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Guest Breetai

Need a name of a wrestling move.

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Guest Breetai

A is face down on the mat. B gets A's left let, and puts the ankle behind A's right knee. B then folds A's right leg trapping the left ankle behind the knee joint, and then places his own right leg between A's legs, with the back of his shin resting on the front of A's right legs ankle. B's right foot is wedged under A's left leg. B the leans back, forcing A's right leg down and putting pressure on the Right knee and left anle, with optional bridge/overhead chinlock.


Anyone know?

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Guest Dace59

Than is an Reverse Indian Death lock.


An Indian death lock is the reverse figure 4/nagata lock.

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Guest Haku

Dace man I haven't seen you in a while...


Do you know what the Spinning Kudo Driver is? I think its the same thing as the Vertebreaker but I wanted to be sure.

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Guest Dace59

I'm always around here man, just rarely on the WWE board.


The Spinning (Inverted) Kudo Driver is Vertebreaker.

But Kudo did it with more of a head bump.


Remember any questions, just ask, or message.


Do I need to explain why it's a Reverse and not Inverted Indian Death lock to anyone?

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Guest Dace59

Great Muta did a Reverse Indian Death lock with bridging reverse chin lock.


HHH used a Reverse Indian deathlock in WCW at one point I think.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

You could explain why it's reverse to me...


I've always been under the impression that reverse meant that the motion of the move was changed, inverted meant the position of the opponents.


But if I'm remembering the Indian Deathlock, Muta-Style, correctly, then you're essentially in the same position as a reverse Figure-4, except both legs aren't tied up.


I may have missed something here...

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Guest Dace59

Becuase Inverted Surfboard and Inverted STF has the hold totally upside down, both the opp and attacker.


And we've never been able to find any holds that arent totally upside called inverted.


And by just flipping the attacker or up, you dont change the hold, jus the way it's applied, you put it on backwards, and putting a submission on backwards is reversing it.


So, in a Reverse Indian Deathlock, the hold is put on backwards to an Indian Deathlock/Nagata Lock 1.

If the attacker lent forwards, and was face down on the mat, both would be face down, the hold would have to be on the same to keep the legs hooked and it would be inverted.


Reverse and Inverted oh so helpfully apply different to submission and flying moves.


Just call it an Inverted Idian Death lock.

Knowing moves is a consent learning process, which doesn't help either.


Meaning people far better at it than me get it wrong too.

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