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Guest Tyler McClelland

Classic Matches of the Century!

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Guest Tyler McClelland

The IGNWF pay per view From The Fire continues its non-stop live coverage from the completely sold out American Airlines Arena. The hoards of IGNWF fans rock back and forth as the specially commissioned From The Fire anthem plays out to them while the camera shot shows lots of long pans of the masses.


Overlaid on the long panning shots of the crowds are the sponsors logos of IGNWF From The Fire, including Grouch premium beer (Stop stop, this Pay Per View is not ready yet!), Churchill Insurance (Churchill, is this main event any good? Oh yes, yes, yes!) and Compaq (This Pay Per View powered by Intel Inside, warning fatal execution error 00051X003…)


The fans of the IGNWF have out done themselves in the creation of banners this time around. A massive three-dimensional model of a crack pipe is being passed around the fans, even if it’s not a working replica. The camera shot focuses in on a lovingly crafted painted sign of Rane and Azul together in an embrace that’s held by a group of clearly Rane fans. On almost the other side of the arena a series of smaller, slightly more enthusiastically done images of Divefire in several street fighter poses are shown. Two in particular are subject to creative licence. One has the Englishman throwing a fireball. The second is a full-length shot of Divefire, with his hair up flowing upwards in an invisible wind and a yellow tinge to his hair and a yellow glow all around him. The logo on the bottom of the picture reads, `Super Divefire.`


The roar of the crowds change depending on where the camera is pointed as three fan bases vie to get their man over the most. Div-ane-y almost seems to be the collective cries of the crowds as the heat to the long awaited main event builds up higher and higher as ring technician’s check out the ring from the previous matches it’s endured tonight.


The camera shot pans around the arena once more, before the shot changes to the announcers’ desk, where NTD, the fountain of pantless knowledge sits along side a bruised and battered Jayson Grant, and the surprisingly well looking Curry Man.


“We have seen some of the greatest matches in the history of the IGNWF tonight, here in the America Airlines Arena.” NTD reminds every one at home, a proud tone in his voice. “Reason and Extreme Hound kicked things off with a display that would set the tone for tonight; with hard, fast and brutal fighting.”


“Indeed they did, NTD.” Confirms Jayson, taking over from the almost heel. “Then we witnessed the fatal four way elimination match between Chris Storm, Molock, the G.O.A.T. and Chris Raynor. Old and new grudges were settled in that match and at the end of it we had a new number one contender for the ICTV title.”


“And who would of thought it would have been the man that it was.” Concurs Curry. “A remarkable match, but not as remarkable as the three fall triple threat match between Light Heavy Weight champion Sacred, the Prince of Hardcore Grimedogg and the Hardcore Gamers and New York champion, Perfect Bo. The three men all fought their hearts out to claim as much gold as they could in what was an intense match.”


“It was intense Curry, but not as intense as when I stepped back in the ring to battle with Fallout.” Jayson states, with a certain amount of pride in his voice, despite his injuries.


“That’s right sir, you and Fallout had an amazing match. Truly one of the best matches I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. It was a great display of skill and guile the likes of which…” NTD gushes and blathers on demand, until…


“Enough!” Jayson cuts him off and demands silence. “Let’s move on, I know exactly how good I am.”


“Yes sir.” NTD replies meekly and not for the first time tonight. “After that sensational match, we finally had a new ICTV champion decided after Mercury was rightly striped of the title by Mr Grant.” NTD gives a sidelong glance to Jayson, just to make sure he’s not about to be chastised again. But Jayson seems to be happy enough and NTD continues. “Angelous put on an amazing display to remind us all why as a singles competitor he should not be underestimated.”


“While Mark Stevens displayed once more his impressive in the ring skills. The winner of that match deserves to have the ICTV belt, no question about it.” Jayson adds and then allows NTD to move on to the next match.


“Just now, we witnessed a dance of skill and finesse between Cyclone Comet and Neilsen of the Jungle.” Curry reminds every one at home once more. “It was another great wrestling match between two men that have no love loss for each other what so ever.”


“And all about censorship.” Jayson chuckles in a slightly dark tone.


“That’s right sir…” NTD concurs, once more looking at Jayson to make sure he’s okay. “Coming up in a moment though, is the match we’ve all been looking forward to since before this card was signed.”


“Stubby P. McWeed takes on Rane and the World Champion, Divefire in a last man standing match. The stipulation, to remind every one at home and you NTD, is that the winner will be declared if two men stay down for a ten count. There is no other way to win this match, and there is no disqualification. A winner will be decided, here tonight on From The Fire!" Jayson tells the world with a determined tone in his voice.


NTD picks it up and asks the question that a lot of people have been asking since the card was booked. “Sir, one thing I and the fans at home want to know is, why did you make the stipulation for this match the hardest one in wrestling to win?”


“That’s a simple question to answer, NTD. In this match are three of the most talented wrestlers in the IGNWF who have been here since the beginning. Rane is the three times IGNWF World Champion, one of the biggest, toughest men I have ever seen in all my life. He has worn the World Title around his waist with pride and held the ideals and convictions of this company on his shoulders many times.” Jayson comes back to NTD in the first part of his answer.


NTD nods slightly, which the camera picks up as it’s still focused on the announcers’ desk. “This is true, sir. There’s no question that Rane deserves to be in this match.”


“I’m glad you agree.” Jayson replies with a hint of sarcasm. “Stubby McWeed may have brought his way into this match, but those of you who have been watching the IGNWF since the beginning will know what talents that man has in the ring. The crowds have always given him a loud ovation when he enters the ring and he has paid them back with great displays of skill. Again, with out question he does deserve to be in this match up.”


Once more NTD nods. “I agree with that to, sir.”


“Of course you do.” Jayson comes back with a half-amused tone. “Then we have the current IGNWF World Champion, Divefire.” Jayson continues, his tone becoming more serious again. “Tell me NTD, do you know how old Divefire is?”


NTD is taken aback slightly by that question, but answers it after a moment with the conviction of knowing the right answer. “He’s 22, right?”


“Right. 22. Divefire is the World Champion of the IGNWF at the age of 22. What does that tell you, NTD?” Jayson asks rhetorically, then continues his short tribute to Divefire. “He has been one part of the most dominant tag team champions ever to grace the IGNWF. He has always fought to the greatest of his abilities each and every time he stepped into that ring. His talent is phenomenal and he deserves to wear that title around his waste with out any one questioning his position.”


“Right.” Curry concurs. “But still Jayson, that doesn’t answer the question of why you made this match a last man standing double knock out stipulation match.”


“Because adversity brings out the best in a true champion, Curry. Something your fellow commentator would know nothing about.” Jayson states with a cruel jibe. “I made that stipulation so no one in IGNWF, not myself, not you, not any one of the many men in the back and not one of the millions of fans at home watching this broadcast right now could question that the man who walks out of this arena tonight as the World Champion deserves it more then any one else here. Tonight, we will see the true champion of the IGNWF emerge!”


NTD is silent for a moment, taking in the meaning of Jayson’s words, and then he nods slightly. “We will indeed sir.” Then NTD’s voice breaks back into full announcers’ mode and he addresses the fans at home once more. “This last month as has seen a complex journey for the IGNWF World Title, and the men competing for the gold here tonight. Let’s take a look back at how events unfolded.”


The scene changes from the announces desk to that of the last moments of IGNWF Battleground, where the then Commissioner, PDS, fought the then champion, Rane, for the World Title.


The action starts with PDS crawling over to Rane and placing his arm weakly over Rane. The referee starts counting. As he slaps one, Cyclone Comet comes rushing down from the stage and to the ring. As the referee slaps two, Comet jumps in to the ring. The referee brings his hand up and starts to drop it down as Comet runs and kicks PDS’ arm off Rane, breaking the pin. Mercury sees this and charges at Comet, but Comet takes Mercury down with a fast clothesline. Mercury hits the mat hard and quickly; Comet sets Mercury up near the corner for the Cyclotron. With dazzling grace, Comet nails the Cyclotron full on Mercury.


Mercury goes limp on the mat and the costumed super hero shoves Mercury out of the ring and goes for PDS, who is standing in a daze in the corner. Jennifer reacts quickly to the impending threat of Cyclone Comet and tosses PDS a chair. PDS manages to grab it and swings wildly as Comet charges in. The wild blow connects and sends Comet crashing to the ground in a heap, leaving PDS as the only one standing in the ring. PDS looks at the chair in his hands and at Rane who lies at his feet and quickly makes a decision. He places the chair on the mat and lifts Rane to his feet. PDS tries to lift Rane up for the Agony of Defeat on the chair, but Rane counters it before PDS can lift him and backdrops him on the chair. PDS’ head hits the chair hard and he lies motionless on the mat as Rane signals to the crowd that he’s going to finish PDS off once and for all.


The crowds pop big time as Rane picks PDS off the ground, sets him up and delivers the Acid Rane. Once more PDS’s head impacts against the chair and the Commissioner of the IGNWF sprawls on the mat. Rane goes for the cover and the referee counts. Rane gets one… two… thre… No, Jennifer puts PDS’s leg on the bottom rope and breaks the count.


“GOD DAMN THAT JEZEBEL!!!” Curry rages into his headset.


“THIS IS INSANE…” NTD adds with a certain breathlessness. “I CAN’T KEEP UP ANYMORE!!!”


Rane slowly gets up to his feet, every last drop of energy gone from him now. He stands for a minute before dropping to one knee, the cut on his forehead still bleeding…Rane’s face hasn’t been seen since PDS pulled out the knife and slashed it earlier in the match. Rane tries to gather his strength back, but PDS begins to stir on the mat. PDS slowly uses the ropes to get to his feet and Rane looks up and sees PDS coming towards him. Rane tries to stand but fails, as PDS grabs him before he collapses to the mat. The former friends embrace for perhaps one last time, then PDS boots Rane in the stomach and sets him up between his legs. He lifts him in the air and he has him cinched in position for the Agony of Defeat.


Mercury has somewhat recovered on the outside and climbs up onto the apron and then climbs to the top rope as PDS turns towards him. With a nod, Mercury comes flying off, just as PDS jumps and plants Rane into the mat. The two men combine their efforts in a spiked Agony of Defeat! Rane’s body twitches on the canvas as PDS takes one final breath and collapses across his chest. Once more the referee counts, getting one, two, three!


“ITS OVER!! PDS WINS!! PDS BEAT RANE!!! WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!! “ NTD yells in excitement over his headset and with those words echoing the scene fades to a grey scale shot of PDS with the IGNWF World Title.


The calmer, more relaxed tones of Curry Man voices over and helps the change into the next scene. “After five long months of hard work, PDS had finally claimed the biggest prize in wrestling today. At the time we all thought it would be the start of new reign in the IGNWF, a darker, more sinister one. Then on the following IGNite…”


The scene changes to that of following IGNite, where Jayson Grant stands in the middle of the ring addressing the fans in the arena and at home. “…So after witnessing the events of Battleground, and the events leading up to it I have no choice… No, I WANT to strip PDS of his role as Commissioner of the IGNWF!”


The crowds in the arena give a big cheer at the news, but quickly their cheers turn to boos as Jay Z’s `I Just Wanna Luv You` plays over the sound system of the arena and the IGNWF World Champion steps out to the boos, microphone in hand. “Jayson, what the hell do you think you’re doing!?” PDS questions, with the World Title wrapped around his waste.


“I’m stopping you from destroying the company I worked so hard to build up!” Jayson retorts. “You’ve lost your objectiveness PDS! No, worse then that, you lost your mind!” Jayson growls out to the stage.


PDS visible balks at that statement. “If I’ve lost my mind, what is to stop me coming down to the ring right now and beating the hell out of you until you reinstate me as commissioner?”


Jayson smirks at PDS’s threat, but not in a pleasant way. “Because I’ll sue you so hard and fast your great grandchildren will be paying my great grandchildren arias and damages! Now get the hell off my stage!”


PDS’s features turn very dark at that and he glowers towards the ring. “This isn’t over Jayson…” The PDS turns slowly and walks off the stage.


Once more the scene freezes and becomes a grey scale image of Jayson standing in the ring with a slight smile on his features. Once more Curry’s calm voice fills the space. “Things had indeed just begun to take shape. A week later on April 9th edition of IGNite, events began to unfold that would lead to shocking repercussions for the whole IGNWF.”


A caption appears in the top right hand of the screen that reads “Divefire Vs Mercury. April 9th IGNite.”


The footage of the match starts with the referee still down; Mercury makes an unknown signal in the middle of the ring, picks Divefire’s limp form up once more and locks in the vicious Tazzmissionplex. Divefire shows no signs of fighting out of the move, in fact he shows no signs of being awake to fight out of it, but with the referee still down, Mercury is more then happy enough to keep the move locked in.


Then, `I Just wanna luv you` echoes out around the arena and the ex commissioner of the IGNWF and new World Champion walks out on to the ramp way. Tucked in his powerful arms is a blond women Jayson Grant immediately recognises. “PDS! And, that’s Divefire’s wife he’s got in his arms! What’s going on here?!” He demands to know, losing his cool for a second.


“I don’t know sir, but I don’t think she’s there willingly.” NTD states as Alicia tries to struggle out of PDS grip to no avail.


PDS grins in a sick fashion towards the ring, to which Mercury grins back, losing his grip on Divefire enough to let the man breath again. Divefire comes to, to hear the voice of PDS bouncing off the arena.


“Divefire, I never knew you had such a pretty wife!” PDS gloats, still standing at the top of the stage. “When Mercury asked me to help him out in his match against you, my first thought was that you were beneath my interest. But now, well… I hope she proves to be as much fun as Azul was.” The crowds’ reaction is to start a massive asshole chant, which PDS ignores; not caring one bit what they think.


“Once Mercury here puts you out of action for good and I’ve added your wife to my collection, Dead on Arrival will be just that. I can’t believe that you four pathetic losers thought you could possibly match my Dark Phoenix Dynasty’s might. We have the World belt, the ICTV belt and the light heavy weight belt. We OWN this federation!” PDS pauses a second, reaching into his pocket to pull something out that glints in the harsh lights of the arena. “One more thing for you to think about as Mercury destroys you Divefire. Do you know what I’ve done with this knife? I’m sure you’ve heard… Well goodbye Mr Fire. I could say it was fun knowing you, but I’d be lying. You’re wife on the other hand…” PDS trails the sentence off deliberately as Divefire languishes in the ring, rage burning through him but drained beyond the ability to do anything.


