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Guest crusen86

SJL Crimson, August 4th

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Guest crusen86



Due Date: Sunday, August 4th, 2002, at 3 pm EST.

Venue: National Car Rental Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.



Dark Scorpion vs. John Cougar vs. Kojack vs. "The Rising Sun" Y2K

Description: The opening match tonight features four guys who may or may not be here. Dark Scorpion and John Cougar are both promising rookies that have yet to turn in a match. Rumors are circulating that Kojack has returned to wreak havoc on the SJL. Finally, I don't know if Y2K is around, but I see his name a lot in the sWo promos, so we'll find out for sure. If I don't receive any matches, I'll be writing this one, so get on the ball, guys!

Rules: Disqualification rules are NOT in effect. Pinfalls and submissions are NOT in effect. A wrestler is eliminated if he is thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor outside the ring. The winner is the last man in the ring.



Kamikaze vs. Tony "The Ironman" Brogan

Description: Ironman wanted a jobber, but he's going to have to deal with Kamikaze instead. Kamikaze had an impressive start, but fell short in a bid for the TV title on Wrath. The hardcore rules should appeal to the, um, mentally challenged Kamikaze.

Rules: Disqualification rules are NOT in effect. Pinfalls or submissions can occur anywhere within the arena.

Word Limit: 3000

Send to: Suicide King



"Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen

Description: Mike Van Siclen won the second Window Pain match in the SJL on Wrath, and should be rewarded for his efforts. If he can get past Spike he'll earn himself a European title shot. Spike lost to Thor for the vacant title on Wrath, but we bookers here in the SJL are a forgiving sort...well, some of us, anyway. Spike gets a second chance with this match.

Rules: Disqualification rules are in effect. Pinfalls or submissions must take place inside the ring.



Fugue © vs. Thor ©

Description: The TV belt is set to be suspended, but why retire it without a good old fashioned unification match? (Hey, didn't WWE just do this?) The TV and European champs collide, and the winner will hold the new undisputed European title belt, while the loser will just... get belted. (Yes, that was lame.) Since these guys both went at it already on Wrath, we'll spice things up with a no-disqualification stipulation. (Crusen, if you weren't ready to suspend the TV title yet, this can be edited to a non-title match--your call.)

Rules: Disqualification rules are NOT in effect. Pinfalls or submissions must take place inside the ring.



"Insane Luchadore" Andrew Rickmen vs. Manson

Description: Mafia is back under yet another alias. (Remember Tommy Gunn?) Now he's Manson and he's set to tear up the sWo. But first he's got to get past the True Plague. Why anyone would grant Insane Luchador another shot at the title is beyond me, but these guys are going to have to work for their shot, as it's two out of three falls!

Rules: Disqualification rules are in effect. Pinfalls or submissions must take place inside the ring. A wrestler scores one "fall" for a successful pinfall, submission, or disqualification. The first wrestler to score two "falls" wins the match.




CIA © vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis

Description: Ah, no rest for the weary, I'm afraid. CIA battles it out one more time against the latest challenger to his belt, sWo member Mak Francis. Will we see a new champion crowned? Will CIA be able to fend off the sWo? Will LDP ever get to sleep? Find out this Sunday on Metal!

Rules: Disqualification rules are in effect. Pinfalls or submissions must take place inside the ring.

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Guest crusen86

The show’s theme roars over the speakers as we come back to a pumped crowd.


Edwin: Welcome to another edition of SJL Crimson! If you’re ready for one hell of a night then you’re on the right channel! I’m Edwin MacPhistoooooo! …Alongside Axis and the Suicide King!


Axis: That’s right, Edwin. We’ve got it all tonight including the debut of a new superstar set to take the League by storm!


King: Lets see if he can handle the JL first and then make assumptions.


Edwin: You know what happens with you assume things, King? You make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’!! Oh God, I crack myself up.


King: It’s decaf for you from now on.


The camera takes a long pan, jumping from sign to sign. Most are pictures and cut-outs of the Kivster flexing and posing in his Kivell-mania gear, but one section of fans are decked out in Maple Leafs jerseys and each one waving a letter to read:




Edwin: Avast, me matties! Thar be Canadians on the western front! Arrr! Get the harpoon gun, cabin boy!


Axis: It looks like the JL-newcomer has a following from wherever else he has wrestled. It’s frightening to see Canadians in Florida.


King: I feel sorry for the guys with the blank signs…








Three sets of red and white fireworks explode on stage and the Canadian National Anthem triumphantly pumps out from the speakers!


Funyon: The following contest is scheduled for one-fall! Making his way to the ring, hailing from the Great White North and weighing in a 226 pounds, he is YOUR Canadian HEROOOOOO… CHRIIIIIIIS CAAANUUUUUUUUUCKK!!!


Basking in his Canadian pride, Chris pauses at the stage, the fans not quite sure to make of him. Nevertheless, he heads down the ramp and to the ring, climbing in onto the apron and stepping over the second rope.


King: His last name really isn’t Canuck, is it? Here comes back gimmick #372…


Edwin: Behave yourself, King. We’ve got a few Canadians in the SWF if you haven’t noticed already.


King: How could I not notice with all the “Eh’s” and “Aboot’s”—IT’S “AHH-BOW-TUH,” NOT “A-BOOT!!!” Have you even been backstage, Edwin? All the roller hockey tournaments and locker room curling matches… it’s a mad house back there. This whole League is going to hell…


Edwin: …and I’m driving the bus, bay-bee!






The fans explode in cheers as tall pillars of flame shoot up from the stage casting the silhouette of a tall man posing under the SmartMark-Tron.




Funyon: And his opponent, hailing from Miami, Florida and weighing at 272 pounds… “THE SUPERSTARRR” MAAAATTHEW KIIIIIIIIVVVEELLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!


The fans erupt once again as the flames die down to show the man himself standing there as he gazes out into the jam-packed arena. He heads for the ring…but is stopped by a mic-wielding Canuck, a dangerous combo.


Chris: Whoa…wait right there!


Chris holds a hand out, pausing for a moment as they meet eye-to-eye.


Chris: You present yourself as a Hero for these fans, but just want to know one thing: are you just lying to them or are you lying to yourself?


Kivell looks offended but without a mic, he just watches on.


Chris: You are NOT an acceptable role model for these kids to look up to! They need might not be born in Canada but there’s still time!! If I can just get through to them and give them a REAL role model for them to look up to and teach them real CANADIAN morals…


By this time, the only fans cheering are the ones in Leafs jerseys and the others are starting to boo.


Chris: Are you seeing this?! Canadian fans would never act as disrespectful as this? I’ve seen better crowds in Australia for goodness sake!


Axis: Hey now…


Chris: Just like AMERICANS to act like rude-


Chris ducks a flying object in mid-sentence but notices a crewman coming out from behind the curtains and giving the Kivster a mic. Chris starts pacing.


Kivell: I think we’ve heard enough from this…Canuck.


Chris: Are you people hearing this! I’m being oppressed!


Kivell: Would you shut-


Chris: Everyone’s seeing this right? Mum, tape this on the VCR. Just press “Record.”


Kivell: Are you talking to your mother?


Chris: Unlike you AMERICANS, I have a great relationship with my mother and I know for a fact she’s watching her baby boy on TV right now! Hi mum!


A shower of boos fills the ring along with an assortment of trash, but Chris dodges most and continues.


Chris: This is exactly what I’m talking aboot!


Laughs. Chris just notices it but continues.


Chris: It’s aboot-


Laughs. Chris facial features twitch but he tries to act like he hasn’t heard it.


Chris: It’s aboot the lack of respect-


More laughs. It’s starting to get to him now but he holds it down.


Chris: It’s aboot the lack of good Canadian morals and acceptable beer!


Again with the laughs…He’s steaming.


Chris: ALRIGHT!! What’s so funny?


Kivell: Nothing. *laugh* Nothing at all, Chris.


Chris fumes but continues.


Chris: Rrr… this is aboot the-


Before adding another point to his argument, the laughs just get to him.






Kivell: Nothing, Chris.


Chris calms.


Chris: Oh… it’s the way I talk, isn’t it.


Kivell: In a word, yes.


Chris: I guess most of you aren’t used to hearing the English language said correctly. It all comes back to the upbringing and that’s why I’m going to give you a worthy role model once and for all and we can live in harmony under the Canadian morals that makes the world go round! Can you picture all of the Chris Canuck t-shirts and action figures and dumper stickers and lunchboxes and…I’ve just got to take care of that Milly-Vanilly other there.


Kivell: Whoa now! I CAN sing.


Mild pop.


Kivell: Lets see… how aboooot I sing a little story. Ah, yes.


I went on a trip to O’ Canadaaaa

That’s where I met Chris Canuck.

I went to the bar for a Moooolson

…and smashed it over that dork’s head!


Chris: That didn’t even rhyme…*thud*


Kivell charges the ring and slides in as Chris tosses the mic and pounces. The referee sweeps the mic out of the ring with his foot and calls for the bell.




Axis: And this one’s underway! It’s about time he shut up.


King: I don’t know about you but I’m kind of warming up to this Canadian thing… have you had their beer? That by itself must mean they’re pretty okay.


Chris does his best to keep Kivell grounded with and assortment of punches and stomps but the Kivster makes it to his feet, his back against the ropes. Whip! Kivell zooms across the ring and comes back fast. Chris swings a clothesline but Kivell ducks and runs to the other side ropes. He comes back and dives through the air, catching Kivell with a Flying Forearm as he turns around. Chris quickly gets back to his feet, met with a series of loud right hands! Kivell battles him back into the ropes. Whip! Reversal! Kivell darts into the ropes once more and comes back fast. Drop Toe Hold! Chris instantly grabs Kivell’s heel, but Kivell instinctively grabs the ropes.


Axis: Chris went for the Ankle Lock too early on in the match and Kivell was able to prevent it.


Edwin: He’s always looking for that hold because if he can lock it on at any point in the match, he will win this match.


Chris releases Kivell’s leg and stands back up, putting the boots to him to keep him at a disadvantage.


Axis: You see him targeting that leg? He’s softening it up to make the Lock its most potent. If you just slap it on, the guy has a chance to fight and possibly break the hold, but if you set it up and deal some damage, the pain is just unbearable. That’s smart wrestling by “Our” Canadian Hero.


King: You don’t see much of that nowadays, I mean, Edwin’s champ. BONG.


Chris hammers Kivell as he gets back up but Kivell blocks a punch and battles back with a right hand! He tags another! And another, pinning Chris to the ropes! Kivell goes for a whip…but Chris reverses pulling him into a huge Belly-to-Belly Suplex and crushing all his momentum! Chris makes the quick cover.










…and Kivell kicks out. Chris stays on him with a few stomps and grabs him from behind…


Edwin: German Suplex by Chris…He’s going for more!


King: That’s a Canadian Suplex! Get into it, man.


Chris scores with another…and another…and a final Suplex. He holds a bridge…







Edwin: This could be all right here-













TH-OHH!!! Kivell gets the shoulder up!


Axis: Near-fall by the Canadian! He’s really keeping the pressure on.


Chris pulls Kivell up and to the corner, quickly smacking off a few chops to pop the crowd in a chorus of “WOOS!!” Chris smacks him with a quick right and sets him for the ride across the ring with a whip! Chris gives close chase as Kivell slams into the corner…but gets caught with a boot to the face! Chris staggers back stunned as Kivell jumps up onto the second rope…


Axis: Missile Dropkick…but Chris catches the legs!


Edwin: He’s going for the Ankle Lock!


Sure enough, Chris flips Kivell over onto his front and locks on the Ankle Lock from a standing position!


Axis: After all the damage that leg has suffered, I don’t think it can stand up to any more punishment!


Kivell reaches out and claws forward to grab the ropes but Chris doesn’t leg go! The referee tries to pull him off but Chris just won’t let go and Kivell starts to tap with one hand still clinging to the bottom rope. Finally the referee rips Chris off and breaks the hold. Kivell lays clutching his ankle as Chris glares at the official.


Edwin: Good thing the referee stopped him or he could’ve broken the Ankle right there…Hey where is he going?


Chris slides out of the ring and to the commentary table grabbing a man in a SJL t-shirt and throwing him out of his seat. Chris grabs the chair and slides back into the ring.


Axis: Uh-oh.


Edwin: Chris has got that steel chair!


Chris heads straight for Kivell but there referee blocks his way but takes a hard shove for his troubles. He heads to Kivell…Kip-up…Kivell boots Your Canadian Hero in the gut and delivers a DDT! Chris bounces off the ring and drops the chair, stunned. Kivell sells the Ankle for a second until he spots the chair.


Edwin: No! He’s going to get himself disqualified.


King: Like he’s going to win anyways! Chris’s game is just too solid.


He calls Chris to his feet, pounding the chair on the ground to taunt him and unknowingly, Chris starts to his feet… Kivell rears back for a swing…but the referee grabs the chair and pulls it away! Kivell turns to the zebra-shirted man furious…but Chris grabs him from behind!


Edwin: ROLL-UP!




























THREE-NOO!!! Kivell powers out!


Axis: Chris with a near-fall on the Kivster!


Both men get back up and Chris shoves Kivell into the ropes. Whip! Reversal! Kivell holds onto the arm and twists it, pulling Chris into the set up for a Rockbottom!


Edwin: The Kivell-Slammah…No!


Chris grabs Kivell’s elbow and swings it clear past his chest, presenting himself with “The Superstar’s” back. Chris grabs him at the shoulder and knee with his head on Kivell’s side in position for an Olympic Slam…





































A chant of “You Suck!!” erupts as the Canadian National Anthem hits the speakers, but Chris ignores them as he rolls out of the ring and back-peddles up the ramp with a smile.


Edwin: “Our” Canadian Hero snatches his first win in the League with a Maple Leaf-plex out of nowhere!


Axis: Where is nowhere and why do moves keep coming out of it? Does it have a factory?


Edwin: You’ve been playing EWR again…


Axis: Damn Robo Scott Keith…


Cut to commercials as the cameras zoom in on Chris’s face.

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Guest crusen86

Axis: And were back from that unscheduled match, seeing Chris Canuck make his debut.


King: As I said, bad gimmick #372.


Edwin: Comon, give it a chance. CIA has been successful with a Canuck gimmick.


King: CIA also sucks harder than Stubby's wife.


Axis: And next up we have a scheduled match between Dark Scoprian, John Cougar, Kojack and Y2K...


Edwin: Ah, yes, about that. That match is no longer scheduled. All parties had something more important to do.


King: ...Bah. If I have to be here, so should they. Damn crappy contracts...


Edwin: Cut to break.


Axis: ...


Edwin: Break. Now. Cut. Go.



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Guest crusen86

King: “Welcome back!”

Axis: “Steal my lines..”

King: “You’re too slow. Anyway, I’m really hyped about this next match. Can you imagine hardcore shootfighting? The potential for carnage is tantalizing.”


The camera watches the three announcers for just a moment, before scanning the crowd and catching a few witty, homemade signs, “Thor! Send me a VALKYRIE!” and “IRONMAN=RATINGS~!” The shot pauses on the Smarktron as clips of Kamikaze’s.. three previous matches play and Godsmack’s “I Stand Alone” kicks up over the loud speakers. The fans give their approval with a soft cheer as Kamikaze himself steps onto the stage. He holds a microphone in his hand. Kam’s head whips to one side, and he pleads with ‘Maria.’ I guess she listened, because now Kamikaze returns his focus to the crowd, and the microphone in his hand. “I Stand Alone” fades into silence as Kamikaze speaks.


