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Guest TheDames7

Archived Interview w/ The Dames

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Guest TheDames7

This interview took place in the year 2000....


The reason why I'm putting this in NHB is because you guys may take offense to some of my wrestling related answers....so flame away.


Justuss 187: Alright, ready?

The Dames7: yes, i am

Justuss 187: i'm here with Wt's own The Dames. The Dames is a moderator on WT.

Justuss 187: First question

Justuss 187: 1.Do you feel you have met the expectations of everyone being a mod? Do you think you are doing a good job?

The Dames7: Well, honestly, I don't think i've met any of the expectations that I have. I DONT think I'm doing a good job and its bothering the hell out of me. It isn't so much that I shouldn't be a mod, its just that when I became a mod, my life started to pick up, with work and love interests and such and I haven't been on the board as much as I should.

Justuss 187: If Jake gave you an oppurtunity, would you leave?

The Dames7: I don't want to resign, but I definitely think that others deserve the mod job more than I do. I am grateful for the position though

The Dames7: Leave in terms of resigning?

Justuss 187: Yes

The Dames7: Well, I don't see why he would ask me to. Me being a mod doesn't hurt anyone, so I probably wouldn't.

Justuss 187: I think most of WT feels that, if you resign as a mod, you will leave WT...

The Dames7: that is 100% false. Like I said before, the reasons why I haven't been doing a good job as a mod is because I've been busy, but I love WT and if i were to be "demoted", i'd stay.

Justuss 187: 2.Your on death row for killing a man. What would your last meal be before firing squad?

The Dames7: A 14 oz Steak, a hamburger, onion rings, fries, pork chops, white rice, fried chicken, shrimp, chicken, and down all that with welches grape soda....and top it all off with my first and last taste of alcohol

Justuss 187: What kind of alchohol?

The Dames7: well, definitely not beer, because thats just crap. I'd like some hard stuff. Some Jack Daniels, or Absolut Vodka. I have alcoholism in my family and because of it, i've never tasted the substance. I figure, if i'm gonna go out, i might as well

Justuss 187: 3.What do you do at your job and how long have you been working at where it is you work?

The Dames7: I work at the virgin megastore in times square and i'm a processing clerk, which means that I recieve and price all of the product that comes into the store. Its just a summer job for now because my grades weren't good enough to get an internship

Justuss 187: 4.You often mention going to WWF New york and watching Raw and Smackdown, how come we never see you on tv?

The Dames7: Well, I don't go to Raw anymore because I have mondays off and I'm home to watch it. On Thursdays, Smackdown has already been taped and the cameras aren't present

Justuss 187: 5.What grades did you get in grade school and high school and what were you 2 favorite moments in each of those times?

The Dames7: Well, in grade school, up til about 5th grade I got straight A's, messed up 5th grade, got A's 6-8th, and became a B student in high school. My two favorite moments in grade school would be when I had 3 girls fighting over me (not kidding ), and when I was in West Side Story as Bernardo and got a standing O. In high school, it would be hanging out with my friend Keith, and finally graduating and becoming the first in my family to make it out of god damned high school

Justuss 187: So you come from a family of high achievers?:-D

Justuss 187: Just kiddin...

The Dames7: its ok pal.

Justuss 187: 6.What kind of car do you drive?

The Dames7: Its because of that, that I have such expectations and I'm not living up to them

The Dames7: actually, don't drive. Don't have my license or a permit, because I can't find my damned birth certificate and no ones taught me how to drive

The Dames7: so...no car

The Dames7: but I want a Red Ford Mustang Convertible GT

Justuss 187: No birth Certificate? ARE YOU AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT?

The Dames7: lol....i LOST mine

The Dames7: lost it at school

Justuss 187: Oh yeah, i used to steal those all the time...

The Dames7: I love this man, i can go all night!

Justuss 187: Great

Justuss 187: So how old are you now?

