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Guest BoboBrazil

Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest BoboBrazil

Kurt Angle vs John Cena:


Angle starts the match in a fireman's carry into an armbar lock. Cena knocks down Angle with a punch to the mouth in an irish-whip attempt. Angle locks in a side headlock, leading to a shoulder takedown. Angle starts getting frustrated and Cena clothesline's him right down again. Both men continue to exchange good moves and all. In the end, Kurt Angle gets DQ'd when Chris Benoit came into ring and gives Cena the Crippler Crossface. Afterwards, Rey Mysterio comes down and hurricanrana's Benoit out of the ring. Rey calls out Benoit to get back in but Eddie Guerrero comes in from behind and knocks down Rey and gives him the spinning tiltawhile-into-a-backbreaker. Finally, Edge comes out and clears the ring of Guerrero.


Winner VIA DQ - John Cena


Dvon with Batista vs Mark Henry:


Mark begins the match with power offensive moves. Mark drops his head across D-Von's head as he was in the middle rope. D-Von comes back with a clothesline and a diving punch and slugs away. Mark Henry quickly regains control and gives D-Von a face-first drop. Mark gives D-Von a running powerslam and gets the 1-2-3. After the match, Batista attacks Mark. D-Von goes to the top rope but before D-Von could do anything, Rikishi come out and slams D-Von down and knocks Batista out of the ring. Rikishi calls out Batista and D-Von allows Batista to get in the ring with Rikishi. This starts an imprompt due match.


Winner VIA Pinfall - Mark Henry


Rikishi vs Batista:


Rikishi started the match with several punches until Batisita overwhelmes him and pumbles him down. Batista locks in a reverse chinlock on Rikishi until Rikishi fights outta it. Rikishi kicks Batista in the gut and follows up with a DDT. Rikishi drills a savate kick on Batista to get the 1-2-3. Despite D-Von's attempt at aid, it backfired on him. After the match, D-Von and Batista stared each other down.


Winner VIA Pinfall - Rikishi


Brock goes into Hogan's lockerroom despite Paul Heyman's strong advisements not too. Both Hogan and Brock talk about being young and the WWE title. Brock wanted to know if Hogan still wanted to go through with it and Hogan was all for it. After the conversation between Brock and Hogan ended, Paul kept insisting to Brock not screw with Hogan because he's overcome so much. Brock then claimed that Paul is losing confidence in him. Paul is left a confused wreck.


After that, Torrie Wilson and Nidia have an unknown scuffle in the back. Jamie Noble is trying to separate Torrie from Nidia and Nidia is trying fight back. Billy Kidman comes along and goes after Jamie Noble until everybody gets separated by the refs.


Chuck and Billy vs Hurricane and Shannon Moore:


Great tag action in this match. As Billy and Chuck was gonna hit their Code Red top rope clothesline on Moore, Moore rolls up Chuck while Billy missed and got an upset 1-2-3.


Winners VIA Pinfall - Shannon Moore, Hurricane Helms



Paul goes into Steph's office and then Steph asks him if he's seen Dawn Marie and Paul says he hasn't. Paul tries to talk about the Brock/Hogan stirpot incident where Brock put his title shot against The Rock up at SummerSlam. Steph said it was a great idea where it could be a possible Rock vs. Hogan Pt. II. Steph congradulated Heyman for it. However the real reason for Paul's being in Steph's office never came out. Steph then asked Paul to get Dawn Marie for him. Paul then tells Steph that she's becoming more like her father everyday.


Edge, John Cena, Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit:


John Cena gets dominated throughout most of the entire match. After several minutes of punishment from Eddie and Benoit, Edge gets tagged in. Edge cleans house with Benoit, Guerrero and Angle. Edge spears Angle but Edge gets German'd by Benoit. Eddie drops Rey in the brainbuster. Cena hits Eddie with the spinning inverted powerbomb. Angle comes back in and gives Cena the Olympic Slam. Rey comes back and gives Angle the 6-1-9 spinning leg sweep on the ropes to Angle and follows up with the West Coast Pop Springboard Hurricanrana to get the 1-2-3 on Angle. After the match, Angle is very mad but doesn't attack Eddie or Benoit.