Kam: “This is the first time they’ve given me one of these.”


The crowd laughs collectively, a few cheering. The camera looks away a moment to catch a sign with “Kamikaze!” written across the top and a picture of the diving maniac underneath. Returning to Kamikaze, the wrestler points toward the ring.


Kam: “You ready for Hardcore? In that ring?”


The Floridians give a unanimous cheer of approval, and then slowly but surely, a chant rises from the cheering, “Hard-core! Hard-core!”


King: “Why is Kamikaze babbling?”

Edwin: “I gave him a mic!”

Axis: “This guy has less character than me.”

King: “And that’s saying a lot.”

Edwin: “Give him a chance.”


Kam: “I’ll take that as a yes. Ironhead, let’s get this party started!”


King: “That’s Ironman.”

Axis: “What a moron.”

Edwin: “The fans seem happy with him.”

King: “Yes, and that’s all that ever matters. NOT!”


Kamikaze makes his way to the ring, sliding in quickly and handing the microphone to Funyon. Funyon looks at his two microphones and tosses one to the timekeeper before getting to his job.


Funyon: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall!”


Black Sabbath’s “Ironman” starts up, signaling the wrestler by that name to come out. He stalks down the ramp as Funyon continues to announce.


Funyon: “In the ring, weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds, from Minnetonka, Minnesota.. Kamikaze! And making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at two hundred and thirty seven pounds.. Ironman!!”


The veteran announcer slips out of the ring just as Ironman enters. Tony clenches his fists and turns his focused gaze onto Kamikaze. Kam turns to face Brogan, and meets the intense STARE~! Ironmans’ eyes bore into Kamikaze’s soul, testing his fortitude. And Kamikaze rolls a natural twenty! He smiles and shirks off the affects of the STARE~! The bell rings and Brogan immediately goes for kamikaze. Kam lifts his arms for a collar and elbow lockup, but Brogan reacts quickly with a stiff punch to Kam’s gut and then a spinning heel kick to Kamikaze’s temple, putting the insane wrestler on his back.


King: “Muwaha. Maybe we don’t even need hardcore for this to be fun.”


Tony Brogan drops over Kamikaze’s chest and proceeds to beat the living daylights out of him. Kamikaze flails and raises his arms to protect himself.


Kam: “Ahhh! Ahhh! I didn’t see her! I didn’t see her! Don’t shock me! I didn’t say anything to her!!”


Edwin: “Huzzuh?”

King: “This boy needs therapy.”

Axis: “He’s getting it. Brogan with an early offensive..”


Kamikaze’s body jerks enough to upset Brogan, and Kam uses the advantage to crawl away and roll out of the ring. Kamikaze drops to the concrete floor with a thud. Brogan also rolls out of the ring and stands over Kam. Kamikaze begins crawling toward the stairs to pull himself to his feet. Tony helps him out with a kick to the ribs, rolling Kamikaze over. Brogan advances again, and Kamikaze entwines his feet between Tony’s legs, tripping him up with a drop toe hold, which lands Ironman’s face right onto the steel stairs!


Edwin: “That’s gotta hurt!”

King: “Shall I show you how it feels?”


Kamikaze climbs to his feet, using the ring apron instead of the stairs. Brogan pulls back with a bloody nose and gets to his feet as well. Kam advances with a series of right hand punches, pinning Brogan against the stairs. Kam takes a few steps back from Ironman, then runs toward Tony and lays an arm across his neck, slamming the back of Brogan’s head back to the stairs.


Axis: “Neckbreaker drop assisted by the stairs. Inventive.”


Tony drops to his knees, holding the back of his head and then wiping blood from his nose. He smiles at his hand and licks the blood from his fingers. It seems to energize him, but as he stands, he’s met with the powerful downward swipe of a large trash can. The metal buckles on Brogan’s head, but Kamikaze brings the can up again and slams it down over Tony’s crown. Brogan stands, wavering a bit and blinks at Kamikaze. Kam offers the trash can to Tony.


Kam: “Hold this a moment, please?”


Brogan takes the trash can, but tosses it back at Kamikaze, who has leaped into the air and aims a dropkick at Brogan, but hits the can instead, which flies back toward Brogan, and both Kam’s feet and the can impact on Tony’s face. Ironman falls back to the floor, narrowly missing the stairs on the way down. Kamikaze floats over for the pin.






Ironman spasms and throws Kam off. Kamikaze crawls under the apron and starts throwing miscellaneous items from under the ring. Another trash can emerges, a lid to said trash can, a two by four, and a sledgehammer.


King: “Oooh, I love it when Helmsley leaves his stuff behind.”

Axis: “Kamikaze picks up the two by four first..”


And Kamikaze brings the hunk of wood straight down on Ironman’s back, dropping him to his stomach with a pained shout. The two by four cracks, but does not break. Kam raises the plank of wood again, and slams it across Brogan’s back a second time, this time splintering the two by four at the crack, breaking it into two pieces. Ironman gets to his hand and knees as Kamikaze tosses the broken two by four aside. He reaches down and grabs the sledgehammer, raising it above his head for a downward strike at Brogan. Ironman dives forward, tackling Kamikaze to the concrete. The sledgehammer drops harmlessly to the floor as Ironman once again mounts Kam and begins punching the hell outta him. Kamikaze begins whimpering and crying like a little boy.


Kam: “Ow! Ow! Ow! I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me!”

Tony: “What a wuss.”

Kam: “OW!”


Brogan maneuvers around, grabbing Kamikaze in a sleeper, and then into a scissors. Kam grabs at Brogan’s arm and shakes his head at the referee as he asks the all too important question.


Ref: “Do you give? Do you give?!”

Kam: “No, again! I’m a big boy! I can do this!”


King: “Ironman is just going to town on Kamikaze. But he hasn’t gotten hardcore yet.”

Edwin: “I don’t think Ironman knows how to go hardcore.”

Axis: “And Kamikaze miraculously fights out of the sleeper..”


Kamikaze begins to stand, while Ironman is still attached. Kam reaches down and unhooks one of Tony’s ankles, unlocking his scissors, then throws Brogan face forward and over his shoulder. Brogan lands hard on the padded concrete, but gets right up and attacks Kamikaze with a series of stiff boxing punches, jabs and uppercuts. Kam stumbles back against the barrier, where a few lucky fans reach over and pat him on the shoulder. Brogan swings with a solid right hook, but Kam ducks under and pushes Brogan into the barrier. Kamikaze proceeds to land three stinging chops across Tony’s chest.


Crowd: “Wooo!”




Crowd: “Woo!”




Crowd: “Wooo!”


Ironman curls slightly, holding his chest. Kam reaches out, grabbing Tony around the neck and snapping his body over his shoulder in a smooth snapmare. Kamikaze cradles Ironman’s head, punching his temple repeatedly. Dazed, Ironman weaves as Kamikaze raises him to his feet. Kam sets up Ironman for a suplex and lifts him up easily. With a little effort, the unstable Kam holds Brogan in place for a full five seconds before dropping Tony down harshly.


Axis: “Brainbuster onto the trash can lid! Ironman is history!”

King: “Bah, Ironman is stronger than Kamikaze!”








Oh, we all thought. Ironman kicks out at the last second, and the referee holds up two fingers to the displeased crowd. Kamikaze runs his hands through his hair, then smiles maniacally. The crowd cheers with anticipation as Kam springs to his feet and pulls a bandana from his waistband. He quickly ties the emblem around his forehead, then springs into action. Kam hops onto the ring apron, then hastily climbs to the third turnbuckle. He stands atop the corner and spreads his arms wide.


Edwin: “He’s not gonna jump from that high!”

King: “Oh, you bet the fool is.”


Kamikaze leaps.




King: “Missssss.”

Axis: “Kamikaze misses!”


Brogan rolls out of the way at the last second, and Kam lands with a sickening splat on the concrete. Ironman begins to make his way to his feet, watching as the referee kneels over Kamikaze, checking him out. Kamikaze is near motionless as Brogan approaches and pushes the referee out of his way. Tony reaches down and picks up a near limp Kamikaze.


Tony: “What will it be? Tap out, or get knocked out?!”

Kam: “Mommy..”


Ironman lands a few easy forearms to Kam’s head, then turns him around and drags him down into a dragon sleeper.


Axis: “The Iron Maiden.. now this one is over!”

King: “The idiot Kamikaze will never get out of this one!”


Kamikaze rests lazily in Ironman’s grip. Or maybe he’s already passed out. The referee picks up one of Kam’s arms and raises it into the air.


Ref: “One!”


Again, he takes hold of Kamikaze’s wrist and hoists it into the air.


Ref: “Two!”


The third time, Kamikaze’s arm is raised, dropped, and then held in the air!


King: “What the?!”

Edwin: “Someone’s holding up Kamikaze’s hand!”

Axis: “Ironman is furious!”


Brogan drops Kamikaze and thrashes at the air. Kamikaze shakes his head and slowly makes his way to his feet. He points at Brogan from behind.


Kam: “Don’t your hurt her.”


King: “Okay, McFly.”


Ironman whirls around to face Kamikaze, then swings with another right hook. It connects and spins Kam around, sending him back to the floor. Kam rolls over, and Brogan drops down, immediately hooking a triangle hold. Kamikaze howls, then balls his fist and launches his hand toward Tony’s face, hitting, and knocking the shootfighter back. Kam climbs to his feet and begins stomping at Ironman as he tries to get to his feet. Kamikaze looks around wildly, then nods as someone gives him advice. Kam reaches down and picks up the sledgehammer. He holds it like a baseball bat and takes a huge swing as Ironman gets to his knees.




Axis: “Oh. My. God.”

King: “..”

Edwin: “Kamikaze nearly took Ironman’s head off!”


The crowd cheers as the shootfighter falls back, spread eagle. Kamikaze drops down for the count.








“I Stand Alone” kicks up as the referee raises Kamikaze’s hand, then skitters away. Kam drops the sledgehammer and raises a hand over his mouth.


Kam: “Oops. Did I do that?”


Funyon: “Your winner by pinfall.. Kamikazee!!”


King: “..”

Edwin: “King’s at a loss for words, how amazing.”

Axis: “Kamikaze with a chilling victory over Ironman..”

Edwin: “I doubt anyone will mess with Kamikaze after tonight!”

King: “I’m pressing charges!!”

Edwin: “You can’t press charges.”


The camera zooms in on Ironman, who still lays motionless on the concrete floor. The referee kneels beside him and waves at the stage, probably calling for some help. A large, red welt begins to form on the side of his head, swelling slightly.


King: “Oh, that was evil..”

Axis: “And we’ll be back after this commercial break..”

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Guest crusen86

(SJL Crimson comes back off the air after the last commercial break, and spans the arena. Random signs are show, such as “Thor Sucks”, “I Mark For Mak”, “I Kicked Cutthroats Ass”, “Watch Me Explode”, “I Wish I Was King”, and six signs, held apparently by six friends together, “Why” “Is” “The” “SJL” “Still” “In Florida?” The camera in the audience goes to a camera at ringside, focusing in on the announce team, of Axis, Commissioner Edwin, and The King himself.)


Edwin: Welcome back fans, to Crimson. What a night we had so far. And it will only get better.


King: Oh yeah, and why is that?


Edwin: Well, later on tonight, we have a two out of three falls match between Plague and Manson. And then, the main event. Mak Francis will take on C.I.A. for the World Title, once again.


King: Who do you want to win that?


Edwin: Well, IM not sure…




Edwin: ………


Axis: King…. calm down…




Edwin: Shut up…




Axis: King….


King: What?


Axis: Shut up.


Edwin: ANYWAY. Up next, we have a number one contender’s match for the European title….


King: The second one in under a week, by the way.


Edwin: So what?


King: Why do we need to have so many number one contender matches?


Edwin: Because I want them.


King: Eddy boy, your so selfish.


Edwin: IM not even going to answer that…


Axis: This match is between the two men that were in the last Number One contenders match, ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins, and sWo’s own, Mike Van Siclen.


King: Mike from the sWo? Edwin, you don’t want him to win, now do you?




"It's a natural high…"


("Natural High" by the Union Underground kicks up and the lights turn to blue and begin to flash with the music, the crowd erupting in boos at the soon-to-be calling card entrance music of the one and only Mike Van Siclen… who steps out onto the ramp, bathed in blue light. Mike is wearing his usual ring attire, but a noticeable white bandage over his forehead, and a large white bandage wrapped around his upper thigh on his left leg. Mike cockily struts down the ramp, sliding into the ring and doing a slow, 360-degree "look at me" spin, with a little limp, due to his leg.)


Funyon: This match is scheduled for one fall, and is to determine the Number One Contender to the SJL European Championship!!! First, coming to the ring, From Harrison, Illinois, weighing in at Two Hundred, and Thirty Seven Pounds, representing the sWo….”The Amazing” Mike Van Siclen!!!!!!!!


Axis: If you notice the bandages on Mike’s forehead, and around his knee. They are there after Mike was badly cut during his Window Pains Match on Wrath, with John Cougar.


King: That match was so great, on so many different levels.


Edwin: Mike and John Cougar almost got killed out there…. how did you enjoy it?


King: Because, they almost got killed out there.


Edwin: What a freak…


Axis: Anyway, only a few days after the Window Pains match, he is set to go one on one, with one of the SJL’s surprisingly talented newcomers, ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins.


(As Axis says this, the arena turns green, as “Peace Not Greed” by the Kottonmouth Kings starts up. “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins walks out from behind the entrance curtain, wearing his usual baggy green khaki pants, and a old, black, XPW Messiah tank top, and a black arm band over his arm, with the word “Messiah” written in white. Hollywood walks down the entranceway, and up to the ring. Hollywood quickly slides under the bottom rope, and rises to his feet. Hollywood walks to the corner, opposite of MVS, and steps up onto the middle rope, and raises both his arms in the air, posing for the crowd.)


Axis: Fans, if you don’t know who the Messiah is he is an Indy wrestler out in the northeastern territory. A few days ago, he was attacked at his apartment by two thugs, and was stabbed, and had his thumb cut off….


Edwin: What a terrible thing. We here at the SJL and the SWF wish The Messiah lots of luck and a speedy recovery.


King: I agree. That is horrible.


Edwin: Wow, you are human?


King: Flesh and Blood.


(Hollywood bounces back off the middle rope, doing a 90* spin in the air, and lands, facing towards MVS. Hollywood pulls his shirt over his head, and throws it out of the ring. MVS and Hollywood meet face to face in the center of the ring.)


Axis: These two met in a four-way dance, a little under a week ago. Where Spike defeated John Cougar, to face Thor, on Wrath, for the vacant European title. Spike, who came up a little short in that match, will get another chance here, but he has to go through Mike Van Siclen once again.


King: Once was luck. A second time wont happen.


Edwin: We’ll just see….


King: SWO HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edwin: Not this again....


(Hollywood and MVS stare each other, eye to eye…)


* Ding * Ding * Ding *


(MVS and Hollywood just stare at each other for a few seconds. After a few moments, they throw their arms over each other, and lock up. They both struggle back and forth, trying to gain control, but MVS over powers Hollywood, and pulls Hollywood under his arm, locking his wrist together around Hollywood’s head.)


