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Guest LexLugerRules

Favorite Posters?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

bps, APO, and now-and-then Sandman. I dunno why...I just enjoy their posts.


Oh, know who I absolutely hate*? SEBASTIAN :D :D :D :D




* "Hate" is used loosely, and meant in a "hey, you smell like tunafish" kindergarten way, such as saying "I hate you" when your friend forgets to pull her pants up when your parents get home and walk into your room, where the two of you are...studying...

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Guest HartFan86

I honestly like everyone on this board cause none of you are really on here to cause shit...just talk about wrestling, which is cool. Everyone I have encountered on this board are very friendly, so that's a plus.

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Guest goodhelmet

from a quality posting standpoint, the three names that come to mind are kinetic, kotzenjunge (the state was genius while it lasted), and goodear.


from a personality standpoint, ALL of smartmarks writers are on my list. no bullshit!!! i have kept in touch with all of these homey aces and they are all stand-up guys! belee dat!


and austinhhh4life, as for not being a mod, ALL of the mods have done a fantastic job for the most part and if anyone has a problem with this board, you should notify one of the mods... pronto!


and my favorite name of any poster ever, to this day, remains AlwaysPissedOff (w/ the late CobainWasMurdered a distant second).

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Guest The Superstar

Anglesault rules. I also like AustinHHH4life, CallmeDan, Downhome, Sandman, AP, hell all the OAOAST, BML, There's nobody I really can't stand, those who were have been banned.



...except maybe Reject ;)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Someone recognized me! Gee, I'm really wishing I hadn't had myself killed off.


Fo sheez,


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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm. I guess Im included when you say "everyone", so I'll say I like "everyone" too..

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Guest MrRant
from a personality standpoint, ALL of smartmarks writers are on my list. no bullshit!!! i have kept in touch with all of these homey aces and they are all stand-up guys! belee dat!

You are so white

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Ehh, that kind of speaking doesn't really translate well into textual form. That's why I try to keep it to a minimum on here, but if you spoke to me in real life... ooh boy.


Fo sheez,


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Guest goodhelmet
from a personality standpoint, ALL of smartmarks writers are on my list. no bullshit!!! i have kept in touch with all of these homey aces and they are all stand-up guys!  belee dat!

You are so white

which has nothing to do with this thread

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

No no! The best SN is Assdroid. Guy is a fucking genius. And now for my list:


MarvinisaLunatic (helping me out with board tags and being an all around good Nintendo mark like myself)

Goodhelmet (Going back to our Word Association days, and he's a Beatles mark)

Alfdogg (guy gets no recognition, so I'm giving it to him for ALWAYS being indifferent to HHH, just like...say it with, myself.)

Cobainwasmurdered (cool guy)

RetroRob (Rantasia brother. Nuff said)

Always Pissed Off (he and I don't really cross paths, but he seems to actually add to the board)

Dangerous A (Damn smart guy)

Mr. Rant


Tony149 (another Word Association alumni)

The Amazing Rando

Kingpk (both are MST3k marks. Makes you a God in my book)

All the OAOAST guys with the exception of Anglesault who is really grating on my nerves as of late.

Ass Droid (for having the best fucking name EVER)

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
MarvinisaLunatic (helping me out with board tags and being an all around good Nintendo mark like myself)


Were you around when I shamelessly shilled the gamecube all the time? It was the old board, just before the Cube came out back in Sept-Nov. I was in rare form back then...


I still hate the X Box, but now its not so strange to hate it like it was back then..

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Guest Kinetic

I'd like to give a shout out to my Music Folder brothers. That's where I got my start and I'm not about to forget my roots. Anyone who posts in there is a friend of mine. Even the fucking bastards who insist on discussing Metallica in every thread. They're my brothers, too.

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Guest alfdogg

Thanks BML! I finally made someone's list who didn't say "everyone" or "all the OAOAST guys".


I'll get to my list eventually.

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Guest crandamaniac

I generally like all the people here on TheSmartMarks, but the one guy who I like just a tad bit more is Jingus. I love his little pick aparts on various idiots.



By the way, where's the love for me?

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Guest bob_barron
No no! The best SN is Assdroid. Guy is a fucking genius. And now for my list:


MarvinisaLunatic (helping me out with board tags and being an all around good Nintendo mark like myself)

Goodhelmet (Going back to our Word Association days, and he's a Beatles mark)

Alfdogg (guy gets no recognition, so I'm giving it to him for ALWAYS being indifferent to HHH, just like...say it with, myself.)

Cobainwasmurdered (cool guy)

RetroRob (Rantasia brother. Nuff said)

Always Pissed Off (he and I don't really cross paths, but he seems to actually add to the board)

Dangerous A (Damn smart guy)

Mr. Rant


Tony149 (another Word Association alumni)

The Amazing Rando

Kingpk (both are MST3k marks. Makes you a God in my book)

All the OAOAST guys with the exception of Anglesault who is really grating on my nerves as of late.

Ass Droid (for having the best fucking name EVER)

Hey- no love for another Rantasia writer?

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Guest Retro Rob

I think we are the last 3 remaining Rantasia writers who hang around here. We have managed to put off getting real lives, unlike the other 12 people who wrote for the site. GO US!!!

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Guest Incandenza
from a personality standpoint, ALL of smartmarks writers are on my list. no bullshit!!! i have kept in touch with all of these homey aces and they are all stand-up guys!  belee dat!

You are so white

Yeah, but he's a good dancer.

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Guest Angle-plex

I like pretty much everyone. I may flame people for like TestKick, who are annoying, but I respect people's opinions who aren't trolls like him.


And yes, I even like Cobainwasmurdered, who somehow finds a way to make fun of me in EVERY post he makes. :angry:

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Guest treble charged
And yes, I even like Cobainwasmurdered, who somehow finds a way to make fun of me in EVERY post he makes. :angry:

It's like shooting fish in a barrel...

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Guest Angle-plex
And yes, I even like Cobainwasmurdered, who somehow finds a way to make fun of me in EVERY post he makes.  :angry:

It's like shooting fish in a barrel...

Yes Treble, I even like YOU sometimes.

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Guest Angle-plex
That's it!


::spears Agnes::



::AP tries to fight back, but then remembers he is booked to lose this match, like every other match he is in::

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