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Guest LesnarLunatic

Juvy, Liger, Tequila

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Guest LesnarLunatic

as it is phrased on the StrongStyle site..


"(11/29/99) Juventud Guerrera beat Jushin Thunder Liger (5:31) with a bottle attack."


was when Russo booked Juventud over Liger for no reason at all.


To make matters worse, Juvy injures himself and Liger beats Psicosis to win the belt later.


Such a stupid title switch, eh?

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Guest wolverine

Ah, late 1999. This is when I became fed up with the Russo bullshit on my TV and decided to get Japanese tapes.

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Guest Dangerous A

Yeah, it's pretty unforgiveable to embarass Liger. Russocity sucks. He is also part of the reason I started watching puro.

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Guest PlatypusFool

I dont know how Russo had the gall to do that to the one true god, Jyushin 'Thunder' Lyger.

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Guest J*ingus

Come on, to Russo, Liger was just another wrestler. His legacy in Japan meant nothing to Russo, no more than any of the luchadore's careers in Mexico did. He wasn't actively trying to sabotage the IWGP title or anything; he was just doing what came naturally to him, which meant "swerve=good".

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Guest Black Tiger

That booking pssed off Lyger so mch that he almost walked out and Chosyu had to get him on the phone and tell him to do what they wanted. It has also been speculated by Stuart and others that because of that booking he became Chosyu's machine and killed the Jr division for his heavyweight push and then got squashed by Sasaki.


So blame RUSSO for the year 2000 being a shitty one for NJ Juniors

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

That was horrible, and I was shocked when it happened. Plus, would the bottle really hurt that bad through Liger's huge mask?

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Guest Downhome

I remember that when that happened, I just sat there in awe, as I couldn't believe what I just saw. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the first and only time that title has ever changed hands in a "screw job finish"? Also, didn't Liger go off in a rant some time after that saying that he totally never wished to return to work here in the big US feds?

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Guest J*ingus

The moral of the story: Puro feds, don't let your champions work for an American organization without expecting your championship to be treated the same way as the American belts.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, I think most people need to realize that Russo doesn't really mean bad, but is simply a completely hapless idiot with no real awairness of the wrestling business and what kind of monster it is. He comes up with a new idea, tries it, and that's it. There's no thought-process there that forces him to consider if what he does has consiquences or may not actually be a good idea, he just does it.


I mean, how the hell was some coffee boy turned writer turned head booker supposed to realize that the Japanese HATE screw jobs, or that what he did would ruin the credibility of the most important junior title and most legendary junior in Japan? Shit, it's Russo, if you told him he was spitting on tradition he would simply want to do it more. I mean, everyone knows "spitting on tradition = shatering conventions = ratings" Yeah.

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Guest Vyce

I dub him RUSSO~!


The evil heel writer / booker who's awful ideas infuriate us all.

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Guest JHawk

Didn't New Japan refuse to acknowledge the title change though?


And Russo giving the juniors over five minutes? I missed that one.

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