“That sick bastard!” Jayson yells into the microphone. “Ladies and Gentlemen as the CEO of the IGNWF, I do not condone ANY of PDS actions! He has completely lost his mind!”


As PDS turns to leave a shadow falls over him. Slowly PDS turns around to find himself stair right at Angel, who has a black baseball bat in hand. Angel lets fly with the baseball bat, and PDS just ducks the swing. In his sudden duck, his grip on Alicia loosens and Alicia fights with a vengeance for her freedom, driving an elbow into PDS chest before turning and nailing him with a knee to the groin. PDS doubles over in agony as Alicia quickly makes good her escape and races for the back. Angel measures PDS, then charges in, driving the larger man into the back.


“Angel with the save!” NTD cries.


“And about time to.” Jayson mutters.


In the ring Mercury looks on at the actions with amazement, but his focus returns to Divefire as he tries to fight back. He goes to lock the move on more, but suddenly Mercury’s head drops forward and he loses his focus, letting the hold go. Divefire feels this and it’s all the invitation he needs, he powers himself to his feet and ploughs a series of elbows into Mercury, forcing him to brake the hold. Mercury seems stunned, clutching at his head and wobbling back a step. Divefire sees the weakness and his rage takes over. He nails three fast rights, a left hook, a right upper cut, windmill kick, spinning back kick and then sends Mercury crashing to the mat with the Tornado Kick.


The crowds cheer in approval as Divefire walks over to Mercury and pulls his stunned frame up to standing. With a roar of pure and utter rage Divefire rains blow after blow after blow onto Mercury. Fast fists and elbows slam into Mercury’s face and midsection. Powerful kicks drive him back towards one of the corners and with another roar of rage, Divefire slams Mercury back into the turnbuckle with a Fire Kick delivered with all the rage in Hell. Mercury slams hard into the turnbuckle, blood coming forth from his mouth as Brittany screams out to him in horror.


“Divefire is killing Mercury!” NTD yells again in pure shock. “He’s just gone insane on him!”


Divefire stands in front of Mercury, looking as blood trickles down his face. Divefire brings his hand back and tenses his palm as their eyes meet. For one second nothing happens, then with another roar Divefire plunges forward, driving the Flame Out right into Mercury, hammering him against the turnbuckle. Mercury spits out blood such is the force of the impact, the wet sound of bones breaking echoes out and crowds look on in awe. Divefire backs away from Mercury, looks at him again and strikes once more, this time in silence. With a quick hop forward he nails…


“Fire Power!” Jayson shouts as Mercury falls forward to the mat, his eyes no longer looking where he’s going.


Divefire looks down at Mercury’s fallen body, a small pool of blood slowly growing on the mat. Divefire shows no signs of remorse as he turns Mercury belly up and then makes his way up to the top turnbuckle. He looks down at Mercury once more, turns and leaps off in the corkscrew spin of the Dragon Attack. The high-speed impact rocks the ring and Mercury convulses slightly with the blow, more of his life fluid being spilt. Divefire stands once more, sweat dripping off his body, breathing hard from exhaustion and adrenaline. He looks over to the referee who is finally getting his bearings back and calls outs to him. The referee crawls over to them, Divefire places his foot on Mercury’s unconscious body and the referee counts to three.


“My God.” NTD whispers, completely stunned as Storm’s `Time to Burn` echoes out over the arena.


Once more the image freezes, this time in a grey scale shot of Divefire standing victorious over Mercury’s fallen body. Again Curry’s voice breaks over the still shot. “Perhaps for the first time, the people of the IGNWF saw the power that Divefire could produce, all at the expense of Mercury.” Curry’s voice pauses for a moment as the scene changes again into a still of Cyclone Comet running. “However that wasn’t the only shock we would see on IGNite.”


Another caption appears on the top right of the screen, reading. “Flare's last fight. April 9th IGNite.”


The action rolls with Comet running down to the ring, He leaps up onto the apron then onto the top rope in one fluid motion then nails an unsuspecting Neilsen with a beautiful springboard calf-kick! Neilsen is knocked down to the mat and Comet turns, dashes over towards Flare, stretches his own leg up above his head, holds it there for a second then nails Flare right in the skull with a stiff snap legdrop, breaking up Flare's hold.


Just before Comet broke up the hold Rane had lost consciousness due to the pain of Flare's manoeuvre on his already injured knee so now he and a stunned Flare lay prone on the mat as Neilsen brawls with Comet on the outside. The referee looks down at the two fallen warriors for a second then begins the 10 count…




A crushing pain burns in Flare's chest as he struggles to move…




Comet destroys Neilsen with a massive straightjacket suplex onto the cement floor…




At the very last second Flare gets his shoulder up, rolls over and drapes his arm across Rane's chest! The referee begins the count immediately…


1…2…3! Flare defeats Rane once again as the crowd screams for the legend's blood!


"Flare's done it again, he's defeated Rane but at what cost? Flare doesn't look good at all and I'm beginning to suspect he may have suffered some sort of attack…at his age it's not out of the question!" hollers NTD.


Once more the action stops, and another grey scale shot takes its place. This time it’s of Flare, clutching at his chest on the mat. “We would later find out that Flare had indeed suffered heart attack that would force the ring legend to retire once more. However, Simon Flare had one more surprise left for all of the IGNWF.” Curry voices over to another scene change. “The Friday the 13th edition of IGNWF’s Storm would provide some of the biggest twists and turns in the history of professional wrestling. The first of which was Simon Flare’s announcement to the world that he would have to retire again.”


Again the footage rolls, this time it starts with Simon Flare in the ring, addressing a loudly booing crowd. The caption in the top right of the screen reads. `Simon Flare retires, with one last surprise. April 13th Storm.`


Flare does his best to appease the booing crowds as he gets on the microphone. “Aw c'mon folks, I'm an old man who barely managed to pull himself out of his hospital bed this morning, can't you gimme a break just this once?”


The crowd's boos build to a deafening roar as a full beer cup splatters across the ring less than a foot from Flare. Flare frowns slightly but isn’t to surprised by their reaction. “Ok obviously not, so I guess I'll just get on with things. Now I gotta' tell ya' people, my doctors didn't want me in this ring tonight, they told me I'd put myself back right back in the hospital, but ya' know when I was stuck in bed I did some thinking. I thought about a lot of things, but eventually I got around to pondering my life… The things that truly mattered to me and you know what I discovered? Wrestling, records and titles mean nothing when it comes right down to it, all that really matters is how people remember you after you're gone. So what's all this mean? Two things, first I have to apologise to you people for my behaviour over the past couple of months and secondly I've decided I want to help the people I care about most while I still can.”


The crowds boos and jeers start to die down as they listen to the old man speak. “So anyways after I made my decision, I called up a lawyer and got him to re-write me a living will so I'll know the happiness I can give others before this time-bomb of a heart finally explodes. Now I realise I still haven't explained why I'm out here, I mean what do you people care what I left a bunch of people you've never heard of? Well, I may be wrong, but I think there's coupla' of names on this piece of paper that may peak your interest…”


The crowds boos have died down even more now as Flare looks towards the stage. The fan's gaze follows Flare's as they wait for someone to walk through the dark curtain…


The seconds spent waiting tick by until finally the arena sound system kicks up and `Let me Blow ya' Mind` by Eve and Gwen Stefani blasts throughout the arena as a woman sweeps out onto the stage. The petit dark haired woman walks purposefully down the ramp wearing a ¾ length red jacket and she's helped into the ring by Flare.


“Hrm… I think I recognise that woman. With the sunglasses and jacket it's hard to tell but…” Jayson murmurs over the microphone.


Flare smiles to the women he shares the ring with, then starts to speak with an amused tone in his voice. “Well my dear, it looks like we have more than a few confused faces out there in the audience, so why don't we skip right ahead to the introductions? Tonight folks I'm proud to present to you my favourite granddaughter not to mention only living heir to my estate, a woman of true class and incomparable style, Miiiisty Rivers!”


The crowds seem somewhat indifferent to that. A few of the long term fans recognise her for who she is and cheer a little bit, but peer pressure soon makes them shut up again.


“I thought so.” Jayson muses again.


“Wait, if that’s Misty Rivers then does that mean Stubby's here too? He wouldn't dare show his face around here again…would he?!” NTD questions, a little uncertainty in his voice.


Misty smiles in the ring, looking rather delightfully poised as she stands addressing the crowds. “Well hey there boys n' girls, it's good to be back! Ya' know I really missed you people, but honestly something seems to be missing…why are ya'll so quiet? C'mon people, get your full 40 bucks worth and make some noise! I mean sure me and the legend here may be related, but he's a good man…a downright cheerable man! He's a guy who gives to homeless shelters, loves puppies and uhhh…well, was always good for a solid 100 bucks on birthdays when I was little. I mean he's done nothing but entertain you folks since returning, so would it hurt ya' that much to show the poor guy some respect?”


The audience picks up slightly, but most of them seem to be booing the Flare family duo.


Flare waves his hand in a dismissive manner at his granddaughter. “Hey that's okay darlin' you don't have to stand up for me, the last thing I wanted to do was turn the crowd against you on my last night out. Now if I could just get back to the matter at hand… Personally I don't feel it appropriate to reveal specifics on what I'm planning to leave my granddaughter, but let's just say she'll be very comfortable from this day on. Finally, before I leave this arena and the world of active wrestling forever I have one more very important person I need to talk to… You know who you are, so get out here ya' crazy bastard!”


Flare turns towards the stage again and the lights dim, shrouding the arena in complete darkness as the crowd waits in silent anticipation. Several seconds later a single point of light shoots up from the centre of the stage, cuts through the darkness then explodes with a thunderous crack, illuminating the audience and stage in an eerie green glow. The haunting green light reveals a man standing on the stage and as `Clint Eastwood` by the Gorillaz starts to play a series green spotlights begin to whirl deliriously over the crowd. As the audience starts up a mild cheer the man walks down the ramp, rolls under the bottom rope and as he does, the whirling lights all convene into one large spotlight in the middle of the ring, where the dark figure poses before the lights return.


The lights return and as they do they reveal a strange, yet an oddly familiar figure standing in the ring. The man's died blonde hair is cut short to go along with his heavy sideburns and goatee. He wears an old T-shirt with the words `Keep on Truckin'` emblazoned across the chest. In addition to the shirt he wears a pair of tight fitting corduroy pants and a pair of ancient looking 3-stripe Adidas sneakers. As a confused crowd looks on, Misty sidles up beside the man and slides her hand into his as he removes his highway patrol shades.


Misty smiles to the man in the ring as they exchange a few words of the microphone, then once more she addresses the crowds. “Hey now c'mon people, I know you have it in ya', so why don't you put yer hands together for my husband, Na…er, I mean Stubby P. McWeeed!”


As soon as the crowds realise who the man in the ring is, they give up on the silent treatment and give Stubby a solid pop as he walks up to the left side of the ring, then the right while raising his fist in the air.


NTD sighs into his headgear slightly. “Well, it looks like Stubby's made his return to the company here on IGNWF Storm, but he looks nothing like the man we last saw nearly two months ago!”


Jayson concurs with NTD, nodding slightly off camera. “Well it appears he’s actually started working out. Not before time now, either.”


Flare smiles to his grandson in law and lifts the microphone up to his lips once more to speak. “Ya' know son, since the very first day I met you I knew you had what it would take to reach the top… To be someone in this business, which is why I taught you everything I'd learnt, gave you all my secrets. You were my only student and you used my knowledge to become a force to be feared then eventually eliminated here in the IGNWF. I mean, how unjust was it for them to toss you out like a piece of trash after you made this company millions? Well… Until today I was the highest paid, most secure man in this company, but now I leave my contract, along with my title shot, to the man who's always been like a son to me… Welcome back Stubby.”


The crowds give another solid pop at the announcement of the handing over of the contract, but it seems more for Stubby then Flare.


Stubby stares down at the canvas for a few seconds before speaking. “Hrmm…Well said there Dad, I just hope everyone out there was listening, 'cause Stubby's back and back for good! See folks, I'm clean, sober and ready to get back the two things I do best, well… The two things they're allowed to show on TV that is… Fillin' seats and kickin' ass! The men who stopped me before have no idea what they're up against now, but hey, I'm not here to bore you people, so let's get on with the show!”


Stubby tosses his microphone over the top rope towards Funyon then squeezes in between Flare and Misty. All three of them raise their arms, generating a generally positive response from the fans. After a few seconds of this the trio leaves the ring then heads for the stage.


The image freezes and turns to grey with the trio walking up the stage and Curry voices over again. “So on Friday the 13th the IGNWF witnessed the return to ring action of Stubby McWeed. We all now thought it was going to be Stubby taking on PDS for the world title on IGNWF’s From The Fire. But we had reckoned with out the ego of PDS, and the abilities of Divefire.” Curry’s voice fades out as the image changes once more to later on in that night.


The action starts as Divefire stalks forwards on an injured PDS; the caption on the top right of the screen reads. `PDS Vs Divefire. World Title submission match. April 13th Storm.`


Divefire looks to PDS and waves his finger back and forth in the universal `ah ah ah` motion. PDS takes a step back, truly not know what to expect now. Divefire runs forward to PDS, leaps into the air and turns, whipping around in the Tornado spin kick, PDS takes the blow across his head and goes crashing down to the mat, still in shock at having his hand broken to really get any offence off. Divefire looks down at PDS as the crowds start to cheer Divefire on. Divefire pulls PDS up to his feet again, grabs his arm with the broken hand, locks an arm bar on it and quickly spins around and slams a hook kick into PDS’s jaw. PDS goes crashing to the mat once more, obviously hurting now. Once more Divefire picks PDS up and whips him into the corner post. PDS hits home hard, the wind driven from him and Divefire runs for him, tumbles into a handspring and drives out of it and into PDS, putting an elbow firmly in his jaw. Once more PDS falls back to the mat, looking rather out of it.


