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Guest nWoScorpion

WWF Monday night Raws...

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Guest nWoScorpion

I don't know if this was a thread before but, what is everyone's favorite...


a.) Raw Match


b.) Raw Interview


c.) overall Raw


BTW, does anyone have the 1993 RAWs on tape? I need some to add to my 1993 fettish collection. lol

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

a.) Tie: Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit

& HHH vs. Jericho (April 2000) I was actually tempted to watch Nitro as it was the start of the New Blood/Millionaires club angle, but as soon as Jericho challenged HHH to a title match, I was hooked. A markout moment if there ever was one.


b.) Anything involving Rock or Jericho in 99-2000. Actually make that Rock/Jericho during Jericho's debut. Just awesome.


c.) Tie: RAW after No Way Out 2001 - HHH was nowhere to be found after besting Austin and it was coincidentally one of the best fucking RAWs ever

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Guest HartFan86

1. Austin vs. Benoit in Calgary for the WWF Title, HHH/Austin vs. Benoit/Jericho for the tag titles, 10 man tag during February 2000, tons more. Can't really narrow it down to one.


2. Jericho's Debut, Austin/Rock before Mania 17, ECW reformation, tons more.


3. Wow. Too Hard. Night after Revenge of the Taker 97, Night after Judgment Day 2001, 1 week before Mania 17, can't really pick one.



Way too hard of a question.

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Guest papacita

a.) Hands down would be HBK/Austin Vs Owen and Bulldog from Memorial Day 97.


b.) Not sure. Jericho's debut was cool.


c.) Too many to choose from. My favs are between the May 17, 93 RAW, the Raw where Vader attacked Gorilla Monsoon, the 8/18/97 Raw in Atlantic City (I was SO there), and the 8/24/98 Raw in Philly (see the AC Raw).

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Guest Austin3164life

a.) Raw Match

Favorite: Without a doubt, Steve Austin/Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart/British Bulldog. Back when Raw was only one hour (I believe), this match was about 20 minutes long, and had a HOT crowd. Great, great action, and a very cool finish.


b.) Raw Interview

Favorite: The Raw in 1996 where Brian Pillman interviews Austin before his match with Bret Hart at Survivor Series. You get a classic line "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart!". Basically, this interview gains TONS of heat for Austin because he basically trashes Bret's legacy as if it were yesterday's garbage.


c.) overall Raw

Favorite: The night after "Revenge of the Taker" ppv (here in Rochester, I was there), where it's basically a showcase for the EXCELLENT Bret Hart/Austin feud. We get a good promo from Austin (with a lot of pops), and a good Street Fight in which Austin kicks Bret Hart's ass for the first time (kind of) and takes it to the ambulance. Such a hot night overall. Really solidified my love for the WWF and for Stone Cold. What happened to those days? :(

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Guest mesepher
HHH vs. Jericho (April 2000) I was actually tempted to watch Nitro as it was the start of the New Blood/Millionaires club angle, but as soon as Jericho challenged HHH to a title match, I was hooked. A markout moment if there ever was one.

yeah buddy! I was at that one!


Raw Match

That Jericho/ HHH match was awesome live... as well as the first TNN show where Edge and Christian fought the Hardyz in a ladder match - good stuff live



Raw Interview

Bret Hart attacking Pittsburgh!


overall Raw

the RAW where ECW invades to promote Barely Legal... awesome stuff on that one.


I wish I had more RAWs on tape back from when I was really into WWF

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Favorite match..either HHH vs. Quad tag title match or else the HBK/Austin vs. Owen/Bulldog match.


Interview, probably Jericho's debut.


Overall RAW, probably the Austin/Pillman gun angle. The wrestling on the show sucked, but from a sportz entertainment aspect, there's none greater.

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Guest nWoScorpion

I should give me answers since Istarted this thread, lol


A.) For a mark-out stand point, Mankind Vs. The Rock from 1-4-99. Foley winning the title was great and the fact WCW screwed themelves over that night by announcing it, lower'ed there ratings because everyone went to the USA network to catch the rest of RAW


B.) Rock/Hogan face to face the night after No Way Out I think. Feel The Moment. LoL


C.) Overall RAW, eesh, tough one. The night Vince vs. Austin took place (but really didn't) in April 1998. The whole show was great plus the whole Austin/Mcmahon feud was scyrocketed here, and it was the first time RAW won the monday night war ratings in 85 weeks (84 times WCW won in a row)

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Guest rvd43

1. Jeff Hardy VS. Undertaker


2. Jericho/Rock Jerichos Debut


3. Owen Hart Memorial

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Guest Lord of The Curry

1) Austin/HHH vs Canadian Chris Connection, Jericho vs HHH or Foley vs Rock 99'.


2) HHH's post WM 14 interview when X-Pac debuted was pretty swank. Also, anything involving Paul Heyman during the invasion angle.


3) The RAW with Foley, Rock, Too Cool and Rikishi teaming against HHH, X-Pac and Radicalz was fuckin amazing, just because for once they actually built up the ME, having Radicalz turn on Foley, having Foley's desperate search to find a partner, then having Too Cool and Rikishi come to save the day in the end was just great.