Axis: Mike starting the match off with a headlock…


(As quick as Axis said that, MVS turns his body around, so he is facing towards Hollywood, still holding his lock around Hollywood’s head, holding him in a front face lock. Hollywood quickly drops to his knee’s, making sure not to fall victim to MVS signature move’s, like Code Red.)


Axis: Hollywood quickly diving to his knees, trying to not get hit too early with the Code Red.


Edwin: Smart move.


King: Why are you saying it is smart? Would you say it was smart if Mike wasn’t in the sWo?


Edwin: Yes...


King: LIAR!!!!!!


(Hollywood throws his arms around, trying to show the crowd that he is trying to escape. Hollywood grabs a hold of each MVS’ legs, trying to find a way out of the hold that MVS has on him. Hollywood pulls his arm up to the bandage, wrapped around MVS’ leg, and drives the side of his arm straight into the bandage, almost causing MVS to fall over in pain.)


Axis: Hollywood is going for Mike’s injured leg.


King: How cheap! I like it.


Edwin: Hollywood is taking advantage of Mike’s injury.


King: Why are you so happy over that?


Edwin: You do not make any sense at all.


(MVS keeps his hold around Hollywood’s neck. Hollywood drives the side of his arm, into the bandage, and MVS falls to one knee, letting go of Hollywood.)


Axis: Hollywood got free after nailing MVS in the leg, where he got that huge cut from the Windows Pain match.


(Hollywood rises to his feet, as MVS stands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Hollywood stands over MVS, looking down at his opponent. Hollywood steps to MVS, and whips his leg out, crashing it across MVS’ chest, making a loud POP sound echo through the arena.)


Axis: Hollywood with those martial art kicks of his.


Edwin: Ouch… that must hurt.


King: Of course it’s going to hurt. But you want it to hurt, since a sWo member is in the ring.


Edwin: Are you ever going to shut up?


(Hollywood stands over MVS still, looking down at his opponent. Hollywood steps to MVS, and whips his leg out once more, crashing it across MVS’ chest, making a loud POP sound echo through the arena, once more. Hollywood backs away from MVS, and looks down at the mat, and then turns up towards the crowd with a weird look in his eye. Hollywood turns back to MVS, and steps over to him. Hollywood whips his leg out once more, and once again, it crashes across MVS’ chest, making a loud POP echo through the arena. Hollywood whips out his other leg, and it snaps over MVS’ back, making another loud pop echo through the arena. Hollywood whips out the first leg, cracking it over MVS chest, then whips out his other leg, cracking it over MVS back. He whips his leg out again across MVS’ chest, and again across his back, and over his chest, and across the back, and over the chest, and across the back, and over the chest, and across the back, and over the chest again, making a loud POP sound echo through the arena, making the fans start to cheer at this show of brutality.)


Edwin: Spike is showing some force out there. He nearly killed Mike with those kicks.


King: And you would like that, wouldn’t you?


Edwin: You are really getting on my nerves!


(Hollywood looks out into the crowd, and then looks down at MVS, who is just wobbling on his knees. Hollywood steps over to MVS once again. Hollywood whips his leg out, and this time, it cracks across the side of MVS face, causing him to spin to his side, and fall flat on his face, laying on the mat.)


Axis: Ouch.


Edwin: He might of knocked flesh clear off Mike’s face.


King: And you would like that…


Edwin: SHUT UP!


(Hollywood walks over to the body of MVS, and quickly turns him over onto his back, and goes for the pin.)




























(MVS gets a shoulder up. Hollywood rises to his feet, as MVS crawls around the ring, trying to get his thoughts together. Hollywood walks over to MVS, as MVS stands on his knees, with his back facing towards Hollywood. Hollywood walks up behind MVS, and grabs a hand full of his hair. Hollywood looks out into the crowd, looking for their approval, and then looks back down at MVS. Hollywood uses his free hand, and grabs the edge of the bandage on MVS forehead, and starts to peel it off.)


Axis: Hollywood is taking the bandage off of Mike’s forehead. Mike has stitches under there.


King: Blood! Blood! Blood!


Edwin: Your sick…


(Hollywood peels the bandage off, and throws it to the side, out of the ring. Hollywood stands over MVS, holding his hair, keeping him in place, and looking down at the stitches on his forehead. Without a warning, Hollywood gives MVS’ forehead a right hand, right where the stitches are. Hollywood gives another right hand to the same spot, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another.)


Axis: Hollywood is trying to open the cut!


Edwin: What the hell has gotten into Hollywood?


(A small stream of blood starts to flow down MVS face. The referee walks up to Hollywood, and tells him to back away from MVS, but Hollywood ignores him, and starts to pull MVS to his feet. Hollywood turns MVS towards him, but MVS quickly ducks his head under Hollywood’s, wrapping his arms around Hollywood’s head, and dropping down, driving Hollywood’s jaw into the top of his skull, knocking Hollywood to whiplash to the ground.)


Axis: Sit Out Jaw Breaker by The Amazing One.


King: Mike is starting to fight back! I guess your wishes aren’t coming true, now are they Edwin?


Edwin: You really need to shut up.


(Hollywood turns over onto his stomach, and rises to his hands and knees, as MVS slowly rises to his feet. MVS feels his forehead, where the stitches once were, is now a cut. Blood drips down MVS’ face slowly, not a big cut, but blood is coming down. MVS turns to Hollywood, while Hollywood is walking on his hands and knees to the ropes. MVS quickly dives at Hollywood, dropping his fists across the back of Hollywood’s head. MVS gets onto his knees, and places one of his knees over the back of Hollywood’s neck. MVS wraps his hands around Hollywood’s face, and pulls back, with his knee still on top of Hollywood’s neck.)


Axis: Mike is trying to stretch out Hollywood’s neck.


Edwin: He is working on the neck now, for The Van Slaminator later.


King: Well DUH.


(The referee dives to his hands and knees, and checks in on Hollywood. Hollywood keeps his arm in the air, trying to get the crowd riled up. MVS pulls harder on Hollywood’s head, trying to hyper extend his neck. Hollywood starts to crawl towards the ropes, with his hand reached out. Hollywood crawls closer to the ropes…closer…closer…closer…. and Hollywood is able to grab the bottom rope with his hand. The referee tells MVS to let go of his hold. MVS pulls his knee off of Hollywood’s neck, and rises to his feet. MVS grabs Hollywood by the hair, and lifts him to his feet. MVS turns Hollywood around, so Hollywood is facing away from him. MVS wraps his arms around Hollywood’s waist, and attempts to lift him up, but Hollywood holds all his weight down, so MVS can’t. Hollywood throws his arm back, trying to elbow MVS in the face, but MVS ducks under it. MVS, with his arms still wrapped around Hollywood’s waist, lifts Hollywood up into the air, and drops back, driving Hollywood into the mat, with Hollywood landing on the back of his neck.)


Axis: Backdrop by Mike, that causes Spike to land on the back of his head.


Edwin: Spike landing on the back of his neck isn’t going to help his career…


King: SWO HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edwin: Just…shut up.


(Hollywood lies there, folded up like an accordion, as MVS rises to his knees. MVS crawls to Hollywood, and unfolds him, letting Hollywood lay on the mat, and then lays on top of him for the pin.)























(Hollywood gets a shoulder up. MVS rises to his feet. MVS grabs Hollywood by the hair, and pulls him to his feet. MVS pushes Hollywood back into the ropes. MVS grabs Hollywood’s wrist, and whips him across the ropes. Hollywood bounces into the ropes, and comes charging back at MVS. MVS goes for a clothesline, but Hollywood ducks under it, stopping short behind MVS, and turning towards him. MVS turns towards Hollywood, as Hollywood throws his leg up, trying to hit MVS in the chest, but MVS ducks under it, and Hollywood ends up turning so he is facing away from MVS. MVS grabs Hollywood around the waist, and lifts him up into the air, and driving him back into the ground, causing Hollywood to hit the mat, with the back of his head and neck.)


Axis: Mike went for a clothesline, but Spike ducked under it, and Spike went for a spinning heel kick, but Mike ducked under that, and then hit a German suplex, that nearly killed Hollywood.


King: That is a REALLY GOOD THING.


Edwin: No, it isn’t…


King: Yes, it is!


(MVS rises to his knees, and looks over at Hollywood. MVS crawls towards Hollywood once again, and once again, unfolds him, so Hollywood is lying on the mat. MVS then lies on top of Hollywood for the pin.)


























(Hollywood somehow gets a shoulder up. MVS rises to his feet, looking a little pissed off. MVS grabs Hollywood by the hair, and pulls him to his feet. MVS pushes Hollywood back into the corner. MVS grabs Hollywood by the wrist, and whips him across to the opposite side of the ring. Hollywood runs back first into the corner. MVS looks over at Hollywood, and charges towards him. MVS jumps into the air, and dives at Hollywood, but Hollywood moves out of the way, and MVS slams chest first into the turnbuckles.)


Edwin: Hollywood getting out of the way, just in time.




Edwin: NO!


King: YES!


Edwin: NO!


(MVS bounces back from the impact, and literally walks straight into Hollywood. Hollywood ducks under MVS’ arm, wrapping his arms around MVS waist and one down his leg. Hollywood lifts MVS into the air, in a backdrop form, and carries him to the corner that MVS bounced off of. Hollywood drops MVS down onto the top turnbuckle, and walks back a bit. Hollywood walks back over to MVS, and grabs his arm, and pulls him down, so MVS falls backwards, but still hanging from the top rope. Hollywood walks to the opposite corner of the ring, and looks into the crowd.)


Axis: Uh oh. We saw this in there last match. In that four way dance.


King: De-Ja-Vu!


Edwin: Yeah…


(Hollywood looks over at MVS hanging upside down. Hollywood charges at MVS in the corner. Hollywood dives to the ground, and baseball slides MVS straight in the face, making a sickening “Thud” sound echo through the arena. MVS gets loose off the top rope, and falls onto his face, as Hollywood rolls under the bottom rope to the apron.)


Axis: Baseball slide. That was sick.


Edwin: Mike’s cut opened even wider now.


King: That’s disgusting.


(The camera catches a glimpse of MVS’ now blood covered face. MVS lays in the spot he fell in, as Hollywood just lays on the apron trying to catch his breath.)


Axis: Both competitors are worn out. Mike is a bloody mess after Spike opened the cut on his face from the Windows Pain match.


Edwin: These two men are putting on a bloody war.


King: With most of the blood coming from Mike, YOU SWO HATER!


Edwin: I am not going to argue with you over this.


King: You know you want to.


Edwin: No, I don’t


King: Yes, you do.


Edwin: No, I don’t


King: Yes, you do.


Edwin: NO I DON’T






(Hollywood slowly starts to stand on the apron, pulling himself up using the ropes. Inside the ring, MVS slowly starts to stand himself. MVS notices Hollywood standing on the apron, and runs towards the ropes to the side of Hollywood.)


Axis: Here comes a springboard dropkick. Mike did this to Spike in their last match!


(MVS jumps into the middle rope, and springboard backs towards Hollywood, but Hollywood meets him in mid-air, as Hollywood slingshots himself over the top rope, and clotheslining MVS to the mat.)


Axis: What a reversal to the springboard dropkick!


Edwin: Spike saw it coming, and countered it. Good thinking.




Edwin: I swear to God, if you don’t shut up…


(MVS pulls himself up in the corner, using the ring ropes. On the opposite side of the ring, Hollywood is standing, with his side turned to MVS. MVS gets to his feet, and turns to Hollywood. Hollywood starts to run in the direction MVS is in, but does a cartwheel, landing out of it, jumping into the air, and kicking MVS in the face.)




King: Does he really need more moves?


(MVS falls out of the corner, and falls onto his back, in a perfect spot for a rolling thunder. Hollywood runs into the ropes opposite of MVS. Hollywood bounces off the ropes, and charges back at MVS. Hollywood dives to the ground, doing a roll, jumping out of it, doing a front flip into a Senton, down onto MVS, but MVS just barely moves out of the way, causing Hollywood to crash into the mat.)


Axis: Mike saw the Rolling Thunder coming, and moved out of the way.




(MVS quickly rises to his feet. MVS grabs Hollywood by the hair, and lifts him to his feet. MVS quickly locks Hollywood in a front face lock. MVS throws his arm over Hollywood, and driving his face into the ground.)


King: Code Red!


Axis: Yeah…. that’s what I was going to say…


(MVS quickly jumps up to his feet, and walks into the corner, closest to Hollywood. MVS steps through the middle and top rope to the apron. MVS climbs to the top rope, and stands on the top rope, catching his balance. MVS looks down at his fallen opponent, and leaps into the air, spreading his legs outs, and comes crashing down, leg dropping Hollywood in the back of the head.)


Axis: Guillotine…




Edwin: What are you doing?


King: I am announcing.


Edwin: But, you never announce.


King: Sure I do.


Edwin: Since when?


King: Since now.


(MVS rises to his feet, and looks down at his opponent, who isn’t moving. MVS signals for the end for the crowd, as the crowd just boo’s him. MVS grabs Hollywood by the hair, and pulls him to his feet. MVS grabs Hollywood’s wrist, and holds him out. MVS pulls Hollywood into him, making Hollywood do a little spin, but instead of catching Hollywood’s other hand, to set up the Crossface Halo, Hollywood ducks under MVS arm. Hollywood backs out, still holding onto MVS. Hollywood pulls MVS into him, placing his arm on MVS free shoulder. Hollywood lifts MVS up into the air, and drives him down into the mat.)




King: Oh god no…


Edwin: Can Hollywood get the upset victory?


(Hollywood falls over the body of MVS…)



























































* Ding * Ding * Ding *


Funyon: Here is your winner, and Number One Contender to the European Championship…”Hollywood” Spike Jenkins!!!!!!!!!!!!


(“Peace Not Greed” by the Kottonmouth Kings starts up, as Hollywood rolls off of MVS. The referee starts to pull Hollywood up to his feet, but Matt Meyers of the sWo slides into the ring from behind Hollywood with a chair in hand. Meyers quickly gets to his feet, and runs up behind Hollywood. Meyers lifts the chair into the air, and slams it down across Hollywood’s back. Hollywood falls to the mat, holding his back in pain. Meyers lifts the chair up once again, and slams it down across Hollywood’s back.)


King: It’s a sWo beat down!


Edwin: Yeah…how nice…


King: Hey, don’t spill your drink now Eddy.


Edwin: Shut up…


(Meyers grabs Hollywood by the hair and lifts him to his feet. MVS slowly rises to his feet, and looks over at Meyers and Hollywood. Meyers and MVS point at each other, before Meyers grabs Hollywood’s arm, and whips him towards MVS. MVS ducks his head, as Hollywood runs up to him. MVS ducks his head in between Hollywood’s legs, and lifts him up into the air, so Hollywood is hanging over his back. MVS drops back, driving Hollywood’s head into the mat.)


King: Van Slaminator! Spike is probably dead now…


Edwin: This is horrible….


(“Ashes in the Fall” by Rage Against the Machine starts up, as Meyers and MVS give each other high fives, and slide out of the ring together. They both walk up the entrance way as EMT’s come running down to help Hollywood, before we go to a commercial break…)

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Guest crusen86

Axis: Welcome back to SJL Crimson! In our next match, we have what will surely be something else. We have the newly crowned Television champion Fugue, taking on the also newly crowned European champion Thor, in a match where we will merge the two titles. Due to lack of competition, we are giving the young up and comers in the SJL more incentive to go for the gold, by taking away the TV title and merging it with the Euro, to create the Undisputed European championship! *Axis catches his breath* Whew, I nailed that one.


