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Guest The Amazing Rando

Tommy Dreamer & The Brooklyn Brawler

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Guest The Amazing Rando

Okay....this challenge was put forth to me by Downhome...and I thought I would share with you my results.....of putting over Tommy Dreamer and the Brooklyn Brawler in any way possible...




okay.... the Unamericans are doing their usual bashing of America...when all the sudden, out comes the Brawler to defend his country. He is eventually coaxed into the ring and is beaten down quickly...and slowly the fight moves to the back where they fall into a lockerroom, occupied by Tommy Dreamer. Tommy tries to get them to stop and when they don't, he interjects himself but gets his ass kicked as well.


Later in the show, Tommy Dreamer asks for a match against the Unamericans, and they accept...if Dreamer can find a partner(of course we all know who this will be), and Tommy says sure, if it can be for the titles. The Unamericans laughingly agree.


The match.....the Unamericans come out, then Tommy....then The Brawler!!!

The Brawler plays face-in-peril, before getting a hot tag to Dreamer, who tries to clear the ring and does show, until a punk out leads to Tommy tagging out and a brawl ensuing.


Tommy takes out Christian, Storm takes out Tommy from behind, then from out of nowhere...Brawler hits his Brawler Bomb from behind on Storm...then hits a Wrist Clutch Exploder on Christian and pins Christian FOR THE TITLES!!



I don't care if they would lose the titles a few days later...I would still mark out like crazy for Brooklyn Brawler: Tag Team Champion!

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Guest Downhome

Ah yes, you pull through again. If anyone, YOU should be writing for WWE damnit!

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

That wouldn't be a bad idea for a one night Heat angle, but the Canadians can't lose the belts so soon. They would need to go over the first time.

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Guest Trivia247

Dreamer, Tazz, Brawler Credible and Low Ki should Make a NYC mafia since they are all NYC or just outside NYC Home town boys.


Dreamer, Yonkers, Tazz Redhook, Credible Ozone Park, Brawler umm Brooklyn, same with Low Ki

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