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Guest kingkamala

Weirdest Celebrity you've ever met?

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Guest kingkamala

For me I'd say former WWF tag team champion Tony Atlas, I met him at an autograph signing at a car dealership(Don't ask) and the signing had started a half hour before and no one was there. When he saw me and my brother walk in his eyes lit up and we asked him for and autograph. Somehow the subject of that MTV True Life special was brought up and he said" Oh all the kids saw me on the MTV and it's helped my career" and then for no apparent reason he started rapping about MTV. Anyway I was about to mention him being at Wrestlemania 2 but I forgot and left. Weird experience but I did get free tickets to an indy show featuring him, Brutus Beefcake, Doink The Clown, Kamala, Public Enemy and the Bushwhackers. Anyone got a story that can beat my story of Saba Simba rapping B)

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Guest bob_barron

Jack Black was zonked out of his mind and I asked him to take a picture. He was all confused so I was cracking jokes and as we were taking it I said- can you feel the emotion??


He started rubbing my shoulder and stuff.


It was weird and creepy

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Guest NazMistry

I live in Amsterdam. Probably the most liberal story in the world.

I have lots of wierd stories but they don't really fit in anywhere on the board.

But this one does...


Here in Europe there is a music contest called the 'Eurovision Song Contest' where each European country enters a contestant and points are awarded to each contestant from other European nations.

Well a few years back the Israeli entrant won the contest.

(Yeah I didn't know Israel was a part of Europe either.)

Anyway, the winner was known as Dana International, and she had caused a lot of fuss in Israel because SHE used to be a HE. She went on a tour of Europe and became somewhat of a C-List celebrity around Europe.

One night me and two of my friends, Dennis and Franck are walking back from a nightclub and we are walking past the famous Amsterdam brothels on our route home. The brothels in Amsterdam are very open and you can often see into the brothel right at the action.

Well Dennis sees this woman getting dominated by a dominatrix in the window and says the woman being dominated looks fit. For some reason there is a large crowd outside the brothel.

Myself and Franck didn't think see looked too hot, but Dennis starts watching. Me and Franck light up a spliff and chill on a bench. All along Dennis continues to watch the show. After a while, the woman being domintated starts to make tongue gestures at Dennis.

After the show ends, the woman leaves the brothel steps outside and walks over to Dennis. She asks him his name, and asks him if he recognises her from TV. Dennis replies 'No', and she laughs. Dennis asks her why she was waving her tongue at him, and she says: 'Because off this'.

The woman and Dennis proceed to get off for a minute in the middle of the street while me and Franck start to laugh really loud.

The woman leaves and Dennis smiles like he just got layed. The crowd cheers really loud and everyone congratulates Dennis. All the while, me and Franck are laughing our asses off. Dennis gets pissed off and says we are stoned.

Franck points to the window of the brothel and Dennis turns around.

Dennis sees the poster in the window of the Brothel.




Under the writing theres a big picture off Dana International.


Dennis' face goes red and he says 'That was her, I mean HIM!'.

Me and Franck nod and keep laughing, Dennis runs off screaming for water!

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Guest bob_barron

I've also seen Chris Kattan really drunk and one time I saw him holding him eye- it was odd

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Guest LexLugerRules

Mike Tyson sang happy birthday to me, than give me one of his boxing gloves, and autographed that and my Holyfield/Tyson program.

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Guest Marshall
Mike Tyson sang happy birthday to me, than give me one of his boxing gloves, and autographed that and my Holyfield/Tyson program.

The Make a Wish foundation do great work.

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Guest LexLugerRules
Mike Tyson sang happy birthday to me, than give me one of his boxing gloves, and autographed that and my Holyfield/Tyson program.

The Make a Wish foundation do great work.



Actually I got into his training place for the fight, because my dad knew one of Tyson's bodyguards.

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Guest bob_barron

I hate to ask what he gave you as a present.


Besides Jack Black molesting me my other weird experence would be Amy Poehler sweating on me

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Guest LexLugerRules
I hate to ask what he gave you as a present.

I told you, an autograph boxing glove he used, and he autographed my program for Tyson/Holyfield II

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Guest bob_barron



For my birthday Lorne Michaels gave me a personalised autograph (we have the same one)

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Guest LaParkaMarka

NazMistry - That was a funny story. And I feel very sorry for your buddy there. Any more?

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I've met quite a few celebs but I think the coolest, not so much weird was Jennifer Love Hewitt. I met her in a record store in LA when I was visiting a few years back. Pretty cool and down to earth person.


I do need to find out exactly where Booker T's music shop is too and see if he is there one day when they have down time.

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Guest Mattdotcom



(Read: These aren't weird celebrity stories, or good stories at all.)

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Guest Kingpk
Guy Stokes dont meet celebritys, celebritys meet Guy Stokes

And Disco Stu, doesn't advertise :rolleyes: .




I've met quite a few celebs but I think the coolest, not so much weird was Jennifer Love Hewitt. I met her in a record store in LA when I was visiting a few years back. Pretty cool and down to earth person.


Can I lick your hand? :D :P

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Guest massivHEDtrauma

I had a conversation with Ben Folds outside of a concert in what was basically the middle of the street (it was late, so there was little traffic). We sat and talked for half an hour about how fucked up Catholic school girls are (because a girl I once knew from Catholic school demanded that she come to Australia with him and then ran off into the night) and Elkhart, Indiana (which is my hometown which is why it even came up). It wasn't particularly odd, but still, it's the best I got, so screw you!

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Guest converge241

Val Ium from Pist On


jumped offstage and started making out with me


good weird though

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Guest bob_barron

Darrell Hammond-

Went on a long winded rant once about how he's getting screwed over and stuff.


He was taking about the security people- it was very odd

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I met Sean Bean (Goldeneye, LOTR) and he was AWESOME. The guy is so cool, he has a really good sense of humor and gave me his impression of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.

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