“PDS is down…” NTD comments in some amazement. “Could Divefire actually pull of the win here? If he did this would be like The 1-2-3 Kid beating Razor Romoan!”


“Don’t be an idiot NTD! This would be much bigger! This if for the IGNWF World Title!” Jayson cuts back.


With PDS on the floor, Divefire looks like he’s going to lock on the ankle lock again. But as he twists the ankle lock on, he puts his opposite foot on the back of PDS’s knee and then leans back, twisting so he puts his back to PDS’s. As he twists the ankle lock on, he’s also putting pressure on PDS’s knee.


“What the…?” NTD asks, sounding surprised again. “Combination ankle and knee lock by Divefire?!” NTD sounds half way between confused and excited at this new move from Divefire.


PDS’s face once more grimaces in pain as he feels his ankle being twisted as the back of his knee trying to be popped out of place. The pain just keeps building as Divefire works the move in harder, getting used to applying this untested move. Matty K comes to, to hear PDS yelling out in pain as he finds he can’t escape from this new submission move. Matty K drags himself over to PDS and asks if he wants to give up, but PDS keeps shaking his head no in a mantra. Divefire hears all this going on and wrenches the ankle lock on harder, while arching his back to press his foot in hard against the back of PDS’s knee. PDS lets out a scream in pain and nods his head to Matty K. Matty K quickly signals for the bell and the arena… Explodes.


“DIVEFIRE WON!!!” NTD yells in utter amazement. “Divefire has made PDS tap out!! He’s won the gold!! We have a new IGNWF World Champion and it’s Divefire!!!”


Again the image freezes and chances to a grey scale shot of Divefire on the stage, holding the IGNWF World Title above his head with a slight smile on his features. Curry’s voice again does the voice over. “The second, and arguable the biggest shock, to happen on the 13th April edition of Storm was Divefire claiming the biggest prize in wrestling today. However there was one event left to play out on this Storm.” Curry’s voice fades out again and the action rolls once more.


The caption in the top right corner reads. “Rane is reunited with Azul. April 13th Storm.”


The scene starts with PDS and Jayson Grant continuing to shout at each other on the ramp way. Then the IGN-Tron™ suddenly shows an image of the parking lot outside the arena… A sedan squeals through the lot at break-neck speed, almost striking some fans as they dive to one side. The car veers towards the arena, banging through a gate, then heading up a ramp and entering the building.


“What's going on?!” NTD yells over the noise of the fans. “Rane is still killing Neilsen, PDS and Jayson are still arguing, Comet's fighting to get past the referee… What's with that car? The driver must be nuts… Hey, wait a sec, it's heading for the…!”


Arena! The sedan rolls through some black curtains and emerges on one side of the entrance stage. Jayson is first to notice it, gives it a sharp glance… The sedan's motor guns, and Jayson turns and sprints down the ramp as the car revs up and then charges towards the ramp. PDS turns and lets out a single yell, unable to move in time as the sedan smashes into the ramp. The audience nearest to the ramp screams and stampedes away as the ramp is knocked loose from the stage and towards the railing, but before it gets there; it sways and collapses with a huge crash. PDS is knocked clean off his feet, landing on his face on the remains of the ramp.


The entire arena crowd starts up in a “HO-LY SH!T! HO-LY SH!T! I-G-N! I-G-N!” chant the echoes off the walls.


“Oh… my… GOD!” NTD bellows in stunned amazement. “The ramp has been destroyed! PDS could be dead! Who is… hey, the driver's door is opening! …IT'S AZUL! AZUL! AZUL!!”


Azul’s hands are still cuffed and she's out of breath, but Azul stumbles away from the car and towards the ring, calling Rane's name! Rane spins, dropping Neilsen, who slumps to the ground unnoticed. Rane lets out a wild joyous shout as he bolts, diving out of the ring and catching Azul up in his arms!


“I don't believe it! Azul's got here, she must have commandeered that car… Huh?” NTD pauses as Azul and Rane embrace outside of the ring. “We still got a match here!”


With all this going on, Comet has climbed the turnbuckles, standing over the fallen Neilsen. Smiling, the hero lets out a cheer and then jumps, turning and twisting, and hits the Falling Star Bomb! Comet covers; the referee is there for the perfunctory count of one-two-three, but hardly anyone notices! The crowd is cheering and whistling as Rane and Azul embrace in the aisle!


“Comet and Rane win… I guess, I don't know, half our set's destroyed, I don't know where Jayson is, and Azul and Rane don't look like they care about anything right now!” NTD waxes lyrical as best he can in the circumstances.


Tears run down Azul's face as Rane gently scoops her up and starts heading down the aisle. The image freezes and turns to grey with Rane with Azul in his arms walking across the smashed ramp. Once more the voice of Curry picks up the story. “With Azul returned to him, Rane could once more focus on his quest of the IGNWF World Title. On the following edition of IGNite, Rane and PDS battled for the second number one slot for the IGNWF World Title, with Divefire as the special referee.”


The scene rolls with the caption in the top right corner reading. “Rane Vs PDS, No.1 Contender for the World Title. Special Referee match. 16th April IGNite.”


PDS continues his verbal abuse on Divefire in the corner. Divefire doesn't accept it, and he pushes PDS. PDS lets it go, and turns around to see Rane rushing forward at full speed! PDS dodges to the side and Rane goes shoulder first into Divefire's midsection. Rane backs out, with both an angry and satisfied look across his face as Divefire slumps forward and falls to his hands and knees on the mat.


“Rane just took out Divefire!” NTD yells. “There have been so many mistakes in this match and every one of them has changed the outcome in some way!”


“It looks like PDS is waiting for Rane. Let's see what that psychopath does.” Jayson adds.


As Rane turns around, he is caught with a left hook from Sarp. Sarp goes for a right, but Rane ducks it. Rane, bent over, takes PDS onto the mat with a double-leg takedown. Rane hastily locks in a sharpshooter, and turns up his energy, applying it with full force. The crowd goes insane as Rane continues to pull on PDS' legs, straining him. Rane makes the mistake of applying the move close to the ropes. Sarp ends up with both hands wrapped around the bottom rope, but Divefire is still out on the mat and unable to break up the death lock! Rane keeps it on as Jennifer tries to awaken Divefire from the outside. He begins moving, and as soon as he sees the hold, he directs Rane to take it off. After a few seconds, Rane releases his sharpshooter, and Sarp lets out a sigh of relief. As Rane gets up he is confronted by Divefire, who looks at him angrily, blaming him for the spear. Rane looks back evilly, blaming Divefire for the Flame Out on Azul. The two men continue to stare each other down in the centre of the ring, as the crowd cheers at the intensity, and as Jennifer peps PDS from the outside.


“This crowd wants to see Divefire versus Rane right now, but they are forgetting about PDS and…” NTD is cut off as PDS applies a sleeperhold on Rane and turns it into a neckbreaker! He goes for the pin and Divefire goes down to the mat, he counts one, two, thre-NO! Rane gets his shoulder up, breaking the fast count applied by Divefire.


“Interesting.” Jayson comments. “Divefire has played unfairly, and each time it has helped a different man. What is he hoping to achieve I wonder.”


Sarp brings up Rane, and whips him into the ropes. As Rane comes back, PDS catches him with a twisting belly-to-belly suplex. PDS lifts his strong opponent to his feet, and turns him around, facing his back. After placing Rane in a full nelson position, Sarp tries his card at a dragon suplex. He fails, but instead transfers his attention to one of Rane's legs. He lifts it up, and spins Rane around with a dragon screw. He makes it a double dragon screw legwhip when he completes the same circuit for a second time.


“PDS has something planned. You can tell by that smirk across his face. He's putting in a… reverse figure-four? Maybe he learned a few wrestling manoeuvres from Simon Flare!” NTD yells in some surprise.


Jayson mutters, a sour note in his voice. "Sarp could not wrestle his way out of a paper bag. Look, he literally got his backside kicked by Rane while he tried to turn around."


Sarp stumbles forward. Rane gets to his feet, and uses his instincts to block a punch from PDS. Rane holds onto this arm, and shoves it between Sarp's legs. He grabs it with his left arm, then uses his right arm to grab Sarp's remaining arm. He lifts PDS up with some difficulty, and once he is on his shoulder, he drops him down a bit. From the pumphandle, Rane drops down, compressing Sarp's neck and spine with Acid Rane.


“Sarp went for a move made for legends, and it came back and bit him in the ass.” NTD states to the world as Rane puts on a pin.


As the hand of Divefire goes down for the one, Jason adds. “Now it’s time to see if Rane can claim the opportunity to get the World Title.”


…Two… Three! Rane wins! The 7-footer gets to his feet. Azul jumps up and down in ecstatic excitement on the outside, as Divefire gets up from counting. Rane ignores him for a bit as he rolls Sarp's fallen body out of the ring. PDS is escorted slowly up the ramp by Jennifer. They stop at the top of the stage with a birds-eye view of the action in the ring. Azul remains at the outside, on the foot of the stage, waiting for Rane.


Funyon gets on the microphone outside of the ring and announces to every one. “Your winner… And second #1 Contender to the IGNWF World Championship… RANE!”


Funyon hands Divefire his gold belt as the crowds cheer for Rane. Divefire heaves the strap over his shoulder, and walks towards Rane. He ends up a few feet ahead of him. He places his belt on the ground, and a perplexed look crosses Rane's face.


“I wonder what Divefire is up to. We're scheduled to see Rane vs. Divefire vs. Stubby McWeed for the World Championship.” NTD explains.


“I have a suspicion of what it might be…” Jayson states. “Look, he’s pulling a box of matches from his pocket.”


“And a… MASK?!” NTD's voice suddenly goes into shock and recognition.


“Yes, just as I thought.” Jayson replies, sounding happily superior.


"That's… That's… THE MASK!" NTD yells, half-stumbling over his words.


Then both announcers remain silent as Rane realises what Divefire holds. Divefire drops the mask to the ground. It lies at Rane's feet. Divefire then lifts the belt back up. He takes out a match, and wipes it hard across the belt. The match ignites, and Divefire throws it onto the mask. After a few seconds, it is ablaze, and an angered look crosses Rane's face. Divefire asks for the microphone, and he gets it.


“I put that mask on along time ago to protect you Rane, and you sat on me for it. Now, after all this time… You and I are going to end things…” Divefire’s words are laced with a dark intent as the mask smoulders away on the ground. “Now Rane… I’m going to see how bright YOU can burn!”


Divefire drops the microphone and exits the ring. Rane's eyes follow him as he backs up the ramp, with the belt still over his shoulder. Rane's facial expression does not change, but Azul's face still looks confused as she looks back and forth between the two men. A camera in the ring has a close up of Rane. Another camera shows Divefire. The two shots alternate. The final shot of the show gives a close-up of the smothered black mask and it freezes and turns into a grey scale shot.


Again Curry’s voice takes over the story. “The line had been drawn between Rane and Divefire, the time he had spent as the Masked Man in the Junior League helping to protect Rane had not been forgotten by him and now, finally he would get his chance at vengeance.”


The scene changes to a still of `Grand Slam` Mark Stevens pulling Stubby McWeed into a standing head scissors as Curry continues his narration. “Back room events had also exploded on IGNite between Divefire and Stubby. The tension between the two men was confirmed when `Grand Slam` Mark Stevens faced Stubby McWeed on the following Storm.”


The caption in the top right of the screen reads. “Grand Slam Mark Stevens Vs Stubby P. McWeed. April 20th Storm.”


The footage rolls and from the standing head scissors that Mark Stevens has on Stubby, he starts to hook the arms. From the speed that Grand Slam is moving its obvious that he’s exhausted. Suddenly the crowds boo as Simon Flare again rushes down to the ring; a diamond topped walking stick in his hand. Just as Grand Slam gets Stubby's arms hooked and starts to jump, Flare cracks the stick over the back of Grand Slam. Unfortunately, Flare does it right in front of the referee who immediately signals for the bell. Grand Slam drops to the mat in pain and exhaustion as Flare continues the assault, blasting away at Grand Slam's head with the head of the cane. Blood starts to roll down Grand Slam's head in small rivers such is the impact of the cane.


The bell sounds and Funyon quickly gets on the microphone to announce the winner of the match. “The winner of this match, as a result of a disqualification, `Grand Slam` Mark Stevens!”


The crowds’ pops are a little subdued by the carnage in the ring. Stubby gets to his feet and grabs the stick away from Flare. They stare at each other for a second; then Stubby winds up and lands a huge overhead blow right to Grand Slam's face. The stick shatters again, the head rolling off into the corner of the ring with only an inch of wood left attached to it.


“What does Flare think he is doing? He’s just cost McWeed this match.” Jayson administers from the announcers’ desk.

“He’s defending the honour of his Granddaughter, who Mark Stevens allowed to be nearly killed tonight! He has every right in the world to be down here!” NTD counters, defending Flare, possibly by way of a back hander.


Stubby and Flare continue the beat down, stomping and kicking the Heavy Hitter into oblivion. They have no mercy on Grand Slam, and Stevens just lies on the mat taking the abuse, not moving at all. Flare pulls Stevens off the mat again and Stubby slaps the younger man across the cheek, screaming something right in his face.


Suddenly, a deep, British accented voice echoes around the arena. “It's time to burn!” The crowds react instantly, popping big time in an incredible noise. People across the country turn the volume down a notch on their televisions, trying to save their speakers as Divefire bolts down the ramp way, and heads straight for the ring.


“It's the World Champion coming down to make the save, dear God, listen to the crowds reaction.” Jayson comments, slightly taken aback by Divefire’s popularity.


“Why is he even here?” NTD questions. “Since Anarchy broke up, Stevens has no friends! Was that who he was on the phone with earlier?”


“Don’t be such an idiot NTD. This isn’t about Grand Slam, but it has everything to do with Stubby being the number one contender, Divefire wants to send a message to him after all the back room incidents that have been going on between the two.”


