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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Movie Heroes Round 2

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Okay guys, the results of the last round:


Ash d. Herbert West

Snake d. Riddick

Han d. Neo

Bond d. Indiana

MacLeod d. Conan

T-800 d. Boba Fett

MacLaine d. Dirty Harry

The Crow: Bye

Mad Max: Bye


This round's field:


Ash vs. The Crow

Snake vs. Mad Max

MacLeod vs. Mariachi

T-800 vs. MacLaine


Bond: Bye

Solo: Bye

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Guest DrTom
Ash vs. The Crow

"Bang! Bang! Caw! Caw! Aw, fuck, I'm dead!" I think Ash would figure it out. Winner: Ash.


Snake vs. Mad Max

Snake's cool, but Max would own him. Winner: Mad Max.


MacLeod vs. Mariachi

I really wish you'd specify which MacLeod. I think either one beats the Desperado, since guns don't really do a lot to Immortals except make them mad. Winner: MacLeod


T-800 vs. MacLaine

Sorry, Bruce. Winner: Ah-nult's T-800.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

"MacLeod. Although I wish you'd specify."


The one from the films. I thought you guys assumed that since this is a MOVIE topic.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Highlander: Endgame also had Duncan MacLeod. So yes, it really should be specified whether or not it's Connor or Duncan. For the sake of voting, I'm assuming Connor.


Ash vs. The Crow

Ash can fight zombies that are rather easy to kill (chop off their head, shoot 'em a whole bunch with a shotgun, blow 'em up). Draven (the best Crow) is immortal until somebody fatally wounds the bird. I don't think Ash would catch on...he's not that bright...

Winner: The Crow


Snake vs. Mad Max

Snake Plissken has been caught by law enforcement many, many times. He's also had his ass handed to him by typical thugs. Max is an ex-police officer from the wastelands of Australia, and although he gets pretty much fucked over all the time, he kicks some major ass in the process. Toss-up, but I'm voting...

Winner: Mad Max


MacLeod vs. Mariachi

Immortality (minus decapitation) vs. guitar case filled with guns. Gee...

Winner: MacLeod


T-800 vs. MacLaine

No contest. MacLaine fairs well against your average terrorist or criminal mastermind, but has he ever fought an android? Nope.

Winner: T-800

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Guest DrTom
The one from the films. I thought you guys assumed that since this is a MOVIE topic.

I've been presuming Connor (I'll leave assumption to those more likely to be asses) throughout, but both MacLeods were in the Endgame movie, and Connor willingly lost to Duncan. I always thought Duncan the better swordsman, anyway, if for no other reason than Adrian Paul looked much more natural with a sword in his hand that Christopher Lambert ever did.

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Guest chirs3

Ash vs. The Crow


---> Ash


Snake vs. Mad Max


---> Snake


MacLeod vs. Mariachi


---> MacLeod


T-800 vs. MacLaine


---> MacLaine

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Guest Youth N Asia

Ash vs. The Crow

-Ash...in a close one


Snake vs. Mad Max

-Mad Maz


MacLeod vs. Mariachi



T-800 vs. MacLaine

-MacLaine...he's yet to taste defeat in a movie

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I never watch Endgame.I had no faith in the series after Final Dimension.


Connor Macleod is the one I'm talking about.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Oh, and Corey THE EVIL DEAD are demons more than zombies, and they can only be killed by total body mutilation, and even then the pieces tend to run around.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Oh, and Corey THE EVIL DEAD are demons more than zombies, and they can only be killed by total body mutilation, and even then the pieces tend to run around.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Ash vs. The Crow


Although I like Ash more than Eric Draven, Draven has much more power, so I will have to go with him.


Winner: The Crow


Snake vs. Mad Max


Both are cool characters, but Max has been through more.


Winner: Max


Macleod vs. Mariachi


Macleod is invincible with the exception of the beheading, and a gun in a guitar case isn't good for beheading.


Winner: Macleod


T-800 vs. MacLaine


A cop vs. an almost indestructable cyborg? No contest.


Winner: T-800

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

MrZ, the demons possess the bodies, therefore causing said bodies to become deceased. So the bodies are animated by an unknown, presumably evil, force, sent to kill and destroy all LIVING things until only they (called "deadites" in medieval times) are left. What's the phrase for a reanimated cadaver? Put simple, zombie.


And only the possessed in the original Evil Dead were impossible to kill until Ash found the way in the morning. All he had to do to destroy the zombie of the girl's mother in Evil Dead II was...












...cut her head off with a chainsaw, and destroy the head with a shotgun.

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Guest DrTom
I had no faith in the series after Final Dimension.


It took you that long? :P The Quickening was bad enough to scare most people off, though the Renegade Version Director's Cut apologized adequately for the abortion that was the original film. I only watched the third and fourth movies because I liked the TV show so much. The original movie was a nice self-contained story, with a beginning, middle, and end, and really didn't need any of the sequels that followed it.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway


Mad Max




One "complaint" of sorts regarding the last round. I think MacLaine would have had better competition against someone like Riggs from the Lethal Weapon series. I think Riggs' style is similar to MacLaine's more that Dirty Harry's. Then again hindsight is 20/20, and this IS a stupid movie hereos tourney. (Please note I'm using "stupid" in a good way here).


If it hasn't been done yet, how about doing a "bad guy" tourney next.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Corey, in Evil Dead 2 kills were much easier because Sam was making a feeble attempt for an R rating instead of Not Rated like the the original.


As to the demon/zombie debate: The deadites are possed by a demonic force, so they are technically zombies AND demons. Although anyone can see from watching the first two that there is more going on the just the walking dead.

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Guest El Satanico
Ash vs. The Crow

Snake vs. Mad Max

MacLeod vs. Mariachi

T-800 vs. MacLaine


Bond: Bye

Solo: Bye

The Crow

Mad Max



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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Ash vs. The Crow - The Crow


Snake vs. Mad Max - Snake


MacLeod vs. Mariachi - MacLeod


T-800 vs. MacLaine - MacLaine: Sarah Connor was able to off one of these. McLaine would find a way...after being thrown out of a building, crashing a helicopter, shot, stabbed and thrown from an airplane. John would get the job done somehow.

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Guest Prototype450

The Crow


Mad Max

Macleod(But actually if Mariachi got close with a poweful gun say a shotgun, He could decap good ol' Connor)


John Mclaine (Exactlly What Big said)

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