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Guest papacita


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Guest papacita

Over the last 3 years, I can't tell you how many times I've heard people accuse others of only caring about Owen because he died. Well basically, I'm asking everyone to tell *HONESTELY* how they felt about him before he died.


Personally, as a character, I didn't like him, but that was mainly due to the fact that he was always feuding with my favorites (and he tried to slap Chyna at WM14...bastard :lol: ), but as a wrestler, I guess you could consider me a fan of his. The Enziguri, his belly to belly and his spinning wheel kick are three of my all time favorite moves, and as big of a Shawn Michaels fan as I am, I flipped when they moved him out of the World Title picture and put him into the feud with HHH. In fact, a few hours before Over the Edge, while watching the Sixers get screwed out of a Playoff series against the Pacers, I happened to mention to my friend how I always wanted Owen Hart to get the World Title (JINX). But then again, I made fun of him A LOT, so I'm not sure whether or not you could call me a fan or not. I didn't hate him by any means though.


Oh well, anybody else...

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Guest bob_barron

During the Hart feud I rooted for Bret but once that ended I became an Owen fan and remained so till his death

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Guest Youth N Asia

I was a big Owen mark...and whenever you try and tell someone that they think you're a bandwagon jumper.


I've been a huge Owen fan since 94...and I still am

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Guest meanmaisch

Not really. He was a great wrestler and played a real jerky heel, but I never was really into his work.

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Guest HartFan86

Definately a fan of his, but I liked Austin more at the time in 1998. I did like Owen in 96-97, though. I thought he was a riot.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I really liked him a lot, from about age 10 onward.


When I was still a mark, he was the only heel I liked. His team with Jeff Jarrett was one of my favourite things in the WWF. ... When I found out that he died, I just couldn't stop crying. I bawled like the little girl I was.


I almost got into a fight at school the next day, because some friend of a friend said that he was glad Owen was dead. Looking back, I wish I had kicked his ass. Anyway...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I liked him when he was in High Energy (Checkered Suspenders and Parachute Pants ROOL! BRING EM BACK VINCE!) and continued to like him since. He offered a different style at that point in time, much more high flying than most lugs at the time - It was fun to see. But he was never a favourite of mine, just someone I liked; I was more of a Bret Hart mark. Then he got into the whole 'Black Hart' phase and I became indifferent.

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Guest BAR

I wasn't a fan until around '97 when the Hart Foundation reformed, then Owen became my favourite WWF wrestler around early '98 during his feud with DX.

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Guest Si82

I was a fan of Owen back since 1992 when he was in The New Foundation with Jim Neidhart. Of course when he turned he heel he was even better. I liked it when he came back after the Survior Series in 1997 and beat the shit out of Shawn Michaels at the end of the "D-Generation X: In Your House" pay-per-view. He looked like he was really laying in those punchs on Micheas. Was he? And I loved the Blue Blazer character. I would have loved to have seen how it would have turned out. "Don't forget to take your vitamins, say your prayers and drink your milk, wooo!" :D

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I was his fan every since his cage match with Bret.... I had been a Bret fan from the start (since the first PPV I ever really saw was WM9) and when him and Owen fought I just enjoyed it immensely.


He also scored big points during the Harts vs. HBK/Knights SurSer match....when Owen came back in and beat on Bret....that was great and perfectly done...

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Guest Tod deKindes

I didn't like him as first, because he was such a damn convincing heel.


But I'd grown to like him in his later years. I guess the phrase "don't know what you got till it's gone" can apply here.

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Guest Hitman Jebus

After WrestleMania 10, Owen made his way into my top ten favorites. The first heel I ever liked, BTW. Damn, he was good.