Just as the champion hits the ring, Stubby and Flare bail, rolling out under the bottom rope. Divefire runs to the nearest ropes and points at Stubby, calling him out. Stubby just laughs and smiles, walking backwards up the ramp with Simon Flare at his side. The referee is tending to Grand Slam, who is just starting to move his arms and legs. Divefire takes a sideways look at the bloodied and bruised Heavy Hitter before dropping to the mat and rolling out under the bottom rope. The scene freezes with Divefire staring daggers at Stubby and Flare.


Curry’s voice continues with the narration as the scene changes once more. “With the animosity running high between Divefire and Stubby, Divefire went into his first title defence as World Champion against Neilsen of the Jungle. It would be another hard fight with a twist in its ending.”


The scene opens with Neilsen looking dazed on the mat. The caption in the top right hand side of the screen reads. “Divefire Vs Neilsen of the Jungle. World Title. 20th April Storm.”


Divefire stands the dazed Neilsen up and moves to stand by his side. Divefire goes into the side Russian leg sweep position on Neilsen, then Divefire plants an elbow into Neilsen’s midsection, moves his fist fast down into an almost low blow and then hard up into Neilsen’s face. In a blink of an eye Divefire follows it up with a standing cross body. The crowds roar in response recognising the move as Neilsen and Divefire crash to the mat. Divefire hooks the leg and Matty K counts, getting one, two, three, no! Neilsen has his shoulder up at the last moment.


“Neilsen kicked out of the Burn Out!” NTD yells in amazement. “Pants on fire, how tough is the Jungle King?!”


“Much tougher then you’ll ever be.” Jayson mutters.


The crowds can’t believe it, as Divefire stands, not the victor. He looks down at Neilsen’s body who is slowly moving on the mat. After a moment Divefire pulls Neilsen up to standing and starts to measure him for the Flame Out. As Divefire pulls his tensed palm back Neilsen moves his hand from the pocket of his pants and throws a hand full of powder into Divefire’s face. Divefire staggers back a step as Neilsen goes into his reserves of strength and locks up with Divefire. He slams a knee into Divefire’s gut, twists him around and nails the stunner finisher of the Neilsen McTwist. Both men go down hard to the mat, Divefire it seems out cold from the McTwist and Neilsen fairing little better.


“The McTwist! Neilsen nailed Divefire with the McTwist! He’s the champion, this is the new IGNWF World Champion!” NTD shouts in excitement, forgetting once tiny fact.


“Neilsen hasn’t pinned Divefire yet, so shut up!” Jayson hollers once more.


Slowly Neilsen crawls his way to Divefire and lays a hand across his chest. The ever eager Matty K goes down to count, but only gets to one before he gets dragged out of the ring. Matty K turns to see who it is, and gets knocked to the ground by a right hand from Sacred. The number one contender for the light heavy weight title slides himself into the ring and goes over to Neilsen. The jungle king looks up to see Sacred grinning down at him. Quickly Neilsen goes to stand but Sacred is that much fresher despite the tables match previously in the night and drives his boot hard into Neilsen’s midsection. Neilsen doubles over as Sacred locks in the Zantetsuken finisher and powers Neilsen into the mat face first.


“Sacred?! The Zantetsuken on Neilsen?! NOOOO!” NTD hollers again in anguish.


Sacred stands in the ring with the fallen IGNWF Light Heavy Weight and World Champions and pulls out a microphone he had concealed on him. “You’ll never expect Sacred’s inquisition!” He bellows out to the crowds that give him a pop for his crazy antics. Then the crowds pop again and Sacred seems a little confused, then he feels a tap on his shoulder and slowly turns around. Sacred looks into the face of a very pissed off Divefire an instant before the World Champion Fire Powers Sacred up and over the top rope of the ring. The crowds go crazy as Divefire stagers over to Neilsen’s fallen frame, and covers him, hooking the leg firmly. A dazed Matty K counts, gets one, two, Neilsen struggles but no, it’s three!


“No! Neilsen was so close! Neilsen could have been World Champion right here if it wasn’t for Sacred! Damn that mad man! This could have been Neilsen’s night!” NTD mutters for the heel.


The bell rings and Divefire rolls off of Neilsen and quickly out of the ring as Rage Against the Machine’s `Sleep Now in the Fire` echoes out to the crowds. Neilsen slowly stands in the ring and looks out to Divefire as he collects his World Title from the timekeepers’ table. The Light Heavy Weight title also resides there and for a moment Divefire looks at it, then picks it up. Neilsen sees what Divefire is doing and hollers at him. Divefire turns to look at the man he only just defeated and then throws the Light Heavy Weight belt into the ring with out a word. Neilsen looks down at the belt, shakes his head slightly and looks back to Divefire. The expression is clear between both men; this fight has only just started.


Once more the scene freezes and goes to grey. An image of Neilsen staring out of the ring and looking mightily pissed gets voiced over by Curry Man. “A hard battle showed why the man from the jungle should be feared by all in the IGNWF. But Divefire walked away from that match still the World Champion.” Curry pauses as the scene changes again, to that of the IGNite before From The Fire. “On the IGNite before From The Fire, we would see an important set of events unfold and set the final pieces in place for this match.”



To be continued...

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Guest Tyler McClelland

The scene moves to the end of Angelous taking on Molock and the G.O.A.T. The caption reads “Angelous Vs Molock & The G.O.A.T. Handicap match. April 24th IGNite.”


Both Angelous and the G.O.A.T. are down after the Chaos Drop and the missed Headbut, respectively. The referee starts the double count out. One! Two! Three! Both men start to move. Four! Five! Six! G.O.A.T. is crawling towards his corner! Seven! Eight! G.O.A.T. makes the tag! Angelous gets up to his feet just as Molock enters the ring and stares at Angelous. Angelous just gives Molock a nod before Molock turns around and nails the G.O.A.T. with a vicious right hand.


“What the…?” Jayson mutters in surprise.


“Molock just flattened his own partner!” NTD cries in shock.


The G.O.A.T. is knocked off the apron, Molock turns to Fallout and Sacred who stand on the outside of the ring and screams “Come on!” Fallout and Sacred slide into the ring. Sacred goes after Molock while Fallout goes after Angelous! The referee is franticly calling for the bell and trying to stop a brawl from breaking out but it's no use! Sacred and Molock start to brawl but the smaller man just can't stand up to Molock's size and power and starts to get beaten back into the corner! Across the ring, Angelous is doing the same thing to Fallout! The crowds are going crazy cheering Angelous and Molock on!


“I can't believe what I'm seeing!” NTD cries.


“Nor can I, but as long as Angelous and Molock are beating up on Prime Evil then it’s fine with me.” Jayson adds with a smirk in his voice.


Every fan in the arena is cheering as Angelous and Molock take it to Prime Evil! Molock is in control in the corner beating Sacred back with a number of right hands. The G.O.A.T. is on the outside and reaches under the ring. He grabs hold of a steel chair before sliding back in to the ring! Molock is still concentrating on Sacred and doesn't see the G.O.A.T. coming up behind him. The G.O.A.T. lets fly with the chair and he lays Molock out with a chairshot to the back of the head!


“What a shot by the G.O.A.T!” NTD almost cheers.


“This is chaos.” Jayson states. “But it looks to me as if Molock has joined with Angelous and turned on Prime Evil.”


After taking Molock down with a chair, the G.O.A.T. tells Sacred to go help Fallout deal with Angelous. The G.O.A.T. stands over Molock and just starts to beat him with the steel chair! Sacred sees Fallout is in trouble and puts on a red bandanna with Japanese symbols on it. Sacred charges at Angelous and throws his whole body at him with a super spear!


“Sacred just hit Angelous with the Kamikaze from behind!” NTD yells.


Sacred and Fallout are now double-teaming Angelous stomping on him and concentrating on his ribs. Fallout brings Angelous to his feet and then lets Sacred slam him into the mat with a Diving Reverse DDT! The cheers for Angelous and Molock just moments ago have now turned into boos for Fallout, Sacred, and the G.O.A.T.


“Prime Evil is taking Angelous and Molock apart in that ring!” NTD yells.


“It’s three against two, and despite their varying sizes those men are all evenly matched.” Jayson comments a hint of regret in his voice this time.


Sacred then holds Angelous in place with a Dragon Sleeper while Fallout goes to the outside and gets ready to hit him with a the Nuclear Bomb when a dark British voice blasts out “It’s time to burn!” Then the electric guitar twang of Rage Against the Machine's `Sleep Now In The Fire` blasts out of the arena as the lights dim out to almost nothing. On the IGN-Tron™ Divefire's logo appears at the top, while at the bottom, flames flicker away. An overlay line image of Divefire pans down the screen, then the flames start to bring it to life as the lyrics of the song start. Either side of the ramp way explodes, lighting the way for Divefire, who has just appeared on the stage. The images on the IGN-Tron™ break out into a highlights reel of Divefire's career, including him taking as much damage as he dishes out. Divefire doesn’t waste any more time though and charges down the lake of fire and towards the ring as the crowds roar for his arrival!


“What the hell is Divefire doing here! I know he's the World Champ but he has no right to come down here!” NTD yells again in some chagrin.


Fallout has now climbed back in to the ring and Sacred has released Angelous from the Dragon Sleeper. The G.O.A.T. has also stopped hitting Molock and now all three Prime Evil members stand in a line staring at Divefire! The World Champion slides into the ring and is quickly on his feet! The G.O.A.T. is standing in the middle steel chair in hand. Divefire quickly takes him out with a Fire Kick sending the chair back into the G.O.A.T.'s face! The G.O.A.T. goes crashing down to the mat as Divefire then turns to Sacred who is charging at him but Divefire dispatches him with the Flame Out!


“Divefire is taking it to Prime Evil but I want to know why!” NTD demands.


The G.O.A.T. and Sacred are down by Divefire’s hand, leaving only Fallout! Angelous and Molock are both starting to get to their feet and it looks like Fallout has no where to go! Fallout starts to look around, desperately seeking a way to leave the ring! Seeing there is no escape he turns to Divefire ready to fight! Fallout swings at the street fighter but Divefire blocks it and locks in a fast arm bar then hits him with the multiple knife-edge chops to the neck of the Hand Fire, knocking the leader of Prime Evil to his knees!


“Fallout goes down by Divefire’s hand. I knew that boy had talent.” Jayson smirks once more.


Angelous and Molock are now back on their feet and are standing over Fallout! Divefire has backed off to let Angelous and Molock deal with the situation now. Molock grabs Fallout by his throat and brings him to his feet to a huge pop! Angelous then also grabs Fallout by the throat to an even bigger pop! Then the two huge men lift Fallout into the air and then drill him into the mat with a monstrous double chokeslam!


“Oh my God! What a Chokeslam! All of Prime Evil is down!” NTD yells once more.


“Between them, Divefire, Angelous and Molock have taken out Fallout, Sacred and the G.O.A.T.” Jayson adds, sounding mildly happy about the turn of events.


“Yes, but we still don't know why!” NTD yells in frustration.


`Ace of Spades` by Motorhead starts to blast out over the arena’s sound system as Divefire, Angelous and Molock stand in the ring with their hands raised in victory! The crowds cheering madly for the trio that stand tall in the ring.


“What is going on here?!” NTD screams in frustration over the noise of the crowds and the music. “Prime Evil has been ripped apart, but why? WHY!?”


“And now Divefire is standing in the ring with two men that a few short months ago he was fighting bitterly against. Why do I smell mutual respect rearing its head again?” Jayson questions in his rhetorical manor.


“Oh no…” NTD states suddenly catching on. “The IGNWF had better watch out because this could be the start of a lot of trouble!”


The picture turns to grey with Divefire, Angelous and Molock soaking up the crowds cheers as again Curry voices over. “That was the official formation of the Wild Cards, over the fallen bodies of Prime Evil. But IGNite was far from over and the last match of the night would preview the coming spectacular main event of From The Fire.”


The scene changes to a still of Stubby being held in Rane’s grip. The caption in the top right hand side of the screen reads. “Stubby & Divefire Vs Rane & Cyclone Comet. Tag Title match. 24th April IGNite.”


The images roll with Stubby being immobilised by Rane’s hold, it looks like the end… but Rane surprises everyone by breaking the hold and standing, glaring over at Divefire! With one hand Rane waves in Divefire! Divefire lunges forward, nailing his shoulder into Rane's chest and punching at Rane's stomach; Rane nails huge blows down onto Divefire's back! As those two fight, Stubby reaches to the ropes and grabs hold, and the referee forces Comet to break the leglock! Comet brings Stubby to his feet, puts him in the corner, and decks him… Stubby hits him right back, and the two start exchanging blows back and forth! Elsewhere, Rane shoves Divefire away, Divefire goes for a straight kick, Rane knocks it away and then grabs Divefire by the throat with both hands! Rane lifts him up for a double-choke bomb… Divefire brings his legs up and kicks out, blasting Rane in the face, and Divefire uses his momentum to back-flip out of Rane's grasp! Rane reels, his back is on the ropes… and Divefire spins, jumps, and hits a spin-kick that knocks Rane over the top and down to the floor!


Divefire turns back towards Comet, who's got his back towards the world champ as he fights with Stubby in the corner. Divefire measures him, then darts forward and hits a side kick to the base of Comet's spine! Comet lets out a howl and staggers back, and Divefire locks on a double chickenwing, and shouts at Stubby. Stubby sits himself on the top turnbuckle, stands on the second rope, then jumps off with a double axe-handle… Comet ducks forward, and Stubby ends up bashing Divefire! Divefire scrambles to his feet, and shouts at Stubby, who puts up his hands defensively…


“This can’t be good…” NTD murmurs.


Stubby just kicked the unsuspecting Divefire in the groin! Stubby locks on and hits the DDT! Very loud crowd reaction cheers and boos from different fans… and then a huge cheer as Comet lunges up behind Stubby and locks onto him back-to-back! Comet runs for the corner, up the turnbuckles, and launches himself into the Cyclotron… but Stubby turns around and drops Comet onto the top turnbuckle!


“Great defensive move by Stubby! He knew what Comet was up to and knew how to counter it… He could become a tag-team champion, along with Divefire, even though he just beat him up!” NTD adds, sounding amused by the goings on.


