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Guest Brian

Live Spoiler Report

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Guest Brian

At the start of the show a guy got his hair shaved to meet Kurt Angle and the radio DJ, Andy Savage, made the mistake of announcing WrestleMania was in Seattle and Tony Chimel corrected him later.


Dark match:


Randy Orton beat Mike Awesome with his finisher. Awesome looked lost part of the match, and Orton seemed to be doing alot of the work. Crowd was behind Orton.




Hardcore Holly beat Rico with the Alabama Slam. Rico was big time over as a heel. This was decent.


Bull Buchanan beat Albert with the top rope legdrop. This was sloppy but Buchanan was really trying hard to get a good match out of Albert.


John Cena beat D-Von with a schoolboy. The women love Cena.


Sho Funaki & Kidman beat Jamie Noble & Tajiri. Funaki pinned Tajiri after Torrie and Nidia got into a catfight. This was good.




Brock promo. Heyman did the talking for the most part. Brock said he ended Hogan's career and is going to take Rock's Title. Rikishi comes out. They get into an argument. Rikishi clears the ring and goes after Paul, but Brock makes the save. Brock was getting decent heel heat.


Billy & Chucky & Rico beat Holly & Hurricane & Shannon Moore. Matt Hardy makes the saves for Shannon and Hurricane after the match. I get the OMEGA flashback and remember the Serial Thrillaz vs. the Hardys and how great those matches were. This was good and Rico does a great job doing the heel stuyff on the apron. Billy and Chuck are great with the tag team stuff. Hurricane makes a great face in peril. Moore excites the crowd and Holly is crazy, pissed off face.


Steph yells at Dawn Marie backstage for giving the papers to Stacy. She explains that RVD had a clause in his contract that allows him a rematch that she didn't want Bischoff to know about, I think, and also that SmackDown had bought commercial time on RAW. They're starting to cover some of the loose-ends of the split.


Angle interview backstage. He complains about Rey Jr., who comes out. Angle says you must be this tall (indicating shortness) to talk to the almighty Kurt Angle. Alot of people were laughing. Angle asks Rey if he should be dwarf tossing or something to the effect, and than asks Rey if he gets the joke and explains it. Rey challenges him to SummerSlam and Angle puts down the rest of the cruiserweight division.


Angle beats Henry with the ankle lock. Actually decent match with the psychology of Angle attacking the leg. Mark Henry decides to no sell that later, and Angle does a little stalling going for moves twice, twice in a row and getting the exact same reversal at the exact same quickness, which makes me wonder if they're going to edit that or if Angle was actually stalling. Rey in, hits Angle with the huracanrana. Goes for the 619 but misses like twice. Rey was having problems gripping the ropes, and he came around too hard the second time and opened up Angle.


Lesnar beat Rikishi. Lesnar tries to work the arm, but it doesn't go anywhere. Rikishi tried to give Heyman the ass kiss in the corner, once hitting a superkick on Lesnar, and the second time getting hit with the F-5 for the pin. Passable.


Funaki, in somewhat broken English, interview Nidia, who tries to get Funaki to touch her BUTT and/or breasts. D-Von comes crashing through the door courtesy of Bautista as they cut off.


Nidia beat Torrie. This was as bad as it sounds. Noble hit a stiff lariat on Torrie. Kane music hit which startled people but otherwise had no purpose.


Edge & Rey Jr. beat Eddy & Chavo Guerrero via DQ. Rey blew a little inverted hurricanrana spot that, I think Chavo, covered really well. Otherwise, this was good. Rey hit the 619 on Chavo and went up top, but Angle ran down and pulled him off the top for the DQ. Angle brings him back in the ring and locks in the anklelock.


Rock beat Benoit with the Rock Bottom. This went a good eight minutes I think. At the end they did the crossface spot from two weeks ago and Rock almost passed out but made the ropes. Get back up and finish with Rock hitting the rock bottom for a preety clean win.


