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Guest Nevermortal

Paul Wight/Giant Question

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Guest Nevermortal

Does anyone remember when The Giant used to come out to the ring smoking a cigarette?


During this time, I wasn't following WCW much, but that's something I distinctly remember. Did they ever explain exactly why he started smoking to the ring?


Heavy addiction?


Wanted to be more heelish?


Envied Jim Fullington?

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Guest JHawk

Well, they always hyped that his weight was expanding rapidly at the same time, so my guess is the "angle" was he was getting lazy.

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Guest J*ingus

It was just an excuse to set up a really lame joke, as the announcers would desperately tell all the kids at home not to smoke, that it would stunt their growth.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think he did it because he thought it would make him look cool.

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Guest Si82
Well, they always hyped that his weight was expanding rapidly at the same time, so my guess is the "angle" was he was getting lazy.

No angle required in the case of Giant/Big Show. The thing that gets me is when he first came into WCW he was impressive. Granted he was lumbered with the gimmick of being the son of Andre and was hooked up with the DOD but he did show potential. Anyone remeber when he used to do a dropkick. Man, you won't see him do that today. Mind you considering the WWE is paying him $1million a year he doesn't have a reason to care if he's in shape. After all if they invest that much money in him he's going to get a push.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII
No angle required in the case of Giant/Big Show. The thing that gets me is when he first came into WCW he was impressive. Granted he was lumbered with the gimmick of being the son of Andre and was hooked up with the DOD but he did show potential. Anyone remeber when he used to do a dropkick. Man, you won't see him do that today. Mind you considering the WWE is paying him $1million a year he doesn't have a reason to care if he's in shape. After all if they invest that much money in him he's going to get a push.


This is something I noticed when I was watching the Big Show on RAW last night. He's gotten really fat. I mean when he first came into wrestling he was big but, he had quite abit of muscle mass to him. And then when he was in WWF (and this may have happen in WCW to, I forget) he seemed to change ever other week. One week he looked like he had muscle, the next fat. But, now he just nothing but, fat.

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Guest Downhome
I mean when he first came into wrestling he was big but, he had quite abit of muscle mass to him.

When he first debuted in WCW, he was basicly just plain out lanky. I'm going through my old tapes right now, and the man that debuted back in 95 (eh, somewhere along in there) is a world apart from the man we see on RAW every Monday night. Also...


...I'm watching Halloween Havoc '98 right now, and I swear to God I was about to post about this entire cigerette gimmick. It looked more like a small joint if anything, in his hands at least, lol. Even though he was starting go get slightly bigger and although he was doing the smoking gimmick, in this match in '98, he went to the top rope, and did a pretty good missle dropkick (for the record, on this same PPV Scott Steiner did a hell of a FrankenSteiner to his brother Rick).


If The Big Show lost some weight, got back down so he could move a bit quicker, and began doing stuff like this off of the top rope once again, then I could see him becoming a huge force to deal with on RAW, with (get this) fan support!

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Guest Downhome

Whoops, I forgot the topic for a second, lol. It is my belief that he started doing it, just to simply get more over as a heel. He was a face before he started doing it, and once he turned heel the smoking simply came with it. So yeah, it was just used to make him look like a big, mean, lazier, smoke blowing heel machine. Take a gander at this...




...damn, that is one mean looking guy with that small ass cigerette isn't it!

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Guest Kid Kablam
Whoops, I forgot the topic for a second, lol. It is my belief that he started doing it, just to simply get more over as a heel. He was a face before he started doing it, and once he turned heel the smoking simply came with it. So yeah, it was just used to make him look like a big, mean, lazier, smoke blowing heel machine. Take a gander at this...




...damn, that is one mean looking guy with that small ass cigerette isn't it!

And we all know that the American public hates all smokers

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Guest J*ingus
And we all know that the American public hates all smokers

There are a lot of touchy people who do hate smokers out there. Also, the gimmick might've happened just because Wight is a smoker in real life. (You'd think that of all people, it would be in a Gigantism victim's interest NOT to smoke, but oh well...)

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