Guest Downhome Report post Posted August 10, 2002 Ok, many are saying that neither one of these matches can truly have anything come from it. If Angle looses to Mysterio, it makes Angle look bad. If Angle cheats to beat Mysterio, it makes Angle look out to be that much less credible, and hurts Mysterio's push. On the other side, people say that not too much can come from Brock/Rocky. If Brock wins, well, I don't need to explain, and if Rocky just flat out beats Brock fairly it only hurts Brock more than he already is hurting, and we need to limit that as much as possible. Well, it does NOT have to be like that. Just hear me out... first off, concerning Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar, they should give the bout no less than 15 minutes of non stop action. Just let them run wild with it, all inside the ring, right at ringside, etc... I would then have Brock Lesnar come out while the ref and Rey Mysterio isn't looking, and just absolutely destroy Kurt Angle, I'm talking just goes mad ass ape crazy on him, you know the deal. Brock then shoots what is becoming his patented smile, and walks to the back, while Paul Heyman meets him just yelling at him, telling him he's going crazy. I'd then have Rey Mysterio start coming to, and since he didn't see what happened, I'd have Rey pull something fancy out of his hat to "finish" Kurt, something from the top rope perhaps, which wouldn't need for Angle to even get up after what Brock did. The ref then begins to get up, makes the count, and we have many things acomplished... 1) We just saw one hell of a match. 2) Brock Lesnar continues the program with Angle. 3) Rey got the small rub from Angle, as Angle seems to have no problem with that. where they could go with this, they have plenty of options. Rey Mysterio would then just move on to something else, as he now looks that much better. As for Brock, they can either have him beat Rocky in the main event for the title (the option I wouldn't choose), or they could have Rocky defeat Brock to retain the title, after Angle interferes. Here, is how I'd book this... the main event, I'd have Brock be going off on Rocky, as Rocky is great at selling for people, and this could help make Brock look really good. Sometime in the match, I'd have Rocky toss Brock out of the ring on the side towards the entrance way as he charges him, and brock hits his head on the apron and goes down on the oustide. On the other side of the ring, Paul gets up on the apron to distract Rocky, and in turn distracts the ref. Then, Kurt Angle comes out, bandged up and limping, and locks the Angel Lock (that's my name for it) on the downed Brock. I'm not talking just barely does it, he goes crazy on it, and almost breaks snaps it into. Angle then throws Brock back in the ring, and just leaves doing his smile, as the crowd begins to side with Angle, finally. Rock turns around, as does the ref, not knowing what just happened, and waits for Brock to get up, and he barely can as he is limping from his ankle being almost broken. He goes for the Rock Bottom, but Brock reverses it with an elbow. He tosses Rock into the ropes, and when he shoots back towards him, he goes for the F5. Right as he's about to drop Rocky, his ankle gives way, and they build it up as it just gave away, and just finally snapped under the presure (oh my God, using an injury from earlier in the match like this, it would be shocking!). Rocky then goes for the peoples elbow, but Brock kicks out. Rock then goes into his waiting posistion again, Brock begins to get up, but can only stand on one foot, and BANG, Rocky hits Brock with the Rock Bottom, and gets the win, finally. Now damnit, if they want to make Summerslam a show to remember, and actually deliver with a huge positive in two of the main matches, while also weaving them into one another, while also furthering more than one angle at the same time, then THIS is the way to do it. If you ask me, it sounds like a hell of a plan. We then have Rocky still as the champ, ready to drop it to Angle perhaps on the next Smackdown (Rock gives him the shot out of respect) or to someone like Benoit, etc (perhaps Brock could cost Rock the title, just to get back at him, and to put it on Angle as he knows that is his next "target" and he wants him to have the title, so he can take it from the guy who injured him)..., we do NOT have Brock as the champion yet, we have Angle on his way to being a huge face, we have Brock begining to develop, and on the side we have Rey coming off of a damn fine match, with a huge victory under his belt. Yeah, I think all of that sounds great if you ask me, suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Sincerely, ...Downhome... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted August 10, 2002 Sounds good, Downhome. Rey looks good, Angle costs Lesnar his "big shot", Lesnar gets shot down to the midcard (hopefully), and Rocky can drop the belt to somebody more deserving. *pointypointypointy* Though, a serious Angle as champ would work for me, too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted August 10, 2002 Though, a serious Angle as champ would work for me, too. Exactly my point, way to go. You see, they have been building Angle up to be getting "screwed" over and over, it's very obvious. Have the Brock interference in his match with Rey just push him over the edge so to speak. After Rey pins his sholders, damnit, let that put to rest his current funny guy image, and allow the ankle lock on Brock in the main event, to be the new foundation for his serious, very serious, Bret Hart serious, rise to the top. I've always said it, and I'll say it again, Kurt Angle can be the key to healing WWE, all they need to do is reformat him in the fans eyes, and at Summerslam, damnit, they can do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted August 10, 2002 Come on people, respond. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RicFlairGlory Report post Posted August 10, 2002 The only way for SS to to be good is if they postpone it for two weeks, and properly build up Angle vs Rock, Benoit vs RVD, and Jericho vs Guerrero. Oops, too late Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest El Psycho Diablo Report post Posted August 10, 2002 I'd rather see Jericho vs RVD, if you ask me. At least I'd be excited about it. With Benoit, you know it'll be a good match..but it's like.. *RVD walks out, pops* *Benoit walks out* "Oh, him again." Not really liking or hatred..Benoit's just kinda..well..a vanilla midget. However, Angle/Rey should be good, but Eddy will probably wind up fighting Edge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted August 19, 2002 Just bumping since SS02 is coming up soon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted August 19, 2002 Summerslam sounds awesome- it could be PPV of the year Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RickyChosyu Report post Posted August 19, 2002 One problem, just from glancing over the thing: The wins do absolutely nothing for Rock or Rey. You're using the WWE Booking By the Numbers gig where one guy does a job, but really, both guys end up looking bad. Why? Angle/Brock look bad because they lose, and Rey/Rock look bad because they won based on pure luck, and didn't even know they was going to get assistance, which saved their asses. They simply profited from a circumstance that they had nothing to do with, and thus, makes them seem like a hapless idiots who, by sheer luck, have managed to get a win. Remember how Jericho pinned Steve Austin twice, once last year and once this year? Remember how that did absolutely nothing for him? It's because both times, someone ran in and took out Austin for him (Booker the first time, nWo the second), but both times, it wasn't even Jericho's idea, and thus, he looked like the definitive "bumbling idiot who managed to walk right into another win." It's like the bookers watched a ton of Bill Murry movies and said "hey, that guy sure is funny, lets book our matches based on his comedic style!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted August 19, 2002 I hope we see some good in-ring work, that's pretty much all I'm hoping for. Oh, and no Bubba Ray Dudley or Big Show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites