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Guest redbaron51

am I the only one who hates RVD


39 members have voted

  1. 1. am I the only one who hates RVD

    • How can you hate RVD? RVD=GOD
    • You're not the only one who hates him.
    • He's decent at best

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Guest BionicRedneck

I voted "your not the only one who hates him" because...well, your not.


I however quite like RVD.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

You can't account for some people's tastes, mesepher.



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Guest Austin3164life

I marked the "He's decent at best" because, well, you can't spell overrated without R-V-D. I appreciate the fact that he is entertaining to a large amount of people, however I just don't see his wrestling skills as being so great. He's a decent performer and plays the spot fest game well, but I guess I'm not a fan of big spot fests and gymnastic type stuff, so there you go.

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Guest razazteca

decent at best


His best matches are the ones where people like Jerry Lynn can do the counters spot or the chair spot.

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Guest mesepher
wait, you saying I like Rikishi?

that was for redbaron... he mentioned he liked Rikishi in another thread


I really enjoy RVD's work in ECW. I haven't seen any of his WWF work... but some of the RVD/ Sabu matches are really good. spotwise :D


I marked the "He's decent at best" because, well, you can't spell overrated without R-V-D.

hahahahahahahha. very true.

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Guest Flyboy

You're not the only one.


Like bps said.. AlwaysPissedOff and Kahran hate him, too.

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Guest crandamaniac

I happen to like RVD. If he's given enough control on his matches, and enough time, he can bust out at least a ***1/2 - **** match easily

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Guest alfdogg

Hogan Made Wrestling hates him too.


He used to go around only posting anti-RVD one-liners that were desinged to piss everyone off (including trying to ruin my wrestling wish list thread) but lately he has stopped and started posting some real intelligent stuff.


It just seems like no one hates him cause most people who do are mature enough not to use every other post saying how much they hate him.

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Guest Incandenza

I'm not voting because I don't like any of the choices--or, more specifically, I don't like how some of the choices are worded--but I definitely think RVD is overrated. Any good matches he has, he's almost always carried to--Benoit and Guerrero being recent examples--though he did hold his own in the ECW match where he won the TV title from Bigelow (****, easy) and against Jericho at last year's Unforgiven, which happened to be the best Hardcore title match ever, too.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I dislike RVD because I dislike his mic skills and his stoner character, and I find the overrating of him tiresome. On the other hand, his matches are usually in the good-to-inoffensive range, so there's a lot of people I dislike more now. For instance, I would mark like a bitch if RVD squashed Goldturd's useless concrete ass.

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Guest Ram

He's only overrated if you care about other people's opinions. I like RVD and his character is at least a breath fresh of air. Hopefully WWE will want to push him, and something will set him off to compete. He needs character motivation.


A good way to do this is have Vince show up and shake things up a bit. He could bring out RVD, and commend him for his accomplishments and such. But he brings up RVD's one missing link --- the heaviweight title. RVD has 21 days (the 21th being at Wrestlemania) to win it. However, he won't get a shot upfront. He must work his way up there with eight seperate matches (he would be given floater status and allowed to switch between shows. It could get RAW viewers to Smackdown and Smackdown to RAW, at least). Vince would give him a weekly gauntlet against several different types of opponents. Everyone from Rey Mysterio Jr. to Kurt Angle to Big Show to Triple H. All sorts of things being put into place to put the odds against RVD. It would be "the Race for Gold..the Race for a job." He would be stripped of the IC title, which would go vacant for a tournament leading to WM. Anyway, YES, if he lost at any time on his way to the main event, he would lose his chance and would be F I R E D...fired. Vince still has control, y'know. If done right, RVD would get superover, and could actually become real main event material, rather than upper card super over man. ;)

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
He's only overrated if you care about other people's opinions. I like RVD and his character is at least a breath fresh of air. Hopefully WWE will want to push him, and something will set him off to compete. He needs character motivation.


