Guest Downhome Report post Posted August 14, 2002 First off, I am a huge fan of Jim Rome. I listen to his radio show every day when I can, and I try to catch his TV program every now and then. Like him or not, he can be funny as hell sometime, especially when he goes off on one of his rants. If you don't know him, check out his website and listen to a show or two, it's rather interesting sometimes. Anyhow... ...yeah, I usually like the guy, but today he crossed one of those very thin lines that I can't stand when someone in the "broadcasting business" decides to venture across. Yes, I'm talking about him trying to talk about Pro. Wrestling. It's obvious the poor guy doesn't know anything about the sport, but he gives his best effort to try and sound like he knows anything about it anyhow. So I turn on his show today, and he is talking about the Austin/Debra situation, like many who know nothing about the sport are trying to do so. He goes off on one of his rants, with comments like... "If anyone is lucky in this situation, it's you wrestling fans out there. Hell, you now all have somethin in common with your superstars you like to watch for some reason" "I wonder if this Stone Cold Steve Austin guy put on his mask and little tights before laying down his beatdown." ...ugh, that just pisses me the hell of, this guy seems to think that Pro. Wrestling is still back in the era of when only old people, and MAJOR red necks went to the show. He then went on to talk about Pro. Wrestling, as a whole... "It doesn't suprise me that this happend, because this is what the sport is all about, rednecks and beating their wife." "I don't see how anyone could watch this CRAP, it's quite obvious that anyone who is in this "sport" or whoever watches has no brains whatsoever, and are simply brain dead" "What is it with you guys who watch this crap? Was the rules of American Idol or Survivor too complicated for you to understand, that you had to stoop to the lowest form of entertainment?" "Or did you finally figure out that the words of your comic books were too big and complicated for you to actully read, that you had to find another way to become stupider than you already are" ...these are not EXACT quotes, but very close to this, and I'm sure you get the idea. I can not STAND when guys like this put down wrestling so bad. They think that the only people who watch it are retarded, brain dead, country music listening, rednecks. Hell, the majority of people I know that watch it are very smart, do NOT listen to Country music, stand up people. Sure, back in the day before the wrestling "boom" there was a totally different crowd tuning in, but now times have changed. Hell, EVERYONE I know that is IN the business, are VERY smart and brilliant, it takes more than just a body to do this, but also brains, something that MANY of them have. I just wanted to share this with you, and see what you think about it. Do you have any experiances with hearing stuff like this? Or hell, did you hear THIS rant by Jim Rome? Sincerely, ...Downhome... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SlowChemical6 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I've never even heard of this jackass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 *nearly has a heart attack* I thought that name said "Jim Ross" - you had me worried, I thought he'd gone off the deep end! And there's no way "American Idol" is above Pro. Wrestling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kkktookmybabyaway Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I like Jim Rome, but he doesn't care too much for pro wrestling. At least the times that I've heard him comment on the subject. Actually, it's more of an anti-Vince McMahon attitude... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kid Kablam Report post Posted August 14, 2002 "Or did you finally figure out that the words of your comic books were too big and complicated for you to actully read, that you had to find another way to become stupider than you already are" So he's bashing wrestling AND comic books. Really smart there. I take it he's never actaully read a comic book since the 50s and that he hasn't watched a wrestling match since about the same time period. I can understand it when people don't like wrestling. I can even understand when they don't understand that I like it. But what I can not abide by is someone bashing my sport (s entertainment) and stereotyping me when he knows nothing about it. Fuck you Jim Rome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted August 14, 2002 that rant sounded more like what Bill O'Reilly would say about pro wrestling. I wonder what the Clones emails would be like? "Its nice to have another member of our exclusive club" OJ Simpson to me it looks like Jim Rome is just trying to push the buttons of the general public again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zero_Cool Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Rome can be entertaining sometimes, but usually I just find the guy annoying. Everytime he sticks his head into Pro Wrestling, he sounds like a complete and total jackass. I do remember one time he had Bret Hart on his Fox Sports Net was almost like he used Bret to put down wrestling as a whole. Has there even been a non-wrestling fan that DIDN'T bash it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slingshot Suplex Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Jim Rome comes across to me as overbearing,condescending and pompous....a blowhard too infatuated with the sound of his own voice.So this whole episode is no shock. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Amazing Rando Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Okay....what in the F*CK is this shit? seriously? "mask and little tights"? HUH? Did Rey Mysterio beat his wife sometime? Usually it doesn't bother me when people bash wrestling...because they use the "it's fake" excuse...but this guy seems to think that wrestling fans have the IQs of trees or something... On the subject of pro wrestling, Jim Rome is about as sharp as a sack of wet mice. He doesn't seem to have any knowledge of the sport in the last 10 years, and thinks that he knows it all. Firstly...he compares it to comic books!? What is that? Comic books are complete fantasy with guys who can look through walls, take bullets, fly, have magic powers, or other such thing... sure Triple H might be dropped from a crane and come back two weeks later, but that was a rare case in which logic was destroyed for something like putting Hunter over... he compares the show to "reality tv" ?? Since when has the WWE (besides Tough Enough I guess) ever said they are mimmicking "reality" ....see the above mention about the crane... He needs to sit down and watch a few years of wrestling tapes and understand why we enjoy what we enjoy.