Edwin: That you did Axis, good show. European and Television gold collides tonight, no holds barred!


King: Bah! Fugue is going to tear that pansy ass god a new one. The sWo will once again, reign victorious tonight!


The crowd is filled to the brim with electricity as they await the start of the match. Funyon enters the ring in his prom night best and raises the mic to speak “Ladies and gentlemen. Our next bout is to determine the Undisputed European champion. Introducing first...”


The lights fade out and the mysterious strains of Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor” begin to fill the arena with suspense. The music hits an accelerando and white lights flash everywhere, illuminating the stage and outlining the familiar shape of the sadistic Fugue, carrying his TV title belt. The fans unleash a torrent of boos upon seeing the maniacal individual, bearing his sWo shirt, flaunting his acceptance into the lone JL stable. The ever-grinning madman slithers down the ramp and into the ring under the bottom rope. He stands up and instead of piercing the very soul of an unsuspecting onlooker with his penetrating grin; he drops to his knees and holds his TV title proudly above his head.


Funyon picks up flawlessly where he left off before “He weighs in at one hundred and eighty one pounds, he is the SJL Television champion and he represents the s... W... o... FUUUUGUUUUUE!!” At the mention of the name the crowd boos again for this out-there heel.


Axis: Fugue looks quite happy with his Television title there, too bad he will be the last TV champ for some time.


King: At least until business picks up.


Edwin: Precisely.


Once again the lights go out and a lone blue spotlight shines on the stage. The opening guitar chords of KISS “God of Thunder” give the fans all the prompting they need to begin to cheer as a lightning bolt suddenly strikes the stage and the stage fills up with smoke. The music begins to drive and right as the lyrics hit, blue and white pyros shoot off crossing each other and the Thunder God himself steps out of the smoke. The fans scream and cheer as Thor marches down the ramp, his cape blowing behind him, his menacing hammer gripped tightly in his hand, and the European championship belt over his shoulder.


Thor steps in the ring and Funyon begins his introduction “And in the ring, he weighs in at a crushing three hundred and forty five pounds and he is the SJL European champion... THOOOOORRR!!” The crowd pops like mad as Thor’s name is mentioned. He removes his cape and hands his hammer to an official outside the ring. The referee instructs both men to hand over their belts and when he has them both, he hands them to the outside and receives the brand new Undisputed European championship belt, which he holds above his head. The two competitors stare at the glistening belt and then at each other, contemplating the task at hand.




Axis: Remember folks, this is a no disqualifications match, anything goes. And believe me these two wrestlers will use every advantage they can to win that belt.


Edwin: This is a big opportunity for both of these two men. They should both want to leave their mark as the first ever Undisputed European champion.


King: What is the big deal about wanting to leave your mark? I say you come here, you kick ass, and you leave. That’s been my career goal.


Instead of waiting for any pageantry to start off the match, these two familiar opponents charge straight at each other. They collide mid-ring with Fugue delivering a hard punch to Thor’s chest, but the God of Thunder will not submit easily as he recoils with a vicious headbutt, knocking Fugue backwards. Thor wastes no time as he charges at a dazed Fugue and demolishes him with a clothesline. The crowd cheers at the brutality and Thor responds by throwing his fist in the air for the fans. Thor crouches down and waits for Fugue to recover from the move, which he does shockingly quickly. Fugue runs at Thor and leaps, with Thor waiting with open arms to catch him, but Fugues leap is different. He delivers a sharp dropkick to the knees of his opponent, causing Thor to wobble a tad and Fugue swiftly finishes the job with a sweeping leg kick, taking the big man to the canvas.


Fugue gets up quickly and comes right back down again with a knee drop to the right leg of Thor. Thor winces but stays strong as Fugue almost jumps up for another knee drop, crashing down to the right knee of Thor. Fugue tries to grab a hold of the knee to inflict further damage, but Thor has had enough. He kicks Fugue away and stands up quickly, mildly favoring his right knee. Thor grabs Fugue by his scraggly hair and punches Fugue several times in hopes that he will slow down a bit. Finally Thor reaches back and throws his arm forward in a powerful haymaker, knocking Fugue down.


Axis: Fugue is relentless in his punishment of Thor. Looks like the orders from Mak are to seek and destroy.


King: Well that’s the best strategy you can have against a guy like Thor. If anyone can beat out Thor for that Euro gold, it’d be the pain loving Fugue.


Edwin: Don’t count Thor out yet King. This man... err... god... has a lot of determination.


As Fugue gets up Thor moves towards him and grabs him by the arm and whips him to the ropes. When he comes back Thor is bent down and ready for a backdrop, but Fugue has a different idea. He somehow wraps his legs around Thor’s neck and whips him sideways in a modified hurrincanrana. The crowd may not like Fugue, but they cheer for the ingenuity of the maneuver and cheer even louder when Thor gets up behind Fugue and turns him around. The two combatants stand close to each other and Thor wraps his massive hands around Fugue’s neck. The ever smiling countenance of Fugue almost appears to know fear as he is hoisted up high into the air and brought back down in a Divine Hammer.


Thor looks up from his sitting position and cracks a smile. He then springs up to his feet and bounds against the ropes, hoping to catch the now standing Fugue with a flying clothesline. The tables are turned however as Fugue holds down the top rope and allows Thor to continue on his flight path all the way to the not so protective mats on the outside of the ring. The crowd almost gasps as they see Thor fly over the top to the outside but switch gears to boos as Fugue stands mid-ring smiling up at nothingness. Thor gets his wits about him and stands up dizzily on the outside. His moment of peace is crushed as Fugue leaps over the top after bouncing off the ropes, landing in a summersault plancha collapsing Thor.


Edwin: WOW!! An insane summersault plancha from delivered by the TV champion Fugue.


Axis: Talk about having now fear. This guy must not realize what he is doing when he attempts these suicidal maneuvers.


King: It’s that kind of skill that will vault Fugue to the Undisputed European championship.


Thor lies in a heap as Fugue takes the no DQ stipulation to his advantage. He reaches under the ring apron and pulls out a steel chair, not exactly the most unusual weapon, but its effectiveness is unquestionable. Fugue lifts it up and brings it back hard across the back of Thor, further prolonging his stay on the protective mats. Fugue’s smile grows even wider when he hears the crack of steel against flesh and he quickly thinks up another idea. He turns around and removes the steel ring steps from their position and tosses the top steps to the side, for later use. Fugue then takes the bottom steps and puts them between the ring and the steel guard rail. He then unfolds his chair and positions it on the far side of the steps.


Thor is now very shakily standing and Fugue goes to him. He whips the dazed Thunder God into the steel steps, he trips on the bottom step and smacks his forehead on the open steel chair. The crowd grimaces at the sight and boos when Fugue flips his messy hair back, fully revealing his devilish grin. Fugue appears to be taking a liking to his hardcore environment as he sets up what is sure to be another trap for Thor, who is now lying again on the mats, holding his face. Fugue walks over to the guard rail and pushes it back a bit, at least as much as he can without inflicting harm to the screaming fans on the other side. Fugue then hops on the guard rail and moonsaults off of it attempting to put Thor out for good. His plans are shattered as he catches his ribs on the back of the unfolded steel chair. The crowd winces at the sickening crack of either chair or bone.


Axis: You’ve got to wonder how much fight Fugue can have in him after that.


Edwin: Well, Fugue has taken a lot worse than that in the past, and we’ve seen him come back as if nothing even happened. The boy aint right.


King: Right or not, he’s the TV champion and he’s already put a hell of a hurting on Thor.


Thor reaches his feet first and fully sees what happened to Fugue. Both men are throbbing with pain but Thor finds the energy to pick Fugue up by his hair and escort him by the announcers’ table. Thor smashes Fugue’s head repeatedly into the announcers’ table as the commentators look on. After crushing the cranium, Thor whips Fugue a short distance, but with full power into the ring itself and Fugue falls down holding his chest. The crowd rallies behind their favorite Norse deity and begin the chant “GOD OF THUNDER!! clap, clap, clapclapclap GOD OF THUNDER!!”


With the crowd fully behind him, Thor picks up Fugue and rolls him into the general safety of the ring. Thor then stands and waits for the mad musician to reach his feet. As he does, Thor picks him up and lifts him high above his head, he presses Fugue once... twice... he goes for a third time but Fugue reaches down before the third press and thumbs Thor in the eye, causing him to fall backwards with Fugue on top of him. When the five hundred and twenty six pounds of humanity comes tumbling to the mat, the force of the fall causes Fugue to bounce off of Thor and land a few steps from him.


Axis: Tremendous effort by both these two athletes.


King: Axis, you’ve got a kind face.


Axis is visually taken back by this display of kindness from the Suicide King.


Axis: Wow, why thank you King.


King: The kind I’d like to tear off and spit on and kick and throw in the dirt...


Axis: Oh... how did I not see that coming.


Fugue gets up and kicks Thor in the gut, but Thor refuses to stay down and stands up immediately. Thor bounces off the ropes and runs at Fugue, but Fugue has a surprise up his sleeve. Fugue reaches into his baggy pants and removes something, which he throws in the eyes of Thor. The white powder lingers in the ring as Thor stumbles around holding his eyes in pain. Fugue takes advantage and runs to the ropes and bounces back with a bulldog, taking Thor face down to the mat. He then takes full advantage of Thor’s position and sits on Thor’s back. He hooks Thor’s arms in a full nelson and then flips forward into the Major Chord.


The move causes the already pained Thor to wrench his face further and to flop around like a huge fish. Thor wiggles enough and finally shakes free of the hold. Thor gets to his feet and wipes the powder from his eyes, trying to regain his vision. Fugue gets to his feet and doesn’t know exactly how to handle the blind giant before him, who is at this point swinging his arms around, trying to hit Fugue if he is anywhere near him. Fugue has an epiphany and leaps to the top turnbuckle. He whistles the end of “Pop Goes the Weasel” and Thor turns around quickly to attack his musical opponent, only to receive a dropkick from Fugue, taking him to the mat. Fugue goes for the cover.








Thor kicks out with authority, causing Fugue to be elevated up and away from Thor.


Axis: Strong kick out by Thor at two and a half.


Edwin: What do you suppose that white stuff that Fugue threw in Thor’s eyes?


Axis pipes up, proudly displaying his knowledge of the business: It’s an old wrestling trick. You see...


King cuts off Axis: It was crack.


Edwin: Oooohh, that explains a few things.


Fugue is now enraged that he didn’t get the pinfall. He is fuming to himself as Thor stands up. It will take more than a dropkick to take down the God of Thunder. Thor nails Fugue in the face with several right hands and when he is good and dazed, Thor whips him to the ropes. When Fugue returns, he believes he will have the element of surprise on his side as he leaps in the air to take down Thor with a cross body block. His element of surprise is non-existent as Thor catches him and proceeds to squeeze the life out of him with a big bearhug.


Thor crushes Fugue until Fugue literally turns a shade of purple. The referee carefully picks up Fugue’s hand and drops it. Fugue is not moving at all, his head hangs to the side, still wearing that familiar smile. The referee again lifts up the hand of the maniacal musician, and again it falls. Once more the ref lifts up Fugue’s hand, but this time it is not given the opportunity to fall as Fugue has suddenly sprung to life and kneed Thor in the crotch. This causes Thor to drop Fugue and hold himself in agony, all the while Fugue stands watching Thor, coughing to catch his breath, but smiling all the way. Fugue quickly composes himself and bounds off the ropes, he then comes flying at the still hurting Thor with a spinning shoulder tackle, catching Thor unaware and knocking him over.


Axis: Fugue taking Thor to the canvas with a spinning shoulder tackle. We sure see some innovative moves from Fugue don’t we.


Edwin: Well, I think the lad isn’t all home upstairs and he just sort of makes up moves as he goes along.


King: Insane? Bah! A genius I say!


Fugue takes the initiative and moves to the turnbuckle he gets to the top and turns facing the crowd and holds his arms out, as if he were a magnet to which the hatred of the fans was attracted. He then turns around but instead of leaping onto Thor, Thor is right there waiting for him, as he ascends the turnbuckles as well. Fugue drives forearm after forearm into the Thunder God’s back but to no avail. The two warriors are now trading lefts and rights in a very shaky position atop the turnbuckles. Finally Fugue kicks Thor, causing him to stumble backwards while the whole arena holds their breath in anticipation. Thor falls back but at the very last second, grabs Fugue by his shaggy mane and takes him along for the ride as every fan is on their feet.


The two crash to the mat with a thunderous boom. The fans are now cheering loudly as they remain on their feet. The two men lie on the mat... motionless. The referee unwillingly starts his count.










Thor stirs.






Thor is now moving more and Fugue is slowly getting to his knees.






Fugue is now on his feet and Thor follows soon after, as both men awkwardly exchange right hands. Neither man is truly conscious but they soon realize where they are, and the importance of this contest as they begin to pick up the pace. The exchange of blows left and right begins to accelerate as Thor ups the ante by whipping Fugue into the corner. Thor charges after him with a huge splash as the crowd goes wild, they can feel the excitement in the arena.


Axis: The crowd is really rallying behind Thor here tonight as he delivers a big splash in the corner.


Edwin: I’ve got to say, that was one craaaaaaazzyyy bump those two took.


King: Pish posh, Fugue is the real star behind this match.


Thor goes to Fugue, who is still in the corner and tears off his shirt, revealing the pale skin beneath. Thor wastes no time as he delivers a huge chop to his chest drawing an instinctual “WHOOO!!” from the crowd. Another sickening crack of flesh on flesh and another “WHOOO!!” The crowd is really feeling the energy of the match now and they feel it even more when Thor whips Fugue but instead of releasing him, brings him back and annihilates him with a short-arm clothesline. Thor suddenly gets an idea. With his opponent temporarily detained he decides to bring a little hardcore inside the ring.


Thor bails out of the ring and throws back the ring apron, revealing an assortment of toys for which to play with. Thor throws out several of the weapons, a trashcan, a kendo stick, a frying pan, a trashcan lid, but here he finds his weapon of choice... a ladder. The crowd pops like mad on the sight of Thor with the ladder, while Thor himself slides it in underneath the bottom rope. He stands up and opens the ladder and stands it up in the corner.


Axis: What is Thor going to attempt here? I don’t think that’s such a good idea.


King: Of course it is, no DQ is equal to double the fun!


Edwin is looking off somewhere else, humming the Oscar Meyer Weiner song.


Fugue is now up and hasn’t seen the ladder yet. Thor kicks Fugue in the gut and then attempts to whip him into the ladder, but Fugue somehow stops the enormous momentum and reverses Thor’s whip so that Thor himself goes flying into the ladder. This draws a massive boo from the sold out crowd. Fugue realizes what he’s done and smiles even broader and wickeder than before. If Thor wanted to play with the ladder, then Fugue is going to show him how it’s done.


Fugue helps Thor up, by grabbing his red hair, and then jumps straight up in the air and delivers a dropkick, causing Thor to stumble back fast, hit the corner hard, and fall to the canvas with a thud. Fugue props the ladder back up and climbs all the way to the top. The crowd stands once more as Fugue is up as high as he can go and with the grace of a bird, leaps off and hits a perfect Grand Finale four-fifty splash. Perfect except for the fact that he hit nothing but canvas as Thor rolled out of the way just in time.