The Dames7: I just turned 20 last week

Justuss 187: HAPPY belated birthday

The Dames7: or 22 according to my ID

The Dames7: thanks

Justuss 187: Ah, fake id's... PLUG www.photoidcards.com

The Dames7: thanks, i'll keep that in mind

Justuss 187: I believe the Cabbage Patch birth certificates can be used also...

The Dames7: I don't have any of those either....

The Dames7: dammit!

Justuss 187: Hmm, I'll talk to my mafia neighbors and see what they got :-)

The Dames7: hey, if you got ties, i NEED a plasma tv bro

Justuss 187: What the hell is a plasma TV? ISN"T PLASMA blood?

The Dames7: Yeah, but I don't want a bloody TV!

Justuss 187: What is a plasma Tv?

The Dames7: A plasma tv is the most beautiful television ever created....its flat and it uses plasma and gases to create a crystal clear image

Justuss 187: The people in my neghborhood are lucky to have a 13" zenith black and white Tv...

The Dames7: its about 20,000 dollars, but I will have one....

The Dames7: ONE day!

Justuss 187: www.100inchtv.com

Justuss 187: Me and you are happy with our illegal cable hookups for now though :-)

The Dames7: actually, I don't care if the tv is plasma or not, as long as its a widescreen

Justuss 187: 7.If you were allowed one non-sexual date with one woman in the universe, who would it be and why?

The Dames7: Jennifer Love Hewitt, simply because I am completely infatuated with that girl. Before I came to WT, I was a big poster over at LoveHewitt.com for about 2 years. I'm a huge fan, but I'm not one of those guys that just likes her for her breasts. Granted, she is absolutely beautiful, but what I like about her is her personality, or at least what I know of it

Justuss 187: LoveHewitt.com, I'll check it out

The Dames7: its the end all and be all of JLH

Justuss 187: 8.If you could pull off one wrestling move on someone and not gurt them or yourself, what would it be...?

Justuss 187: *hurt

The Dames7: It would be my Dames Driver. A fishermans buster, done falcon arrowish style, for the pinfall, for the World title

Justuss 187: Hmm, I though it would be the Van Damesinator

The Dames7: yuck....what a name

Justuss 187: When your flying 20 feet in the air, no one cares about names....

The Dames7: true.....true....

Justuss 187: 9.Who are your favorite wrestlers/wrestling personalities from XPW/WCW/ECW/MCW/WWF?

The Dames7: I don't watch XPW, WCW would have to be either Lance Storm or Bret Hart (would be Bret if he was active) ECW : Tajiri, MCW: Don't watch, but from what I know, the Posse, and WWF: Triple H

Justuss 187: Always good to see a posse mark here and there, actually they broke up, joey abs is face, the rest are heel with steven regal

The Dames7: damn!

The Dames7: I mark out for the posse, hell yeah

Justuss 187: And to think I bought 3 sweater vests and wore them proudly! Despite it being 95 degrees out with my sweater vestand khakis

The Dames7: hey, i used to wear sweats in the summer man!

The Dames7: USED to

Justuss 187: 10.What is the highlight of your life?

The Dames7: Without a doubt, the highlight of my life took place January 19, 2000, when I met the WWF Roster and got to rub shoulders with everyone. If and when I get my job with them...that will be it

Justuss 187: Oh yeah, how's that booker situation going?

The Dames7: Well, i'm glad you asked, because I want to set the record straight. I've been writing my own shows for a few weeks now, doing some tweaking and such. Starting from Fully Loaded, up to storylines ending at Survivor Series. When I am done writing, I will make copies for myself, and send it in to the office, and get some feedback. I don't expect to work for them until I graduate, but I will take any internship they offer, even if its freakin' mail room. But i know I got some great ideas and I have plans

The Dames7: to get everyone ove

The Dames7: over

Justuss 187: Even Lo Down?!?!

The Dames7: Even Lo' Down....i'm high on D'Lo Brown. Chaz needs some work, but yeah

Justuss 187: BTW, what movie were you watching?

The Dames7: I was watching Eyes Wide Shut. Never seen it before....kinda confusing. Lots of nudity.