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I wonder if Jim Everett (sp?) is busy... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest y2jailbait Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Phil Mushnick, Jim Rome, so many others, this all just gets old and all these men are trying to do is to make themselves look all the more better and "edgy" by insulting a sport thats already a walking insult to all things pop culture as it is. I mean pro wrstling doesnt need jackasses like these making asinine statements like this and trying to only benifit themselves. But i guess thats the media for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I wonder what the Clones emails would be like? "Its nice to have another member of our exclusive club" OJ Simpson to me it looks like Jim Rome is just trying to push the buttons of the general public again. You aren't too far off, it was almost exactly like that, lol. Yeah, Jim Rome does push buttons, it's what he tries to do basicly. I have to admit, I do find him entertaining. If you didn't hear his rant about "the woman who hit a homeless person, which got stuck in her windshield, and she kept him stuck in it in her garage for days untill he died in it", then you really need to check that out. His rant on that, had me laughing for quite some time. Has there even been a non-wrestling fan that DIDN'T bash it? I know plenty who is a non-wrestling fan, who doesn't bash it. If anyone tries it with me, saying how can I watch something so fake, I just reply... ...well, do you watch TV? Then they of course reply with yes. I ask what, and they list sitcoms, dramas, comedys, and soaps. I simply reply saying that all wrestling is, is basicly a TV show, a scripted TV show for entertainment. If you put me down for watching something scripted, then how DARE you watch "fake" lives on TV, and then usually, they shut right up... ...unless of course I get the jackass who says that they ONLY watch news and "legit" sports, who obviously is saying that just to be a jackass, lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Like any sport or form of entertainment, there are legit reasons to bash wrestling. He could have said that wrestling tends to grind up and spit out even its best workers, how nepotism has played a large part in the business, etc., and at least had a point. But of course, guys like this never know anything like that, and can't be bothered to do some research and find out. They just call up the worst stereotypes and go from there. Like Mr Newsflash: Wrestling is Fake we discussed in another thread. And does he seriously believe that the majority of fans beat their wives? That's a big and tasteless accusation to throw out with no evidence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Who the hell is this guy? Mask? If he's going to bash wrestling he should at least do some research. But hell, he just thought he'd have a pop at wrestling fans 'cause he hates it. The thing that pisses me off the most is saying that we have something in common with Steve Austin 'cause of the assualt charge. The sack of crap, I'm sorry but I would never hit a women and what makes him think that 'cause I'm a wrestling fan I would. Piece of shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Grenouille Report post Posted August 14, 2002 This is nothing new with Rome. He's always been an asshole that believes the shit the pours out of his mouth. Watch his show just once and you can see how he shits on various athletes because of various things, then kisses their ass if they are his guest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 This is nothing new with Rome. He's always been an asshole that believes the shit the pours out of his mouth. Watch his show just once and you can see how he shits on various athletes because of various things, then kisses their ass if they are his guest. Exactly. Jim Rome has the "Scott Keith" attitude that he's better than everyone. He's a bullshit artist. He's entertaining to listen to, though. I think he's just bitter for the fact that less people are watching sports these days than wrestling...especially HIS show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mickberna Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I don't find Jim Rome entertaining. He's a fucking asshole, and always has been. He's an ignorant dipshit who not only doesn't have a clue about wrestling, but about the sports he comments on every day. I hope he gets shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TestKick Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Don't take Jim Rome seriously. Not just on wrestling, he knows very little about all sports in general. I've listened to his show quite a few times, and the guy can't even do an intelligent sports conversation. He has to throw in some stupid insult so he can sound "smart", because most people seem to think that when you respond negative about something, that you are smart. Or, he goes on long, boring rants with his callers about pointless crap. Rome actually reminds me of some of these negative wrestling reporters. Talk negative all the time, because you don't know shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Don't take Jim Rome seriously. Not just on wrestling, he knows very little about all sports in general. I've listened to his show quite a few times, and the guy can't even do an intelligent sports conversation. He has to throw in some stupid insult so he can sound "smart", because most people seem to think that when you respond negative about something, that you are smart. Or, he goes on long, boring rants