Axis: Fugue attempts the firebird splash off the ladder but hits nothing but the unforgiving canvas.


Edwin: I think Fugue got a little too cocky there.


King: Never say the word “cock” in my presence again.


Thor gets to his feet slowly, but Fugue with his amazing threshold for pain also gets to his feet. Fugue stumbles around but stumbles right into the big boot of Thor, knocking him down to the mat. Thor moves like he’s going for the pin, but catches himself. He looks around at the crowd and then he taps his finger to his head. Now he turns and faces the ladder, causing the crowd to pop. He walks over to the ladder and starts to climb. It is a sight to behold when Thor reaches the top, he must be at least seventeen feet in the air. He then holds his arm up and leaps off the crowd yelling at the top of their lungs and Thor lands on the fallen Fugue with his Crack of Thunder, which sounds almost like its name as he collides with Fugue.


Thor is dazed for a moment, but then goes for the cover.












Thor picks up the win over Fugue to gain the Undisputed European champion. The first ever in SJL history. Funyon from ringside elegantly lifts the mic and says “Here is your winner... and the first ever Undisputed European champion... THOOOOORRR!!” The crowd roars their approval as Thor’s theme music kicks in and is barely audible over the resounding cheers of the fans.


Edwin: WHOOO!! Thor picks up the win and the Undisputed European championship.


Axis: Earning that pinfall from a HUGE Crack of Thunder elbow drop from the top of the ladder. Wow, that was one hell of a contest.


King: That was no contest, that was a travesty. A mockery of the whole wrestling business. Fugue had Thor beat in there and somehow that damn no-selling god squeaks out a victory.


Thor is handed his new belt as the referee holds up his hand in victory. Thor walks to a turnbuckle and holds up his new found title for all the crowd to see. By this time Fugue is on his feet and is signaling for someone to come out from the back. Suddenly the sWo emerges from the back and jog down the entrance ramp. No one in the arena is surprised when they see the sWo leap into the ring and begin to viciously attack Thor. Their tone changes into a torrent of boos as every member of the sWo is on Thor, punching him, kicking him, doing whatever they can to send the message that the sWo are not to be trifled with.


The entire stable is now in a heap on top of the fallen Thunder God ruthlessly pummeling away on the new champion. The fans boos intensify as the stable is in one big pile on Thor who is struggling to get free. Out of nowhere a loud guttural roar is heard, silencing the entire arena. The roar is frighteningly loud as suddenly the entire sWo is literally thrown off by Thor. Thor’s shirt is torn off, and Thor has a wild look in his eye as he looks up at the ceiling with his arms outstretched and his muscles completely flexed as he lets loose another violent roar.


All announcers sit with their mouths agape, staring at this incredible sight in the ring.


The sWo has a look of confusion and fear on their faces as Mike Van Siclen is braze/foolish enough to stand up first. Thor rushes at MVS and delivers a right hand to his face, causing Siclen to collapse and hold his face in pain. The rest of the sWo stand up and each are driven to the canvas by a punch or a clothesline. Mak Francis stands back up and rushes at Thor and gets clotheslined out of his boots by an insane Thor. The already titanic strength of Thor seems to be doubled as he completely clears house leaving the heels lying in pain in the middle of the ring.


Thor picks up Fugue, almost instinctually and holds him above his head. Thor then snarls and tosses Fugue out of the ring and crashing through the Spanish announcers’ table which no one has ever seemed to notice before. Thor thumps his chest like a wild man and grabs a standing Y2K by the hair and smashes his ceremonial mask into his own head, breaking the mask into pieces and leaving Y2K holding his face in pain. Suddenly from behind Matt Myers appears behind Thor with a chair and clobbers him in the back. Thor just turns around and stares with his eyes and mouth open at the infidel who dared to attack him. Myers is shocked and knows nothing more to do than to hit Thor in the face with the chair. Thor just continues to stand and stare as he gives a huge haymaker to his enemy, knocking him through the ropes.


Axis: What the hell? THOR’S GONE BONKERS!!


Edwin: We’ve never seen Thor do anything like this before, he has completely snapped. Throwing rights and lefts at anything that moves. He is acting like a...


King: What are you trying to say Edwin? OUT WITH IT MAN!!


Edwin: Well I’ve only heard about it, but it makes sense. Thor is a Viking deity and there was a certain Viking warrior’s tactic that was rarely used but extremely effective. It was called being a Berserker, meaning that the men would literally go crazy. This “Warrior’s Madness” would cause them to attack anything that moved or looked threatening. They would work themselves into such a frenzy that they would become impervious to pain and would increase their strength to almost ridiculous proportions. That looks like what has happened to Thor.


Edwin’s assumption seems to be accurate as Thor storms about the ring, disposing of any remaining enemy in his sight. Having all the enemies in his path defeated, Thor roars again, this time looking right into a camera, and runs against the ropes. He comes bouncing back and dives over the top rope, right onto Y2K and Mak Francis. He stands up quickly and runs to the back still with that wild eyed look in his eye. The ringside area is a mess, sWo members lying left and right, bodies strewn about. The Spanish announcers’ table lies in ruins with Fugue on top of it.


Edwin: I cannot believe what we just saw here. Thor has turned into a madman and runs rampant through the entire sWo.


King: Damn Vikings and their “Warrior’s Madness”.


Axis: This has been one wild match. Stay tuned for more action from the SJL.

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Guest crusen86

The crowd inside the National Car Rental Center in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida still buzzes over the happenings of earlier tonight, as the always well-dressed Funyon finishes up an off-camera merchandaise shill. An "Insane Luchador vs. Manson" graphic, promoting the upcoming match, fades out on the Smarktron, as we come back on-air. As is always the case, the three-man announce crew consisting of Axis, Edwin MacPhisto and the Suicide King are ready to welcome the fans back.


"(Edwin) It's magical, it's wonderful, it's the show that likes to party hard, party hard, party hard. It's METALLL!"


"(Axis) \m/ >_< \m/"


"(King) Oh lord."


"(Edwin) Our semi-main event, features two grapplers who should realistically be jobbing to Cutthroat. But we're a wrestling federation, and antagonists always find a way to get title shots here, even against the wishes of those in charge; it's an unwritten rule. And one of these men is a returning name, who returns after freaking out and going soul searching. Huzzah!"


Mudvayne's "Dig" comes alive over the speaker system, as the the lights go out, and flicker back on momentarily. Insane Luchador's theme continues, as he's found standing tall at the head of the ramp, bending his back akin to a limbo pose, stretching out his arms in a crucifix. Black sparks cascade like a waterfall down from the top of the IGNtron, as blood red pyro explodes to the near right and left of Rickmen's person. The two showers of fireworlks mix together here and there, as the Luchador leaps out of the sparks into plain view with a slight smirk on his face. He continues down the ramp, and the pyro begins dying out as he rolls into the ring, waiting for the man who he faces on this evening.


"(Axis) Since when do you get to be the dominant commentator? Anyway, Insane Luchador coming out first, and he seems to be moving away from the Plague persona somewhat. Maybe this'll help him get some sort of focus…"


"(Edwin) …Since I altered the script to suit my needs. And stats show that our audience doesn't click with giant Australians."


"(King) But they click with goofy-looking English dumbasses who like to extol the virtues of pandas?"


"(Edwin) Of course. Who doesn't identify with that?"


The opening to 'Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck' by Prong hits, as the SmarkTron comes to life with a grainy black and blue entrance video. Ominous red and purple lights flash on and off, as Manson tosses aside the entrance curtain and stops at the head of the rampway to stand for a moment in the crucifix position. He slowly makes his way down to the ring, and rolls under the bottom rope, immediately tossing off his biker jacket as he pops back up, before walking to the corner to sit on the ground, while shooting an evil eye towards Rickmen. Funyon stands in the middle of them, with a mic and reference cards in hand. The Referee, Matthew Kivell meanwhile, checks Manson and Luchador.


"(Axis) And Mafia… Or Manson, rather, is the second to come out. This is his return match to the SJL, after being away from us since May. Rickmen and Manson have a bit of history, as they've clashed a few times in the past. And Rickmen was even a member of The New Sound at one point, a grouping of wrestlers which Manson helped bring together before he left."


"(Edwin) And The New Sound is the stable which eventually morphed into the sWo… At the expense of everyone in the SJL. They've been bringing the drama to everyone's momma since their inception."


"(King) Is it any coincidence that they really only got going since this freak left? I think not."


"(Axis) You were fairly supportive about Manson in the past."


"(King) That's before he decided to puss out and leave his teammates in the dust. "


"(Edwin) Reminds me of someone I know…"


"(Axis) I've heard enough. Let's get this going. Funyon's standing by."


"(Funyon) Ladies and Gentlemen... Your appointed official for this match, is Matthew Kivell, and it is a Two out of Three Falls for the #1 Contendership to the SJL World Title! Now, standing to my right... Hailing from Easton, Penn-sylvania! And weighing in at one-hundred and ninety-five pounds. He is the "Insane Luchador" Andrew RICKMEN!"


A slight reaction for Rickmen, as he climbs on the turnbuckle and raises an arm towards the sky... A reaction out of confusion as to where he lies, considering his recent changes back away from twisted "True Plague" persona.


"(Funyon) And standing to my left... Hailing from New York City! And weighing in at two-hundred and fifteen pounds. He is MAAANSON!"


A slightly larger round of heat for Manson, as the crowd recollects that Manson gave The New Sound their beginnings before he left. Still, he recieves some pops from some fans anxious about his very true return. Manson stands unshaken by the crowd though, hardly acknowledging them at all, as he continues to stare a hole through Rickmen, his black eyes fixed in a long gaze, shadowed by his long dripping hair. Funyon climbs out of the ring, as Kivell signals for the bell.


::Ding Ding::


Manson pulls himself out of the corner, and begins circling Luchador, looking for him to let his guard down, as Luchador does the same.


"(Axis) Getting down to the match now. Manson, in the blue jeans and black shirt, with the high tape on his arms and that black face paint around his eyes. And Luchador, in his standard gear consisting of tan cargoes and black hooded sweatshirt."


"(King) Just like you to hold down talent."


Luchador and Manson draw near, and nod in a sign of grudging respect, as Luchador reaches up with his left hand for the knuckle lock. Manson obliges, as he locks his left with that of his opponent. It's broken up though, as Manson sweeps the leg out from under IL. Manson nearly drops for a pin, but Rickmen immediately performs a kip-up, keeping his shoulders off the mat, and he wraps the arm of Manson for a standing Armbar. Manson reaches for the leg of IL, but Rickmen stays fast on his feet as he muscles Manson up and over with the Hip Throw. IL hits the mat with Manson, and applies an Arm Scissors. Manson rolls onto his side, looking for a way out, as IL keeps applying pressure... With a final roll, Manson shifts over into a seated position, and IL transitions behind Manson with a Hammerlock. Manson struggles up to a standing position, and he jumps in the air while clutching IL by the head, before landing and whipping IL forward with a Snapmare.


"(Axis) A sign of respect and some basic wrestling to start off, as IL surprisingly got the best of Manson in the exchange."


Luchador rolls off the mat and charges Manson, as Manson yanks the arm and throws him up and over with the Armdrag. Luchador once again gets up immediately, but he meets a stiff forearm to the face from Manson up against the ropes, followed by another jarring shot of the same kind. While Luchador shakes off the hits, Manson wraps the arm up and Irish Whips him into the opposite ropes, SmarkTron side. Manson follows, as Luchador springs off, and Manson lays in a hard knee to the gut. Rickmen flips up and over from the impact, landing on the mat, and Manson covers, with Kivell making the count…




"(Axis) Pin attempt off the driving knee to the gut, kickout after one!"


"(King) Not to spoil the surprise, but the word out there is that Manson picked up a few things during his time off. And stiff strikes like that knee lift are a big part of that, but we'll just have to see."


"(Edwin) A good plan by the former Mafia either way, as he doesn't want IL getting up to full speed. Despite the opening exchange, Manson works best grounded, as I recall. IL may not be able to keep up with him in the long run, if he lays in more strikes like that."


Manson pulls IL up by his short spiked hair, and pushes him into the corner. He lifts another knee to the stomach, followed by a kick to the shin using his left leg. A crack echoes in the arena, as the Luchador winces in pain. Manson grins maniacally at Luchador, before Luchador comes roaring out of the corner with a right-handed Shotei Palm Strike to the upper chest. Manson stumbles back, as Luchador hits another Shotei on target, this time with his opposite hand. Manson stumbles some more, approaching the ropes near the announce table again, as Luchador rears back with his hand preparing for another Shotei. As he's ready to fire with another vicious palm, Manson ducks out the ring away from Rickmen. The crowd voices their disapproval, and Manson blows them off.


"(Axis) Manson taking the coward's way out, as he retreats from Rickmen."


"(King) It's not cowardly, it's smart. If you knew anything about wrestling, you'd know."


"(Axis) Edwin, can't you fire him somehow?"


"(Edwin) I'm sure there's a way, but I'm too lazy to find one. All that work, you know."


Manson continues to stroll around ringside, making his way back to Smarktron side clockwise, as Kivell warns him to get back in. Luchador, in the ring, runs towards the ropes and fakes a dive over, hitting the ropes with the frontside of his body, as Manson watches from below. Thinking he got the best of Luchador, Manson turns towards the fans and taps his head with a finger, inciting a wave of heat towards him. But as he turns back towards the ring, he finds Andrew launching himself over the ropes with a slingshot, hitting Manson square and knocking him down, dazing him.


"(Axis) Luchador faking out Manson, and connecting with a big move over the top!"


"(King) Manson losing his focus here, letting the fans affect him, leading to a very costly mistake."


IL is first to get up from the ground ringside, as he heeds the call of Kivell to get back in the ring. Rickmen clenches Manson by his long, black hair and rolls him back in. He follows, and drops a stomp to Manson before covering for a pin.




"(Axis) Shoulder up, the Plague gets a one count!"


Insane Luchador pounds the mat with his fists, as he rises to deliver another stomp to the chest of Manson. Manson pushes himself off the ground afterward, as he locks up with Rickmen in the Collar-Elbow. Manson breaks the hold, as he transitions and gets IL with a Side Headlock. Luchador pushes Manson off into the ropes, and waits mid-ring to meet him head on. Manson squares his shoulders, and hits IL dead on, neither man giving up an inch. The ex-mob man backs into the ropes and charges, squaring his shoulders once more, hitting IL with another attempted Shoulder Block. The two lock eyes with one another, as Manson brings his leg up and strikes the stomach of IL with the precision of a martial artist. Luchador shakes it off, and brings an overhead right hand to the face of Manson. Manson shakes that attack off, as he steps forward and thrusts his arms out for the Collar-Elbow once more. IL does the same, and the two push and shove in a test of strength, attempting to gain the upper hand on one another.


"(Axis) Like dueling attacks, these two are clawing their way towards some kind of advantage, as we're seemingly beginning from square one."


"(King) Bitter rivals, locked in a game of chess, and playing mind games with one another, seeing which one will budge first."


"(Edwin) You have a flair for the over-dramatic. Let's see a dance-off between them."