Winners VIA Pinfall - Rey Mysterio, Edge, John Cena


Noble and Nidia vs Torrie and Kidman:


Torrie comes in straight after Nidia, but Kidman holds back Torrie and Noble holds back Nidia. Noble and Kidman begin the match with Noble getting the upper hand. Kidman comes back with a head scissors. Kidman hits a sitout powerbomb, Nidia breaks up the count and Kidman stops Nidia by pulling her shorts and Nidia slaps him and Noble comes up from behind but knocks down Nidia instead. Torrie and Kidman get Nidia at their mercy and Torrie spanks her BUTT. Noble attacks Kidman and Nidia rolls up Torrie to get the 1-2-3.


Winners VIA Pinfall - Nidia, Jamie Noble


Hogan vs Brock Lesnar:


Brock and Hogan lockup and Brock shoves down Hogan and Brock gets very cocky. As the match progresses, Brock remains in control a reverse chinlock but Hogan comes back up each time. Brock crotches Hogan between the steel post and maintains control of the match. Hogan Hulks Up and hits the 3 slams and the Big Boot, Hogan drops the leg but Lesnar kicks out. Hogan gives Brock the Big Boot again but Paul Heyman interferes. Brock gives Hogan the F-5 and then wastes time making the cover on Hogan, instead he locks Hogan in a side bearhug and Hogan bleeds from the mouth and eventually passes out. The ref checks Hogan's right arm and it drops 3 times. Brock prevails. After the match, Brock gets a chair and levels Hogan with it and is busted wide open. Brock and Paul then gloat over the victory and warns The Rock in Australia that his blood will be in Brock's hands at SummerSlam. Brock takes some of Hogan's blood and smears it on his chest like a badge of honor.


Winner VIA Submission - Brock Lesnar




Hogan is assisted by paramedics, wiping the blood off his forehead, Hogan eventually pulls himself to his feet and gets a pop from the crowd. Hogan steps outta the ring on his own two feet and leaves the arena with a lot of disbelief on his face. He seemed legitimately upset over his loss tonight. The show ends after he goes through the curtain.








I can't believe they jobbed Batista to fucking Rikishi and jobbed Angle to Rey Mysterio Jr. Brock beating Hogan by submission made Angle's win by submission meaningless as well.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

God that first match sounds stupid.


Well, maybe its because Cena is a joke, and my disdain for Edge and anger from Benoit being separated from RVD is getting the best of me, but... still....


Go Kurt!

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Guest BoboBrazil

That first match sounds like the only good thing on the show so far. I guess different strokes for different folks.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Well to me, my head just screams "Fuck John Cena. Fuck Edge. Why is Benoit bothering with this shit and NOT RVD?"

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Guest Chuck Woolery

How the hell are these SmackDown spoilers? It's Sunday... maybe I'm dumb... or is this a hosue show? Blah. Someone answer.


- Mike Van Siclen.


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Guest The Superstar

The writers can't wait...can they? They're already doing the D-Von/Batista split. and no one will care, because they didn't let them get heat (or win matches)

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Guest The Superstar

VanSiclen...they're going to Austrailia for the Global Warning show so they're taping them ahead of time. I'm guessing they won't give anything away from RAW.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

yea im not understanding how the spoilers are happening now either.. but i guess im a tard :(

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Oh My god! Did I just see that future talent with an excellent look Bautista , job to that fucking fat thong wearing samoan who's been stale for two years!?

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Guest Will Scarlet

Smackdown sounds quite bad so far. Rikishi beating Batista? Mark Henry beating D-Von? Why? At least you could have jobbed Batista to someone who could use a win over a monster like Batista. About the only result I am pleased with is Shannon Moore and Hurricane winning over Billy & Chuck because I like Moore and Hurricane, and have enjoyed their matches with Billy & Chuck so far. Hopefully, this Smackdown will improve.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Why is Rikishi still on TV? He's becoming my least favorite wrestler of all time. Did you see it when JR said they were planning on giving Rikishi more TV time in the Ross Report a few weeks back? We can only hope this ends in failure like all the other two-week pushes. Do the WWE randomly pick shit wrestlers out of a hat to push for fun or something?