After the show the Rock called Brock back to the ring. Rock blocked the F-5 mid motion. Rock hits the rock bottom and people's elbow to end the show.


Seemed like a better show than RAW, crowd wasn't quite as hot. I'd say that they were about 150, maybe 200 short of capacity with maybe six rows blackened off and some unsold seats.

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Guest Anglesault

No. As long as they keep Edge in a seperate country while this feud is taking place,(Which they've failed to do so far) I like it. My only problem is rey is going to HAVE to sell Angle's leg work, and I don't know if he will.

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Guest Brian

I wasn't really keeping track. It's too hard to judge, but Rico and Rock were probably the most respectively. Benoit got pretty good heat, Angle got a mainly mixed pop,Chavo and Eddie got decent heel heat, Rey got a rather mediocre pop (it doesn't help when heel numero uno put you down like that), Brock got decent heel heat (but it might have been piped a little), Edge got a nice pop, Matt Hardy got a nic pop.

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Guest Brian

Rey does a good job selling IMO. Him selling the anklelock post match like he doesn't have a leg was great.

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Guest Anglesault
Rey does a good job selling IMO. Him selling the anklelock post match like he doesn't have a leg was great.

I don't know, I still remember his non-selling of Chavo's back work and Tajiri's I think it was rib work, but I'm not sure.

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Guest Anglesault

Brian, another point I wanted to make, he sells attacks really well POST match. But during the match, he seems to ignore them

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Guest Brian

He did a decent job on both sell jobs in the passive sense. He didn't really hard-on sell them to take away from the action, but he would always give subtle reminders by clutching the back, grimacing in pain, or just pausing and taking his time.

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Guest Anglesault

Yeah, but that the PPV, if Angle is destroying his leg, he needs to do the hard sell. A good spot might be Rey taking FORVER to get up top, and Angle doing the running top rope Belly to belly. Or even have his ankle give out when he trying the springboard hurricanrana.

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Guest Dangerous A

I agree with Sault here. Rey, and for that matter a lot of cruisers don't sell leg work very well. I like Sault's idea for spots in the match story. Let's hope they can execute. I know Angle will, but can Rey?

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Guest TestKick

All that matters is that Angle jobs in this match. Rey needs to win to make these cruiserweights look believable.


When they don't look believable (like they did in WCW) a lot of people considered them a joke.


Angle gains nothing by winning here, infact he's been winning a lot lately. Even if he loses, Angle's a believable opponent with the main eventers.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle gains nothing by winning here, infact he's been winning a lot lately

This SD! is his first win in nearly a month.

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Guest cabbageboy

Some of this stuff sounds really odd to me. Steph rants at Dawn Marie and then also encourages Benoit to make the Rock tap. I thought WWE was trying oh so hard to push her as a FACE? It's funny because Bischoff seems to get along better with most of the talent (aside from the few he sicks the Island Boys on) and he is the heel!

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Guest Brian

But Angle doesn't stand to lose much. The losig isn't really hurting him, and I think he's made Rey out to be more of a joke. Angle needs to lose, snap in the immediate future, and start the chase. Angle still looks stron every outing and Rey is really still starting. No need to kill him right out the gates.


I think they've actually reversed their stance on Steph.

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Guest Anglesault
But Angle doesn't stand to lose much. The losig isn't really hurting him, and I think he's made Rey out to be more of a joke. Angle needs to lose, snap in the immediate future, and start the chase. Angle still looks stron every outing and Rey is really still starting. No need to kill him right out the gates.


I think they've actually reversed their stance on Steph.

Yeah fine. I was just arguing TestKick's point that Angle has been winning alot.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The Nidia/Funaki segment is hillarious, as is Angle/Mysterio in the back when Rey challenges Angle to a match at Summerslam and Angle accepts. Eddy and Chavo talking to their family on the phone is hillarious as well.

Bischoff doing a subway commercial (and can I say that there is no better time to enjoy a fresh made Subway sub than next Monday Night..)


Overall, Smackdown is enjoyable..

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