"(King) That won't be happening. I don’t think they're the dance-off type."


"(Edwin) Everyone is the dance-off type. We just need a little Pink and Andrew W.K. Or a DDR machine."


"(Axis) Damn drawn out dialogues. Back to the match we go."


The contest of strength continues, as neither man has given up much space. It ends quickly, as Manson raises a knee and gets another lethal gut shot on Insane Luchador. Rickmen staggers back, before keeling over, clutching his stomach. Manson stands behind him, preparing for a Roundhouse Kick, before thinking better of it and sitting on the back of Insane Luchador, locking in a Full Nelson. Luchador screams in pain, as Manson contorts the spine and continues pressure…


Moments pass, as Kivell keeps checking in on Luchador to check if he wants to give it up. Manson has a look on his face of sick pleasure, knowing of the damage being done to his adversary. Rickmen's movements continue to slow with each passing moment… And Kivell continues to check on him, still not hearing one word of surrender.


"(Axis) This deadly Back Mounted Ful Nelson continues to tear Luchador apart, as he's been in this hold for quite a while. Competitors of a lesser constitution would have given it up by now. But signs of life are still coming from Rickmen…"


Rickmen shakes his head as Kivell keeps asking if he wants to give in. As if from a second wind, Rickmen rears his elbow back and strikes Manson. Manson gets rocked, but still doesn't let go. With another elbow, Manson lessens his hold on IL, allowing Luchador to get free. The crowd claps politely for Luchador getting out of the move, as he attempts to rise up to his feet. With Luchador on the mat on all fours, Manson runs up with a crooked smile, and stiffly kicks Luchador in the ribs. Rickmen reaches for his mid-section again, only to watch Manson let out a scream and jumps up, knees pointed downard towards him. Obviously knowing that this can't be good, IL rolls out of way, and Manson hits the ground hard, his Double Knee Drop striking only the mat.


"(King) Another bad, bad mistake for Manson, his brash and careless nature getting the best of him. He shows no restraint."


"(Edwin) Stiff him up, Rickmen!"


"(Axis) …"


"(Edwin) What? It's kill or be killed. And Manson raised the bar anyway, let ol' IL take charge now."


Manson favors his knees, unaware that Insane Luchador stalks him from the opposite side of the ring. With one final pull, Manson uses the ropes to get back on his feet. And as he does, IL charges from the other side of the ring. Manson looks on, with nothing he can do, as Rickmen shoves a palm into his face and hits a Running Shotei! Manson hits the ground clutching his jaw, and slowly gets back up, dazed from the strike. Manson reels, as IL hops onto his shoulders. Sensing a perfect opportunity for a kill, Manson sets IL onto the top turnbuckle, closest to the announce table. He motions with his hand for a Open-Handed Chop, blocked by IL's leg. With a quick movement, IL strikes Manson in the face with a kick and staggers him. With a quick spin, put forth by Rickmen, Manson stands back towards his foe. Before he can conjure up a plan, Luchador wraps his arm around the head of Manson and dives forward, planting him into the mat with a Falling Bulldog!


"(King) Dammit! That idiot, this was all him."


"(Axis) Appears as if time away from the ring has clouded up Manson's judgement… And IL is rolling Manson over!"








"(Axis) Shoulder up before three!"


"(Edwin) See, Kingy. It's not over yet."


"(King) It will be if Manson doesn't get his head on straight."


Luchador looks up at the sky in frustration, wondering what he has to do to get a pin on Manson. His energy from his second wind seems gone, but he forces himself to continue, as he bends down to lift up Manson, who tries to get up from an all fours position. With Rickmen's hands around his head, he dives forward and clips the leg out from under the Insane Luchador. The Plague hops up from off the mat, shaking the effects off his leg. Manson still on the ground, tries for another clip, dodged by IL, who drops a Leg across the back of Manson's head. Manson clutches the back of his head, as both he and IL rise from the mat at the same time. Manson lunges forward with a Clothesline, ducked by Luchador. The exchange comes to a screeching halt, as IL grabs Manson in a Front Face Lock, and jumps back hitting the Evenflow DDT! Luchador crawls over for a cover…




"(King) no…"




"(King) Hell no…"






"(King) SHIT!"


"(Edwin) BWAA HA HA!"


"(Funyon) And your winner, by way of Pinfall, leading One Falls to None… "Insane LUCHADOR!"


"(King) What are you laughing at?"


"(Axis) I think he's laughing at you."


"(King) Did I ask you?"


"(Axis) No, but I have a job to do, so if you don't mind… Fans, IL has just won the first fall of this Two out of Three Falls Match, after nailing a perfect Evenflow DDT!"


"(Edwin) Not to mention that it came on the heels of some severe mess-ups from Manson, who blew this first fall and practically handed it to Luchador…"


Manson rolls to the outside of the ring, as "Insane Luchador" Andrew Rickmen takes some much needed breathing time inside the ring, coming off his win. Manson strolls the area in-between the announce table and the ring, and the fans heckle him, before finally climbing up on the apron and entering cautiously into the ring. His head still pounds from the Bulldog and Evenflow DDT which eventually put him away, though in the back of his mind he knows where to strike, like a shark going after blood in the water.


"(Axis) After a few minutes on the outside, appears as if we're ready once again."


Both men circle one another, just as the match started out, before Manson swipes at the legs of Luchador. Luchador comes forth and attempts to get near Manson, but he swats at him with quick kicks, forcing IL to back away. With another charge, Manson dives and swipes at the legs of IL, to which IL jumps out of the way. Insane Luchador hops behind Manson and gets a waistlock, though Manson prys the hands apart and ducks behind himself. He synches an Inverted Face Lock, and grabs the waistband of IL. He pulls Luchador up and over, but IL lands on his feet, the impact jarring his still-injured back. IL runs from behind and pushes Manson to the ropes, and Manson hangs on and IL rolls off. Rickmen with a charge, to which Manson sidesteps, sending IL to the ropes with his own momentum. Luchador comes running back, and Manson sidesteps once again, kicking the hamstring of Rickmen out from under him, as he runs by. Rickmen jumps up immediately, knowing that he can't keep letting Manson use his faster advantage.



"(Axis) Manson trying for a Reverse Suplex after testing the waters, and now he's using his distinct advantage, in that he's quicker than IL at this point, simply because his back hasn't been damaged all that much, if at all."


"(King) Despite Manson idiotically giving up the first fall, lets see if he can attack a wounded opponent still… Let's see if a plan builds up."


Luchador gathers his bearings, as Manson runs in. IL throws out a kick, catching Manson in the gut, and Manson stands shaken. With a change, IL runs after with a Clothesline, ducked. IL stops in his tracks, but it's too little too late, as Manson attempts a Full Nelson. Not dumb enough to fall for it this time, IL flips Manson forward and onto his feet, back towards IL. IL ducks behind, and School Boy's Manson.






"(Axis) Shoulder up, by Manson after the two."


"(Edwin) He has to be newly recharged by now. Once he's rejuvinated, a surprise School Boy won't get him."


Manson gets up to a knee, and Forearms the aggressive IL in the stomach, as IL attempts to lift him up. Up to his feet, he lifts another knee, blocked by Luchador's hand. Knowing that the face is unguarded, Manson shoves a Forearm into the jaw of Luchador. Luchador stands fazed by another stiff shot, and Manson lifts him up and drops him across his knee with a Rib Breaker. Luchador collapses on the mat, his kidney having been shoved into who knows where, and Manson covers.







"(Axis) He JUST gets the shoulder up!"


Manson climbs the turnbuckle, and sits perched above, watching Insane Luchador struggle up to his feet. As he takes one last stride up, he spots Manson sitting above, waiting. With a mighty leap, Manson jumps off the turbuckle and twists in mid-air, turning perpendicular to IL's body. With nothing left to lose, Luchador jumps in the air himself, and extends his legs, hitting Manson in the chest and sending him crashing into the mat with a Dropkick. Both competitors use opposite side ropes to pull themselves up, and IL is the first to come out with a head of steam. He's caught in the face with a Spinning Heel Kick across the chest, and he falls to the mat. He attempts to stand, as Manson springs off the second rope, turning in mid-air. He attempts the Dropkick, but IL swats it away with ease. IL with the advantage, he waits for Manson to stand and hooks the Fisherman set-up. With an act of desperation, he lifts Manson into mid-air, but doesn't get all of the Cradle DDT, as his back and ribs become racked with pain.


"(Axis) A great counter with IL's Dropkick fending off the Flying Cross Body, but the story is the same as Insane Luchador cannot complete the Cradle DDT fully, due to pain in the mid-section."


"(Edwin) He still got some of it, that's something."


"(King) Quiet. You don't win matches by doing something half-way. I suppose next we should give Cutthroat a medal just for trying."


IL gets off the mat slowly, as does Manson, neck in pain after the partly-botched Cradle DDT. Insane Luchador props himself against the ropes for support, as Manson charges and clips the leg from the front. IL takes a fall to one knee, as Manson stands behind and hits the right leg with repeated kicks, the same leg he had just gotten with the tackle.


"(Axis) Manson taking control, I don't know how Luchador could stay in this much longer."


Kivell checks in with Insane Luchador on his condition, as he pulls himself up from the mat. Luchador waves him off, as Manson hovers over him. IL strikes upward with an Uppercut Shotei, and Manson stumbles back. IL fully on his feet, he hooks Manson for a Snap Suplex. Manson unleashes a knee, this time to the quadraceps of the right leg, the impact forcing IL to let go. IL grabs the ropes, head buried in his arms, as he grimaces at the stinging pain his leg just suffered through. With a sweep of the leg, Manson knocks IL into a seated position, as he segues behind and hooks an Inverted Face Lock, while placing his leg around the body of Luchador, for the Abdominal Stretch effect.


"(King) The Stretch Plum!"


Insane Luchador screams and writhes in pain, as Manson increasingly applies more pressure. With nowhere to go seemingly, IL's hand strikes the mat not once, not twice, but three times, as Matt Kivell signals for the bell.




"(Funyon) And your winner, by way of Submission, tying this match One Fall to One Fall… "MAAANSON!"


"(Axis) Insane Luchador had to cut his losses, if he had any hope in winning this match at all…"


"(Edwin) I'll hand it to him, the submission was well-worked out… Now I want Rickmen to go shoot on him."


A look of relief washes over the face of Manson in the wake of his Submission fall, as he lets go of Insane Luchador and retreats to the other side of the ring. He raises his hands to wipe sweat off his brow, as he watches Insane Luchador come to the center of the ring and ask for more. Immediately, Manson grabs the arm of Insane Luchador and throws him into the ropes. IL bounces off, and he gingerly ducks a High Roundhouse from Manson. IL clutches the arm of Manson from behind, and drags him down to the mat, applying a Fujiwara Armbar, as Manson claws towards the ropes. Luchador lets Manson up, and Hammerlocks the arm, before throwing him shoulder first into the second turnbuckle. Manson shakes it off, though doesn't get a chance to as IL pulls Manson down with a quick Single-Arm DDT. Manson now on the defensive, covers up on the ground, as Luchador kicks him repeatedly on the arm, before backing off, allowing for Manson to stand. Manson doesn't get a chance to recover, as Luchador stands in wait and hits Manson with repeated and quick punches to the face. Luchador goes to the well once too often, as Manson blocks one punch attempt, and hoists Luchador up into a Vertical Suplex position, before dropping him back down.


"(Axis) Manson going for a Suplex or something, but he couldn't get him up with that damaged arm."


The arm of Manson, signs of bruising already, aches as Manson tries to shake off effects of IL's sudden attack in the corner. IL heads up behind him, locking in a Full Nelson, but Manson elbows out of the hold, and quickly moves away from the corner where IL sits waiting. Luchador jumps down and heads after Manson with intentions of finishing the match off, but he meets a rake of the eyes, as Manson sets up for the Suplex again, this time using his opposite arm to hold the majority of IL's weight. He spins in place, and it's all too apparent that he's not going for a Suplex, but a Falcon Arrow! Manson brings IL back down to earth, as he plants him with a Michinoku Driver-like finish, and Kvell makes the count.










"(Funyon) And you winner of this match, by way of Pinfall, winning Two Falls to One… "MAANSON!"


"Snap Your Fingers. Snap Your Neck" hits, as Manson sits on the mat and raises a hand to a mixed reaction. He looks down at Insane Luchador who has an exhausted and pissed off look spread across his face, before retreating up the ramp.


"(Axis) It's all over! Manson triumphs over Andrew Rickmen, with a strong return. IL got the first fall with an Evenflow DDT."


"(King) But Manson got the second and third falls with a Stretch Plum and the Falcon Arrow! Booyaz."


"(Edwin) And the bloody bastard will go on to meet the winner of our Main Event for the SJL Championship. It's sWo member Mak Francis versus C.I.A., up next."

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Guest crusen86

Not too many flashy signs in the audience except for the shilling of Z as todays Wfer in need of shilling; “Dr. Z rulz”, “Carnies do it better”, “What about Silent…Z will win”, “Suicide King should have been force to tag with Zed again…uh…only if he wanted though…yeah.” Oh yeah and the ever present Trio of Axis, Edwin and King are shown as we come back from commercial for Crimson.


“Good day mates and welcome back to the National Car Rental Center, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for SJL Crimson. One time home of MTV spring break!” Opens Axis in hopes of exciting the home viewer. “And what a show we have had so far with a Battle Royal and the unification of the TELEVISION AND EUROPEAN TITLES!”


“Now the Jobbers Title is no more and only the unified European title remains!”


“Show some respect as two, count ‘em two sWo members have held that title, in “The Franchise” Mak Francis and the smiling sadist Fugue!” Adamantly adds King. “They elevated that piece of trash to a level above the Euro Title so we had to combine them to give the Euro some credibility.”


Sighing Edwin MacPhisto just shakes his in sheer shock. “You know what…I’m too stumped by your ability to twist the truth in facts, to even partake in my normal witty comebacks.”


“Just moments ago we had a two out of three falls SJL World Heavyweight number one contenders match between Andrew Rickmen and the returning Manson!”


“And now we have come to the Main Event of the Smarks Junior Leagues syndicated Crimson event, in which we will deduce who will face our new numero uno contender!”


“Why don’t you tell the fans who won?”


“Shut up Kingy…”


“No tell them who w-”


And in a surprise event King is the one interrupted instead of Axis as Down with the Sickness begins to flood through the National Car Rental Center.


[Whispered] ‘Are you Ready?’….


“This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Smarks Junior League World Heavyweight Title.” Booms Funyon the SJL’s Michael Buffer clone.


Blue and White strobe lights flash as the Smarktron airs highlights of Mak Francis hitting the perfect kick on TNT. This is followed by a blue and white photonegative image of Mak Francis…


[semi loud] ‘Are you Ready?’….


And a clip of his European Title 4 way match, and him forcing the Canadian Intelligence Agent to tap out, during a figure four leg lock. This is once again followed by a blue and white photonegative image of Mak Francis…




“The challenger, making his way to ringside at 225 pounds…hailing from the city of brotherly hate…” Funyon looks down at an index card and just shakes his head in disgust. “A sWo member, the epitome of execution, the next best thing to nobody, your mothers love him and your sisters want to fuc- I refuse to even say that - ” And with that Mak Francis comes out to a cascade of boos, mic in hand. He stands on the ramp looking disappointedly at Funyon.