Justuss 187: Ick, bad bad movie.

Justuss 187: BTW when wrting the shows, PUSH TEST!!!

The Dames7: I have TONS of plans to get that man over

The Dames7: I was watching Summerslam 99 yesterday, just bought it on dvd and the pop for test after he beat shane was amazing

Justuss 187: I was AT SummerSlam 99, one hell of a match

The Dames7: he can get back to his former status and I believe that with some tweaking, he could be a GREAT main eventer

Justuss 187: Everyone popped when he won, that was the biggest pop of the night, every pinfall attempt had the crowd gasping, that was back when Steph was ultra cool, now shes just cool

The Dames7: by the way, Test sure knows how to make a near fall damn exciting

Justuss 187: Oh yeah, except with albert, christ, I marked out huge when he won the hardcore belt...

The Dames7: well, i didn't think he was a good hardcore champ personally, its not his style

Justuss 187: No, but it was a start to his title reigns

Justuss 187: 11.What's your favorite movie and movie quote of all time?

The Dames7: Well, when I tell people this they look at me like i'm nutz, but its Can't Hardly Wait, because I can relate to every single character in that movie, in every way possible. Its as if they took my personality, split it into cast members and made them interact. My favorite movie quote, I can't really answer that one

Justuss 187: Yeah I HAD CHW taped and watched it a few hundred times, good movie

Justuss 187: 12.Tell us about your family and what they do

The Dames7: Well, i'm the youngest of 4 siblings. I have 2 brothers and a sister. I'm the "good" one. Only one to graduate high school and go to a 4 year college. They all have regular jobs, kids. They are all older than me too, so I'm not really close to them. My father's been gone for 13 years now, and I haven't heard from him in 2, so to be honest, I don't really care about the man. My mom is great, throughout everything, shes the only one that truly believes in me

Justuss 187: Where do you live in NY, a house or an apartment, or condo, or car?

The Dames7: I live in an apartment in the north east Bronx

Justuss 187: Near Red Hoof?

The Dames7: Red Hoof???

Justuss 187: Red hook??? Wherever Tazz is from

The Dames7: thats in Brooklyn

Justuss 187: ok

Justuss 187: 13.Tell us about you love life...

The Dames7: yeah baby!

The Dames7: Well, currently i'm single and i've been single for 2 and half years

The Dames7: However, I've been talking to a few girls here and there, but nothing ever works out. I'm too picky

Justuss 187: What do you look for in a woman?

The Dames7: well, for me when it comes to looks, i would like a girl my height or shorter, hair til like her shoulder or neck at least, preferably brown, hispanic, not too skinny, but definitely not fat someone who doesn't

smoke or drink, cuz i dont someone with a future and is smart someone i can just talk to and not have everything be physical. someone who can make me laugh sometimes someone who knows what she wants but is willing to compromise, trustworthy, pretty, and is willing to make things work.

Justuss 187: 14.If you could learn one new language with no effort, what would it be?

The Dames7: It would probably be French because I love the way it sounds, and I'd like to go to Montreal and screw someone (Bret Hart style)

Justuss 187: 15.If you could change one thing about yourself and one thing about your life what would it be?

The Dames7: I would be taller....definitely taller. About my life, I would be less lazy so I wouldn't be in the situation I am in now

Justuss 187: 15.What was the lowlight of you life?

The Dames7: The lowlight of my life.....being dumped, having my dog die, failing all my classes and finals, being stabbed in the ear, all in the span of 3 days

Justuss 187: JESUS!

Justuss 187: All your classes!!!!

The Dames7: um....3 of 4

Justuss 187: Are you deaf, what;s the deal with the stabbing?

The Dames7: I went to a concert in CT in late April, and there was mud slinging and I got hit in the ear with a glob of mud that contained glass shards and it cut me IN my ear...no real damage, but it hurt like hell

Justuss 187: Wow...I almost got paralyzed once but im fine now...

The Dames7: oh, i could have lost an eye had i not turned my face in time

Justuss 187: 16.IF YOU became the Moderator of wrestlingtalks, what 5 people would you make mods that arent mods now?