A good way to do this is have Vince show up and shake things up a bit. He could bring out RVD, and commend him for his accomplishments and such. But he brings up RVD's one missing link --- the heaviweight title. RVD has 21 days (the 21th being at Wrestlemania) to win it. However, he won't get a shot upfront. He must work his way up there with eight seperate matches (he would be given floater status and allowed to switch between shows. It could get RAW viewers to Smackdown and Smackdown to RAW, at least). Vince would give him a weekly gauntlet against several different types of opponents. Everyone from Rey Mysterio Jr. to Kurt Angle to Big Show to Triple H. All sorts of things being put into place to put the odds against RVD. It would be "the Race for Gold..the Race for a job." He would be stripped of the IC title, which would go vacant for a tournament leading to WM. Anyway, YES, if he lost at any time on his way to the main event, he would lose his chance and would be F I R E D...fired. Vince still has control, y'know. If done right, RVD would get superover, and could actually become real main event material, rather than upper card super over man. ;)

So, in other words, you want him to recieve the Goldturd push? That's pretty much burying the rest of the roster and the 21 days thing is pretty much horseshit due to the Rumble stipulations, anyway, so it'd be one huge clusterfuck. Oh, and Vince has no rub left to give AT ALL. Not to RVD, not to Jericho, not to Kurt, not to ANYONE. Bringing him back on TV will just make the product look like the same lame garbage that it was post-Alliance angle with Vince stroking his ego on-air and no one getting elevated.


That's pretty much the logical reason why it wouldn't work. Personally, if your idea EVER happened, I wouldn't exactly be in a nice mood on the board and if you thought the HHHating was excessive, well should I even elaborate? :angry:

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Guest saturnmark4life

i like him, but he's not a great worker just yet. He HAS improved a lot since coming to wwe though. Jerry Lynn's the only reason he's in wwe anyway. They need to push him, i'll agree with that.

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Guest Strike Force!

Yeah, RVD is overrated. Screw charisma and entertainment value. Give me someone with a great MOVESET (!) and WORKRATE (!) like Fit Finley :rolleyes: or Steven Regal :rolleyes: .

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Guest evenflowDDT
He's only overrated if you care about other people's opinions. I like RVD and his character is at least a breath fresh of air. Hopefully WWE will want to push him, and something will set him off to compete. He needs character motivation.


A good way to do this is have Vince show up and shake things up a bit. He could bring out RVD, and commend him for his accomplishments and such. But he brings up RVD's one missing link --- the heaviweight title. RVD has 21 days (the 21th being at Wrestlemania) to win it. However, he won't get a shot upfront. He must work his way up there with eight seperate matches (he would be given floater status and allowed to switch between shows. It could get RAW viewers to Smackdown and Smackdown to RAW, at least). Vince would give him a weekly gauntlet against several different types of opponents. Everyone from Rey Mysterio Jr. to Kurt Angle to Big Show to Triple H. All sorts of things being put into place to put the odds against RVD. It would be "the Race for Gold..the Race for a job." He would be stripped of the IC title, which would go vacant for a tournament leading to WM. Anyway, YES, if he lost at any time on his way to the main event, he would lose his chance and would be F I R E D...fired. Vince still has control, y'know. If done right, RVD would get superover, and could actually become real main event material, rather than upper card super over man. ;)

RVD's all right, not a huge fan but not really a hater either. Anyway, the main problem with this idea is that RVD's weak character (yes, he has a weak character, at least in the WWE) would just go "whatever, dude" and leave. He has yet to show himself to be a rebel, or any other definable character type. He's just your everyday slacker who just happens to be a wrestler with some decent to cool spots. I'd like to note, however, that his "trademark" spots are a LOT less interesting since they've been replayed in every match he's had ever since the Alliance. I still like his match with Jeff Hardy at inVasion because it seemed fresh and original, and his recent match with Benoit was pretty good (much better than I'd thought it would be), but on the whole... his matches aren't really THAT great. Watchable, yes, but hardly classics.

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Guest Ram
So, in other words, you want him to recieve the Goldturd push? That's pretty much burying the rest of the roster and the 21 days thing is pretty much horseshit due to the Rumble stipulations, anyway, so it'd be one huge clusterfuck. Oh, and Vince has no rub left to give AT ALL. Not to RVD, not to Jericho, not to Kurt, not to ANYONE. Bringing him back on TV will just make the product look like the same lame garbage that it was post-Alliance angle with Vince stroking his ego on-air and no one getting elevated.


That's pretty much the logical reason why it wouldn't work. Personally, if your idea EVER happened, I wouldn't exactly be in a nice mood on the board and if you thought the HHHating was excessive, well should I even elaborate? :angry:

No, Goldberg crammed over pretty much the entire roster. RVD would barely pull through in 8 different matches, all with different stipulations against RVD's strengths. It wouldn't be a burial of the roster, because RVD would be heading to the main events, where he is SUPPOSED to be a credible threat. Going through the cruiserweight champion, the big slow, and other midcard to upper midcard wrestlers.


Vince still has rub, he just has to give it to someone the right way.