“You’d do it for Flesher wouldn’t you Fun Daddy! Well anyways…I am your next World Heavyweight Champ, whether you like it or not you teenybopper, snap, crackle popping like rice crispies treats targets…“The Franchise” MAAAAK FRRANNNNNCCCIIIIsssssss!” announces Francis for himself leeching off Flesher’s heat getter better than even Mike Van Siclen ever could, all the while making a grand gesture to the Fort Lauderdale crowd.


“Sickening. Nothing else to call it.”


“That was without a shadow of a doubt the single closest thing to a superior entrance I have ever seen!”


“You’re actually condoning this King!”


“Why the hell shouldn’t I Axis, why the hell shouldn’t I?”


Francis moseys on down to the ring a little confident after the recent confrontation, a la interview from Nervous Sheep of all people; he had with the Junior Leagues top face and number one concession seller. Francis enters through the second and top ropes confidence showing but his hand still badly injured as it stays cradled to his side.


“Ladies and gentlemen, introducing next, from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada….”


The SmarkTron flickers to life, a fluttering Canadian Flag flowing for all the fans to see. And since none of the fans are still in the dark about what that signifies, they are on their feet, forgetting the Franchise in the ring and letting out a mighty cheer for their Canadian Hero. “Oooohhhhhh Caaannnaaadddaaaa!!!”




The stage seems to exploding, four bright red columns of pyro firing deafeningly into the air, just as glittering red bits of confetti begin to rain down on the assembled fans. The adulation from the fans becomes even louder as the arena lights kick back up to full luminescence to coincide with the pyro, the opening riff to ‘secret agent man’ beginning, and the recently dubbed ‘Canadian Dream’ emerges on stage in a very Jericho-esque pose. The cheering continues for some time, and CIA remains unmoving, allowing Funyon a second chance to finish his introduction.


“Weighing in tonight at 237 pounds…” Suddenly Funyon pulls another 3 by 5 card out of his pocket, this time speaking with no hesitation. “He is the cold member, the best thing since Canadian brew, a true as La beck blue Canadian Dream and your S-J-L WORLD Heavyweight CHAMPEEEEEEEEEEEN, he is the Canadian Intelligence Agent known by the acronym C!…I!…AAAAAAhhhh!”


And the crowd lets loose a mighty roar of approval as CIA turns around and has a mic in his hands


“Greetings you crazy Floridians from the frozen north!" Walking down towards the ring, C.I.A. slaps hands with all the fans he passes. "Well especially to that girl in section 238 with the “CIA is God” sign!"


"Makky here thinks he’s going to get my title!” And the crowd boos accordingly. “He’s got the sWo to have his back but I got something he can’t fathom. The cheers of fans instead of jeers that force me to go on when others would give and I am MOST definitely bringing you guys my best. CANADIAN STYLE!"


And with that CIA enters the ring and for the third time in as many altercations the masked man stares straight into the eyes of Francis. The STAREDOWN~ is unmistakable as these top two men in the JL have much animosity towards each other.


“Well both Francis and CIA have had a hectic wrestling schedule to say the least with neither man getting a break. But it seems the CIA has had the harder of the two.”


“Yeah…yeah, we heard all this in that extremely passionate and all around insane interview with Nervous Sheep.” The Suicide King comments as an answer to Axis statement. “Yup that sure got the point across that there is absolutely NO love loss between these two bitter rivals.”


CIA still with the mic in his hand lets it fall to the floor as newly fired SWF referee Matt Kivell checks them for illegal objects and stuff. Francis’s eyes finally deviate from CIA to the mic as it makes a loud noise when hitting the mat.


“The Franchise Mak Francis challenging CIA The Canadian Intelligence Agent for the SJL World Title and this capacity crowd is on their feet!”


“It’s been said before but I’ll say it again. These two men are so evenly matched it’s unbelievable.” Adds Edwin. “CIA has a slight advantage of two inches in height and twelve pounds in weight.”


“But Francis has the amateur background. He was a two time All American and NCAA National Champion for Michigan State University.”


And the Franchise turns back to face CIA after looking at the dropped mic. He flexes his left hand in a nervous tick that signifies his being pissed the hell off.


And suddenly CIA’s face is forced to contort sideways and his hand immediately goes up to his left cheek covered by his mask.


“A challenge being laid down by Francis.”


Then with a sudden movement Francis hits the floor like a sack of potatoes. The Canadian Dreams hand moved like lightening and similar to the interview. RUTHLESS AGRESSION~ rings true and Francis holds his face, crawling on his belly to the ropes. CIA follows after his kicking him in the ass once as the Franchise gets on his knees and places his torso through the second and top rope. All of Francis’s false bravado from earlier is gone as the masked combatant beckons from behind him to get to his feet for another thrashing. Matt Kivell forces him to back away and Francis finally gets up to face his foe.


“Bloody Hell that was a slap and a half…might even rival the cocktail of shame in sheer ability to make somebody look like a bitch…”


“And it gets answered back ten fold. That little sequence reminiscent of their altercation during the Nervous Sheep interview.”


“Well Mak looks to be ready now after CIA took a blatant cheap shot at him.” says Suicide King. “How can you blame CIA after Francis provoked him with his own slap.” Replies Axis in disbelief. “Easy it’s my job to twist everything in favor of evil doers and their quest to be the best!”


CIA and Francis lock up in a collar and elbow tie up proving the fact that these men are so equally matched it’s scary. Francis backs CIA up a little taking control and switches into a standing headlock - but the self proclaimed Franchise flows straight into a back waist lock. Francis attempts to lift his worthy opponent for a German suplex – but Canadian Intelligence grapevines a leg to block the attack. Francis quickly adjusts his offense into a go behind take down placing him on his knees and CIA to the canvas. After the two fight each other on the mat for leverage Francis wheel around in to a kneeing front chancery.


“Francis already trying to wear down the neck by grinding in that forward chancery or front face lock.”


“What did you expect him to do? CIA’s massive injuries include the head, neck and shoulders from all his non stop gimmick matches.”


Francis continues to grind in the chancery as CIA gets up to a semi standing position.


“Yup, TWO GRUDGE CAGE matches and Hell in a Swimming Pool over a three week period is as close as it gets to running the gimmick match gauntlet of DOOM. And not surprisingly Mak’s no better being in the two cage matches to determine a World Champ against his opponent here in the ring and WF bumped member Renegade.”


“And yet CIA has toughed through the little to no rest at all and captured Junior Leagues World Title gold with his un-measurable heart, grit and bloody determination!”


“Both men are half dead with CIA taking two count ‘em two swan dives off a cage and a swan dive into a f’n pool. It is down right unbelievable that he’s even alive much less wrestling. And Francis’s probably no better with a head wound that’s been reopened in two of his last three match and a possibly broken hand, that has been getting picked apart on a regular basis.” Says Axis as he states all the ailments like a checklist. “The real question is…is it worth it?”


“If you want the title of the best in the Smarks Junior League enough it’s worth it.” says Edwin in a serious tone. “Being a World Champion takes a lot, it pushes you to the breaking point…and some may say it’s not worth it…”


Edwin pauses and looks at the two young men in the ring as Francis rotates back into a side headlock.


“It can be a joy of unfathomable potential when you become number one or a curse that you would wish on no one…”


He looks again as CIA drives himself and Francis into the ropes and sees the similarity between himself and the masked Junior Leaguers situation.


“Because everyone is chasing after you…coming at you from all sides. And you either give in to the physical and mental pain, ending your strife or live up to the expectations any way you can…”


And then sees the similarities between Mak and his mentor. The two men rebound off the ropes and Francis is forced to let go shooting into the ropes and back to CIA - hitting a wall of Champion as neither man hits the mat. Mak goes back to gain some momentum from the ropes at the announce table side of the ring and charges back with another shoulder block attempt – that fails causing him to hit the ground back first this time.


“Uh…nice back and forth action by CIA and Francis but the Canadian in control after his slight size advantage finally panned out.”


“And a very smart move by Mak as he rolls outside for a breather. Get calm cool and collected so you can take back control of the match.”


“But the Canadian follows him out and nails him with a double axe handle from the ring apron right in between the shoulder blades. Francis really in need of some time to get his bearings back, while Kivell starts the count out.”


** ONE **


CIA drives the point home that he won’t be letting up anytime soon, by grabbing him by the head and leading him over to the steel steps…


“What’s - ” ** TWO ** shouts Kivell after protesting the implied action of what CIA is going to do. “- Going to happen here?”




** CLANG!! **




Francis’s face hits the steel steps and Kivell warns him after exclaiming ** THREE **, but CIA has other plans as he grabs at the bandaged left hand of Francis and bangs it onto the STEEL. Over and over and over AND OVER!!!! Francis looks like he is just about to cry when the masked grappler pauses and slams it down one more time for good measure to the delight of the crowd. Kivell is really letting CIA know what he thinks about his level of authority as he rolls Francis back into the ring on ** SIX **.


The Canadian Dream rolls back into the ring and Kivell has words with him buying Francis some time and the opportunity to scoot into the corner, while cradling his injury. CIA sees this and goes over to the sWo co leader who has now made it to one knee. The World Champ is about to grab him -



And for the first time in Francis’s career executes a shotei, a weak one but a shotei nonetheless to CIA’s chest…** smack **


But the Canadian replies with a stronger palm blow to the chest…** Smack **




“It’s a palm strike you damn marks.”


“WHOOOOO! Get in the spirit Kingy!”


And a heavier stepping shotei comes about from Francis… ** Smack! **


“I refuse to be apart of this markish behavior. I have a reputation of being above anything and everybody to uphold.”


And the Canadian responds accordingly…** Smack!! **




“Dueling Shooooooooootaaaaaaaaaay’s!”


“Great back and forth as neither man is backing down!”


Francis gives it all he’s got hitting a solid shotei…


** Smack!! **


Then a REAL SOLID SOUNDING shotei connects…** SMAAAAAAAAACK!!! **




And “the Franchise” holds his chest realizing he’s in over his head and goes back to what he knows best…** SMACK! ** comes the noise from the knife-edge chop…** BOOOO ** comes the normal response received…


But the Canadian Dream brings a knife-edge to the duel…** SMACK ** comes the sound of the chop…** WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO ** is how the crowd responds…


And Francis responds again, ** SMACK ** and again ** smack ** AND AGAIN ** SMACK!! ** as the crowd continuously boos the attack that’s backing CIA into the corner for another standard Flair style corner chop – which Francis hits and then the now back in control the Franchise grabs at the wrist of his arch rival Irish whipping – and following him into the corner for a decapitating stiff clothesline. Then he proceeds to stomp away at the stomach of the Canadian and as the phrase goes, walk it dry.


“Francis really fired up right now! And an Irish whip out of the corner – reversed by CIA – no reversal of the reversal –…uh…how about I just say Francis short arms the secret agent into his awaiting arms for a Overhead Belly to Belly. He locks his arms in position shifting his own weight in a little preparatory bounce – but it’s countered by a roaring elbow.”


Francis gets hit with the strike to the head but is only dazed in stead off knocked out like he has been from previous CIA roaring elbows – but that doesn’t matter to CIA as he stands face to face with Francis off centered a little to the left. He wraps his arm about the sWo members’ shoulder in preparation for a Flatliner/Downward Spiral – but the Franchise recovers his equilibrium and connects with one…two…no three back elbows to break up the attack. Then Mak laces his own arm about the staggered CIA and then the Franchise places CIA's chin on his shoulder and hooks it with his right hand and - sits down, checking to see if the World Champ has a glass jaw or not.


“Back and forth quick counters leads to a sit out jaw breaker from Mak. And here’s the cover Francis hooking the near leg.” Observes Edwin.












“CIA gets the shoulder up. No glass jaw on this young man after taking a brutal jawbreaker variant.”


“Now Edwin was that move “Above average” or “Franchisable”.”


“…” comes the response from Edwin.


“I wonder how Francis was able to counter the Via Rail after getting hit with a roaring elbow. A move that CIA has previously almost knocked him out with.”


“Well mister play-by-play, if you didn’t notice Mak is just plain old better than that boarder hoping lunatic.” States Suicide King factually. “Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that his elbow ended up connecting like a stiff forearm because he was to close to fully extend and hit with the elbow point.” Breaks down Edwin MacPhisto.


“Yeah that could be it…”


“Yo, I just went Dr. Tom on your ass.”


With CIA downed by that counter Mak Francis finally gets a chance to hit some sustained offense. The self proclaimed Franchise grabs a hold of the left leg and places a kick or two directly on the joint. Then Francis drops an elbow onto the knee and parleys that into a leg lock stretching the knee.


“After all the high speed of Francis moving back to his methodical pace.”


Francis disengages the hold and drags CIA up to his feet to eliminate his knee with a shin breaker – from this position he easily counters with a right hand and another closed fist that staggers Francis until he connects with a low dropkick. After a few stomp to the knee Francis catches CIA’s foot and takes him down with a rolling leg lock.


“He’s really going after the leg.”


And Francis goes directly back to the leg with seated leg lock. Again the rest hold gives the pop happy crowd a chance to get behind the World Champ as twists, turns and finally gets himself out of the hold by kicking away at the back of Francis with his free foot. Francis tries to scrambles away but gets mauled by stiff strikes. CIA gets back up to his feet and Francis does too with the Franchise coming in full force and getting knocked back to the mat in a clothesline. Francis gets off his back and into an Irish whip – but upon Francis’s return he ducks another clothesline attempt and hits a dropkick to the knee.


“CIA looses his momentum just as fast as he got it back.”


And that is all the set up Francis needs to pretzel CIA’s legs into the shape of a four – but the Canadian counters with a boot to the bottom in the direction of the corner and he kips up to his feet Francis stops himself from hitting the buckle and turns back stomping out of the corner. CIA hits him square in bandaged forehead. But Francis is not a man on a mission and Irish whips him back into the corner he just came from. Francis once again rushes into the corner to pummel CIA with a stiff shot to his back – but CIA goes up and over the charging Francis and twisting in mid air grabs him in a sunset flip roll up!






















“And Francis rolls forward facing the turnbuckle countering the pin and gaining one of his own by hooking the legs of CIA!”






Francis gets his feet into the air and lands them on turnbuckle hooking them for leverage.







“Hey Kivell feet on the ropes!”












“He kicked out even with Francis’s feet on the ropes.” Screams Axis. “God CIA won’t even lose by cheating tactics.” Adds King.


“Yes CIA has come way to far to give up the title, this early in the match. He’s in peak condition along with Franchise and they both are too stubborn to give up.”


Francis stands up as he sees Kivell wave off the three count but the Franchise gets up and instead of getting to upset and drags CIA to his feet. “Go behind by Francis – and he dumps CIA on his head with a release German suplex.” Says Axis. With a hint of disgust in his voice at the way folded over after the German suplex…he’s now lying face first on his stomach instead of the normal position on his back after a suplex.


“There’s the mean streak Mak. Break his neck like a toothpick.”


“These vicious suplexes and attack of the neck have to be leading to the Franchise Tag or the Tribute.”


“That was a nasty suplex. But I also know that when it gets heated in the ring sometimes you do things you normally would not.”


“Like drop JD and Breggin on their head multiple times! That kind if stuff.”

Kivell gets in the face of Francis again tell him to play fair and all that but Mak just pie faces the official and drags CIA to his feet once again. He hooks on the front face lock. Cradles the leg and – gets suplexed onto his back as CIA holds onto his left hand with a hammerlock and drops him in a northern lights suplex. Kivell already down on the makes the count a little quickly.










