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Guest BigPoppaKev

Masters Of the Universe

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Guest BigPoppaKev

I recently watched this movie again on USA at about 2 in the morning one night. Boy I loved that movie. The little dwarf thing. And the music playing little thing was great. I remeber back in the day me and my brother used to fight as Heeman and Skeletor. I was wondering if there is any Heeman DVD's coming out? Like even if it is a cartoon or the movie. And I know you all love Heeman.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

There's a new He-Man movie coming on this Friday on Cartoon Network. I will be at work when it comes on though.

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Guest MrRant
I recently watched this movie again on USA at about 2 in the morning one night. Boy I loved that movie. The little dwarf thing. And the music playing little thing was great. I remeber back in the day me and my brother used to fight as Heeman and Skeletor. I was wondering if there is any Heeman DVD's coming out? Like even if it is a cartoon or the movie. And I know you all love Heeman.

Its HE-MAN goddamn it.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I recently read that they will be release the original Masters of the Universe episodes on DVD in the fall to hype the new cartoon series coming out. Nothing concrete though.

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Guest J*ingus

What a strange, strange film that was. I was a little kid and a huge fan of the cartoon, so I went to see it, and I was all like, what the FUCK did I just watch?! Talk about a "loose adaptation". But still, just getting Dolph Lundgren, Frank Langella, Meg Foster, James Tolkan, Billy Barty, and Courtney Cox all together in the same movie deserves some kind of hat trick door prize.

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Guest J*ingus

I caught a couple of minutes of it before I had to leave, and it looked damn good, Orko and Cringer were perfect, and Skeletor was frickin' creepy.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
I recently watched this movie again on USA at about 2 in the morning one night. Boy I loved that movie. The little dwarf thing. And the music playing little thing was great. I remeber back in the day me and my brother used to fight as Heeman and Skeletor. I was wondering if there is any Heeman DVD's coming out? Like even if it is a cartoon or the movie. And I know you all love Heeman.

Its HE-MAN goddamn it.

THANK YOU, the english student in me was having a fit...


This has been the Taker Mark

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Transformers Armada looks almost exactly like the crappy fox show.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I marked out for Man-At-Arms in the movie. He looked so fucking BADASS that it wasn't even funny. I liked how they did the Prince Adam character in here. At least he doesn't look as beefed up as the Adam from the original, which pretty much was my whole problem with the original.

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Guest Vyce

I DIG the new TV show.


The show, from the pilot, looks to be a little low on plot, in favor of the action, but that's not such a bad thing. There's just enough plot, but the best thing is the new character designs. Nothing like seeing the old, familiar characters get a bad-ass makeover (best improvements, IMO, are Man-at-Arms and Trapjaw). I'll be watching this show in the future.


What with the revival of Transformers (in cartoon & comic form) as well as G.I. Joe, I'm in total 80s nostalgia mode.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I loved the character designs. But the voices, good god the voices were so generic. It was like watching Mr. Bogus or Denver the Last Dinosaur there. Skeletor's voice was the most offensive to me. I thought they'd get him over as a major bad ass but he came off like the fucking Joker.


I've been spoiled by Bruce Timm I guess.

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Guest starvenger

I totally missed this. Anyone know when it's reairing or where I can get a DL for this? You can PM me if you don't want to post it here...

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Transformers Armada looks almost exactly like the crappy fox show.

Considering it is animated by the same company who did TF:RiD it should come as to no surprise. But it's steps ahead of what TF:RiD looked like so TF:A should look better. And can I ask why you thought it was crappy?

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