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Guest BoboBrazil

Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This thread makes me even more excited about TNA on Wednesday

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Guest Will Scarlet

Yeah. It is too bad that they jobbed Batista. He looks very intimidating, and most of his moves looked quite devastating. At least they could have jobbed him to someone who could have benefitted from the win. Rikiski? He is nothing more than Bland Midcarder #4678 at this point.


Angle jobs to Rey clean? Um...okay. I like Rey, but why not have him get the win over Eddie or something? Or better yet, keep Team Canada on Smackdown and Benoit/Eddie on Raw, and have the teased Rey/Edge/Cena vs. Team Canada feud. It made more sense, and probably would have elevated at least someone from both teams in the process. Ah well. This Smackdown is looking like a trainwreck.

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Guest Vern Gagne
And Angle jobs again?


Man...he did the JOB at the PPV because god forbid Taker lose his own title.


Then he can't beat Mark Henry or Hulk Hogan.


Then he gets beat this week.

That was my first thought for this show. But at least it wasn't Angle jobbing to Cena or Edge.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Why does Angle always seem to be stuck in that upper midcard/ main event slot. It's like The Undertaker back in the day. Will Angle ever be a true main eventer like Rock, Austin, and Triple H?

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

There hasn't been an update in awhile. I smell some sort of 20 minute promo involving Stephanie.

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Guest the pinjockey
This thread makes me even more excited about TNA on Wednesday

Yeah after I got the previous two weeks I skipped last week because they weren't impressing me, but this SD good lord if Raw is not stellar I am going to have to shell out another 10 bucks.

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Guest BoboBrazil

For some reason I think it was HHH's idea for Rey Mysterio Jr. to beat Angle.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He should be.


Eventually he'll have to be.


Unless they kill the company first trying to keep him out.


He's so far ahead of HHH and Taker in every possible way...and yet he can't get past them on the card.


Funny how that keep happening.

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Guest Shaved Bear

I hope HHH tears both of his quads in a production meeting, and then as he tries to finish the meeting, he hurts his elbow

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Yes, but then the WWE would probably move the production meetings to Triple H's hospital room.

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Guest jester

I love that Brock puts his title shot up for Hogan, but not for RVD.


Speaking of which, do you guys think they'd be so stupid as to job Lesnar to Hogan, and do a Rock/Hogan rematch for the title? I can see the temptation to do this, since they did talk about a rematch on the Raw following WMX8. It's also the only match from that show that anyone will ever remember.


That would mean what little heat Lesnar has would be in the toilet, and the sacrifice of long term for short term, but they might be tempted to do it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I won't order either way.


No Benoit vs. RVD?


No order.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor
I love that Brock puts his title shot up for Hogan, but not for RVD.


Speaking of which, do you guys think they'd be so stupid as to job Lesnar to Hogan, and do a Rock/Hogan rematch for the title? I can see the temptation to do this, since they did talk about a rematch on the Raw following WMX8. It's also the only match from that show that anyone will ever remember.


That would mean what little heat Lesnar has would be in the toilet, and the sacrifice of long term for short term, but they might be tempted to do it.

They can't back out now. Since the WWE magazine has already stated that the Brock/Rock match will happen.

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Guest ShamRock

Brock and Hogan lockup and Brock shoves down Hogan and Brock gets very cocky. As the match progresses, Brock remains in control a reverse chinlock but Hogan comes back up each time. Brock crotches Hogan between the steel post and maintains control of the match. Hogan Hulks Up and hits the 3 slams and the Big Boot, Hogan drops the leg but Lesnar kicks out. Hogan gives Brock the Big Boot again but Paul Heyman interferes. Brock gives Hogan the F-5 and then wastes time making the cover on Hogan, instead he locks Hogan in a side bearhug and Hogan bleeds from the mouth and eventually passes out. The ref checks Hogan's right arm and it drops 3 times. Brock prevails. After the match, Brock gets a chair and levels Hogan with it and is busted wide open. Brock and Paul then gloat over the victory and warns The Rock in Australia that his blood will be in Brock's hands at SummerSlam. Brock takes some of Hogan's blood and smears it on his chest like a badge of honor.