“Francis kicks out and was it just me or did that count seem fast.”


“Kivell is trying to screw Mak over. This is unbelievable!”


“Maybe he should not have attacked him them. Here’s a hint, when you hit your ref they are not, I REPEAT, are not going to like you for it.”


Francis lies on the mat shaking out his hurt hand while CIA rolls over onto his stomach and pushes himself up. Francis tries to cover his hand but CIA goes back to it with a vengeance remembering what he did to it on the outside. He pulls the hand from underneath Francis’s frame and lands an elbow directly to the finger in question. Francis hollers in pain as his opponent turns the hold into a Japanese arm bar and wrenches away at the fingers.


“Now that’s just cruel by CIA.” Cries Suicide King. “How could he do that to a guy like Mak?”



“First what has Mak been doing this entire match leaving his more than likely concussed head alone.” Asks Edwin in a sardonic tone. “That’s different, this is cruel and unusual punishment. At least when Mak does it the punishment is cool.”


“Oh, suplexing CIA so that he folds up like an accordion is cool but Mak getting his ass handed to him is cruel.”


“You are the King of heel commentating, jackass.”


“Axis, I told you until the cue cards say otherwise I can bitch you out like I’m about to now.”


King takes a swipe at Axis and the two slap fight while Edwin calls the action for now.


“CIA flips Francis over on his back and Mak can’t do anything to counter as he stomps away at his knee that he attacked earlier for the Figure four. I guess we all know what coming.”


“Your mom?”


CIA twist and turns and locks on the dreaded figure four. Francis waves his hands about straining not to cry out “I quit”.


“The figure four is the same move that Francis forced CIA to submit with in his European title win. Wouldn’t it be ironic if he retained the World title with it.”


He bangs his left hand once, twice and his hand hurts too much to do it a third time. Kivell looks on asking the man if he wants to quit. After seeing the display. Even he’d rather not watch a grown man cry.


“What do ya’ say Mak!”




His body starts to shake as the crowd cheers “CIA”. He can’t give up but he is nearing his threshold…










And with that he swings his body back and forth finally letting out a scream of pure pain as he turns over and then all the pressure is off his legs and onto CIA’s. He breaks the hold as quickly as he can as Kivell starts the mandatory ten count.




And slowly but surely both men get to there feet at the same time standing on their hurt legs stretched by the Figure four and its reversal just moments ago. The two battered warriors trade punches in the center of the ring until adrenaline flowing Francis connect with a left handed punch. A sharp pain goes through his hand and CIA takes advantage Irish whipping him into the near turnbuckle, which he hits face first and stumbles out of backwards.


“Francis in big trouble here!”


“Mak turn around, counter, do something!”


CIA stands belly to back with the sWo co leader and lifts him up after chicken winging his left arm in Hammerlock Release Belly to Back Suplex. The crowd goes nuts as he goes for the cover.











“That’s it!” Shouts Axis.












“No he got a shoulder up. Neither Mak Francis nor CIA will stay down. These men will not go down. They will continue to fight until there are literally knocked the hell out.” Rants Axis waiting for someone to interrupt him. “Impressive stuff from my Junior Leaguers. They really have gotten better.” Adds a sincere voiced Edwin as he watches good and evil duke it out for the highest prize in their game.


CIA wastes little time yanking Francis to his feet by the bad hand and setting up for a thrust kick but Francis ducks under not feeling the same amount of pain in his hand as he was because it’s numb. He slides behind his foe and attempts to lock on a cobra clutch in hopes for the devastating Cobra clutch suplex. Before he can completely step up the deadly suplex CIA counters by grabbing at Francis’s left hand prying it loose…


Executing a forward roll…



Into a headstand flip…



And he ends it in an arm wringer standing in front of Mak – “Did you see that?!” exclaims Axis in a shill voice. “No he used Francis’s own counter against him.” Whines King. “Well the are match evenly in everything else…why not this!”


CIA rotates around for another arm wringer when he’s forced to stop in mid move because Mak Francis has hooked his arm – then as CIA tries to get free he hooks the other one in a backslide attempt. Francis tries to bend down and slide CIA but the Canuck just won’t give up – and because of that he finally reverses the moment and now its Mak about to get pinned.




Francis floats in the air back to back with CIA as he swings his left leg up for a low blow – but it gets blocked as he squeezes his legs around it and the Canadian continues to turn him over top kicking and screaming. Matt Kivell catches a boot to the face and goes down like a rock – and so does Francis to a move not seem in the JL for quiet some time.


** OH MY GOD! ** Repeats the crowd over and over…


“OH MAH GOD!” Adds Axis in his best Joey Styles impression.


“DEAR GOD NO!” Shouts King as this travesty of justice happens.











And Edwin MacPhisto can just look on as Mak Francis is planted to the mat with the ENCORE CROSS!!!!!!! Everyone cheers no body is not on their feet. A large “MAC-Phist-OOOOOOO” chant breaks out as CIA covers and the crowd counts along…










































Everybody’s up except the referee who is out cold?!


“CIA had this match won and an inadvertent slip up screwed him over!”


“Yes Mak still has a chance. This is his match to lose!”


CIA rises up off of Francis with a glazed look in his eye. He sees the ref down and doesn’t know what to do. After contemplating how he had this match won he crawls to the ropes getting to his feet. He walks to Kivell and sighs trying to walk him up…






“AND MAK FRANCIS IS BACK TO ONE KNEE AFTER THIS WAR SO FAR AND AN ENCORE CROSS! – he stumbles behind CIA who is next to the ref and grabs him in a waist lock – waiting standing switch here comes the backdrop suplex – wait Francis counters the backdrop driver and flips over backwards landing on his feet - he wraps CIA in a back waist lock for another devastating release German suplex but can only execute with one hand having a secure grip. CIA goes flying through the air and this time he only lands in his shoulders hitting the mat!!”


Mak Francis is a few inches away from referee Matt Kivell and gives him a good kick to wake him up. Kivell can’t get up but Francis rambles on to him about how he had the match won and that he had a three count so Kivell should just raise his hand now and give him the title.


Meanwhile CIA has crawled further into the corner he got thrown into holding his head and cradling his neck. Francis sees this and leaves Kivell alone, not that he was drinking the kool aid on that idea anyway.


“And look at CIA struggling to get to his feet. Even after all this he will not give in to the pain.”


Francis runs in to deliver a heinous knee to the downed CIA – but he pulls himself up from the bottom of the corner only to have Francis jump up and mount the turnbuckle whaling away with corner punches. The crowd boos not even acknowledging the count of Kivell now on his knees as he puts up his fifth finger and reminds Francis he needs to stop at ten – but CIA pulls out one of his rarest counters ever a Running Powerbomb out of sheer desperation. He pulls Francis from the ropes and drives him down to the mat even though he’s dead tired he has enough to crawl over to Francis and drape both arms over him in an attempt to keep him down. A chance for him to finally end this match up and to keep his World title.


In a last ditch effort to save himself from Air Canada Mak Francis pushes the now standing referee Matt Kivell into the ropes causing the Canadian to get crotched on the top buckle before he could turn and prepare for his Moonsault elbow drop. Kivell falls back to the mat slingshoted by the top cable but the Franchise just ignores it and hobbles over to the turnbuckle. He slowly climbs them until he standing on the second rope.


He hooks on the front face lock…


“Dear God he wouldn’t!”


Cradles the leg…


“I think he would!”


And tries to lift once, but CIA won’t give up without a fight even though his leg is throbbing, head is pounding, and nuts are screaming out in pain but he’ll never give up. He tries to hit a shotei but his arms won’t cooperate so Francis with basically one good hand slightly lifts him and just drops to the mat in a mix of an implant DDT and FISHAMANBUSTA~!


** WHAAAAAM!!! **


“CIA just got an one way trip to concussion junction courtesy of your new SJL World Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Mak Francis!!”


Francis slowly crawls closer to the KO victim and drapes his arm over CIA. Kivell is forced to crawl over and make the count even though he doesn’t want to.































It’s the start of a new era




A new sound




A new world order




A Smark World Order




And CIA shoulder jerks off the mat in a final display of his never say die attitude. The crowd looks to Kivell who takes his time getting up to his knees. He looks to the announce booth as they question if the match is over and unfortunately the spastic reaction was too late as Kivell makes the signal to the chagrin of almost every SJL fan the bell is rung.


“And the winner of this match…AND YOUR NEW SJL WORLD CHAMPION…”The Franchise” MAAAAAAK FRAAAAAAAAAANCIIIIIIIIIsssssssssss!”


The crowd stands stunned by these events. Mak Francis sits on the mat speechless as his boyhood dream is finally realized. He is the #1 guy in the business. Kivell brings the belt in to the ring as CIA opens his eyes and bends his head to the left after this hard fought war and the two stare at each other in what maybe called respect…




But for how long…



[Crimson goes to commercial of TNT doing what he does best…shilling me]

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Guest crusen86

“And what a war we have just witnessed here on SJL Crimson. Mak Francis and CIA lay dead in the ring after a Franchise Tag from the turnbuckle.”


“Who cares about CIA, we have a New World Heavyweight Champion and all should bow down and pay homage to “The Franchise” Mak Francis.” states King. “And look here comes the sWo to congratulate Mak on a job well done. And to kick CIA’s ass most likely for ever touching his belt.”


“Well he finally made it. I knew he would but is he ready for the responsibility of everyone chasing after you…”


Edwin looks at the kid in the ring still shell shocked and somewhat serene. And he has to say it because it's the truth. “It a gift…and it’s a curse for you Mak I hope you can handle being the number guy.”


Fugue, MVS, Y2K and Matt Myers all get into the ring where CIA has finally gotten up to a knee. Kivell comes back into the ring with the Title and hands it to a victorious Mak Francis. The sWo do a number on the Canadian in the ring CIA eyes open in shock as even while the respect is in his eyes, Francis nails him with the World Title. Putting him face up staring at the lights. Francis asks for a mic, which he promptly gets and begins to speak.


“I -” And just that quickly he’s interrupted by a figure running to ringside. “And it’s Hollywood! “HOLLYWOOD” Spike Jenkins is coming down the ramp to get him some of the sWo for MVS actions earlier today!”


Jenkins rushes down the ramp, straight through to the ring and Y2K. Steel Chair in hand Hollywood smacks the Rising Sun across his back causing him to double over. Then a stiff shot to the gut of Fugue and one to the back takes him out. Another crisp shot to the head of Mike Van Siclen garners the attention of Francis who is upset someone ruined his moment over CIA and with his new belt. Spike comes after Myers but Francis straight up clobbers him from the side with the 10 pounds of World Title Gold. Francis looks completely out of it. Myers stands over Jenkins and takes his Spike’s chair and ** WHAP ** to the back then he passes the chair to Fugue ** WHAP ** to the top of his head and then to Mike for ** WHAP ** laughs and finally to Y2K just to put him down even more steps on the back of his neck and executes the cocky pin.


“Jenkins getting decimated at the hands of the sWo…”


“This was my moment to talk. Why the hell did you have to ruin my moment? Maybe when you get good enough you’ll understand what it means to be a champion but I’ll be damn if you won’t respect this moment and the SWO!”


The Franchise asks Matt to set up a table in the corner. “What’s Francis doing here?” Ask Axis but Edwin has that bad feeling. Mak Francis lifts his Canadian adversary off the mat and speaks in a conversational tone while Myers sides under the bottom ropes and pulls a table from beneath the apron. While this is happening Y2K, Fugue, and MVS stomp on the back and neck of Spike Jenkins. When Myers is finished setting up the slanted table against the turnbuckles he walks back over to Jenkins and asks the other members to tie him up in the ropes blood starting to slightly tint his hair red.


“I know this ain’t over yet but I think you need to know just how serious I am about this thing between us.” Comes the voice of Francis through the mic. “I think that after this suplex you’ll look like a million bucks…”




Francis drops the mic and locks the half dead Canadian Dream in the cobra clutch…Spike struggles to get free but there’s no way to do it with Y2K, Fugue and MVS keeping them taught.




“If he does this he could really break CIA’s neck. What the hell is this kids problem?”



“Do you think that giving me a nervous tick is funny!” Can be heard by a few ringside fans from Francis.


“Hey you won the match now leave my ring, damnit Mak! Someone needs to stop this or I will!” threaten Edwin MacPhisto getting up from his seat in the booth.


And suddenly a mammoth monster lumbers down to the ring. Jenkins looks surprised, Francis drops CIA as the God of Thunder Thor has made an appearance. Y2K and MVS go to stop him but Spike Jenkins has used this distraction to release himself from the ropes. A punch from Thor to Y2K knocks him loopy and a big boot puts him out of the ring. A dropkick to the back of MVS sends him in the lurch as he goes over the top rope taking a nasty fall. And then it was 3 on 3 in the ring. Fugue with a chair and Matt both fly at the colossal Thor but in his heightened state he punches the chair Fugue brought with him into his face and clothesline the hell out of Myers giving them reason to roll out of the ring. The only sWo member left in the ring is Francis decides to make a strategic retreat because of his injuries from the Title match. The sWo come together on the ramp as Thor helps a half dead Spike Jenkins and CIA to their feet.


Francis got the mic from the ring while he made his escape. “You three think you can ruin our night. This is a proud moment for the sWo and you ruined it. Well I think we should ruin your fun by beating you within an inch of your godforsaken lives.”


Francis hands the mic to Matt who issues a challenge. “So how about it on METAL a 6 man tag. Myself, Mak and Fugue versus you Spike Jenkins who needs to learn some respect, you ya big comic book reject Thor who will learn humility.” And Francis asks for the mic back. “And finally you my worthy nemesis are gonna learn just why you don’t F*CK with the Ssss!…W!…Oooooooh!.”


You can see the trio of faces nod their head as Thor holds up his two other team members.


Edwin cheers a loud Huzzah. “The match will be made our new world champ “The Franchise” Mak Francis, Matt Myers and Fugue versus CIA, Thor and “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins.”


“The sWo is gonna kick ass and take names preferably “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins, Thor and CIA.”


Edwin looks at the young man being hlp to the back, injured cradling the Heavyweight Title. He has to wonder can he live up to the hype, the promise, the pressure of being the number one guy…this company’s Franchise.


“Well for Edwin and the Suicide King, I’m Axis and good night from SJL Crimson.”


And with that Crimson ends fading to black.

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Guest crusen86



DARK MATCH! Chris Canuck makes his debut by slaughtering Kivell, despite the fact he's already dead.



Dark Scorpion vs. John Cougar vs. Kojack vs. "The Rising Sun" Y2K




Kamikaze vs. Tony "The Ironman" Brogan

WINNER: Kamikaze



"Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Mike Van Siclen

WINNER: Spike Jenkins (Default)



Fugue © vs. Thor ©

WINNER: Thor (Default)



"Insane Luchadore" Andrew Rickmen vs. Manson

WINNER: Manson (IL couldn't finish match)




CIA © vs. "The Franchise" Mak Francis

WINNER: Mak Francis (Default)


A bit dissapointing on the no show front, but a few had some decent excuses. But, what was there looked to be pretty damn fine. Manson with a strong comeback, Kamikaze looking strong in the mid card, and Mak winning the world title from Canada.

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