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Guest jester

The wrestling closet

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Guest jester

So, how many people here are in the wrestling closet? As in, nobody knows you watch it, follow it, participate in a forum, etc. You may be not hiding the fact in total shame, but you're not exactly going out of your way to tell people about it?


I have to admit, I'm very in the closet. None of my friends are into wrestling. I watch shows alone, and I only talk about them here afterwards. I think my girlfriend has guessed, but she's into some other stuff that puts her in no position to criticize, fortunately.


Anyone else? Are you in the wrestling closet, or are you out?


Wrestling closet: [insert Bradshaw anal sex joke here]

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Guest Idiot Hive

sigh, i have only come out of the wrestling closet since it became unpopular to like it. When everyone was into it, it seemed to easy & normal to be a wrestling fan, and I wouldnt have wanted to seem like a bandwagon jumper because I was in before the bandwagon came around oh well.

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Guest crandamaniac

Well in High School i was pretty much the wrestling expert, and anybody taking part in the attractive posters thread knows that I've got friends who know I post here, so I'm pretty much out of the closet when it comes to wrestling

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Guest The Electrifyer

I wouldn't really say that I'm in the wrestling closet, because I've never actually said "No, I never watch wrestling". Its just that nobody in my school ever talks about it or even mentions it so I don't either. Theres only a few guys who I talk about it with, but there aren't many.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I don't hesitate to tell people that I'm into wrestling if they ask, but I don't wear t-shirts or anything... that's just not my style :D

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Guest converge241

ive always been out and proud. I dont care what anyone else thinks. Fotunately its much appreciated when it swings around and gets popular: Everyone asking for thoughts/predictions on the events, making $$$ of the tickets bought for others.


I do not regulary wear any paraphenelia anymore though..I feel too old for that, except for my triple threat shirt, that still gets worn a good deal

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Guest papacita

Out of the closet. Funny, because when I started high school in 97, people used to tease me for looking at wrestling sites in the computer lab, but by the end of freshman year, a good portion of my class was on the bandwagon.

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Guest CanadianChick

I don't come out and say I'm a wrestling fan, but a couple of my friends know...I even have someone who was in one of my classes that watched it too. It was kind of funny the look we got frim this one girl...she was totally shocked that two girls wouild both like wrestling.

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Guest Bricks

I live in Calgary. We like wrestling. So, I've been out the closet since I remember.

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Guest dpac

people that know me know that i have been a fan since '87, but there are times where i will hide in the closet, for example the last segment of raw this past week

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Guest Drury37
I don't hesitate to tell people that I'm into wrestling if they ask, but I don't wear t-shirts or anything... that's just not my style :D

Well when I first saw this topic the first thing I thought of was the Hardy Boyz,but then I read what it was about.I agree with you that if people ask me are you into wrestling I will say yeah but I don't wear t-shirts or stuff like that.


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Guest Kid Kablam

My friends know, but a couple are wrestling fans, so it's not so awkward. The one place though where I will never admit that Iwatch is at my video store. The people there (just like me) take movies very seriously, and wrestling is considered inferior entertainment to the likes of Scorsese and such. I just don't mention it.

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Guest jester
The people there (just like me) take movies very seriously, and wrestling is considered inferior entertainment to the likes of Scorsese and such. I just don't mention it.

Not that I don't like movies and don't have my favorites, but there is nothing worse than a film snob. (Going OT here) The kind of people who only get their opinions from film books (or classes, if they go that far). Can't stand 'em.

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Guest Kid Kablam

These aren't so much film snobs as film buffs. They know what movies they like, don't read reviews, and really just have good taste. It's an independantly run video store with an atmosphere you just can't get anywhere else. The guys who run it are really cool, they just don't like wrestling. Let's face it, wrestling isn't exactly the most excepted form of entertainment, most people feel that it's a bunch of hosses rolling around. Anyway, my point is that they aren't film snobs, but they take movies seriously, as do I.

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Guest Kid Kablam

I guess you could say that they're like smarks, only with movies. They enjoy movies, but they like movies that are like Chris Benoit, entertaining and smart.

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