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Guest J*ingus

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Guest LexLugerRules

Well according to this fruit, 75% of the world should be dead.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

This guy needs laid....bad...


outside of his own family....



I think his brain cells are being to defect....

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Guest Intimacy Goblin
12% of fags give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure.

A feeling that has grown so popular that many heterosexual receive one as well. A coffee enema is quite popular. Oh well, more people that're going to hell.


Guys like him make Nazis look like boy scouts.

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Guest TheBlurricane

Warning what you are about to see will piss you off beyond belief





















this pic was found on that horrible "godhatesfags.com" this was from a protest outside George Bush's ranch.

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Guest J*ingus

File that one under "heartless basrtard who uses 9/11 to further his own agenda" #17490.


And Sandman, enjoyed your work too, especially the "arm wrestling?" comment. Although you gave his figures more credence that I would, I think he just invented half of them, and then got the rest of them from church-funded studies.


You guys emailed this to him?



. . .




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Guest DerangedHermit
Well according to this fruit, 75% of the world should be dead.

And that's a conservative estimate.........


This has to be one huge joke or this guy is self-deluded enough to think this way. "Quick, she's showing knee! Throw stones at her!"

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Guest NazMistry
This guy needs laid....bad...


outside of his own family....



I think his brain cells are being to defect....

The only way this guy has a chance of being laid is if his "ideas" are implemented.

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Guest MaxPower27

Honestly, and this is in NO WAY a threat.


If he ran for office, he'd be assassinated.


I'm serious. Down here in FLA, blacks get angry over trivial things sometimes. I can only imagine what would happen with this yayhoo. I can't believe he's not homeschooled.


Assassination would happen after his second speech. He would get his ass handed to him.


People like this are the reason that I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm anti-abortion. Just sick. I mean, if he were in charge of America, I'd move. I love this country, and blah blah blah, but I'd be gone in no time. G-O-N-E.


Him and his beliefs, I'm sure are stacked up against Nazi Germany, but he is talking exactly like Hitler did prior to WWII. Creating an Arian Race (His Dress Code, no tats (I'm fucked)) and replace Fags with Jews and there you go. David Hitler.


OK, I'm getting in the shower, because I feel dirty and wrong after visiting his website.

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Guest crandamaniac
People like this are the reason that I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm anti-abortion. Just sick. I mean, if he were in charge of America, I'd move. I love this country, and blah blah blah, but I'd be gone in no time. G-O-N-E.

I'd hate to sound like a High School Government teacher, but this is a good reason why people should go out and register to vote. That's the only way we can assure that this fuckwad will never ever hold office. Seriously, guys like this make me want to register to vote.



If something did happen that somehow made this guy become President or something, well lets just say that little "war" we had in the NHB would most definitely be won by Canada cuz I believe a ton of people would leave then be under that fucktards rule

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Guest The Amazing Rando

"Quick....That pure white girl is waving to that black guy.....KILL THEM!"




........ladies and gentleman of the board....this has been a simple joke put forth to us by Mother Nature

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Guest Still Fly
"Quick....That pure white girl is waving to that black guy.....KILL THEM!"




........ladies and gentleman of the board....this has been a simple joke put forth to us by Mother Nature



I'm Catholic, and I have my belieifs.... and what he says... thats NOT what the Catholic Church belives in. :angry:


Thats probably been alread said about 100 times, but I just wanna say it again....

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Guest crandamaniac

Hey Downhome, have you got a response on your email yet? I got a DAEMON error, so mine didn't go thru

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Guest Sandman9000

We should just send him a bunch of immature messages, like:


"I'm engaging in oral and anal sex with your mother right now!"


And if he replies that his mom is dead or something, then we just say:


"Well, looks like necrophilia as well!"


Or other immature comments that could piss his KKK ass off.

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Guest goodhelmet

check out the links from this guy. this punk is one serious hatemonger!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Ahem...statement. Statement here. the first blow has been struck. He should now be receiving something in the neighborhood of 50 different newsletters from various porn sites, gay rights sites, heavy metal sites, tattoo-oriented sites, a satanic newsgroup, the slayer yahoogroup's newsletter, the ozzfest newsletter, about 15 of the 50 are for gay porn. Like to see that pizza-faced prick clean all that out of his inbox as well as the hundereds of pieces of hatemail he gets every day.


Davey will go down. It is my mission in life now. Death sentence for drug dealers, the thought police? dress codes, no tatts, 10 YEARS IN A DARK HOLE IN THE GROUND FOR SMOKING POT OR WATCHING PORN? My weekends would get me locked up for life or worse!