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor



John Cena gets dominated throughout most of the entire match. After several minutes of punishment from Eddie and Benoit, Edge gets tagged in. Edge cleans house with Benoit, Guerrero and Angle. Edge spears Angle but Edge gets German'd by Benoit. Eddie drops Rey in the brainbuster. Cena hits Eddie with the spinning inverted powerbomb. Angle comes back in and gives Cena the Olympic Slam. Rey comes back and gives Angle the 6-1-9 spinning leg sweep on the ropes to Angle and follows up with the West Coast Pop Springboard Hurricanrana to get the 1-2-3 on Angle. After the match, Angle is very mad but doesn't attack Eddie or Benoit.


Winners VIA Pinfall - Rey Mysterio, Edge, John Cena

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Guest BoboBrazil

I can't believe they gave Rey Mysterio a pin on Angle. That is incredible.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Is it just me, or does John Cena suck? He's boring in the ring, aswell as on the mic, he has the most generic music ever. There's nothing special about him, really.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

So, let's see:

--Mike Awesome jobs to Farooq last Velocity, and to ***SPOILER*** Bull Buchanan this coming Velocity


--D-Von jobs to Mark Henry


--Batista jobs to Rikishi


WTF? Why is Farooq beating anybody? Why is Mark Henry beating anybody? Batista's got an awesome look & looks like a legit bad-ass, so he's jobbing to a fat guy in a thong who dances & shoves his ass in other men's faces. And although the Reverend gimmick is kinda lame, I think it could have worked if handled correctly (namely, D-Von preaching & Batista destroying the "heathens/non-believers"). It just makes you wonder ::shakes head::


At least C&B vs. Helms/Moore looks good, based on their previous matches.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Is it just me, or does John Cena suck? He's boring in the ring, aswell as on the mic, he has the most generic music ever. There's nothing special about him, really.

Yep. In fact, I wrote this in the Heat thread:


Is it me, or do many of the WWE guys up from OVW still look green? Benjamin, Orton, Cena, Brock (to a lesser extent). In fact, I would go as far to say that the young WCW guys who came in, who were supposedly "too green" for TV (O'Haire, Knoble, Moore, Sanders, Jett), looked better at that point than the OVW guys do now

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I've been mostly dissapointed with the new guys, especially after how they were pimped in the hoss report. I think Bautista had the best chance out of all of them, though.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So far...this SD! is unfucking beleivably bad.


Awesome jobs for the third time on Velocity?


Why bother putting him on TV and lose? HE can't give the rub to any of the people who beat him...since he was never treated as anything before he got hurt.


Cena sucks.


Batista jobbing to Rikishi?



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Guest The Czech Republic

Obviously not a must-see Smackdown.


Though I would mark out if Bischoff starts reading off the results of the show making little comments like "Rikishi beats Batista...and you know, that's gonna do wodner's for Rikishi's career." "Rey, Edge, and John Cena beat Angle, Eddy, and Benoit. And you know, guys, it's a really good thing you jumped ship, seeing how McMahon jobbed you all out the first time you tried getting away from Uncle Eric." and then finish with "And do I know what happens on Thursday because I'm a psychic? No, I just know that Stephanie is a tight-wad just like her old man, and you count on Easy E to bring you quality LIVE television."

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

And Angle jobs again?


Man...he did the JOB at the PPV because god forbid Taker lose his own title.


Then he can't beat Mark Henry or Hulk Hogan.


Then he gets beat this week.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I like Bautista, too. He really hasn't had much in-ring time since his call up, so it's kinda hard to make much of a judgment.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Who cares what he was like in the ring? If they allowed him to work stiff, he could of gotten incredibly over.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

SmackDown! Match #6 - Jamie Noble, Nidia vs. BIlly Kidman, Torrie Wilson




Torrie comes in straight after Nidia, but Kidman holds back Torrie and Noble holds back Nidia. Noble and Kidman begin the match with Noble getting the upper hand. Kidman comes back with a head scissors. Kidman hits a sitout powerbomb, Nidia breaks up the count and Kidman stops Nidia by pulling her shorts and Nidia slaps him and Noble comes up from behind but knocks down Nidia instead. Torrie and Kidman get Nidia at their mercy and Torrie spanks her BUTT. Noble attacks Kidman and Nidia rolls up Torrie to get the 1-2-3.


Winners VIA Pinfall - Nidia, Jamie Noble

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