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Guest the incomparable

favorite wrestlers timeline

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Guest the incomparable

I started watching the WWF regularly in 1991 somewhere between Wrestle Mania 7 and Summer Slam. I immediately became a Bret Hart fan. I was 11 and I thought the flying skull / heart combo was pretty cool, and his great wrestling skills were pretty obvious. In 1996 when he lost the title to HBK I was pissed when he took the extended vacation and stopped watching for a brief point. When he returned at Survivor Series I was excited, but his run in 1997 changed my outlook on him for reasons I can't put my finger on. Bret started to fall out of favor with me, and the Montreal incident was the death nail, as I couldn't care less about WCW and wouldn't follow him there.


Right before Bret left, Mick Foley became my favorite wrestler. The alter egos angle really cemented Mick as my fav and his Hardcore style was something had always entertained me. From late 1997 to late 1999 Mick was my favorite. When he started to get really out of shape, and the rumors of his retirement were starting to sound serious, I switched favoritism from him to Chris Jericho.


When I heard that Jericho was leaving WCW for WWF I was really happy because I liked his work in WCW, but simply didn't watch enough of WCW to see him regularly. When he debuted in August 1999 I knew he had the potential to be huge in the WWF. I still rooted for Foley, especially when Cactus Jack returned in early 2000, but Jericho was at the top of my list, and he has been ever since.


So basically I have had 3 favorite wrestlers in 11 years. Obviously I like others, but you can only have 1 favorite. I am interested to hear what other people's favorite wrestlers timelines are. If this topic is really lame or has been done before I apologize, I am new. That is all.

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Guest bob_barron

I've always been a Davey Boy fan but with his death my new favourite is Regal

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

When I was a kid...my favorite wrestler was the Junk Yard Dog.


Then it became the Ultimate Warrior.


Then it was "Stunning" Steve Austin.


Austin held the title until he won the WWF title...5 days later I sat front row when RVD beat Bam Bam Bigelow for the ECW TV title...and RVD took the spot.


RVD continued to hold the spot until last Wednesday.


The Truth is now my favorite wrestler after his awe inspiring promo with Ricky Steamboat last week.

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Guest Austin3164life

I became hooked with the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase at WM 4 when his music played. His cocky swagger and deep and ruthless voice made for the perfect heel. Oh, and he could wrestle too. He was my favorite back in the day.


Then one day in June of 1996 I ordered KOTR. I saw some baldheaded guy by the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin beat the shit out of Marc Mero, and got pops for it. He also destoryed Jake the Joke Roberts to become that year's King. His coronation speech made me hooked on the man.

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Guest papacita

When 1st started watching in 91, all of my friends were on Warrior, and I jumped on the bandwagon.


After Warrior left in 92, Mr. Perfect became my favorite. When he turned heel @ Wrestlemania X, he was the 1st heel I actually cheered for (even though he didn't wrestle again until his WCW run)


After Rumble 95, I became an HBK fan...he didn't become my favorite until his face turn in May. Remained my favorite until retirement, and I'd say he's my all time fav.


I got hooked on Chyna through her association with Michaels in DX. After HBK left, she became my favorite. I really don't know why she became my favorite...although some people suspect that that big ass crush I have on her may have a bit to do with it. **shrugs**


Tazz: I pretty much mark for every ECW guy that comes through the WWF, and it pissed me off that he always lost. I wanted Tazz to win so badly that whenever he did, I'd legitimately mark out (I actually injured my leg last year jumping into the air after Tazz pinned Christian in a Tag Match, lol).



Right now, I'm torn between Booker T and Jericho. I pretty much always liked Booker since Harlem Heat, but he really became my fav last year during the Alliance angle. As for Chris, he was the ONLY reason I watched WCW in 98, and I liked him early in his WWF run...until they turned him and put him with Chyna (don't even ask). I REALLY wanted them to turn him heel and put him with Stephanie @ Summerslam 2000, and when they didn't, I got pissed. Now that he's heel again, Chris is back up there with my favorites...it's real close between he and Booker.

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Guest JHawk

Bear in mind that I was 7 at the time, but my first favorite was Hogan.


Then 1989 came along and I became a huge Ric Flair mark. Flair still counts as my all-time favorite but RVD is a very close second

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Guest Hitman Jebus

As you will see, even as a mark, I cared for workrate:


1988 to 1994 - Randy Savage

(I didn't watch wrestling religiously until 93 (WM9 and on) when I turned 10...