Stubby shoves Comet up so that the masked man is sitting on top, then pops him one in the jaw and signals for the Pipe Bomb! The crowd cheers as Stubby quickly gets up to the second rope, facing into the ring, and then lifts Comet up onto his shoulder, then up into the reverse crucifix… Divefire flips up to his feet! Divefire shoots a look of fury at Stubby, then lets out a piercing yell and leaps forward, legs kicking out into a vertical splits. One leg shoots down to launch Divefire incredibly high into the air; the other leg snaps forward, driving its heel directly into Stubby's face!


“FIRE POWER! FIRE POWER! Divefire just nailed that super-ultra-hyper-kick on his own partner!! Good God, Stubby's head snapped back like a Pez dispenser!” NTD hollers in full on colourful mode.


“What's a Fire Power?” Kevin Kelly haplessly wonders.


Stubby, stunned, loses his grip on Comet, and Comet lands on Stubby's shoulder and then starts sliding forward, looking like he's going to dive head-first into the canvas! In a desperation move, Comet grabs hold of Stubby's neck with one hand, is able to snag Stubby's knee, and the two men roll off the second rope and crash to the ground, with Comet on top and holding Stubby in a small package! Divefire folds his arms and doesn't move, glaring at Stubby as the referee makes the count!


The crowds chant with the referee’s count. “ONE! TWO! THREE!”


Over the sound of the bell ringing and the crowds cheering, NTD yells. “It's over! Rane and Comet retain!”


“Well, of course they retain, their opponents were beating the hell out of each other.” Jayson muses with a smirk once more in his voice.


Funyon gets on the microphone and announces over the cheers of the crowds. “Here are your winners, and still IGNWF tag-team champions, the Phoenix Uprising!”


Comet rolls off of Stubby and to the outside. Stubby slowly rolls over and unsteadily starts getting to his feet, holding his face. Divefire brings back one clawed hand and waits, clearly preparing to nail the Flame Out heart punch on McWeed! Just as McWeed makes it to his feet, Rane, back inside the ring, grabs onto Divefire from behind and nails a full-nelson slam! Rane charges at Stubby, but Mother Nature's favourite son ducks and elevates Rane clean over the top rope again! Stubby glances outside, and gets his smile back, raises his arms and Divefire drop-kicks Stubby from behind, knocking Stubby outside and nearly onto Rane! Rane wastes no time in beating on Stubby, who is quick to throw his own punches, and the two start battling their way down the aisle to the cheers of the crowd! Inside the ring, Divefire glares off after them, but decides not to go after them.


The last shot is of Divefire, arms folded and a dark expression plane to be seen on his features as he watches the two challengers to his belt brawl away. The image greys and stays on the screen for a moment or two, before the camera shot chances back to the announces desk.


“That’s how we got to tonight’s main event ladies and gentlemen. There is no doubt that this match will explosive and controversial. None of the three men competing tonight will ever be quite the same again.” Curry finishes off his commentary as the lights of the arena start to dim out to nothing.


“No, they won’t Curry. A match like tonight’s will change a person forever. Now by the looks of things the build up has ended, and things are about to begin.” Jayson comments.


“You might say, business is about to pick up!” NTD grins as he steals another catch phrase.


Jayson is about to reply when a deep British voice booms out over the arena. “It’s time to burn!” The crowds suddenly cheer as the arena gets put into almost darkness and Rage Against the Machine’s `Sleep Now in the Fire` starts up. The electric guitar twang rolls over the arena as in the IGN-Tron™ Divefire’s logo appears at the top, while at the bottom, flames flicker away. An overlay line image of Divefire pans down the screen, then the flames start to bring it to life as lyrics of the song start.


A good deal of the crowd’s sing along with the lyrics to the song as either side of the ramp way explodes, lighting the way for Divefire. The man himself walks out onto the stage with the IGNWF World Title on his shoulder. The crowd’s roars intensify on the appearance of the world champion and for a moment Divefire looks out from behind his shades and the cheering masses.


Over the cheers of the crowds and the blasting music, Funyon stands in the centre of the ring and tries to announce the match. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the IGNWF is proud to bring you the match we’ve all been waiting for. Live from the American Airlines Arena, this match is a three way last man standing dance for the IGNWF World Title! The match can only be won by a double count out and there is no disqualification!”


Funyon breaths for a moment as Divefire starts to walk down from the stage and down the ramp way, which is doing a good imitation of a lake of fire at this moment. The flames flickering away either side of the ramp way reflect off Divefire’s leather jacket, his dark tinted shades and the gold he carries over his shoulder as he walks down to the ring.


“Introducing first!” Funyon continues. “From Deepest Darkest Dorset, weighing in at 192 pounds! He is the leader of the Wild Cards and the IGNWF World Champion! This is… DIVEFIRE!”


The crowds roar once more as Divefire stands just off the ramp and looks into the ring. He takes the world title off his shoulder and throws it into the ring, then bursts in to a short sprint and slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. The world champion stands quickly, moves into the centre of the ring and bends down to pick up the world title. The crowds cheers for the champion die down a little in anticipation, as he once more looks out to the packed American Airlines arena, then he thrusts the World Title above his hands and the four ring posts respond by blasting pyro fire high into the arena, the sudden burst of fire bringing up the arena lights to even more cheers from the crowds.


“Listen to this arena!” Curry Man screams into his microphone, only just able to make himself heard over the noise. “Listen to the cheers they are giving the World Champion, this man’s popularity has exploded in the last month!”


“Divefire’s the IGNWF World Champion, of course the people are going to like him.” Jayson replies, almost but not quite chastising Curry.


“Well sir, he’s the people champion, no question of that.” NTD’s comment earns him a look from Jayson, but he doesn’t say anything as Divefire’s music dies down.


In the ring, Divefire hands the world title to the IGNWF’s senior referee, Matty K, who holds it above his head and turns slowly, showing all of the crowds what tonight’s prize looks like. Divefire moves over to the side of the ring and slips out of his shades and leather jacket, tossing them out to the time keepers table, leaving him dressed in a jet black tight fitting T-shirt with a fan of cards logo on the back of it and his usual black combat pants with flames up the side. He leans against the ropes of the arena, his hands folded across his chest to await the arrival of his opponents to the ring.


Suddenly Metallica’s `For Whom The Bell Tolls` rattles through the arena as the lights go out. The crowds cheer once more, matching the cheers that Divefire received a moment before as smoke begins to flow over the stage. Deep green lights shoot out and cover the stage, highlighting the billowing smoke as the IGN-Tron™ lights up with an eerie green glow and slowly, images of Rane light up and then darken.


The crowd’s cheers grow as lights shoot out and randomly scan the crowds of the arena, picking up some of the art work made in Rane’s honour as more green lights shoot out from the top of the arena and light up the ramp and ring. Slowly the smoke on the stage starts to part as Rane walks out through it, his massive frame parting the smoke like the Red Sea. Azul walks behind him, keeping in his shadow until they clear the smoke and their frames are highlighted by the green glow of the spotlights.


Back in the centre of the ring, Funyon once more gets on the microphone to call down the big man. “Introducing the second man in this three man event. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Weighing in at 320 pounds and being accompanied to the ring by Azul. He is the leader of the Phoenix Uprising, this is… RANE!”


The crowds cheer once more, the shouts for the three times IGNWF World Champion echoing off the walls of the arena. Slowly, Rane and Azul starts the long walk down the ramp way, Rane has his focus locked on the ring, and the man who still leans casually against the ropes, waiting for him. Azul walks besides Rane, her hands held high as she basks in the crowd’s adoration for her and Rane. On the IGN-Tron™ images of Rane giving the Acid Rane to nearly the entire roster of the IGNWF play, showing off the devastating power of the former champion.


After a few moments of walking the couple reach the edge of the ring and then they quickly slide in under the bottom rope and into the ring. They stand quickly and Rane once more locks his sights on Divefire, who stairs back intently. The giant man stalks forward into the centre of the ring and slowly holds his hands high in a classic `victory` pose. In much the same ways as earlier, the ring posts answer the salute with white and green sparks shooting from them. Azul walks around the edge of the ring, looking very fine and talented as Rane’s theme music fades out and the big man stalks forward to within striking distance of Divefire.


“Look at this! Rane is already trying to intimidate Divefire, he wants to get this on right now!” NTD yells in excitement already.


“Maybe.” Jayson replies, mussing once more as to what exactly is going on in the ring.


“If Rane was going to do something, you would of thought he would do it by now.” Curry adds, sounding quite comfortable in his role back at the table.


In the ring, as the lights come back up for a moment, Rane backs off from Divefire, who stays against the ropes, arms still folded over his chest. Rane and Divefire don’t break their gaze one bit however, even as Azul leaves the ring and the lights dim for the third time, shrouding the American Airlines arena in complete darkness. The crowds start to cheer again, waiting for the appearance of the last man in this triple threat match. Several seconds later a single point of light shoots up from the centre of the stage, cutting through the darkness and then exploding with a thunderous crack, with illuminates the crowds closest to the stage in an eerie green glow. The haunting green light reveals Stubby to be standing on the stage Misty Rivers on his left hand side.


The crowds start to cheer once more; again nearly matching the cheers for Rane and Divefire as `Clint Eastwood` by the Gorillaz starts to play out. A series green spotlights begin to whirl deliriously out over the crowd and the crowds cheers intensify as Stubby walks down from the stage, with his wife by his side. Then the crowd’s notice that Simon Flare is walk down the ramp way behind Stubby and Misty and some of the cheers start to turn into boos, the heelish actions of Simon Flare still fresh in the minds of the fans.


Once more and for the penultimate time tonight on IGNWF’s From The Fire, Funyon gets on the microphone to bring down the last man. “And introducing the last man in this three way dance! From Winnipeg, Canada and weighing in at 228 pounds! Being accompanied to the ring by his wife, Misty Rivers and Father-in-law, Simon Flare! He is the far out legend… STUBBY MCWEED!”


The crowds react well to Stubby, but not so well to Flare. The group stands at the bottom of the ramp way and look into the ring. Stubby slowly removes his highway patrol shades and hands them off to Misty. In the ring Rane slowly turns his head to glance at Stubby and his Farther-in-law, while Divefire leans off the ropes and lowers his arms by his side, his focus squarely on McWeed. Funyon slips out of the ring as Stubby’s music keeps playing.


“You can feel the tension in the ring!” Curry Man states. “Those three men stand on the top of IGNWF and there is only room for one of them, and they all know it!”


“This match is going to erupt at any second now!” NTD concurs while Jayson remains silent, watching.


Stubby approaches the edge of the ring and starts to roll into it, under the bottom rope and then Divefire explodes from the opposite side of the ring and slams a baseball slide right into McWeed, punching him out of the ring, with Divefire sliding out after him. Rane watches the sudden combat, but doesn’t make a move to join in with it. Matty K watches this and makes the signal for the bell to ring, which it does as the arena lights come up and Stubby’s theme music abruptly ends.


“The main event is on! Get ready every one for one of biggest roller coasters in the history of professional wrestling!” Curry Man yells into the microphone.


Misty and Flare back off from Divefire as he quickly pulls a slightly stunned Stubby to his feet and throws him into the ring where Rane descends on to Stubby. Outside Flare decides to lay a hand on Divefire’s shoulder as he’s about to get back into the ring, which is a very bad idea as Divefire turns as slams the old man with a vicious Fire Kick. Flare goes flying back and slams into the crowd retainer. Misty watches her Grandfather get slammed and now she moves to confront Divefire about it, or at least she would if Azul hadn’t just spun her around and started a verbal sparing match. Divefire smirks at seeing this, then leaps up onto the ring apron, and flips over the top rope and into the ring, where Rane has been trading blows with Stubby.


“Divefire just viciously attacked Simon Flare with no provocation what so ever!” NTD yells hoarsely.


“Flare should know the risks of being ring side.” Jayson comments dryly.


“And now Rane is dealing damage to Stubby, so far all the damage is being done to team McWeed!” Curry tells the world, just in case they missed it.


Rane and Stubby trade punches, but Rane’s shear power overcomes Stubby and he stagers back. Rane quickly snatches hold of Stubby’s pants and locks in a vertical suplex and hoists the smaller man up into the air. Rane keeps Stubby in the air for a moment as Divefire propels himself off the ropes and leaps into the air, catching Stubby’s chest with a high-flying dropkick. Rane uses the extra momentum to drive Stubby down into the mat and the ring rocks from the impact.


“What a vertical suplex by Rane!” Curry roars over the sound of the crowds.


“An assisted vertical suplex!” NTD shouts back. “Are Rane and Divefire working together?!” NTD questions in shock.


“Who knows.” Jayson comes back, still watching the action.


Divefire moves in on the downed form of Stubby as Rane backs up. Divefire slams a few stomps onto Stubby’s chest and self-preservation makes Stubby roll and try and get to his feet. Divefire helps Stubby up and whips him into the ropes, Stubby goes flying off them and back towards Divefire, who side steps out of the way and lets Rane crash a clothesline all the way from Hell into Stubby, making him flip through 360 before crashing back to mat once more and blinking up at the arena roof.


With Stubby down, Divefire quickly bounces of the ropes once more and runs towards Stubby. He flips into the air in 360 somersault and comes down to deliver a hard guillotine leg drop right across the neck of McWeed. Stubby gasps out and grabs at his neck as Divefire rolls to the side as Rane suddenly comes off the top of the nearest turnbuckle and crashes down onto Stubby with the Raneton Bomb.


“The Divebomb followed by the Raneton Bomb all on Stubby!” Curry yells again.


“It’s clear now, Divefire and Rane want to take Stubby out, that’s just unfair!” NTD yells back.


“Hmmm…” Jayson comments wisely.


Stubby lies motionlessly on the mat, gasping for air after the series of blows from Divefire and Rane. Rane stands after his Raneton Bomb and rolls Stubby out of the ring and to the outside where he hits the padded concrete. The recovered Flare quickly goes to check out his Grandson-in-law while Azul and Misty still exchange words on the outside, but it hasn’t quite come to blows yet.