The Dames7: well, i personally don't think 5 people should be, but the 2 that I think would be great are Kottonmouth and the most best man.....

The Dames7: just kidding!

The Dames7: Lyrical Thug and Slam

Justuss 187: I'm not familar with the best man but I know he spams the Q&A board like hell

The Dames7: he used to make the worst posts man.....lol

Justuss 187: 17.Who is your favorite band??

The Dames7: well, it was Vertical Horizon, but Splender just tied them

Justuss 187: Favorite song of all time?

The Dames7: I don't have one....theres tons i like

Justuss 187: 18.What kind of clothes do you wear, where do you like to shop?

The Dames7: my style of fashion , i like to call "prep-hop"

The Dames7: my favorite store is Structure and I dress in mostly casual clothes but with a rugged look

Justuss 187: And what does Prep-Hop involve? I used to be Ghetto-Prep

Justuss 187: Baggy Jeans, Lose JEANS, Tight Jeans, Spandex tight jeans?

The Dames7: baggy, but not too baggy, a nice button down shirt, leather jacket

The Dames7: i pull it off nicely

Justuss 187: I pull a sweatshirt with a stain on it, carpenter pants with hols and pain them, and the occasianl white wife beater off nicely...

Justuss 187: * holes and pain

The Dames7: you go!

The Dames7: kick em class prez

Justuss 187: Oh yeah!

Justuss 187: 19.This week, what day are you least looking forward to?

Justuss 187: Mine would be Wednesday, it's my day off for work but I get to get up at 8:00 to go to a student council meeting for 7 god damn hours

The Dames7: Wednesday, because NOTHING happens on Wednesdays for me....mondays, raw, tuesday, i go to work......Wednesday..nothing....Thursday, Smackdown, Friday, pay day

Justuss 187: 20.If you could have lunch at an all you can eat chinese restaurant w. free beverages, with one poster from WT, who would it be?

The Dames7: it would probably be sakura, because I just started talking to her and I found her to be extremely interesting.

Justuss 187: Yeah, I interviewed her and she is intresting

The Dames7: yeah, i loved her interview.

Justuss 187: ahem, MY interview with sakura

The Dames7: i think you have truly found your niche my friend

Justuss 187: Alright since today;s interview went great, you get to ask me 5 questions

Justuss 187: Thanks

The Dames7: well hey, if you got any more questions, i'm down

Justuss 187: Ok, I will return in about 15 minutes, I am gonna shower i that ok...

The Dames7: ok

Justuss 187: To let you in on a little secret, i am pulling some strink to interview Jake, Now that will be cool

The Dames7: yeah, thats cool. I talk to jake sometimes, he's interesting

The Dames7: showering yet?

Justuss 187: I'm done

The Dames7: sweet...i'm ready baby!

Justuss 187: 21.What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought in your life?

The Dames7: My 32" TV....it was 800. Hopefully, when I get my plasma tv, that'll be it.... 20 Gs baby!

Justuss 187: I can't rationalize paying that for a tv, but my uncle is having a movie theater built in his mansion

The Dames7: wow.....Well, by the time I get a plasma, it won't be so much

Justuss 187: 15 g's

Justuss 187: 22.What's your favorite kind of shampoo?

The Dames7: Um.....vo5 i guess. Its the only kind my mom buys

The Dames7: Oh, and by the way, don't hold back with your questions...i'll answer anything

Justuss 187: Ugh, I used to use that horrid stuff until I rebelled, now it's 5 dollar a bottle Herbal Essence, great smelling hair is a great way to get the ladies

Justuss 187: 23. Ever done any drugs?

The Dames7: LOL....well, my hair is worth shit

Justuss 187: My barber said my hair is the thickest he has ever seen

The Dames7: um.....i took two hits out of a bong once....and i used to sniff white out in the 5th grade....which is why I messed up!

Justuss 187: White out eh? I knew a kid who did 3 rails of those sugar things that come in the tube a day!