Winner VIA Submission - Brock Lesnar




Hogan is assisted by paramedics, wiping the blood off his forehead, Hogan eventually pulls himself to his feet and gets a pop from the crowd. Hogan steps outta the ring on his own two feet and leaves the arena with a lot of disbelief on his face. He seemed legitimately upset over his loss tonight. The show ends after he goes through the curtain.


Credit goes to tpww.net

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Brock/ Hogan




Brock and Hogan lockup and Brock shoves down Hogan and Brock gets very cocky. As the match progresses, Brock remains in control a reverse chinlock but Hogan comes back up each time. Brock crotches Hogan between the steel post and maintains control of the match. Hogan Hulks Up and hits the 3 slams and the Big Boot, Hogan drops the leg but Lesnar kicks out. Hogan gives Brock the Big Boot again but Paul Heyman interferes. Brock gives Hogan the F-5 and then wastes time making the cover on Hogan, instead he locks Hogan in a side bearhug and Hogan bleeds from the mouth and eventually passes out. The ref checks Hogan's right arm and it drops 3 times. Brock prevails. After the match, Brock gets a chair and levels Hogan with it and is busted wide open. Brock and Paul then gloat over the victory and warns The Rock in Australia that his blood will be in Brock's hands at SummerSlam. Brock takes some of Hogan's blood and smears it on his chest like a badge of honor.


Winner VIA Submission - Brock Lesnar




Hogan is assisted by paramedics, wiping the blood off his forehead, Hogan eventually pulls himself to his feet and gets a pop from the crowd. Hogan steps outta the ring on his own two feet and leaves the arena with a lot of disbelief on his face. He seemed legitimately upset over his loss tonight. The show ends after he goes through the curtain.


That's it? A fucking bearhug? No switches, no excitement, no promos, no nothing. I expect this to go down as one of the lowest rating Smackdown's of all time.

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Guest Human Fly

Brock's gone over practically everyone on Raw except for 'Taker. Now he's going through everyone Smackdown. Which leads me to believe 3 things:


1. They are too deep into the push to back out now so they are going to have Brock beat anyone and everyone in hopes that it works.


2. Undertaker will get the first shot at Brock in September.


3. HHH switches to Raw right before Brock switches to Smackdown and avoids the juggernaut.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

The Hardy's already techincally did beat him.

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Guest the pinjockey

Yeah but HHH will avoid Brock while he is getting his monster push. Wait til he wins the title then HHH will meet up with Brock.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Technically RVD beat him twice.


The way the sell it is he's never been pinned or submitted.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Brock/Hogan in the main? What were they thinking? Brock is unover, and an unproven draw, and Hogan is proven to kill the ratings.I thought Hulk was going to be in midcard tag matches. Not stinking up the main events again.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

This Smackdown pisses me off so much with it's badness, especially after the WWE was looking good again. Let's just hope that Raw is good, because there's no way I'm watching Smackdown this week.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Hey, I'm not going to watch Smackdown again.


Way to go!



I swear, if SD seemed even a little more bearable, and if Angle seemed to be even a LITTLE bit important on the show, I'd watch.


But despite my loving him on the microphone, its not worth turning in to see a piece of crap like Rey Rey get a pin on him.


Why dont they just job RVD to Crash Holly?


Wait... HHH... I never said that!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What I don't get is this...


there are, by my count, 5 reasons to watch SD!


1. Kurt Angle

2. Chris Benoit

3. Eddy Guerrero

4. Rey Misterio Jr.

5. The cruiserweight title.


So let's look at this week...


the first 4 are in the same match...thus guaranteeing the rest of the show blows...


and the cruisers? MIXED TAG



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

that does nothing for the Brock haters.


I like Hogan better than Brock.


Both are bad...but Hogan is at least over.

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