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Guest chirs3

"Signs" Review

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Guest chirs3



Starring: Mel Gibson... and others...


Plot: Graham Hess (Gibson) lives on a farm with his two kids and his younger brother. His wife was killed six months ago in a car accident, and he renounced his faith and position as Reverend as a result.


One day, he wakes up... walks around... picks up socks off the floor-


*cue little girl scream*


He runs outside, and what does he find... but a crop circle. Or a few of them, really. His pretty corn field has been marred with strange symbols, circles with pointy things sticking out and everything. He tries to make sense of it, and concludes that some local ruffians are at it...


... the next night, he sees lights out over the field. He and his brother run out to chase down the hooligan... but the hooligan manages to outrun them, jump onto the roof, and dissapear without a trace... hmm...


Graham calls the cops over to his house, and during a session of questions, his daughter keeps bothering him about the TV Remote. Finally he says "Why don't you change the channel on the TV, if you can't find the remote?"


"I did, but the same show is on every channel."


Puzzled, they took a look and find every channel reporting Crop Circle appearances all over the world - 17 in India appeared in the last 72 hours.


From there, Graham's faith (what's left of it) is tested as weirder and weirder things begin happening in the community - strangers are sighted, animals are turning violent, UFO's are being seen...




The Good: M. Night Shyamalan knows how to scare the piss out of you so many ways, its not even funny. Acting was good all around, with a few sore spots and a few cut-above-the-rests. And they dive right into the story, no pointless/tedious buildup. As long as you're there for fun, you won't be dissapointed.


The Bad: Just like every other movie coming out nowadays...


1) Too much comic relief - a little was funny, and some was good because it was a tension reliever for the characters. But it got excessive.


2) Plotholes - Some of the most ridiculous ones I think I've ever seen. They dwarf Minority Report in their stupidity.


----- This section won't affect the score, these are personal things I didn't like. -----


A) No big surprise twist ending.


B ) They let you know too soon that it WAS aliens. About 30 minutes in, you know exactly what's going on. I think there should've been more "Is it a hoax? Is it real?" suspense.


----- End section that won't affect the score. -----


Overall: It's fun, it's scary, and it's kinda funny in some places. Not the most sound movie in terms of making sense, but just ignore that little fact, and you'll have a grand old time.


chirs3 gives "Signs" eight point two-five little green men (that aren't really little or green... tall and sort of aqua) out of ten.

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