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Guest CanadianHorseman

Dreamer vs. Richards at Summerslam?

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Guest CanadianHorseman

After reading the Raw thread, I found it peculiar that no one mentioned the hardcore match, which I thought was very good and set the tempo for the excellent second hour (The opening hour really lagged for me, but I woke up when this match came on). I was trying to remember good hardcore matches recently in the WWF, but the last one I could remember was, surprise, the Singapore cane match a month ago between these two.


I believe that Dreamer can resurrect the Hardcore Title if they limit interference in such matches and finally get rid of the damn 24-7 rule. I am really hoping that they give these two another shot at Summerslam, because they can truly put on a show. Any thoughts?

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they could go with this idea..


Hardcore title:


Dreamer v. Raven v. Richards v. D'Lo v. Credible v. Bradshaw v. Stamboli v. Stasiak


Falls count anywhere, anybody can pin anybody


first person to score 3 pinfalls over 3 different people wins the match.

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Guest Nevermortal
they could go with this idea..


Hardcore title:


Dreamer v. Raven v. Richards v. D'Lo v. Credible v. Bradshaw v. Stamboli v. Stasiak


Falls count anywhere, anybody can pin anybody


first person to score 3 pinfalls over 3 different people wins the match.

Yeah but then we'd have to watch D-Lo, Credible, Bradshaw, Stamboli, and Stasiak wrestle, and who wants that?

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Guest Chuck Woolery

I like Stamboli's gimmick, and I have nothing against D-Lo. But keep Credible, Stasiak and Bradshaw the hell off my television.


- Mike Van Siclen.

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Guest Nevermortal

Keep D-Lo off my TV. I find nothing, absolutely nothing interesting about him, and he's a boring wrestler to boot.

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Guest CanadianHorseman

They could do the 6-man garbage brawl ala Backlash 2000 (which was fun), but I think they should move away from that, at least for right now. Why not give Dreamer and Richards 10 minutes in some kind of new-fangled hardcore match (hell, they could do Stairway to Hell for all I care). For me, the point is that WWE has finally found two wrestlers who are capable and entertaining as hell in the Hardcore style. They would be foolish to not capitalize on this opportunity.

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Guest chirs3

Why don't they just find one of a million decent reasons for them to hate each other, and use it to fuel a month-or-two long fued, wherein they run through all different kinds of Hardcore matches? Culminating at a PPV with Stairway to Hell or something. Those two haven't failed me yet.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Rob, we've seen too many Hardcore clusterfucks. Let's slowly build the division up first.

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Guest notJames

You'll maybe get Dreamer/Richards on the pre-SS Heat and that's about it. The card's pretty stacked as it is without the possible two SD matches (Eddy/Edge, Angle/Rey).


And not for nothing, but I hope Raven gets back on RAW, because Heat will destroy what's left of his career. And kill the Flock idea. Saddling Raven with a bunch of nobodies is about the worst thing you can do with him.

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Guest CanadianHorseman

For some reason, WWE fears using ECW history for continuity. It would damn sure help in this instance. Would a Dreamer vs. Raven (Stevie) highlight package before Summerslam be too much to ask?

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Guest bob_barron

SummSlam already has pretty much eight matches set (if they do Eddy v. Edge) so I don't see if they could fit another

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Guest chirs3

How about a best of five series? Do something to get them pissed at each other, then for the four RAW's before a PPV have four different Hardcore matches, leading to Stairway to Hell?


Just stop defending it against guys waving cowbells...

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Guest notJames

Not for nothing, but the two Stairway to Hell matches I've seen were pretty crappy spotfests and nothing else. That of course can be attributed to the combatants (Sandman/Sabu, Dreamer/Credible), but the whole gimmick of climbing a ladder just to get some barbed wire that barely plays into the finish of the match seems so absurd to me. I guess I've just never developed that sense of mindless brutality that engendered itself to the ECW faithful, especially when that idiot Sandman is involved.


Now you want real brutality? Check out the I Quit match between Tully Blanchard and Magnum TA from the 1987 Crocket Cup. Sick, cringe-worthy, but it's glorious violence with a sense of direction and reason. I'll take that over Sabu legitimately breaking his jaw any day.

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Guest bob_barron
I'd much rather see Richards & Dreamer than John Cena or something...

I completely agree. I'd rather see them then John Cena any day

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Guest Nevermortal
Not for nothing, but the two Stairway to Hell matches I've seen were pretty crappy spotfests and nothing else. That of course can be attributed to the combatants (Sandman/Sabu, Dreamer/Credible), but the whole gimmick of climbing a ladder just to get some barbed wire that barely plays into the finish of the match seems so absurd to me. I guess I've just never developed that sense of mindless brutality that engendered itself to the ECW faithful, especially when that idiot Sandman is involved.

I pretty much hated every Sabu match I've ever seen, especially the Sandman/Sabu series (The Tables & Ladders match at November To Remember especially), but I enjoyed Stairway to Hell. It was quite sick.