The Dames7: damn

The Dames7: but I was really messed up, I used to steal the stuff

The Dames7: Dames - Drug Addict

Justuss 187: Steal it! Jesus, I would have given you the 89 cents to fuel that addiction

Justuss 187: I just take my glade and spray it into my mouth for a cool feeling!

The Dames7: hahaha. Thats how I got caught. My teacher kept on getting complains that some kids were losing their white out

The Dames7: They made me go to counseling and shit

Justuss 187: Perhaps it was the white nose that stuck out eh?

The Dames7: yeah, that was a dead giveaway.....and the fact that I smelled like it

Justuss 187: We sniff big ass markers to piss our math teacher off but I get enough shit by inhaling ever fools car exhaust when i bend down by their drunk, Ugh

The Dames7: yuck

Justuss 187: Yeah

Justuss 187: 23.What religion and race are you?

The Dames7: I am puerto rican and I am not religious

Justuss 187: ok, what's the worst crime you or a friend has commited

The Dames7: um....a friend of mine has shoplifted once, thats about it

Justuss 187: 24

Justuss 187: WoW, 3 of my friends are in jail for stealing a car, previouselt for drugs, and my best friend got caught spending and distributinjg counterfeit 20's, I havent heard from him since, FBI took care of him

Justuss 187: Me on the other hand, I beat up an 11 year old when i was 13 pretty badly and the 5-0 came

The Dames7: whoa....

Justuss 187: Yeah very Whoa, my crack dealing neighbors havent been caught yet though

The Dames7: my friend sells weed now, so i guess that counts

Justuss 187: Well my friend sells SPEED!

The Dames7: well my friend sells.........

The Dames7: I give up

Justuss 187: He gets it on prescription though

Justuss 187: 24.What are you thoughts on sex before marriage and sec under the age of 16

The Dames7: well, sex before marriage....personally, i love it . But if you are going to wait, i respect that. under 16 is pushing it though. Some people can't pass english at 16 but are ready for the responsiblities of sex.....doubt it

Justuss 187: I don't know where I stand on that issue, or where I lay for it :HAHA

The Dames7: haha

Justuss 187: Alright, because this interview is a long good one, let's take a break so you can ask me tonights special...5 QUESTION!


_________________________ ________--

The Dames7: alright.....sure.

The Dames7: Tell me something that no one at WT knows

The Dames7: about you

Justuss 187: Ok. Let me think...

Justuss 187: This is a tough one so my recent success at my new job or...my porn addiction

Justuss 187: Which reminds me...

The Dames7: porn addiction huh....you remind me of Trans

Justuss 187: Okay next Q

The Dames7: what inspired you to start interviewing

Justuss 187: Who inspired me would be Mikey G and his interviews, also I know a lot of WT posters are shrouded in mystery so i wanted to uncover some truth

The Dames7: who do you think, out of those that you have interviewed, that you have learned the most about

Justuss 187: Probably Sakura, I knew really nothing about her until i did the interview except for the videogames and stuff.

The Dames7: What did you find to be the most interesting part of this interview?

Justuss 187: Your 5th grade drug addiction

Justuss 187: L)

The Dames7: are there any posters, whose topics you read simply based on who they are

Justuss 187: Jake, because when he posts something, something usually big is going down, I don't read Ratt's too much because they are all either bitch or something hat I don't give a damn bout. I don't read sss's either. His posting skills have fallen to crap, not because i am bitter at him, but they really have fallen to crap. I read Sakuras a lot and..THE DAMES!!!

The Dames7: lol. thanks.

The Dames7: well, i think my questions are up.....continue with your interrogation, you pig!

Justuss 187: 25.Who is taking the pictures at WWF new york?

Justuss 187: >

The Dames7: you must mean the pictures i took.....that would be my friend Derek, although, Chris Jericho took a few.

Justuss 187: Ouch, i just hit myself in the face hold on bleeding

The Dames7: damn....

Justuss 187: Ok, i can see now

The Dames7: damn, you aight?