This is just my idea as an RVD fan. Much like a Hogan fan would want him winning a title or a Goldberg fan would want him to return, or a Jericho fan to maybe win a match or two sometime.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
No, Goldberg crammed over pretty much the entire roster. RVD would barely pull through in 8 different matches, all with different stipulations against RVD's strengths. It wouldn't be a burial of the roster, because RVD would be heading to the main events, where he is SUPPOSED to be a credible threat. Going through the cruiserweight champion, the big slow, and other midcard to upper midcard wrestlers.

I can see where you're coming from, but beating Rey wouldn't do anything for him and he's already beaten Big Show before, so that wouldn't do anything for RVD at all. Triple H and Kurt, on the other hand, probably would, but Kurt has really been nothing more than a job guy(much like Jericho) and the fanbase is pretty apathetic towards HHH at the moment anyway. Also, 8 matches is WAY too much to begin with. Shorten it down to 5 or maybe 3, and it'd be feasible and make it a 2/3 or 3/5 stip(much like HHH in 99), then the angle would sail smoother.


And then there's one final thing: RVD's pretty much beaten all the midcarders already except for Benoit, so how is he going to become anymore credible beating guys he's already beat before? About the only jobs that would actually mean anything are Brock and HHH, so Rob would pretty much be screwed then.


I'm not trying to bash you because of my admitted RVD-hatred. I'm just pointing out some flaws in your scenario and trying to refine it a bit, so hopefully there's no hard feelings. Hell, I wish I was creative enough to brainstorm stuff for my favorites, but that's just not my forte, ya know?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I seem to be a loner here in my beliefs, but..


"Weak Character" defines a lot of people, especially in the WWE.


When you get down to it, there's a lot of double standards around this place. (RVD shouldn't be Champion because his promos suck. Benoit should be Champion despite his promos sucking). No, he may not be the best technical wrestler, but this is the WWE after all. If a guy like Hogan can have a main event spot as long as he has, RVD should have no problems.


The advantage RVD has over Benoit is the fact that even if it is "weak", he does have a character/personality. The "killer" character Benoit has is only going to go so far. Look at Triple H, who's lost what heat he had in 2000/2001, and may never get it back. While stale to us, an ultra-popular face character such as RVD (and Rock, Jericho, Hogan, even Austin) can last absolutely forever without changing much.


RVD does seem to get people excited, and that's a good thing. It causes people to watch. On the other hand, does anyone else think this upcoming combination of Lesnar's title reign and Triple-mania is going to sink the ratings? -_-

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Guest alfdogg

Shiro is right.


RVD is not a bad wrestler, it's just that God forbid he's not on the level of Angle/Benoit/Eddy.


But he entertains me and that's the most important thing.

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Guest Ram
I can see where you're coming from, but beating Rey wouldn't do anything for him and he's already beaten Big Show before, so that wouldn't do anything for RVD at all. Triple H and Kurt, on the other hand, probably would, but Kurt has really been nothing more than a job guy(much like Jericho) and the fanbase is pretty apathetic towards HHH at the moment anyway. Also, 8 matches is WAY too much to begin with. Shorten it down to 5 or maybe 3, and it'd be feasible and make it a 2/3 or 3/5 stip(much like HHH in 99), then the angle would sail smoother.


And then there's one final thing: RVD's pretty much beaten all the midcarders already except for Benoit, so how is he going to become anymore credible beating guys he's already beat before? About the only jobs that would actually mean anything are Brock and HHH, so Rob would pretty much be screwed then.


I'm not trying to bash you because of my admitted RVD-hatred. I'm just pointing out some flaws in your scenario and trying to refine it a bit, so hopefully there's no hard feelings. Hell, I wish I was creative enough to brainstorm stuff for my favorites, but that's just not my forte, ya know?

I see what you mean. I thought over it for a minute, and I'm not sure I'd want to see RVD in the main event. At least, not yet. I'd rather guys like Eddy and Benoit get up there first. The main event, as it is right now, is basically Triple H, Undertaker, and Brock. Rock is transitional, and is pretty much around just because he can be, and will be gone again sooner than later. Angle and Jericho are down in the upper midcards, with Jericho starting to push the line between midcarding and upper-midcarding (another loss is only going to hurt him).


If RVD is over as he is now, I say keep him there and use HIM to get the good guys over (moreso than they are now to make them look legit). The guy who holds the door open so people can get through. He's over enough to warrant a loss or two.


Plus, once Benoit and co. are legit main eventers, the RVD/Benoit feud for the title will mean something. The split just makes this whole ordeal harder.

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Guest Nevermortal

I absolutely hated him in ECW.


But when he came to the WWF, he suddenly got very watchable.

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