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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Very early comments on the King of the Ring

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Guest Kinetic

From my seat under this black Resistol hat, it seems like Storm has a better chance of getting over than Test.  Storm *was* over with his whole "If I can be serious for a moment..." schtick around InVasion.  Then he was completely buried.  If they'd give him some mic time and an angle to work with, he could easily be a viable IC title contender.  What's more, I think he'd benefit more than anyone from a KOTR win.


Test just sucks.

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Guest TheDames7

IMO, Storm was crazy over in WCW as a heel....and when he faced Booker T for the WCW title, and he put on the Maple Leaf, the entire arena gasped because they actually believed Booker would tap....thats how effective they were with getting Storm over.  


In the WWF, they never allowed him to do his speeches once...he'd get interrupted each time.  If he had gotten to say it a few times, when he got interrupted by whoever, it would have been more effective.  


He was more over as the IC champ than Albert was, I'll tell you that!



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Guest TheDames7

They did, but this was during the initial stages of the InVasion so, Storm got the title change pop, plus the fact that Albert wasn't over at all, and that it was helping the InVasion.



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Guest YaMamma
I think Test will win the King of the Ring tournament this year. That'd be pretty cool. =)

Tell me you didn't just say that.

What's wrong with Test as King of the Ring? He's a better choice than Lance Storm. Storm could win the tournament three years in a row, nobody would care. =)

And people would care if Test won?

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Guest x-LJSexay-x

Man you guys are too f'n much sometimes...


I mean it's as if you blame Test for his lack of reaction. You also blame Edge for his lack of reaction.


Well seems to me those who do so are on mark level of intelligence...lemme explain why, with one simple word.




How fucking jizzed on has the writing team been since post wmx-seven?


Is it Test and Edge's fault that they get NO time to get ovcer through a vignette or interview? IS IT?!? fuck no.


If your'e going to put down them or anyone......why don;t you wait until they get the fucking chance to  legitimately get over.


Oh, and KOTR is gonna go to Booker...I smell it.

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Guest x-LJSexay-x

damn, I can't edit my post...


This is what, a Billy Gunned push is:


-you go up against high calibur opponents

-your'e given mic time to get over

-your placed in the spotlight and are encouraged NOT to fuck yourself up, or your opponent.


You guys remember those Mr Ass massage segments against The Rock in '99? The kiss my ass segments too? Billy Gunn was given VIGNETTE AND MIC TIME to get over...but for ihm it didn't work.


He was placed up against The Rock...and fans werent into him. He fucked up there.


He was placed in ANOTHER push, against Benoit this time, gets shakey and almost breaks Benoit's neck.


I haven't seen Edge get any mic time or any time to get over....oooooooh, spear after a match to Regal, attack in the ramp, big deal.


Edge has boring matches that get no response? LOOK WHO THEY PAIRED HIM WITH.


And the same goes for Test......be reasonable dudes.

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Guest Army Eye

Booker T, Lance Storm, Kanyon, Mike Awesome, RVD (but I think it wouldn't do anything for him by then) would all be pretty sweet Kings of the Ring

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'd like to see Booker T above the KOTR by then...but he won't be.


RVD doesn't need to win it...and will hopefully be in the middle of an IC title run at that time.


I'd love to see Awesome win.  If the WWF wants to push a big man...push him.


Fuck Test.  Fuck Big Show.  Fuck Undertaker.  Fuck Albert.  To a lesser extent Fuck Kane.


Awesome is better than all of them.

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Guest Anglesault

We all know Shane wil book Test to win. And it will no longer be refered to as "Billy Gunn-ing" a KOTR, but, "Test-ing" a KOTR

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Guest X-Factor Corperation

With all of the talent(read workers) they have they could do a three round KOTR.


As to who should win it..... Big Show perhaps.

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Guest InigoMontoya

You could do that with anything Test has been a part of.

"Test-ing" a wedding for example.

Test's name is above the word f#ck when it comes to describing how bad somebody screwed up.

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Guest Tony149

I still think Booker T or RVD will win the KOTR '95. I doubt Benoit will, if the split happens, Chris will probably be on Smackdown (Which is going to become the wrestling based WWF).

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Guest Army Eye

First thing Test needs is a real name.  How can you root for , or against, a guy named TEST?  It's almost as bad as 'Albert'.  Wow that's some name there.


Maybe we should hope for Test to get over as a monster heel , so when the time comes, he doesn't need KOTR :)

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Guest Anglesault
I still think Booker T or RVD will win the KOTR '95. I doubt Benoit will, if the split happens, Chris will probably be on Smackdown (Which is going to become the wrestling based WWF).

I'd like to see anyone but Mabel win the 95 KOTR

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Guest Tony149
I still think Booker T or RVD will win the KOTR '95. I doubt Benoit will, if the split happens, Chris will probably be on Smackdown (Which is going to become the wrestling based WWF).

I'd like to see anyone but Mabel win the 95 KOTR

Oh shit! I screwed up. I made a post in one of the threads in the "Old School (Stuff)" folder about KOTR '95. So my brain was thinking about it. I won't edit my post. Why? Too lazy to do so.

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Guest Anglesault
None of you think Hugh Morris has a chance?


Hello, I'm new by the way.

Wow, that's a funny one.

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Guest Flair5000

Sadly, Awesome didn't do himself justice during the invasion. I think Rhyno would be great. Benoit should be above the KOR...I hope.

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Guest Boring_Liferik

Hm. As sad as it is, i really could see them letting Test big boot the living shit out of everything (aka slapping his pants real hard) all the way to the KOTR trophy. As said before many times, he is a hoss. And a hoss don't lose to no steenkin meedgits! Yeah! You tell em JR!

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Guest Choken One

Awesome won't be going nowhere if he keeps injuring people with sloppy Offense.


However, I call it right here... RVD enters KOTR...everyone expects him to win but he wrestles to a draw in round 1 and Test wins (Ala Shawn/Mabel '95)

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Guest Choken One

Tons. Vampiro...Right off the top of my head...those more, I just can't think right now.

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Guest Army Eye
I don't think so, bret Hart won it after all.

True, but that was the inaugural.. Bret winning was to give the KOTR some prestige

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Guest Choken One

It was fine with Bret, Owen, Austin, HHH, Angle winning it but no one else really made sense. Why a Fat no heat tag teamer? Why a character devoid of Personality and emotion? Why BILLY GUNN? Why some one who "Billy Gunn"ed it all? Just Why?

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Guest One Bad Apple
Tons. Vampiro...Right off the top of my head...those more, I just can't think right now.


Vampiro was just asking for it, though.



Booker winning KOR and the next night on RAw making his way to the Ring and Cutting a Promo on whoever is the Champ. that he beat out 16 of the best in the WWF and he now wants a Title Shot to be the Best. (Make the Champ still Jericho and you will have a great storyline going there. Jericho is the only one Booker hasn't Wrestled and lost to that will be a Way to even more push him.)


So they'll say Booker has lost to everyone but Jericho, and that's a way to push him? What the heck?



Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Spike Dudley, Kurt Angle ... all of these men have defeated Booker! But Jericho hasn't! He knows he can't beat Booker! Except for the one time he did! Remember, when Jericho was WCW Champion, and Austin told Booker to beat Jericho, but he didn't! That ego-holic Jericho can't beat Booker, and he knows it!

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