with his callers about pointless crap. Rome actually reminds me of some of these negative wrestling reporters. Talk negative all the time, because you don't know shit. The easiest way to make yourself look smart is to make yourself look superior to someone or a group of people by insulting them ans making them look stupid. Looks like Rome knows that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DerangedHermit Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Jim Rome is an ignorant asshat. Where are the greatest percentage of WWE fans and the most enthusiastic (except for Nassau Coliseum, but that place is widely known as a bonafide shithole) in the US? The Northeast. Where did VKM grow up and where did he (and his father) focus the W/WWF in the before the Rock 'n' Wrestling era? New York City. The Garden is the holy land of wrestling.1 This is considered "redneck"? If you called a New Yorker a redneck, they'd punch you in the face and/or laugh at you. Just another Californian who can't get his facts straight and has to rely on stereotypes. Where's Jim Everett when we need him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest claydude14 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 jim rome's a cock, nuff said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I have to ask...whose Jim Everett? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted August 14, 2002 Asshat? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I have to ask...whose Jim Everett? QB for the then LA Rams. Jim Rome thought he wasn't a tough player, so he called him Chris Everett (the female tennis player). Rome had Jim Everett on his TV show and kept calling him "Chris". Everett told him to stop, Rome didn't, so Everett got up & pushed him off his chair. There was some debate as to whether it was a work or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest claydude14 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 hahaha, i got that video clip on kazaa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I have to ask...whose Jim Everett? QB for the then LA Rams. Jim Rome thought he wasn't a tough player, so he called him Chris Everett (the female tennis player). Rome had Jim Everett on his TV show and kept calling him "Chris". Everett told him to stop, Rome didn't, so Everett got up & pushed him off his chair. There was some debate as to whether it was a work or not. Oh yeah! I remember that. That was great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TestKick Report post Posted August 14, 2002 I watched that Rome-Everett thing live... and I doubt it was a work. First off, Rome left ESPN very soon after that... Rome & Everett were noted to not get along very well. and ESPN2 went black for a few minutes, then finally put something old on to cover time... so they had no clue this was going to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SlowChemical6 Report post Posted August 15, 2002 I would like Jim Rome to train on Tough Enough for one day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrSCARY Report post Posted August 15, 2002 Jim Rome is just an asshole who likes to believe he knows it all. The guy is always insulting someone. always acting like he knows it all. I've got two words for Jim Rome.... Fuck You! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Razor Roman Report post Posted August 15, 2002 That guy is such a prick. I sent him a nice letter. Maybe we all should. Dear Mr. Rome, I am writing you in regards to your little tirade on Professional Wrestling. Evidently I am one of the many wife-beating, redneck cretins that you refer to in your article, that is a fan of pro wrestling. While all but the most naive in our society would belive that the outcome of the matches on WWE television are pre-determined, I would first like to take exception to fact that you take a shot at professional wrestlers as a whole, by constantly referring to their job sarcasticly as a "sport." All wrestlers that are good enough to make it into World Wrestling Entertainment are all exceptional athletes of at least one type, and in many cases many types. Some may simply be exceptional body builders, while others may be strongmen, gymnasts, legitimate fighters, and even Olympic and collegiate wrestling champions. In addition to being so well conditioned as to put most other pro-atheletes to shame, many professional wrestlers posess college degrees that they earned without the help of their coach and the football fundraisers fix grades for them. But more importantly, I would like to challenge you on the notion that I, a wrestling fan, am stupid, a redneck, and a wifebeater. I am 23 years old. I posess a Bachelor's degree in Communications, the same as you. I am gainfully employed, and well on my way to getting married to my Ivy-league educated fiancee and owning my own home. I have absolutely no intentions of beating my wife. I was born and raised in Central New Jersey, and while I am sure you will have some sort of "snappy" joke about the New Jersey Turnipike that I haven't heard in the past 2 hours, growing up 45 minutes from New York City would most likely make me anything but a redneck. So next time you try to insult the intelligence of a professional wrestling fan, think of all of us wrestling fans that are intelligent, literate, well-educated, gentle, and in control of our emotions. Remember, in wrestling the violence is choreographed. When fights break out in hockey, when men go out and intentionally try to injure opposing team members in football, and when Mike Tyson bites a man's ear practically off his head, these are all real. And you guys watch that for fun, and then make a living talking about it on the radio and TV. Steve William's personal problems are real too, but so are all the countless other atheletes that take drugs, beat their wives, or commit other crimes. So are the problems associated with college athletics. So were the OJ Simpson murders. And one last thing, Mr. Rome, next time you insult a wrestling fan, consider turning on Fox Sportsnet, your own network, and take a look at the gratuitous sex used to sell sports there. Thanks For Your Time Roman Old Bridge, NJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites