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Guest Vern Gagne


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Guest Vern Gagne

my pillow must be flipped over every night.


the channel has to be on 11.


I have do to at least 30 push-ups before bed.

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Guest GeneMean

I have to "drum-roll" the dash/roof/back of my car seat whenever going through a yellow light.

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Guest J*ingus

I kiss my knuckle and rap it against the roof of my car every time I go through a yellow or red light.

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Guest Some Guy

I don't have any but my GF is wicked bad. A few weeks ago I was driving her home and a black cat crossed the street about 20 yards in front of us, so I mentioned it and she started freaking out. I had to say I was joking to calm her down.

She went away for a month a 2 weeks ago and before I drove her to the airpost she made me sit on the couch next to her and not move or say anything for a couple minutes. Apparently "sitting for the ride" is an old Russian superstition. When we got to the airport her mother asked her about 4 times if she remembered to sit for the road.


People are crazy. I have a lot of habits and I'm a bit obcessive compulsive but most off the things I do are just habit and if I don't do them I'm not crazy for the day thinking the world will explode or something.

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Guest Marshall

If there is something on the stairs (e.g. keys) i have to jump over that step. Its wierd...

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Guest D'Lo White

When I'm watching a close Mets game in the last inning, I have to sit on a certain chair.

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Guest Shaved Bear

i flush the toilet once before i do my business, and twice when im done

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Guest GeneMean
When I'm watching a close Mets game in the last inning, I have to sit on a certain chair.


On a side note, does anyone remember the Mets/BoSox series and that lady sitting behind homeplate at Shea for all the Mets homegames? Every single pitch a RedSox pitcher threw she would twirl her forearms over and over.

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Guest LooseCannon

I have lots of superstitions, but I can't say them out loud or they won't work anymore.

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Guest bob_barron


When I go wait in line for saturday night live tickets-

I wear shorts

Maple Leafs jersey


No matter how cold


When I go back to see if I got in-

I wear my lucky Braves shirt

A cap with the letter 'A' on it

Pants (again- no matter how cold)

I bring a copy of the New Testament

A notebook

At least two pens

And in the bible I must read John 3:16

I also must take the train into NYC and walk to NBC


It has never failed

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Guest NazMistry

When I go to sleep, I face a southward direction.

Don't know why though.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Whenever I drive, I always have to wear my seatbelt.



Errr....That's not a superstition.


I guess I don't have any. B)

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Guest Some Guy
i flush the toilet once before i do my business, and twice when im done

Jesus! My father starts bitching if I;m in the shower for more than ten minutes, if I flushed the shitter 3 times for every crap he'd likely kill me for wasting water.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I know I have some shirts that I wear because they bring me good luck, and others that I never wear because I feel they bring me bad luck. I think I had one that was legimately cursed. I wore it three times, the first time, I had a really bad day, the second time, I get locked out of my room, and the third time I nearly get hit by a car. Needless to say, I never wore that shirt again.

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Guest Marshall
i flush the toilet once before i do my business, and twice when im done

Thats nothing! I have to put toilet roll in the toilet and on the seat, before i go. My mother always complains that the toilet roll is used too quickly and asks what I do with it. I just tell her I wipe my ass with it.

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Guest The Camel
Never screw a fat greek chick during a full moon. Thats just baaaaadddddd.

Yeah. You have to screw 'em during a new moon so your buddies don't catch you because of the reflection from her dimpled rear end.

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Guest bob_barron
I know I have some shirts that I wear because they bring me good luck, and others that I never wear because I feel they bring me bad luck. I think I had one that was legimately cursed. I wore it three times, the first time, I had a really bad day, the second time, I get locked out of my room, and the third time I nearly get hit by a car. Needless to say, I never wore that shirt again.

Same here-


My Braves 1995 World Series shirt is good luck. Its gets me into SNL, caused me to pass my final and it was the shirt I wore when I graduated

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Guest DJ Jeff

My cousin has a superstition in which he has to do the exact same routine every morning when he wakes up, otherwise he'll have bad luck.

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Guest DJ Jeff
Is the routine wacky or like a normal everyday routine???

Pretty normal actually.

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