I'm not taking this crap as lightly as everyone else, laughing him off as a joke and a moron. this little creep is attacking ME, as well as my friends and family, saying we deserve worse than what killers and rapists get nowadays, and running for political office to try to make his ideas happen. (Not that I'm afraid he'll win or anything, as he'll end up dead like someone else mentioned earlier) I'm honestly considering finding this little shit when I go down to Florida on vacation later this summer. He lives in Royal Palms, and his name is McNamara. See how he likes getting his zits busted by a big tattooed metalhead on drugs.


Anyone who can find his address should seriously start up a campaign to subscribe him to every porno mag under the sun. I would gladly fork over about $100 a year to ensure he keeps getting a weekly gay porno mag in his name.


P.S. This is not a crummy attempt at a flame where it's unwarranted, for those concerned. Furthermore, I don't think Dave deserves to be defended, nor anyone punished for making fun of his shriveled zit-encrusted balls. Please move the thread to no holds barred if necessary, which is where I feel it belongs. That way everyone can say what they want about this little maggot.


Thank you for your patience.

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Guest Sandman9000

Even if this little dipshit gets power, somehow, there is no way that he would ever be able to change the laws to what he wants. Even governors and mayors have to answer to other people.


McNamara: I want to ban tattoos and lock up all people with tattoos.




McNamara: Why are you laughing? I also want to have all fags executed.


State Congress: ::stops laughing:: Impeach his ass, and have him locked up for hate speech.

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Guest LexLugerRules

Here is my e-mail to mr. Anti Porn Guy...


Dear Fucktard...


As a black man who is in a relationship with a white girl, I think your biggest asshole in the face of the planet. Your basically Hitler, but replacing Jew's with homosexual. I'm no homosexual, but I believe they have rights like us. Why hate them because of somthing they HAVE NO CONTROL OVER! Did a gay guy sleep with your dad? Did he murder your mom? Your so fucking naive. You claim your not racist, but deep down inside your pathetic heart your an Aryan. It makes you sick when you see a Black man with "one of your own kind" right? See, the only thing I respect about Racist's atleast they dont hide, like you. Also by your little pathetic estimates, 75% of the world would be dead. You claim your a christian, but doesnt the bible say dont judge people? Dont hate? Dont MURDER? Why should someone be killed for STEALING? I stole a candy bar when I was 7 years old, from a store. Maybe I should die. Maybe you should spend some time in prison, it would change your views about shit. And call Jenny Craig, fatass.



Omar Foreman.

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Guest Flyboy
Replace fags with homosexuals and you got a perfect letter

Also, it's "naive". And 'dont' should be 'don't', and THEN it'll be perfect. :)

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Guest LexLugerRules
Replace fags with homosexuals and you got a perfect letter

I know homosexual peope, and they dont find the word fags offensive.


But i will replace fags with homosexual.

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe

The address on his site doesn't work. I tried to mailbomb it and failed.

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Guest J*ingus

Anyone wanna do a little detective work to find his current address/phone number/email?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Mr. McNamara, you've got mail! With lots of sticky men.


Lex-and replace "your" with "you're" in the instances when you mean "you are" as in "you're a racist prick" as opposed to "your a fuckin' schmuck."


Also, Aryan just defines a certain race of people, not necessarily an ideology. By definition, I'm "aryan" due to my blond hair, blue eyes, shockingly white skin, and German origin. The Aryan Nation you're thinking of are indeed cunts however. Another misconception is that the swastika was a creation by the nazis, when in actuality they ripped it off from an ancient sanskrit symbol loosely meaning "It is good" or "it is right." It was chosen by the nazis for that very reason, although the users of that dead language were most certainly not aryan. It's since been perversed by those scum, and will forever hold those connotations.


Not that I'm going about defending the Nazis or anything, obviously, just figured I'd throw that in.

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe

Yeah, the Sanskrit symbol was a sign of luck, but the Nazis tilted it to the right and used it. Weird.

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Guest The Czech Republic

I thought the speakers of Sanskrit were the true Aryans? And "Iran" I believe meant "land of the Aryans."


This is post #Triple-Triple.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

McNamara: Even if people would vote for an ignorant, rascist, homophobic, utilatarian...


I don't think they would vote for a fat one who can't finish high school on time.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Zsasz: Are you pondering what I'm pondering?




Oh, and I've delievered ahem, Mr. Macnamara's website adress to seanbaby of seanbaby.com fame. Just visit his site and you'll know why.

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Guest J*ingus

Heh... I should've thought of that. I can't wait to see what Sean does with it.

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