In 88 (age 5), I got 3 WWF watches (Savage, DiBiase, and Hogan) and they were the only wrestlers I knew with the Ultimate Warrior until 93...I only saw one Savage match with my cousin who was a big wrestling fan...his favorite became my favorite...I looked up to my cousin)


1994 to 1995 - Davey Boy Smith

(Savage had stopped wrestling and Bulldog just came back to the WWF...Seeing him for the first time, I loved him instantly)


1995 to 1997 - Shawn Michaels

(Bulldog took a backseat (3rd) to the newly-turned face HBK with Bret always close at 2nd...Bret has been 2nd since 93)


1997 to 1999 - Owen Hart

(I always liked Owen as I was secretly rooting for him against Bret in his feud...I jumped for joy after Owen beat Bret at WM10 and my friends looked at me like I was weird...Owen was the first heel I liked...I loved the whiny brat character, it was very entertaining and he was an AWESOME wrestler...In 97, the Hart Foundation was formed and my favorites became Owen (1), Bret (2), Bulldog (3) with HBK now 4th...Owen stayed my favorite wrestler until his death...Anyway, he is still my favorite of all-time!!!)


1999 to 2000 - Bret Hart

(with his brothers death, Bret finally went to Number 1 until his retirement)


2000 to Today -

Wrestling-wise: Chris Benoit (for being the best wrestler inside the ring today...there's nobody I enjoy more seeing wrestle than Benoit)


Overall: Ric Flair (simply for what he has done in wrestling for the past 20 years...RESPECT)


All Time Faves:

1- Owen Hart

2- Bret Hart

3- Shawn Michaels

4- Ric Flair

5- Benoit / Davey Boy

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Guest razazteca

84 Hogan didnt know any better, lost interest and gave up wrestling a few months after discovering how taking vitamins, saying prayers, and being nice results in being bald and boring


88 Road Warriors, TBS cable tv saved the day...face paint rules


89 Sting face paint mark again, plus Clash of Champions match


96 Rey Misterio, the mystery of the mask, he could fly


97 Chris Jericho, Yeah Baby!!!!! loop holes in the WCW rule book was funny


98 Mankind very scary and misunderstood, best brawler ever


1999 Super Crazy, ECW ECW ECW the matches against Tajeri were very entertaining


2000 Beniot vs Jericho vs Angle was good PPV


2002 Dr Wagner Jr and Shocker, new cable channel new wrestling to mark out for 1000% guapos

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Guest Strike Force!

As you'll see by my list, I never have cared nor will I ever care about workrate: :P


Mr. Wrestling II

THe Von Erichs

Hulk Hogan

Ted DiBiase

Steve Dr. Death Williams

Gentleman Chris Adams

Arn Anderson...


And then after that, I never had one. I just watch.

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Guest saturnmark4life

my favourite wrestler as a kid was crush, when i got into wrestling around 92/93. Don't ask. I LOVED diesel as well, when he showed up. Then i sorta stopped watching wrestling for quite a while, and when i got back into it (as a result of the foley cage dive) he was my favourite, and of course austin was damn good. I also loved the entire JOB squad. Then i stuck with foley throughout 99 and early 2000 till he retired. I really liked Al snow and Tazz too. And big show. Yes, i still like big show. everyone was really good in 2000, though triple h was starting to piss me off cos he always had the title. I really liked Albert as well, and thought T&A could have actually been good given the chance. Gotta mention E&C cos they were great as well. 2001 was ALL AUSTIN, BABY. Especially throughout the inVasion. Then of course kurt ruled, and booker showed up. Saturn at this point was killed everyone on his Jakked Path Of Rage, including a memorable feud with funaki, culminating in One Of The Best Hest Matches Ever. So he was, and is my favourite, and he joins my current faves booker, benoit, angle, jericho (who i didn't like till his feud with rocky) and guerrero.

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Guest GeneMean





Then I quit watching after Flair dropped the belt to Savage


Started watching again (MN wars)


Jericho cw-era/Austin .. It depended on who was on the air live at the time.


Jericho again

Kurt Angle

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Guest Grenouille

1987-1993 Hogan :rolleyes:


1994-1995 HBK


1996-2000 Austin


2000-Now Various Puro wrestlers. It seems as though it changes daily.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

1988-1990: Brutus the Barber Beefcake (shut up!)


1991-1992: No one.


1992-1996: Bret Hart


Survivor Series 1996: Psycho Sid (Everyone marked for Sid during his match with Shawn.)