Justuss 187: Yes, whats your site agaiN?

The Dames7: which one....the pics or my personal homepage

Justuss 187: Pics

The Dames7: http://members.xoom.com/thedames

Justuss 187: Who is Lorena>

The Dames7: Lorena is a dancer who was there that night that I became quite smitten with....and so did CJ.

Justuss 187: Ah, I see

The Dames7: CJ took that pic of me and her together...and then he danced with her for a bit. Jericho and I hung out for about an hour or so

Justuss 187: Prince Albert looks pissed at that kid trying to shake his hand...

The Dames7: yeah, i know. Some people were asses....like Rikishi, literally and figuratively

The Dames7: but for the most part, it was great

Justuss 187: Really, what did he do?

The Dames7: He didn't sign autos that night, he avoided everyone

Justuss 187: What did he wear?

The Dames7: a hawaiian shirt

Justuss 187: Fascinating pics of you and a bunch of cardboard cut outs....

Justuss 187: Just kiddin

The Dames7: haha

The Dames7: a lot of people don't believe those pics are real

Justuss 187: PSHHH. How could you fake them

Justuss 187: 26.Is the dames a good dancer?

The Dames7: its possible

The Dames7: well, good dancer, I don't think so, but I am not afraid to get on the dance floor

Justuss 187: Can you do the worm or the infamous Boogaloo ShrimP?

The Dames7: nope....but I can do the Roger Rabbit!

Justuss 187: What the hells that>?

The Dames7: a backwards running man

Justuss 187: In the Posse picture it looks like Joey Abs head is the size of your body

The Dames7: well, I am a small guy. I'm only 5'6

The Dames7: oh, and I looked HORRIBLE that day

Justuss 187: You look about 12 no offense

The Dames7: hey man, I look young and I'm short

The Dames7: don't have much facial hair

Justuss 187: 27.If you could have lunch with on WWF superstar, who would it be

Justuss 187: What kind of perfume did steph have on? (also she was in character that night because her hair was curled and not staright)

The Dames7: well, i've already hung out with Jericho, but I'd like to see what Triple H is like. Even in the middle of his heel championship, he was one of the nicest guys there

The Dames7: she was in character, but when greeting fans, she was as sweet as ever

Justuss 187: What kind of perfume though?

Justuss 187: NO LINDA PICS!!!

The Dames7: she smelled like strawberries

The Dames7: hey.....check the one of me and vince, lindas there

Justuss 187: YES! (high vie, marks out, does the worm and the boogaloo shrimp_

Justuss 187: Alright I am getting tired here so let's wrap this bad boy up

The Dames7: when you see a post started by me, what do you expect

Justuss 187: 28.FINAL QUESTION: If you could change one thimg about the world, what would it be.

The Dames7: One thing.....racism would be eliminated

The Dames7: and I'd bring Owen back from the dead =0)

Justuss 187: ______________________________My 3 questions now___________________________

The Dames7: huh?

Justuss 187: You ask the traditianol 3 questions to me...

The Dames7: oh ok

The Dames7: Favorite TV shows besides wrestling

Justuss 187: Survivor without a dobut, best show ever, and COPS

The Dames7: ok....

The Dames7: do you know what you want to do with your life?

Justuss 187: Not sure at the moment, tossing a lot of ideas around

The Dames7: cool.

The Dames7: Last one...what do YOU look for in a girl

Justuss 187: HAIR< personality, HAIR, cuteness looks

Justuss 187: Also, why s everyone hugging you?

The Dames7: what are you talking about?

Justuss 187: Could Lillian get any closer?

The Dames7: oh hey...Lillian are me are cool. Shes Puerto Rican too, and she loves to dance, she wore me out

The Dames7: I'm lovable, what can I say

Justuss 187: POO!

Justuss 187: Alright thanks for all the time Ill get this up soon!

The Dames7: thanks



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Guest kingkamala

Dames you met Prince Albert, Rikishi and Linda McMahon you're my hero :rolleyes:

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