Also, was the RAW I listed above the one where Kane made his return?. Cause if so, more power to that show.

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Guest Celtic Jobber
b.) Raw Interview

Favorite: The Raw in 1996 where Brian Pillman interviews Austin before his match with Bret Hart at Survivor Series.  You get a classic line "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart!".  Basically, this interview gains TONS of heat for Austin because he basically trashes Bret's legacy as if it were yesterday's garbage.

That interview was on the WWF IYH: Mindgames PPV. He might have said the same thing (or something similar) on an episode of RAW but I don't remember it.

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Guest Strike Force!

1. Best Match- err...I don't know. Not really into the actual wrestling matches.


2. Best interview- Bret Hart's official heel turn in 1997.


3. Best RAW-Once again, the Bret Hart heel turn in '97. Just capped off one of the greatest angles in sports ent...err...wrestling history.

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Guest BigTim2002

Strike Force, unless you are all about the politics...go home, now.




a.) Raw Match-Davey/Owen vs. Austin/Michaels-Best RAW match ever. Austin/HHH vs. CVC gets 2nd

b.) Raw Interview-Austin and Angle trying to...OUTHUG~! Vince, and then Rocky coming out to spoil the party was absolutely hilarious. Oh yeah, and 2nd place goes Vince 8 days after Montreal, as he just LIES his ass off to try and get himself off the hook.


c.) overall Raw-That San Jose RAW, which I will KICK MYSELF FOR NOT SEEING, since it was CVC vs. The Power Trip.

2nd-The one with the Bret Hart/Austin streetfight, and then Pillman coming out in the end to Pillmanize his ankle...too cool.

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Guest papacita

I forgot to mention this in my last post, but on the first Raw is War, they had a debate between Paul Heyman and Jerry Lawler, where all the ECW guys came out talking about War. That was cool as hell. If you wanna count that as an interview, I'd say that was it.

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Guest Strike Force!
You're not into wrestling matches?


Nope, not really. It's fake (I'm sincerely not tryint to insult your intelligence) so I really don't care. A good match is just gravy. It's the angle surrounding the match that interests me.

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Guest Strike Force!
Strike Force, unless you are all about the politics...go home, now.

No, really, I think I'll stick around.

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Guest Strike Force!

The match in itself just isn't interesting. I'm more interested in the angle surrounding the match. So, in that case, it's hard for me to really gauge what my favorite match is. Trust me, when you've watched wrestling as long as I have (about 21 years) the matches all look the same.

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Guest BigTim2002

But see, this is what I don't get Strike Force.


You give me a good angle...right now...and you tell me if what the WWF was doing five years before even comes close.

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Guest Strike Force!
But see, this is what I don't get Strike Force.


You give me a good angle...right now...and you tell me if what the WWF was doing five years before even comes close.

If I understand your post, you're saying what the WWF is doing now anglewise is better than what they were doing five years ago.


Well, it goes in spurts. But if we are talking about exactly five years ago, 1997, I'd have to disagree totally. 1997 was one of the best years in WWF history. I was a diehard WCW Nitro guy up to that point in time. It was edgy and fresh. They took a huge risk in turning two of their top franchise babyfaces (Bret Hart and SHawn Michaels) heel and it paid off. Bret Hart's heel character that year was one of the best I'd ever seen. There had never been a "rejected hero"-type heel that I can remember up to that point.


To further my point, a lot of net nerd columnists always talk about WCW/Jim Crockett wrestling in the late 80s and how great it was. Well, I lived it and watched it and it sucked. It was always about the Four Horsemen (believe me, I LOVE Ric Flair and Arn Anderson), Dusty Rhodes, Lex Luger, or Nikita Koloff. I'm ranting so bear with me. It was so freaking predictable. I don't care if Lex Luger and Ric Flair wrestled a, to reference my favorite :rolleyes: net nerd writer, ***** one hour classic complete with PSYCHOLOGY and WORKRATE, it SUCKED because you knew the two of them would be wrestling in the main event next month, plus the match you were watching would end in either A.) a time limit draw B.) a DQ finish with the Horsemen interfering C.) Dusty Rhodes winning. It sucked, and it was the most unentertaining bunch of crap I've ever seen. All that to say is why I kind of scoff at people that complain about wrestlers not going over clean, or unrealistic finishers, or movesets...stuff like that. Nobody cared about that stuff before the internet I promise you.


Anyway, thanks for your interest in my opinion.

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Guest BigTim2002

No, see, I was saying that what happens today in the WWE is worse...


I agree with you on that, but I just don't get it. If you really are interested in stories, I suggest that you take up a book. I think I speak for a lot of us on this board when I say we watch wrestling for the whole shebang, not just the story. I mean, if we wanted stories, we'd watch sitcom. It's all about, the action. You know, right now, the politics backstage play a bigger part in the stories than a simple match. It really sucks how it's deteriorated.


Bottom Line: Wrestling is about style and substance. You want substance, read a Grisham or a Stephen King. That's how I feel.

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Guest BAR

a. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith vs. Shawn Michaels & Steve Austin

b. Syxx's return to WWF, night after WMXIV

c. Anything from mid '97, Bret/Austin, Canada/USA angle

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