SS 96-Survivor Series 97: Bret Hart


1997-1998: Steve Austin


1998-2000: The Rock


2000-Now: Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle

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Guest kingkamala

94-96- Razor Ramon

96-98 -Shawn Michaels


00-Sid(Flame away)

01-Booker T

02- RVD

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Guest Si82

When I started watching wrestling back in 1990 Hulk Hogan was my favourite wrestler. After he left it was Bret Hart and when he returned it was Hogan again. After Hogan left the then WWF in 1993 I became a Razor Ramon fan untill he left the WWF in 1996. After that it was Steve Austin. Now with Steve Austin having left (for the time being) my favourite wrestler is Booker T. I just hope they give the guy a push. So that's 5 wrestlers in 12 years.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Around 1986-91 - Hulk Hogan, and, for a short time, Rick Rude.

1992 - Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels

1993 - Scott Steiner, Adam Bomb, Johnny B. Badd, Rick Rude.

1994 - Maxx Payne & Cactus Jack, Alex Wright, and Jean-Paul Levesque(no, really.)

1995-1998 - Raven, Stevie, Al Snow, Chris Jericho.

1999-2001 - Kaientai

2001 - present - Tajiri, Hurricane, with Chris Nowinski coming up a close third, as of late.

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Guest Bricks

1988-1991: Ultimate Warrior

1991-1992: Bret Hart

1992-1997: Shawn Michaels

1997: Steve Austin

1998-Present: The Rock


And to be honest, I'm one of the few who liked Rocky Maivia for reasons I still have no idea why! So I've liked him throughout his whole WWF career.

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Guest humanoid92

1991-1997: Bret Hart

1997-1999: Owen Hart

1999: Jeff Jarrett

2000-Present: Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Overall All-Time Favorites:


1) Bret

2) Owen

3) Jarrett

4) Jericho

5) Michaels

6) Flair

7) Savage

8) Benoit

9) Malenko

10) Steamboat

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Guest papacita
And to be honest, I'm one of the few who liked Rocky Maivia for reasons I still have no idea why! So I've liked him throughout his whole WWF career.


You're not alone.

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Guest imajackoff?

86-92 Jake Roberts.

I think the fact that he's a raging crackhead today causes alot of people to forget how good he was. The guy was GOLD with a mic in his hand.


92-96 I didnt watch much during this time period. I was glad that Bret Hart was the champ though.


96-98 Austin

The Canada/US feud got me back into wrestling.


98-01 Foley



There's a three way for my fav right now between Angle, Booker and Jericho. If I had to pick one Id probably pick Angle.

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Guest Nevermortal

89-92 = Hogan


92-96 = Bret Hart


97-2000 = Steve Austin/Foley


2000-Present = Chris Benoit

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Guest BigTim2002



1988-When I first watched wrestling, it was Hogan

1989-Still Hogan, but Savage and Demolition grew on me.

1990-STING! Brain Pillman, THE GREAT MUTA~! and Mr. Perfect. At this time they went over the whole Feud of 89 between Flair and Funk, so right then I was kicking some major ass with them as well.

1991-OK. I was still somebody who loved The Rockers at this time.

1992-Bret Hart, hands down, and then Jushin Thunder Lyger, and damn right if I was mad at the fact I only saw him on TV twice

1993-Ric Flair (WWF) style, The Undertaker was cool as hell, and at this point, I really hated Hogan...and Ricky Steamboat's return made me cry.

1994-Vader, and then after Hogan came in, Hogan, since he could kinda wrestle at this point. OWEN ruled mucho

1995-Razor Ramon, Dean Douglas (WHAT?)


OK. I'm officially a smark now.


1996-Chris Muthafuckin Benoit, Eddy G, Deano-The Holy Trinity

1997-Steve Austin, The whole Candian Angle, All the Luchadors. FUCK MONTREAL, VINCE.

1998-Get ready for this one...Sting...it was the fact that he had a new gimmick. Trust me, it was done after a while, but it was still OK, and DX.

1999-Bret Hart/Benoit match (Thank you guys), and The Hardys and Edge and Christian just blew me away at that point.

2000-Ah yes, when WCW was on it's way down, ECW was on TV, and the WWF was on top. RVD, Booker T, Austin, Benoit,Rocky, Jericho, HHH, in that order.

2001-All about RVD, and Kurt Angle.

Now-Angle, RVD, Rey, CENA~!, Low Ki, Chris Daniels, and if we head to the far east, MISAWA, KAWADA, AKIYAMA, Kobashi (only saw his last match against Akiyama), Marufuji, MPro, Minoru, and without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite guy over there RIGHT NOW...is Yuji Nagata.



1) Bret Hart

2) Mick Foley (reason I didn't put him on any lists? Cuz I didn't wanna go over how much I fucking loved him)

3) Ric Flair

4) Ricky Steamboat

5) The Great Muta (pre-nWo)


Japan All-Timers

1) Lyger

2) Kawada

3) Misawa

4) Akiyama

5) Nagata

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