Back in the ring, Divefire and Rane look at each other, summing the other up. The crowds chant both men’s names as they circle each other slowly. Then Rane stops and raises his hand to Divefire and makes the motion for him to bring it. Which he does with out hesitation. Divefire runs for Rane and leaps, slamming a running knee into the big man’s chest, which does little more then force Rane to take a step back. Rane rears his hands over his head and goes for a hammer punch onto Divefire’s head, but the more nimble street fighter side steps it and fires a knife edge chop across Rane’s chest that again does little more then make him take a step back. Divefire follows it up with another knife edge chop, then a quick knee into Rane’s chest and snaps it into a straight kick.


Rane takes the blows, which stagger him back, but a look of intense anger crosses his face and with a burst of speed his hand is suddenly wrapped around Divefire’s neck. With a display of raw strength Rane lifts Divefire up and then slams him to the canvas with vicious force, driving the wind from his chest with the impact.


“What a display of strength by Rane!” Curry yells once again.


“Divefire tried to use his striking power on Rane with little noticeable effect other getting choke slammed!” NTD adds.


Rane goes to land a few stomps on Divefire, a couple connect before the smaller man rolls to the side and then spins around in a sweep to take Rane’s legs from under him. The blow rocks Rane back and unbalances him, sending him back first into the canvas and giving time for Divefire to get to his feet. Rane stands quickly to, and the two men once more stair each other down. The former champion and the current champion close on each other, Rane extending his arms and going for a tie up, Divefire moves to the side of them and slams an elbow into the centre of Rane’s chest, but it doesn’t stop Rane from grabbing a hold of Divefire again and powering him up into the air with a military press.


Rane holds Divefire in the air and turns slowly, showing off his awesome strength, as all Divefire can do is hang in the air and await the inevitable landing. Finally after what seems like an age, but is in fact a mere few seconds, Rane drops Divefire and he crashes eight feet down into the canvas, the ring rocking with the impact as he bounces off it slightly then back down to it. A good portion of the crowds’ cheer as Divefire lands sprawling on the mat and Rane hauls Divefire to his feet via his hair. The Englishman can do nothing as Rane grabs the back of his neck and hoists him up once more into the air, then drives him face first into the mat. The impact of the move leaves Divefire lying sprawled on the mat.


“A sequence of power moves leaves Divefire out cold on the mat!” Curry administers. “What an awesome display by the three times champion!”


“Rane’s taken Divefire down, but look, he’s getting distracted by what’s going on outside of the ring!” NTD yells.


Indeed, outside of the ring the war of words between Azul and Misty has reached it’s peek. Azul turns to applaud Rane’s ring prowess’s, but Misty demands her full attention and slap Azul’s cheek with an open hand. Azul turns back to Misty, clutching at the side of her face in more shock then pain and then the war is on between the two ladies. Azul and Misty start exchanging fierce slaps then enter an A-typical hair pulling contest as the seven foot frame of Rane leans over the ropes and yells at both of them. For once Matty K is simply watching all of this play out in the ring, actually sticking to his job description for once and not getting involved.


“Look at the fireworks going on between Misty and Azul!” NTD chuckles. “This is almost as good as those three men grappling in the ring!”


Curry gives a side long look to NTD, but doesn’t pursue it further. “And look at this, Stubby is taking advantage of Rane’s distraction and sliding back into the ring!”


Stubby is indeed sliding into the ring, and starts to stalk Rane as the big man tries to stop the ladies from beating the hell out of each other. Stubby stands a few feet behind Rane, then lowers his shoulder and launches a shoulder block tackle right into the back of Rane’s knees. Rane gets thrown front first into the ropes and has to lean on them for support for a moment as his knee seizes. Before Rane can turn around and face his attacker, Stubby leaps up behind him and executes a standing drop kick that sends Rane tumbling over the top rope and to the outside, or more accurately onto the ladies. Misty looks up in time to throw herself back from the incoming Rane bomb but Azul isn’t so lucky, as her lover neatly falls onto her, in not such a loving embrace.


“Spicy meat balls!” Curry yells in shock. “Stubby just made Rane nearly crush Azul!”


“What? Stubby didn’t do that, Rane lost his balance and fell!” NTD comes back.


“Lost his balance after being drop kicked in the back.” Jayson administers, stopping the debate dead.


Stubby looks over to his wife from the ring and gets a nod from her, putting his fears to rest about her being hurt. Meanwhile Rane stands up and looks down at Azul’s fallen form in shock, he goes to move her, but gets interrupted as Stubby leaps over the top rope of the ring and slams into Rane’s back with a missile drop kick. Rane goes stumbling forward, dropping Azul to the ground. Stubby is on Rane again this time with a series of closed fists into Rane’s back. The blows don’t seem to do much other then push Rane towards the crowd retainer where he leans against it. Stubby goes for a kick into the back of Rane’s knee again, making the big man go down to one knee, then Stubby continues the kicks, powering them into Rane’s chest and stomach.


“Look at Stubby, he’s taking apart Rane!” NTD hollers as the noise of the crowds threatens to overwhelm the commentary team.


“Stubby’s not letting up his assault on Rane, that’s for sure, but Rane hasn’t gone down yet.” Curry adds.


Stubby keeps hammering away on Rane with kicks to his midsection and punches to his back. They seem to be keeping Rane down, but not a lot else. Rane turns to face Stubby at it looks like the big man is about to stand up, but Stubby quickly locks on a DDT and manages to nail Rane’s head into the padded concrete. Stubby stands and Rane does not, holding his head slightly as Stubby starts to fire a few stomps into the big man’s back. The Misty shouts a warning at her husband, and Stubby turns around to see Divefire flying off the top turnbuckle at him in a Whirlwind drop kick. Stubby has all the time in the world to blink before Divefire slams two high speed feet into his chest. Stubby goes falling back to the mat, clutching at his chest in pain as Divefire lands to the outside and is quickly on his feet again.


“What a move from Divefire, the Whirlwind drop kick from the top turnbuckle slamming Stubby right to the mat!” Curry enthuses.


“He got a lucky break!” Counters NTD.


“Did he?” Jayson questions in his rhetorical manor.


Misty sees her husband fall back at Divefire’s hand and starts to approach his back, her hand in her purse, finding her patented white powder. Meanwhile Divefire starts to pull Mr McWeed to his feet, his clenched fist pulled back and ready to start knocking the sense clean out of Stubby. Then he pauses mid punch as he feels a hand on his back, slowly he starts to turn and as Misty is about to blow a whole lot of powder into his face, Misty gets grabbed around the neck and reverse DDT’ed into the padded concrete by a rather angry Azul. For a split second, Divefire and Azul’s eyes meet, looking for a moment as if they might start to battle each other, but then both of them turn back to their preordained target and with a mighty roar from the crowds they start to pummel the hell into Mr and Mrs McWeed.


“Look at that!” NTD yells in horror. “Look at what Azul is doing to poor Misty! That’s so uncalled for, nice reverse DDT mind you.”


“Listen to that you mean!” Curry corrects. “Their going nuts as Divefire and Azul take apart the Mcweed's, all while Rane gets his breath back on the mat.”


“You would think Simon Flare would do something about this…” Jayson adds in an almost psychic manor.


Indeed as Divefire pulls Stubby up once more to his feet and starts to pummel his frame with a series of lightning fast strikes, Flare starts to creep up behind Divefire, his walking stick raised and ready to strike the Englishman over the back of the head. Divefire hasn’t noticed him as Flare starts to swing his stick forward and… And finds he can’t move it one inch. Flare turns to see why he can’t move the stick and finds the answer to be, Rane. Flare looks up in horror as the monster that is Rane rips the walking stick from Flare’s hands and then snaps it like a twig. Flare starts to raise his hands in defence and back off from Rane, but finds his path blocked by Divefire, who once more has his hands folded over his chest. Flare turns his back on Rane for a split second to start to lecture Divefire about getting out of the way of his elders, when Rane grabs the back of Flare’s neck and with out wasting any time, takes him out with an inverted choke slam.


“That’s no way to treat a legend!” NTD administers. “That’s assault on an old man, has Rane no decency!?”


“Well you would know all about how to treat old men, NTD…” Jayson adds in a dry tone.


“That’s right, I woul…Wait a minute…” And NTD’s voice trails off as he tries to work out how to get out of that one.


Outside of the ring, the forms of Misty, Stubby and Simon Flare lie on the outside, down for the count at the moment, while once more Rane and Divefire stair bullets into each other with the crowds chanting them on. Then Divefire lunges for the ring, quickly sliding under the bottom rope. He motions for Rane to come and join him in the squared circle which the big man duly does by sliding under the bottom rope of the ring and then climbing to his feet. Once more the two men face off and again Divefire charges in. Rane swings for Divefire, but the more agile man ducks under it and grabs a hold of Rane’s tree trunk like arm. With a quick palm punch to Rane’s elbow he back’s off again as Rane shakes out his arm with a mild annoyance. This time Rane goes on the attack, plunging forward to try and administer some pain over Divefire’s head. Rather then block the punch Divefire goes to side step it and once more slams a palm punch into Rane’s elbow.


“Well this is a great display of technical wrestling so far…” NTD mutters in some annoyance.


“It’s a great display of agility and thinking if you ask me.” Curry counters. “Divefire must know he can’t match Rane’s power, so he’s almost fencing with him.”


Rane aims another quick swing at Divefire’s head, but again Divefire avoids it and slams a counter punch into Rane’s elbow joint. Rane’s annoyance seems to be growing as he sends another wild swing towards Divefire, but this time he avoids it by falling back, kicking out his legs and slamming Rane back a few steps with a drop kick to his midsection. Rane clutches at his midsection as it flares in pain slightly and Divefire flips to his feet with some ease. A smirk crosses Divefire’s features as he motions for Rane to try his luck again and with anger boiling over Rane’s mind, an invitation is all he needs to charge forward again.


Divefire meets Rane’s charge head on and stops it dead with a Fire Kick. Rane folds over slightly from the impact and Divefire moves quickly to Rane’s side, grabbing a hold of his arm and wrenching an arm bar on. Rane tries to stand to get out of it, but Divefire already has this covered and slams a series of fast straight kicks into Rane’s midsection again. The fast blows keep Rane doubled over as Divefire wrenches the arm bar on tighter, then spins around and slams a hook kick right into Rane’s face, which actually sends the big man down to the mat. Divefire keeps the arm back locked on as Rane crashes down to the mat and with out wasting a second, Divefire turns the arm bar into a triangle hold, his feet either side of Rane’s arm and on his shoulder, wrenching Rane’s arm back with as much force as he can muster.


“Impressive…” Jayson muses in a dark voice. “Most impressive…”


NTD gives Jayson a side long glance to make sure the CEO hasn’t been replaced by a Dark Lord of the Sith. “Yessss…” NTD adds a little wearily.


“Woh, this is heavy…” Curry adds as he ponders the afterlife once more.


Away from the announcers’ desk and back in the ring Divefire arches his back as he tries his best to separate Rane’s arm from his shoulder. Rane in turn is trying to fight Divefire off, by flexing his arm, but even Rane’s power can’t break the limpet like grip Divefire has. Unknown to either Divefire or Rane however is the form of Stubby climbing the outside of the ring and balancing himself on the top turnbuckle. McWeed measures the distance between himself and the forms of Divefire and Rane then launches himself off the top with a flying elbow attempt aimed at taking out the exposed joints of both men. Only a shouted warning from Azul alerts the two men in the ring to the danger and Divefire reacts first, rolling himself back, but keeping the arm bar on, leaving Stubby to land a split second after on the exposed arm of Rane.


“What a flying elbow by Stubby, great tactics there from the weed man himself.” NTD compliments.


“Opportunistic more like.” Curry shoots back.


“Either way, it worked on hurting Rane’s arm.” Counters NTD.


Indeed in the ring, Rane clutches at his arm as he slowly gets to his feet as Stubby tries his best to pummel Divefire into a corner. For the most part the Englishman blocks the Canadians shots but the series of furious punches force Divefire into the corner where Stubby manages to catch him with a knee to the gut. Divefire doubles over slightly, a little winded from that shot and Stubby moves to add some more pain into Divefire’s life. With a swift turn he applies a ¾ face lock to Divefire and then kneels down, snapping Divefire over his shoulder and sending him crashing to the mat back first. Stubby then jumps back up onto the second rope of the turnbuckle and waits for Divefire to stand, which he does after a few moments. Divefire turns a little groggily and then gets slammed over the head as Stubby comes off the second rope with a double axe handle.


Divefire crashes down to the mat, falling on his face and being taken out of it for a moment. Matty K checks to see if Rane is down to so he can start a double count out for the first time in the match, but of course he can’t as Rane is up on his feet and heading towards Stubby as he gets in a few opportunistic stomps on Divefire. Stubby looks up to see Rane looming upon him. The big man lunges for Stubby with his good arm, but Stubby manages to side step him and hit a drop toe hold that sends Rane to the mat. Stubby is quickly back on to his feet and grabs a hold of one of Rane’s feet, hoisting the big leg up and slamming it back to the mat knee first. Rane lets out a grunt of pain but fights to his feet, which Stubby surpassingly lets him do. Again Rane goes for the lunge with his good arm, but Stubby twists out of it and grabs a hold of Rane’s hurt arm and uses it to Irish whip him into the ropes. Rane comes off the ropes with a head of steam and Stubby grabs a hold of him and hits a rotating powerslam on Rane, with a big pop from the crowds. Stubby quickly stands up but backs up to the ropes, leaning against them for a brief rest as Matty K starts the first double count out of the night.


“What a powerslam from Stubby, sending Rane crashing down!” NTD yells with much enthusiasm. “Stubby’s also getting the first double count out of the night, he’s really owning these other two wanna be's.”


“What? Hello you pantless mad man, Stubby got a break on the back of Divefire hurting Rane’s arm, stop playing with your joystick and get your eyes back on the match!” Curry hollers to NTD.


NTD mutters and places his Gameboy back on the announcers’ desk with a thud. “Oh look, Matty K can reach three.” NTD adds sounding a bit bitter.


