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Guest Asplagis

The Great Hierarchy of Absolute Power I

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Guest Asplagis

So you think Triple H is calling the shots? That good ol' J.R. has Vince's ear?


Well folks, it's time you got acquainted with...


Wrestling's Great Hierarchy of Absolute Power


First up, wrestling started when ECW superstar Nova went back in time to invent it. He taught the Greeks how to roll around with each other and apply various painful holds in hopes of besting their opponent.


He also invented the punch, but that's another story...


Then came the time of great Darkness as the EVIL Overlord of Hell, a being known only as Antichristo, boasted : "ANTICHRISTO IS NUMBER ONE, NOT GOD, BUT MEEEEEEEEEE !!!!" Frightening words they were and, from out of nowhere, a masked figure appeared with a mighty chair, playing it like a musical instrument stranger than what any mortal mind could have ever conceived... Some dubbed it "chAIR guitar" - alas, they were quickly burned at a stake for their blasphemous words...


And so, the God Amongst Men known as La Parka came to fight the EVIL of Antichristo and bring justice to the world of mortals !


They fought for hundreds of nights under a moonlit sky, tearing the land asunder with each blow... Then, when all looked bleaked, like a mighty cylinder of ground meat, La Parka flipped through the air and struck down the EVIL Overlord.


But the EVIL Overlord would not be defeated so easily and promised to plague the world with Goblins and Demons the likes of which no mortal had ever seen !


First, the Orange Goblin, then the Yellow Goblin and, lastly, the third and most frightful creature, the Big Nosed Goblin.


They would ensure that chaos covered the land and build the Great Glass Ceiling of Fear in honour of their EVIL master...


From there, the lines were drawn and the True Shining Hierarchy would reign supreme...


OK, so let's see how it works out...


The Upper Echelon





Some explanations for now...


Goblin triad :


Orange Goblin aka Hulk Hogan - spawned Leslie the Bold

Yellow Goblin aka Kodoh Fuyuki - Spawned Jadoh & Gedoh

Big Nosed Goblin aka HHH - Spawned nothing, apparently likes anal sex though


Demon Spawn :


Ken the Box/MOKUJIN KEN~~~ - some guy in a cardboard tree-man suit


Bo/ald Heroes :


The Great Muta aka Will blow mysterious Green Mist in your face and bleed all over your mat !

Demolition Smash aka Will kick your stinkin' teeth in the name of the Communist Party !

Kendo Nagasaki aka Will beat up students with watermelons and bottles for food !


Indy Sleaze King :

Super Delfin aka Senor Perfecto aka some guy who hires wrestling clowns and stuff !


They represent a higher order of beings, they are beyond mere mortals... Yet, this is merely the skeleton of a much bigger and fearsome hierarchy that reaches everywhere, even in CZW !


Next up, we see the Earthly Realm in more detail...

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