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Guest bob_barron
Not for nothing, but the two Stairway to Hell matches I've seen were pretty crappy spotfests and nothing else. That of course can be attributed to the combatants (Sandman/Sabu, Dreamer/Credible), but the whole gimmick of climbing a ladder just to get some barbed wire that barely plays into the finish of the match seems so absurd to me. I guess I've just never developed that sense of mindless brutality that engendered itself to the ECW faithful, especially when that idiot Sandman is involved.


Now you want real brutality? Check out the I Quit match between Tully Blanchard and Magnum TA from the 1987 Crocket Cup. Sick, cringe-worthy, but it's glorious violence with a sense of direction and reason. I'll take that over Sabu legitimately breaking his jaw any day.

Tully v. Magnum was from Starrcade 85

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Guest Downhome

Maybe WWE will steal an idea from WCW, and give us an Open Invitation Junkyard Hardcore Match! Wouldn't that be great?


Seriously, I wish they would cut all the crap out of the Hardcore matches. Only have the weapons be stuff like kudo sticks, tables, and ladders. I guess what I'm trying to say, is have the hardcore division, be an emulation of sorts of what ECW was. The use of hardcore weapons, but use them in a way that adds to the match, instead of taking away from it.

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Guest CanadianHorseman

Great idea, chirs3. They could officially begin their feud the night after Summerslam, with a violent, but straightforward match (like last night), with JR in complete uncomfortable mode. The week after, their match could shatter precedents for acceptable violence levels on cable. From there, they could continue to get more violent with each passing week, until the depths of their depravity induces Bischoff to demand a final blowoff at Unforgiven. Bischoff could say that they have been getting several threatening phone calls from the execs. at TNN, so the violence must come to a halt at PPV. At the PPV, they could compete in Stairway to Hell, "the most barbaric concept ever conceived by the WWF (well, that's what they would say).


This would work on many levels and here's why: "The threatening phone calls" could give the WWF an iron-clad excuse to advance their product into a more submission-based, old-school format that good 'ol has been clamoring about in his Ross reports.


This evolution in "sports entertainment" would alienate Dreamer, Raven, Stevie and most of the ECW wrestlers.


Also, this would firmly entrench Dreamer and several other hardcore wrestlers (Stevie, Raven and perhaps Rhyno when he returns) as revolutionaries that threaten to put the WWF off of television due to excessive violence. The fans would of course love the hardcore tandem and this could eventually lead to them stepping over the line and destroying random wrestlers on several episodes of Raw and Smackdown. I'm not sure how they would blow this whole feud off, or if they would even try it, but it could lead to some compelling television nonetheless.


What do you think?

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Guest notJames
Not for nothing, but the two Stairway to Hell matches I've seen were pretty crappy spotfests and nothing else. That of course can be attributed to the combatants (Sandman/Sabu, Dreamer/Credible), but the whole gimmick of climbing a ladder just to get some barbed wire that barely plays into the finish of the match seems so absurd to me. I guess I've just never developed that sense of mindless brutality that engendered itself to the ECW faithful, especially when that idiot Sandman is involved.


Now you want real brutality? Check out the I Quit match between Tully Blanchard and Magnum TA from the 1987 Crocket Cup. Sick, cringe-worthy, but it's glorious violence with a sense of direction and reason. I'll take that over Sabu legitimately breaking his jaw any day.

Tully v. Magnum was from Starrcade 85

My bad. I was re-reading SKeith's rant for Crocket Cup '87 and for no particular reason he inserted some of his fave Magnum TA matches.


I remember watching that match on the Best of Starrcade 83-87 double tape collection from Blockbuster many moons ago and just being in absolute awe.

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Guest Flyboy
And not for nothing, but I hope Raven gets back on RAW, because Heat will destroy what's left of his career. And kill the Flock idea. Saddling Raven with a bunch of nobodies is about the worst thing you can do with him.

If Raven leaves Heat... I won't have a good reason to recap it. :(

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Guest Nevermortal
My bad. I was re-reading SKeith's rant for Crocket Cup '87 and for no particular reason he inserted some of his fave Magnum TA matches.

SKeith didn't insert the matches, they actually come on the commercial release.

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Guest The Electrifyer

I don't understand one thing, why were they only allowed to use those 2 weapons only? Is that stipulation only for that match or for all Hardcore matches from now on?


A Dreamer/Richards match at SummerSlam would be cool, but they do need some other stipulation since we've seen them fight so many times. Starway to Hell probably wont be done since it isn't a "WWE/WWF" match. My guess is that if they do fight at the PPV, they'll do an "insert item" on a pole match. And I don't think they should get rid of the 24/7 rule. I like the idea because it is a pretty creative idea. The only adjustment is that they shouldn't make it such a joke and have guys like Crash Holly winning the title(again).

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Guest bob_barron

Not having people run in was a step in the right direction and I'm all for Richards v. Dreamer but aren't both guys like hurt?


I remember Richards retired once and isn't Dreamer also in poor physical condition?


I don't want these guys to go to over the edge and start painting their bodies

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