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Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard

Your biggest fear or phobia?

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Guest Sebastian_the_Bastard

I seem to have this phobia of thinking I'm going to get dumped whenever I get a new girlfriend. For the first week or two I have a tendency to be careful and think if she's ever in a bad mood or if she has "something on her mind" that she'll dump me. I guess it's just happened to many damn times.


I also have this fear of being cheated on. Though I don't have that fear this time, chicks just seem too likely to cheat (I've obviously been cheated on before).


What about yous?



I love my Princess!,

Sebastian the Bastard

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Guest HBK16

I don't know my biggest fear. Maybe it's because I'm such a strong man. JK. No but I do have one but I am not gonna say it as it might offend some people.

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Guest Still Fly

I'm clausterphobic...just being in big crowds or in little spaces scares the shiznit outta me.

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Guest TheDames7
My biggest fear is of spiders. Ewwwwwwwwww I can't stand them. :(

Its called Arachaphobia....and I have a severe case of it.



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Guest Bosstones Fan

I always walk down a flight of stairs slowly because, honest to God, one of my biggest fears is tripping over something, then falling down the stairs and breaking my face or something.


I also refuse to cross any street against the light, out of fear of being hit by an unseen vehicle.


And, just like Still Fly, I hate big crowds. Dunno why. I just get a really weird, awkward feeling that everyone is watching me, which makes me really nervous and very shy.



Anyone know a good psychiatrist? I need some help.

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Guest HartFan86

I fear meeting a girl who says she's single, then lies and has a BF. I dunno. I'm just afraid I'll finally find "the right girl" and she's a cunt.


My main fear is probably dying...just is.

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Guest Ravenbomb

I'm with Still Fly and Bosstones Fan. Big crowds and small spaces will drive me nuts. I was in the lobby of a movie theatre last month, I was practically shaking 'cause of all the people. I found a corner to go stand in and I felt a little better.

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Guest J*ingus

In no particular order,


deep water




religion (i.e., that I'm wrong about it)

people getting angry at me

beautiful women

big loud dogs

New Jack

long, lonely stretches of dark country backroads

complete silence

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Guest papacita
I fear meeting a girl who says she's single, then lies and has a BF. I dunno.


I've got a friend who was killed behind something like that, so being in that kinda situation scares me a little.


As for phobias, I'd say mice, rats and small, tight spaces.

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Guest Sandman9000

My biggest fear is failure.


I'm also driven completly paranoid by the idea that everyone is against me and wants to see me fail and die and enjoy my pain. I can't really get close to people, since I'm always thinking that they are just out to screw me over and get a laugh at my expense.


Hell, I can't get close to a girl, since I'm afraid that she'll just end up filing rape charges against me even though we haven't even done anything.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I have phobophobia, and frankly this thread is scaring me to death..


L O L...

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Guest DerangedHermit

As a kid: acrophobia (fear of heights) and astraphobia (fear of lightning/thunder)


Now: less severe case of astraphobia, not much else.

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Guest crandamaniac

I kinda fear heights, as long as I can't see the ground, i'm ok, but if i see the ground, then i get afraid that I'm going to fall.


I also fear snakes on account that I almost got bitten by a copperhead when i was 4

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Guest JaKyL25

It USED to be Arachnophobia for me, but a whole summer of having those Eight-Legged Freaks and Gamecube commercials thrust upon me week after week after week seem to have conditioned me to acceptance of spiders. Odd.


So now my biggest phobia is aliens and alien abduction. Don't get me wrong, I hope to one day live to see the day of official contact, and I would love to meet an alien IN THE DAYTIME, but I often have a hard time falling asleep for fear that aliens are in my room standing next to my bed. I hold onto my bedpost when I sleep so that if they tried to take me, I'd at least have time to scream.


I'm weird.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool



Spiders and Insects.


Large crowds, and being around people in general. I guess that could be defined as a social phobia. Hell, I can't really trust anyone outside of my immediate family and one or two choice friends as far as I can throw 'em.




Silence. If I don't have "something" going on to occupy my hearing, such as music or simply talking to myself, I begin to hear stuff.


And I'm not afraid of dying, but rather, dying and no one will remember me or even care.

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Guest Incandenza

I'm claustrophobic, definitely. I have a slight fear of water, too, as I've never learned to swim simply because I can't stand being completely submerged in water.

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Guest Kinetic

I'm incredibly claustrophobic. I've been locked in more than a few toy boxes in my day and each one has taken its toll on my psyche.

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Guest godthedog

it used to be the fear of being alone for the rest of my life, but now it's failure. i have no problem with it though, it's just part of my drive. without it i doubt i would have finished writing everything i've been able to finish.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

I, too, am afraid of being alone all of my life. And after a lifetime of being screwed over by women and supposed true friends, I have severe trust issues.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I fear things most anyone would like snakes, spiders, sharks, gators, etc. But not so much as to be terrified of them, I just detest them and keep my distance.


I've got a pretty big fear of heights, and I'm also afraid of relationship trouble, like when a girl gets moody or things aren't going perfect that it'll end.

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Guest TheSatanicAngel

I'm afraid of spiders (used to be okay with them, catching the jumping spiders in jars, even) but now I can't get near them. I almost ran into a web with a spider right in the middle of it, screamed and cried like it would kill me.


Oh, and drowning. Just the thought of being alive while your life slowly drains away ... not cool.

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Guest EricMM

clearly spiders or any massive insect. If there were any on me I'd run around the room screaming.


Slight fear of hights.


Mainly it's the bugs. I SKOOSH them if I sees 'em. Splat.

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