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Guest Oddy

Raw & Smackdown brands idea

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Guest Oddy

Ok, I have and idea. Basically I will control either the Raw or Smackdown, while somebody else controls the other brand.


Here are the rules:


- You can choose which brand you want to control, and I will have the other.

- You write one show each week, plus if you want the secondary show for your brand (Heat of Velocity) for your brand, which will be posted on this forum.

- Trades are possible but we each have to negotiate and agree them.

- 5 matches max each for ppv's.

- Both have the two champions on each show, and take it in turns to book him in a ppv match, a world or womens title change must be talked and agreed upon.

- I don't know about this bit, but mabye other people can decide the ratings for each show to determine which one is better.


I don't know if anyones interested. It just gives me something to do over the summer holdidays, and might be fun.


Reply if you want in.

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