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Guest Karnage

Backyard Dogs

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Guest gizmo

Ive seen it. For the love of all that is holy save your money, the movie is not only a terrible representation of how byw works, but it also just plain sucks. Here is the plot scroll down if you want to read the movie *SPOILER* Two backyard wrestlers start out in a mattress fed that somehow makes the noises of a real ring, they find out about an FMW deal for some best of backyard title. They mee a chick as there manager and get in some fights. Through the whole movie they try to make it seem like wrestling is real and you are fighting to survive. Long and boring story short, they win the tourny and become FMW "superstars. Trust me it is a waste of time and money.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I work at a video store and only rented it because I get rentals for free and because it has Hayabusa in it. For CHRISTS SAKE, DONT GET THIS MOVIE! IT IS 2 HOURS YOU WILL NEVER GET BACK! I GOT THE FUCKING THING FOR FREE AND I STILL FEEL RIPPED OFF!

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Guest starvenger

Get it only if you want to know what happened to the original Black Power Ranger and/or if you want to see Hayabusa's motion picture debut.


On second thought, don't. It's still not worth it. FWIW, it's better than Ready 2 Rumble, if only because none of the 3 lead actors became FMW champion...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

BUT...Ready 2 Rumble treated wrestling as it really is, RIGGED, until a big screwjob happens. After the screwjob, complete horseshit (sorry, but I doubt a 90-year-old shootfighter could even hold a formery US Airborne Army Ranger's luggage, let alone kick his ass {in reference to Sal kicking Saturn's ass}).


Stay far, far, FAR away from Backyard Dogs. If you want to see a movie on backyard wrestling, wait for Barry Blaustein's The Backyard to be released on DVD and VHS.

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Guest Karnage

It's not even worth a free rental? There must be something saving it...like nudity.

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Guest starvenger

There's about 5 seconds of bare breasts. So if you're looking for nudity rent Showgirls and hit mute.

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Guest Nevermortal
There's about 5 seconds of bare breasts. So if you're looking for nudity rent Showgirls and hit mute.

Or just find some porn.


That's what the internet is, anyway.

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