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Guest humanoid92

Bret vs. Shawn


28 members have voted

  1. 1. Bret vs. Shawn

    • Bret Hart
    • Shawn Michaels

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Guest humanoid92

I'm just curious to see which is the more popular wrestler on this board. As far as I'm concerned, they're the two best wrestlers of the 90's hands down. I know most of you probably love both: after all they both contributed to countless classic matches. But when it comes down to it, I think everyone always had a clear-cut favorite between the two.


For example, I love Shawn Michaels. His initial heel character from '92-'94 is one of my favorites of all time. I love his ladder matches, his matches with Jannetty, his match with Jarrett, his match with Foley, the first Hell In A Cell, etc. I love his promos, I love his music, I love his ring attire. Everything about the guy in the ring is great. For six years (92-98) he was one of my favorite wrestlers to watch.


But that said, I've always been a "Bret guy". He's always been my absolute favorite and he always will be. I just lenjoyed his style more than any other. I loved watching him drag great matches out of anyone. I loved how he was a stand-up guy, the perennial babyface (until '97 of course). I was enamored with the auora of the Hart Family. His 1994 storyline with Owen will remain my favorite of all time... right alongside the Hart Foundation angle of '97.


I liked Shawn Michaels because he was one of the best wrestlers I'd ever seen. But whenever they wrestled against one another, I would be pulling completely for Bret. Shawn became a hated enemy. Growing up I respected both, but my friends and I always thought Bret was cooler (not just because he was a babyface either) and had better matches. Besides, at least from what I saw, it wasn't cool to like Shawn... he was always kind of affeminate (what with the hearts on the tights, the massive ego, long hair, and general fascination with himself). So I was always clearly a Bret fan above all else.


I'm sure for all of you there was a clear designation as well. Many love both of them but Shawn fans will complain that Bret matches weren't as exciting while Bret fans will argue about Shawn's attitude and ego.


So what I want to know is this- putting aside everything that's happened behind the scenes and after their retirements, not considering Bret's attitude since the screwjob, and ignoring Shawn's political games and general demeanor... in the mid 90's when they were both in their primes, when it came right down to it, which one was your favorite?


Were you a Bret guy or a Shawn guy?

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Hard choice when both were so influencial and gifted. Personally for me, Bret Hart was the very first wrestler, besides Hulk Hogan of course, that i knew about, and i have ALWAYS been a fan of his, where as ive gone on and off with Shawn Michaels.


I vote for the Hitman...now wheres BretHart4Ever, we need someone to sit here and vote for Bret 20 times.


The Taker-Mark, believe it or not i mark for the Undertaker

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Guest TheDames7

I've always been a Bret mark ever since his days of the Hart Foundation. I always prefered Bret's ringwork anyway, but Shawn's attitude backstage sealed the deal for me.



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Guest alfdogg

There is only one person I hate more than Shawn Michaels. And it's not Bret Hart.


That said, I'm sure you can guess who I voted for, and probably who the other guy is, too...

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Guest Ph34r Tha Leaf

Bret. I mark for technicians (ring crew 4 lyfe ;)) and good wrestlers.


Shawn was oookay.


Now judging by the Bret support, I doubt we'll see any HBKForevar guys for fear of flaming. Don't worry guys (all 2 of you) because I wouldn't mind hearing you too.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I think Shawn Michaels was much better. Bret was great, but Shawn could pull a **** match out of anyone when motivitaed. His matches were all more enjoyable, with Bret the technical bits at the start always bored me, fighting over wristlocks is overrated. Shawn's matches had better crowd heat too, and he was far more entertaining on the mic. Bret lacked charisma, but HBK was brimming with it, His promos we're usually good, and his heel stuff with DX was gold. Shawn was a better bumper, too. He did crazy bumps for the time.

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Guest bob_barron

Bret definetley-


Bret had classics- look at my top ten list- almost all Bret.


Plus HBK is a piece of shit.


Bret didn't have good promos or charisma??? Remember the Hart Foundation??

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Guest JaKyL25

Bret Hart is my favorite wrestler of all-time, dating back to Bret vs. Perfect at Summerslam '91.


Shawn is the second-best wrestler of the '90s WWF, easy, but while I respect his in-ring work, I will always at least dislike him personally.


So I vote for Bret.


I always thought it was kinda funny how, in '96, HBK had this career-defining year, with awesome matches vs. Owen, Bret, Diesel, Bulldog, Vader, Mankind, and even Sid! But then Bret comes back, and in his first match back has the MotY (In my opinion) vs. Austin at Survivor Series. :)

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Guest BionicRedneck
Bret was great, but Shawn could pull a **** match out of anyone when motivitaed.


and Bret couldn't?


HBK truly classic matches were usually gimmicks of some sort:V Razor (Ladder) Vs Taker (Cell) Vs Mankind (wasn't actually a gimmick match, but a lot tables,chairs ) etc. He was a very good performer. But, not as good a wrestler as Bret Hart.


Shawn's matches had better crowd heat too


hmmmm, not sure about that one either

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Guest Austin3164life

I recognize the fact that Bret was a better wrestler than Shawn but Shawn entertained me more and I looked forward to seeing him on television in the mid-90's. For some reason, I was never a Bret Hart fan. I think that's because I was an Austin mark in their feud which led to me actually hating him in 1996-97. But, I liked Shawn more because he was more flamboyant in the ring.

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Guest godthedog

i've watched hours & hours of bret hart and shawn michaels tapes, and i go back to the bret tapes a LOT more than the shawn tapes. shawn bumped better and did lots of high spots, but bret flat-out knew how to work a match. "oh, shawn got **** matches out of everybody!" the only talentless lug bret didn't get a **** match out of was sid. bret also got a ****1/2 to ***** match (depending on who you ask) out of a blown up & out-of-shape british bulldog by doing literally almost ALL the work.


shawn just didn't know how to pace a match like bret did. shawn seemed to feed a little on the crowd too much, a little too "oh we're losing they're attention, we need to do something big." bret could be patient and gradually draw the crowd in by proper pacing and timing, without having to do anything big. shawn made you root for him by bumping around and getting hurt a lot. bret made you root for him by knowing when to control the match and when not to, and by well-timed comebacks. shawn had a lot of great matches & did a lot of stuff no one had done before, but they weren't all that cerebral. the more cerebral match will always stand the test of time better than the more high spot-oriented match.

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