puts the tapes and papers inside his desk, and then looks back up again. They meet eyes, as Edwin removes his glasses.


"Matt. What can I do for you old chap? How can I be of serivce, after I give you my heart-felt condolience for your leave to Japan, and then you turn your back on me and attack me from behind a few weeks later, revealing it was all a ruse. AND THEN. On Metal, you dare begin to play mind games with Thor and Spike Jenkins. I try to talk some sense into you, but you DARE SLAP ME IN THE FACE."


Myers does not speak.


"Do you REALLY have to make my life worse than it ALREADY IS?! I've got Wilson. The Magnificant 7. Thoth. Spider. By-Queen of England, THE CLAN! And don't forget Silent. Ah, yes, Silent. People say I'm afraid. But not one bit. Not at all! If he wants to play in the big leauge, he can play in the big leauge! I would like to see him bring it and--"


Edwin is cut off when Myers puts a single hand in front of Edwin's face. Edwin gives Myers a sour look, as he sits back in his chair. Matt pauses, as he begins pacing. He then quickly glances over to Edwin, who eyeballs him carefully. He walks over to the edge of the desk as he opens his mouth...




























Myers pushes the desk over on it's side, thankfully not on top of Edwin. Edwin looks in shock, as he looks back up at Myers. Myers gives Edwin a cold stare, as he speaks.


"If you DARE steal my move from me again. Let alone. Interfeir. In MY. Buisneus. The. Junior. Leauge...












Myers stares at Edwin, who has his mouth open wide. Myers then turns, as he opens the door and slams it shut.



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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Valid point, Sergeant S.


::smoosh:: Die, pretender to the throne!

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010
Valid point, Sergeant S.


::smoosh:: Die, pretender to the throne!

Nooo! Not the smooshage!

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Guest SupaTaft

(Y) at using my match for promoage.


That is all.




BTW Nice Promo.

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