Indeed Mr K can reach three, and also four and five, before Divefire rises to his feet, breaking the count. Stubby immediately moves from his position leaning against the ropes and storms over to Divefire, he goes for a big boot to the face of Divefire, that knocks him back, Stubby then goes to follow it up with a series of hard punches to his midsection, that has Divefire doubled over. Then Stubby quickly straightens him up with a knee to his face and hits a stiff elbow thrust to his throat. Divefire stumbles back to the ropes but doesn’t go down to Stubby’s chagrin, and Stubby moves in for a belly to belly suplex. As Stubby locks his arms around Divefire, Divefire counters quickly by headbutting Stubby right across the bridge of the nose. Stubby goes stumbling back and Divefire explodes out of the ropes with a big clothesline, taking both of them down to the mat.


With three men down again, Matty K starts the count again. Divefire gets back up to vertical by the time of the three count, and Rane isn’t far behind him as the count of four is heard. Once more Divefire and Rane face off and Divefire charges once more for Rane, he leaps up in the run and seems to be going for a flying side kick as Rane raises his arms and intercepts Divefire in mid flight. The big man wraps his hands around Divefire’s throat, keeping him suspended in the air and then spins 360 before slamming Divefire into the man with authority.


“The Cyclone by Rane!” Curry yells, sounding impressed by the delivery. “He caught Divefire right out of the air there.”


“Yep, the firey one won’t be getting up for awhile after that.” NTD concurs.


As Rane rises from the move he finds his head locked in a front face lock by Stubby. Rane tries to power out of it but Stubby has it locked in well. Stubby goes to hit the front face drop, but as he kicks his legs out, Rane reaches up and grabs his Stubby’s head, so both their heads get driven into the mat by the move. The ring rocks from the impact and it doesn’t look as if either man will be getting up any time soon. With Divefire, Rane and Stubby down, Matty K starts another count out, with the crowds starting to chant for their favourite wrestler to get up. On the apron Azul starts to chant for Rane to get to his feet, while on the other side Misty and Flare chant for Stubby to get up. The Divefire fans in the crowd see this and almost from no where, a massive Fire chant starts for the World Champion, nearly drowning out the other two factions in the crowds.


“All three men are down and listen to this crowd, they urging, no, they’re demanding the World Champion get to his feet and keep his grip on the title!” Curry illustrates.


“They have no taste, now Misty, she has taste!” NTD counters, earning him a look from Curry.


Divefire struggles up to his feet, lurching towards the ropes for support as the crowds let out a cheer, Divefire blinks at the edge of the ropes as the count for the other two men reaches six. Stubby struggles to his feet at the count of seven, stopping the count once more. Stubby groggily looks to Divefire and shakes his head slightly, trying to clear the cobwebs as Divefire stagers towards him, the two similar sized men lock up, and Divefire manages to Irish whip Stubby into the ropes. As Divefire runs off the opposite ropes, the two men head for each other with a head of steam and Divefire is the first to react, leaping up and locking his legs around Stubby’s head, then taking him down head scissors style with Stubby’s head and neck taking most of the impact.


“Nice take down by Divefire on Stubby.” Curry comments.


“Yeah yeah...” NTD adds oh so enthusiastically. “Hey, wait a minute who’s that coming through the crowd?!” NTD asks in sudden surprise.


“Who ever it is they have a chair with them…” Jayson muses.


Then as the figure leaps over the crowd retainer, not having been stopped by security the three commentators draw the same conclusion. “Neilsen!”


It is indeed the man from the jungle, chair at his side and sporting the scars of his early confrontation with Cyclone Comet. As Divefire goes to lift Stubby up, Neilsen slides in the ring behind Divefire. Matty K quickly goes to intercept Neilsen, but gets a face full of steel chair and goes crashing to the mat. Divefire turns, dropping Stubby down as he hears the familiar sound of steel impact against skull. He’s a hair to slow though and turns just in time to see said steel chair blasting off his skull. Divefire goes crashing to the mat and the always pissed off king of the jungle goes to follow his attack up, but a shout from the risen Rane stops him. Neilsen turns and looks to Rane who motions for the Neilsen to come get some and Neilsen charges for Rane. Rane goes for a big right hand, but Neilsen moves to the side of it and drives his chair into Rane’s injured elbow, making the big man stumble back in pain. Neilsen follows it up by leaping up into the air and crashing the chair down over Rane’s head, felling the big man.


“Look at Neilsen go, he’s cleaning the ring!” NTD yells with glee.


“But why?! Neilsen has no place being out here, we saw him before the main event battling Cyclone Comet.” Curry yells back in frustration.


“Neilsen sees himself as part of the main event, that’s why. And the way he’s taking apart the contents of the ring, who can blame him.” Jayson comments back, taking note it seems.


In the ring Neilsen turns to deal with Stubby who is standing back against the far ropes and clapping slightly. Neilsen seems less then happy with that and starts to approach Stubby in a stalking manner. Stubby starts to hold his hands up in a protest, trying to talk Neilsen down, but the jungle king has a mad on for hearing steel on skull now and has no intentions on stopping. He runs forward, roaring as he brings the chair above his head and goes to bring it down on Stubby, only a swift quick from McWeed stops Neilsen’s charge and Stubby follows it up with a series of fast right jabs. Neilsen gets staggered back a few steps by the blows and seems to be losing the wind from his sails. Stubby keeps pressing forward with his attacks seeing successes, then pauses to deliver a big right hand knock out blow to Neilsen, which Neilsen interrupts with a roar and slams the steel chair over Stubby’s skull, sending him crashing to the mat like the others.


Oddly, the crowds seem to like this random carnage and give a big pop for the jungle man and his steel chair. Neilsen roars at the crowds, then roars at Flare and Misty in the corner as they try to get up on the side of the apron, then think better of it. Neilsen looks around the ring of four bodies and ponders his next move as suddenly another cheer goes up as Cyclone Comet comes running down the ramp way and to the ring. Neilsen looks out and spots his opponent from earlier, with another growl he dives out of the ring, chair in hand, to intercept Comet as he leaps up onto the ring apron. The two men crash together on the outside and start to exchange fierce blows, renewing their fight from earlier.


“Now Comet’s out here to?!” NTD hollers, with tones of Curry’s frustration from earlier. “Why, what does he have to do with anything?!”


“Well, gee, let me think NTD.” Curry patronises to his fellow commentator. “He’s part of the Phoenix Uprising, he’s a legitimate main eventer, oh and he’s a super hero.”


NTD mutters into the microphone at that, but none of it’s discernible.


By the side of the ring, Comet manages to flip Neilsen over and is on top of him, of course Comet doesn’t go in to pummelling his opponent with fists and quickly flips off Neilsen, but while grabbing his arm. Neilsen is yanked to his feet by an arm bar and growls at Comet, who’s answer is to slam a kick into Neilsen’s gut, to which Neilsen doubles over. Comet follows it up with a strike to Neilsen’s head, standing him up and Comet then leaps up and hits an enzuigiri to the back of Neilsen’s head. Neilsen goes crashing to the padded concrete from the impact of the kick.


Comet shakes his head slightly at the fallen Neilsen then hits a split let sit out leg drop onto Neilsen’s head for a pop from the Phoenix Uprising part of the crowd. Comet stands again as Neilsen clutches at his neck on the mat, seemingly rather out of it now. Wearily Comet makes his way over to Azul, who is trying to coax some life back into Rane who’s still out of it in the ring. On the opposite side of the ring Flare and Misty are trying the same with Stubby, while Divefire and Matty K share the honours also of seemingly to be passed out. Azul and Comet exchange a few words and Comet leans into the ring to shout some words of encouragement to Rane, when the sound of steel impacting against skull rings out again. Comet tuns in shock to see an exhausted Neilsen standing over the fallen Azul, Comet goes to lunge for Neilsen again, but he to eats steel and finds a place on the padded concrete.


“Neilsen has delivered steel to nearly every one in this ring! What a message he’s sent out here tonight!” NTD roars.


“Oh, yeah right!” Curry comes back incredulously. “He hit some guys over the head with a steel chair, great technique shown in the swings of the chair.”


“Curry, I know from personal experience you know nothing of technique!” NTD cuts back.


Curry’s about to answer NTD when Jayson’s sharp voice cuts through. “Gentlemen…” And there is silence.


To be continued...

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Guest Tyler McClelland

At the side of the ring Neilsen looks at his handy work and roars once more then quickly leaps over the crowd retainer and starts making his way to where ever he’s going, not wishing to push his luck on what has already been a hard fought night for him. In the ring, Rane is the first of the men to start to stir, pulling himself towards the ropes with his powerful arms. He starts to pull himself up the ropes and finally stands, flipping his head back to clear his hair from his eyes. Rane looks down, scanning the side of the ring to find Azul and is surprised to see Cyclone Comet lying on the mat, and also Azul. Rane bellows down in fury to Comet, to which he stirs and looks up, then looks at Azul’s downed form. Rane hurls out some instructions, gesturing with intent, to which Comet nods and scoops up Azul’s fallen frame and starts to carry her to the back.


Rane watches Azul being carried away with some sense of satisfaction and he turns to look into the ring to get greeted by a shot over the head with a oversized crack pipe curtsey of Stubby. The blow does little more then to make Rane even more angry then he already is and he fires back a big left hand into Stubby’s face. Stubby goes rocking back on his heels, Rane steps forward to him and grabs a hold of McWeed. Showing impressive agility for his size Rane slams Stubby to the mat with a judo style front slam, but rather then release Stubby, Rane keeps a hold of him and then stands back up and then drives Stubby back into the mat with a fallaway slam.


“Hurricane by Rane!” Curry yells, giving the slam combination its given name. “Stubby looks to he out of it.”


“Not for long.” Mutters NTD.


Stubby rolls on the mat, in some obvious pain as his wife and father-in-law look on in concern. Rane stands from hitting the Hurricane only to get a flying side kick to the jaw by Divefire, the kick twists Rane’s jaw back and as Divefire lands he spins and leaps, following the flying kick up with the Tornado Kick, once more to Rane’s jaw. Rane rocks back and starts to topple from the impacts and Divefire strikes once last time, leaping up and hitting a drop kick that sends Rane to mat with even more authority. As Rane crashes to the mat, Divefire flips back in the air and lands on his feet, though stumbling a little, making it clear that the fast succession of kicks has taken it out of him.


“What a succession of kicks on Rane by Divefire, he really is getting all kung-fu on the big man’s ass.” Curry comments in a wanna be Hollywood voice.


“Big man’s ass?” NTD queries, look around suddenly. “Where?” Both Curry and Jayson face palm at exactly the same moment.


Back in the ring Divefire turns as Rane is felled to locate Stubby. For the second time tonight though, his turning frame is met with a foreign object, namely Stubby’s oversize crack pipe to the temple of Divefire. Divefire reels back, clutching at his head as Stubby nails another shot with the pipe, and then another, breaking the pipe over Divefire’s head. Divefire falls to his knees, clutching at his temple still. Stubby quickly moves behind Divefire and grabs a hold of his hair. With a quick drop to his knees, Stubby drives Divefire’s head into the mat face first. Divefire sprawls on the mat, in some obvious pain, but it isn’t enough for Stubby. He rolls the World Champion out of the ring with his feet and calls over the ropes for Flare and Misty to hold Divefire’s legs and arms out. They come over and do so, holding Divefire in place as Stubby leaps up and over the top rope and drives down into the midsection of Divefire with a double footed stomp.


“Oh what a move by the Violent Legacy on Divefire!” NTD states, using the proper stable name for Stubby and his family.


“Violent who? Oh you mean Stubby, Flare and Misty, right…” Curry questions then realises. “I thought every one was calling them Team McWeed, or Clan McWeed, or…”


“That’s a slur on their good name!” NTD hollers back, interrupting Curry before he can say anything else.


“No, that blatant triple team was a slur on their good name.” Counters Curry, sounding smug.


Back with the match, the Violent Legacy is living up to its name, as it stomps the hell out of Divefire. A few cheers are risen up from the crowds, but a more substantial part are cheering on Divefire and Rane. Misty pauses her stomping on Divefire to question why the referee isn’t counting Rane and Divefire out. Stubby looks up into the ring, to see Matty K still well and truly out of it, he shakes his head and slides back into the ring and goes to start trying to raise Matty K. Flare and Misty keep stomping the hell out of Divefire, as Stubby slaps Matty K a few times to try and get the referee to wake up and start a double count out as Rane still seems to be out of it. Then the crowds by the ramp way and stage give a good pop as two imposing figures start to walk out to the ring.


“It’s the Wild Cards!” Curry hollers in response. “Angelous and Molock are coming down to the ring to deliver some justice!”


“In your world maybe!” NTD snorts back.


The two men walk down to the ring, shoulder to shoulder, each one looking a bit bashed around from their matches earlier in the night, but still looking exceptionally determined to deliver some ass kickings. Stubby looks up in the ring from shaking Matty K violently and shouts a warning to Misty and Flare as Angelous and Molock finish the long walk down the ramp way. Flare looks at his grand daughter and starts to step forward to intercept the two nearly seven footers. Molock pauses to deal with Flare as Angelous continues to stalk forward towards Misty and Divefire. Stubby watches this all take place and quickly dives out of the ring to intercept Angelous before he can lay a hand on his wife.


“Look at the brave actions by Stubby, going to the aid of his wife before that big brute Angelous lays his meat hooks on her.” NTD sighs slightly. “I wish I knew a man like that…”


Curry gives a side long glance to NTD. “You worry me…” And shifts his chair away from him. As does Jayson.


Flare shouts something indiscernible at Molock and goes to hit a knife edge chop against his chest. Which does the grand total of absolutely nothing against the big man. Molock sneers towards Flare in a Sumerian type way, then smacks Flare over the head with a big right hand, dropping the old man to the floor like a lead weight. Molock then steps over the old man and heads towards Angelous and Stubby.


Angelous is having a bit more trouble with Stubby, as would be expected. Stubby managing to keep his distance from the ever advancing Angelous. Misty and Stubby keep backing up away from the big man until Misty shouts out as she finds her path blocked by Molock. Literally caught between the rock and the hard place, Misty bolts for an escape through the ring, Stubby goes to do likewise but finds himself grabbed by Molock and pulled back down from the ring. Stubby swings a punch to fight his way free, but Molock steps back from the blow an Angelous steps in, grabbing hold of Stubby by the neck, spinning him around and then lifting him up high into the air, and then chokeslaming him all the way into Hell.


