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Guest evenflowDDT

Is Kotzenjunge Back?

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Guest evenflowDDT

OK, this is directed mainly at Intimacy Goblin, but anyone else who knows can add input. If you don't know who Kotzenjunge is, he's a pretty cool guy, he's really smart, and he did the "Ask the Dictator"/Abbey Party stuff a little while ago.


Anyway, I saw him on AIM today... I IM'ed him saying "Dude! You're back! Did you get your computer fixed?" and he promptly LEFT ME HANGING WITHOUT EVEN SAYING ANYTHING! (what is he, a girl now?)


So... yea, is he really back, and turned female on me, or did some l33t hax0r break into his AIM account?

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Guest evenflowDDT

So, he really is back... the only question is, is he a girl now?


Thanks for the info Incandenza! By the by, since I'm going to be in the middle of my road trip when your next column comes out, what's it gonna be on?

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Guest Incandenza

It's gonna be a Music News Update. It'll be every Tuesday, and Kinetic and I will be alternating weeks.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Cool. When I get back from my road trip I plan on writing my first music column, but I don't know what to review... hmmmm... I was thinking the Blackalicious album, but my teaser in my Velocity recap last weak said I would only review poor pop music CDs... hmmm....

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Guest Flyboy

Well, he's not back yet.


He was using a friend's PC. He said that all he has to do is buy a new hard drive, so there ya go.

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Guest Intimacy Goblin

Flyboy speaks the truth. Kotzenjunge is a little slow to fix things, so untill he gets a new hard drive, he'll be mooching computer time off of others (library, friends, whatever).

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Guest Kotzenjunge

And well, well, well. It is I, the quintessential Stud Muffin, Patrick...


Thought I'd need a new Hard Drive

In order to keep my computer alive

But alas, this was not nessecary indeed

For I found the RECOVERY CD


... Spoon.


I used one of the eight billion free AOL disks sitting around to get back on here too. I'll be back to my old Cable in the next day or two. Glad to see people remember me. My time away from the computer has made me more demented and depraved than ever before, not to mention more sharp-witted. So I'm back, and there is much rejoicing.


Fo' Sheez,


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