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Guest LatinoHeat

Hi all.

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Guest alfdogg



Don't become a HHHater, because that automatically makes you a troll.

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Guest Trivia247

I been watching since 86 So its good to see another "Oldtimer" as oppose too the New Generation Wrestling fans that cropped up in 98.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20



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Guest PlatypusFool

This should probly be in the General Chat folder, as it's not directly WWE related... just mentioning...

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Hello LatinoHeat...I am the freindly, neighbourhood Taker Mark


One and only, brotha

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Guest Trivia247
This should probly be in the General Chat folder, as it's not directly WWE related... just mentioning...

Geez a Newcomer wants to introduce himself and you have to rain on the parade? Geez do you just walk around with that 24/7 Attitude or do you just turn it on like some kind of charm?

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Guest geniusMoment

I don't want to be a dick. But I hope all new members don't start introducing themselves it will get annoying very fast

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Guest BionicRedneck



I think thats why it should be in general chat.


Hello, LatinoHeat. :D

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Guest Ph34r Tha Leaf
Geez a Newcomer wants to introduce himself and you have to rain on the parade?

Geaz geaz geaz...


He might not be a newcomer though. :huh:

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Guest Nezbyte


Don't become a HHHater, because that automatically makes you a troll.

Which is why you dont become a HHHater, PLUS it'll allow you to rack up a mean post count arguing with their mindless B/S.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Welcome to TSM, dude. Enjoy your stay, and don't try to be as cool as me because nobody is. :P B)

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Guest bob_barron

Hey Latino Heat-

Been a fan since 1991.


Resident Bulldog, Regal AND Dustin Rhodes mark

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Guest TheDames7


Its sad when '89 is considered Old School. I know too many fans that started watching in '98 with the Austin Explosion. There are very few of them who are interested in wrestling's past angles and matches too....



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Guest The Superstar

Yeah, I started watching in 1998, although it initially wasn't because of Austin. I just turned it on and saw what was supposed to be Taker vs. Kane vs. Mankind for the #1 contendership at Summerslam, but Undertaker wasn't in the match. Kane won, but unmasked himself and it was Undertaker! I was hooked from then on.

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Guest LexLugerRules



I have been watching since 1988.


Lex Luger is my all time favorite.

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Guest Some Guy
longtime wrestling fan here. been watching since the late 80's.

Go away, nobody likes you!


Actually I'll let you stay out of the goodness of my heart. Just don't ever disrepect me, I have comprimising pictures of the mods with various farm animals and little boys (That's why they call him "Dr. Tom") and as such I have a lot of stroke around here.



Uh..... yeah welcome to the board, dude.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Welcome to the board. Just don't flame anyone outside of the NHB folder and you'll do fine. BTW, if you're Canadian, you're automatically accepted into the Canadian Alliance. Just check out our thread in the General Chat folder. *thumbs up, cheap pop*

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Very nice signature, LatinoHeat.


I only started watching in 1996... Sometimes I feel really old while watching RAW with my best friend... because I actually watched Shawn Michaels wrestle. Heh. Oh, those were the days, weren't they?

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Guest y2jailbait

Hi, howz it going. Nice name, i cant believe that the name Latino Heat would still be available. Oh well, welcome!

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I started my wrestling watching during the mid 80's, but I stopped around 1993 or 1994 and didn't really startwatching again until 1997.

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