“What a chokeslam by Angelous!” Curry yells impressed. “The power of those two men is truly scary!”


“I liked them better when they were part of Prime Evil…” NTD mutters.


“Divefire has some powerful allies in the form of Angelous and Molock. “Jayson muses. “I wonder just how far the Wild Cards will go…”


Misty looks on with horror from the relative safety of the other side of the ring as Angelous picks Stubby’s fallen frame up and rolls him back into the ring. Molock then moves around the ring to check on Divefire, as Angelous stalks back around the ring in the other direction to flush Misty out once more. Misty pales at the sight of Angelous coming for her, as most people would when faced with the sight of a pissed off looking Angelous. She starts to walk back and contemplates running through the ring again, but she realises that will only delay her problem, rather then solve it. With a heavy heart she starts to back her way up the ramp way, looking to the ring and hoping Stubby can pull this win out with out her.


Angelous continues to stalk Misty up the ramp way and to the back, while Molock props Divefire up against the side of the ring and shakes his shoulders a little, shouting at the senior member of the Wild Cards. Divefire shakes his head a little and looks at Molock with a questioning expression, to which Molock gestures at the ring. Divefire looks at the ring, then nods in understanding, gathering himself up and sliding back into it. Molock watches for a second more, then walks over to Flare’s still fallen frame, grabs him around the collar and starts to drag him up the ramp way and to the back.


“And now it’s just down to the three men in the ring!” Curry yells with some excitement. “They’ve battled hard all through this match, but now it’s up to one of them to end it with out any more help from the outside!”


“If that’s right, then we’ll see Stubby come out of this match the winner and new World Champion!” NTD administers, getting a groan out of Curry.


“I wouldn’t count Rane out yet…” Jayson adds.


Indeed, as Divefire slides into the ring and stands slowly, Rane starts to stir. Amazingly quickly in fact considering how long he’s been laying on the mat. Divefire looks on with suspicion as Rane gets to his feet looking tried but not as hurt as he had been letting on. Divefire frowns at Rane and the two men start to circle each other again. Once more they charge into each other, Rane easily getting the better of the exchange and locking in a side head lock on Divefire. Divefire fights out of it however, with a series of hard punches to Rane’s kidneys and frees his head. Rane quickly turns however and lunges at Divefire once more, picking him up and applying a bearhug to end all bearhugs. Divefire lets out a yell of pain as his back arches from the pressure being applied to it. Rane strains, trying to put as much strength into the hold as he can and driving the last drops of energy out of Divefire.


“I think you were right Jayson.” Curry comments. “Rane may well have been playing possum while the Wild Cards dealt with the Violent Legacy. He’s really laying it into Divefire now.”


“Yes Curry, you’ll notice I’m right most of the time.” Jayson comments back.


Divefire’s head arches back at it looks as if he’s about to pass out at any moment, but Divefire looks down at Rane in one last hope, and notices something. He brings his open hand back and then powers it into the inside of Rane’s injured arm. Rane lets out a cry of pain and suddenly releases the bearhug on Divefire, dropping him to the mat like a rag doll.


“Oh, what a last ditch move by Divefire, he must have tagged a pressure point with that strike!” Curry yells once more. “


“Bah, lucky shot.” NTD comments back.


Some fans let out a gasp of dismay, others let out a gasp of thanks, but all the same a gasp is heard around the arena. Rane staggers back from Divefire, clutching at his arm as it hangs limply to his side. Divefire struggles to his feet and looks to Rane with rage burning in his eyes. With a shout of pure anger Divefire surges forward and strikes at Rane, nailing a series of fast lefts and rights into Rane’s head, before hitting an uppercut, a windmill kick right to Rane’s jaw then in a display of power and agility he somersault kicks Rane’s head, snapping it back like cheep elastic. Rane goes crashing through the ropes and lands to the outside, such is the force of the kick.


“Flash kick, but with out the flash?” NTD questions in some surprise.


“Who knows, but that was a wicked Fire Combination by Divefire!” Curry illustrates with vigour. “He’s powered Rane through the ropes and now the leader of the Phoenix Uprising is struggling to stand right in front of us!”


Rane does indeed struggle to stand in front of the commentators’ desk and Divefire waists no time in sliding out of the ring to keep up the pressure on Rane. Rane forces himself to his feet, and tries to stand, but Divefire keeps him bent over with a swift quick to his injured arm, and then to his gut. Divefire then walks over to the announcers’ table and sweeps all the monitors clean off the desk with a couple of powerful swipes. Then he backs Rane’s bent over form to the announcers’ table and yells as he grabs a hold of Rane’s shoulders and flips over the big man.


“Oh sh…” NTD hollers as he, Curry and Jayson rapidly abandon the announcers table as Divefire uses the moment of the flip to send the back of Rane’s head and shoulders into the table with concusive force, splintering the table in two.


“Flick Flack!” Curry yells again from the safety of the crowd retainer, surprised his head gear is still working. “Divefire just drove Rane through our desk, gods what a move!”


“Yes, but at what cost to himself?” Jayson queries.


“I’m not sure, but our ratings are sure to go down now that NTD is standing up and not wearing any pants…” Curry adds, to which Jayson looks to see a grinning NTD playing to the audience behind him.


Back with the action, Divefire hauls himself to his feet, rather wearily and looks at his handy work. He nods slightly in some satisfaction on seeing Rane’s downed form and walks back over to the ring. He slides himself back into the ring and starts to stand, only to find Stubby on him almost immediately. Stubby starts to hammer away on Divefire’s back with a series of hard punches that slow Divefire down, but don’t stop him from standing. Divefire starts to hit some offence back with punches of his own, but Stubby is fresher and counters the punches into an Irish whip into the ropes. Divefire comes bouncing off them with a head full of steam and Stubby meets him with a fierce clothesline that sends Divefire spinning through the air and slamming to the mat with authority.


“Yes!” NTD hollers from the side lines. “Stubby’s taking it to Divefire and he’s all over the World Champion!”


Stubby really is on fire and not wasting his opportunity, he pulls the stunned Divefire to his feet and with a frantic burst of activity drills Divefire into the mat with the Paranoid Freak Out. Divefire sprawls on the mat and Stubby stands, looking a little worse for wear after that burst of activity but he is the last man standing at the moment. Of course as fate would have it, Matty K has come to and started a double count out, with Rane sprawled on the outside and Divefire sprawled in the ring. Stubby rests against the ropes as the count gets to two…Three… Four... Some of the crowd starts to count along with the senior referee. An echo of five… Six… Seven… Is shouted out all around the arena.


“Yes, Stubby is going to be the new World Champion of the IGNWF!” NTD yells eagerly. “And he will have done it all on his own!”


“What?!” Yells Curry in disbelieve. “How can you say that?!”


“Like this.” NTD states back. “Stubby will have won the belt all on his own!” Curry groans and shakes his head, while Jayson watches the count.


Eight… The count gets echoed around the arena again. Nine… The crowds’ collective breath is held as Matty K raises his hands again and… Rane is up! Rane pulls himself upright from the shattered remains of the announcers’ desk and the crowds are split between gasps of pain and pleasure. Stubby looks out of the ring to see Rane stand and a look between pain and pleasure crosses his face, knowing he was so close to achieving his goal of World Champion. But Stubby knows it can be still obtained and waits for Rane to bring the fight to him.


“That was as close a call as I’ve ever seen!” Curry yells in pure excitement, completely focused on the match now. “Divefire’s still down, but Rane is up! Does he have anything left to bring to this fight and become a four times IGNWF World Champion?!”


“Maybe…” Jayson adds, not saying anything more, but rather watching the action.


Rane slides through the bottom of the ropes and into the ring, Stubby surprisingly giving him the room to do so. Rane stands to his full height and he and Stubby lock eyes. For a moment, neither man moves, then they burst for each other, hammering away on each others bodies with a series of punches and kicks. Rane gets the better of the exchange and throws Stubby into the ropes. He goes sailing into them then comes off them hard, leaping to hit a float over clothesline on Rane. Rane goes to block it by catching Stubby in mid air, but he uses his injured arm and it collapses on Rane as soon as Stubby’s weight is put upon it. Stubby almost grins as he sees this and goes to kick Stubby in the stomach, knowing he can win this fight. Unfortunately Stubby reckons with out Rane’s raw strength and utter anger at all of the events tonight and he simply absorbs the kick and grabs Stubby around the neck with his good arm.


“Oh no, this doesn’t look good for Stubby!” NTD hollers in shock.


Rane slams a high impact boot into Stubby’s midsection, driving the wind out of his chest. Rane then slams Stubby’s head between his legs and scoops him up with his good arm, then he leaps up and drops his knees from under him and delivers a one handed Acid Rane onto Stubby. The crowds go wild as Stubby falls to the mat to join Divefire there and once more Matty K starts another double count out.


“One handed Acid Rane by Rane on to Stubby!” Curry yells enthralled. “What a move by Rane, what a display of strength by the three times and soon to be four times World Champion!”


“No!” NTD yells again. “How could he do that? His arm was injured, we all saw it!”


“Rane is very resourceful.” Jayson mutters.


The count gets to three… Four… Five… Six… The crowds are going crazy as Rane backs himself up and leans against the ropes, feeling the exhaustion of the match on his body. Matty K gets his count up to Seven… Eight… The crowds are exploding all over the place… Then some one bursts forth from the crowds and leaps over the crowd retainer. He quickly comes up behind Rane’s form on the ropes and slams a low blow on him, doubling him over. The referee breaks the count as Rane doubles over and looks to see what’s going on. The crowds as a whole gasp as the man who struck Rane slides into the ring.


“That’s Mercury!” Curry yells. “But he’s not active, he’s not even meant to be here tonight!”


“Who cares, it’s Mercury! Nail Rane to the mat Mercury!” NTD hollers to the ring.


Mercury stands and quickly slams Rane’s head between his legs, hooks his arms and drives him into the mat with the Truth Serum. The crowds start to boo Mercury with conviction as he stands from laying out Rane. Matty K looks on in shock, not sure what to do, but he starts the count out again, from one. Mercury looks around the ring and sights his next target. He walks over to Divefire’s still down frame and considers.


“What is Mercury going to do here… To the man that nearly killed him in the ring…” Curry wonders, sounding worried.


“As long as it’s something we’re insured for I don’t mind.” Jayson mutters.


Mercury reaches down and hauls Divefire off the mat and throws him into the nearest corner. Divefire sags against it, his arms hooking either side of the mat as he starts to stir, looking up to see Mercury looking at him with a grin. Mercury slaps Divefire around the face a couple of times to get his attention some more and Divefire starts to get with the program some more. Mercury then points out at the downed forms of Stubby and Rane and yells something at Divefire with a grin, then backs away, yelling it again.


“What did he say?” Curry questions.


“I think he said, you owe me…” NTD replies, sounding very confused. Jayson for his part says nothing.


Mercury slips out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp way, laughing as Divefire stagers out of the corner and tries to work out what the hell is going on. Then he notices Matty K is still counting, it’s on seven… Eight… Nine…


Divefire looks around the ring, Stubby doesn’t seem to be moving, Rane is out cold. The boos and jeers for Mercury still echo out from the crowds and Divefire looks out to him in utter confusion as Matty K reaches ten and signals for the bell.


The bell sounds and Funyon gets on the microphone almost immediately. “Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of the last man standing match and STILL IGNWF World Champion, DIVEFIRE!”


The crowds boos and jeers suddenly erupt into a massive cavalcade of cheers as Rage Against the Machine’s `Sleep Now in the Fire` blasts out to the crowds. Divefire stands in the ring and still looks perplexed as Matty K hands him the IGNWF World Title back. He raises it above his head in victory, but looks out to the ramp way, locking his eyes on Mercury. Mercury stands on the stage and points out to the belt held over Divefire’s head, and then makes the universal sign for wanting it around his waist, before grinning again and disappearing into the back.


Over the roars of the crowds and the sound of Divefire’s anthem blasting over the arena, Curry yells in shock into his microphone. “Divefire retains the IGNWF World Title, but with Mercury’s help?! What was that all about, is this some sort of alliance between Divefire and Mercury?”


“Don’t be stupid!” NTD administers to Curry. “It was clear Mercury wants a shot at Divefire’s title, maybe he thinks he had a better chance of beating Divefire then the others, maybe he wants revenge, who knows. All I do know is that Mercury is back into the IGNWF in a big way!”


“You’re right for once, NTD. It was an explosive match, which Divefire came out of still wearing the biggest prize in wrestling today. What will the outcomes be of Mercury’s return, I don’t know. But we can all find out on the next edition of IGNite! For Curry Man and NTD, I’m Jayson Grant, good night every body!” Jayson signs From The Fire off, the last shot of the show being Divefire standing on top of the stage, holding the IGNWF World Title above his head.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Worst match ever!


Who booked this crap?!


Divefire's a bitch! [stubby hulks up and drops the big leg on Divefire.]


Mothernature says...blah!"

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Guest crusen86

That guy in Outcast's sig scares me :|


But what a fucking huge match by those days standards... And still a fucking huge match today. Those were the days...

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
That guy in Outcast's sig scares me :|


But what a fucking huge match by those days standards... And still a fucking huge match today. Those were the days...

Crusen...it's Ethan Hawke. He's, uh, not exactly scary. I don't think, at least.


I remember marking hard for this match, because it was an insane stip--Last Man Standing match, but BOTH of your opponents had to be down for the 10-count simulataneously. When I saw that on the From the Fire card, my mind just melted.


Altogether, this is a pretty classic match. I never really liked the ending too much, as Divefire himself was fairly inconsequential in the match finish, but it was quite the epic nonetheless. Some very cool almost-finishes throughout the match, and the first real "good looooord that's long" match in our fed's storied history. Clusterfuck 2k1 was lengthy, but this was the one that REALLY broke the word barrier and led us into more crazy epics like the Ground Zero Regenerate Rules match, and the 6-man challenge for the world title at Genesis II.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

If you want to look at more of his promos/matches, go to his site


He's got almost all of them up... all of them up to this match, that is.

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