And from the Hart Foundation formation in April 97, till his death in May 99, he was number one :)


He is my favorite of all time...no shit


Alot of people loved the guy in Montreal, I know some that got tattoos in his memory. He always got great ovations here, even when he faced Raymond Rougeau in a boxing match in August 96 (I loved the bout, BTW...very Mr.T vs. Piper...went 6 rounds)


I will never forget the deafening "Owen" chants in June 97 at a house Show (I lost my voice) and the "Break his neck" chant at SSeries 97 (Boy, was the building pissed at the result, Austin beat Owen in 3 minutes!)


BTW, check the favorite wrestlers timeline thread


edit: Oh! And, yeah, I also cried a river of tears when Owen's death sank in. When JR announced it on the PPV, I was just shocked and silent waiting to explode with tears. Finally, RAW the next night during the video tribute at the beginning of the show did the trick. :(

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Guest jimmy no nose

Not really, I was starting to really get in to the Blue Blazer angle though.

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Guest Downhome

I've been a fan of Owen Hart since his FIRST debut in WWF way back when, so yes, I've always been a fan of him. Hell, this is why I personally took his death so hard.

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Guest BigTim2002

I LOVED him. He was truly one of the only high flyers in his time before Vince introduced some of the smaller talent. I think only he and Shawn were the two real high flyers. When he finally turned heel, well, let's just say it made me hate him, because I loved Bret, but when I look back on that, and realize how convincing a heel he was? Well, I'm glad to know Owen was that type of guy. It's funny. Pretty much from then on, he was a heel. If he was a face during that time, and turned on someone huge...well, let's just say he could have been just as big, or even bigger than his brother.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I always preferred Bret's work. It seemed more grounded and realistic. But after he turned heel in 97 and Owen joined him, he was cool in my book. When he died, my heart was broken, though. I'm still not a big fan, but I appreciate his work more now than I did before.

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Guest O.J. Hart

Well, during the days of Owen's classic matches with Bret, I was still a mark so I only cheered for faces, and because of that I hated Owen more than any heel. But I was a huge Yoko mark though, so when Owen and Yoko won the tag championship, I started cheering for Owen, just because he was with Yoko. I never really cheered for him again till after the Hart Foundation was gone and he returned as a face. I cheered for him then, and I cheered for him while in the Nation, and I liked him most with Jeff Jarret. I saw him for the last time just 4 months before died. It was at a house show where him and Jarret defeated Road Dogg and X-Pac(SUCKS!!!) in a guitar on a pole match. Owen and Jarret won, and I marked out big. If I knew it was the last time would see him before he died, I would have had tears in my eyes. When he died, I flipped to the channel where you can hear the PPV going on, but the screen is scrambled. And I heard them cut right from the Union/Ministry match and JR announced Owen had passed away. I cried so much and I was up all night crying and I didnt go to school the next day because I was still crying and Raw is Owen made me cry like a little girl. I really miss him....

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Guest TheHulkster

I wasn't a big fan untill he turned heel on Bret. My sister was a big Bret Hart fan, and I freaking hated Bret at the time, so in one fell swoop at Royal Rumble in 1994, I became a huge Owen fan. I went nuts when he beat Bret at mania and was a big fan of his up untill his death. I even bought the Black Hart T-shirt.

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Guest pochorenella

I first saw Owen when he was with the New Foundation but I was unimpressed, and just as well with his team with Koko. But then he started teaming with Bret and I liked his work but he was always second banana to the Hitman. When he turned heel I didn't cheer for him at all, but still liked his in-ring work (that belly-to-belly suplex, my God). His tag team with the Bulldog was great, but I was subscribing to PWI at the time and was pissed that they weren't even near voted top team of the year (they weren't even finalists or something).

His face run against HHH didn't faze me, but then he bit Ken Shamrock's ear and I was hooked again.

Of course, I was very sad when I heard that he died (I caught the news that very night, didn't see the PPV). And I cried when I saw the RAW tribute. I miss him. Long Live Owen!

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Guest gwf0704

I was never a fan of his or his wrestling skills. I saw him the same way I see Test right now. Not much hype, seemed to get heat due to him feuding with Brett, but had skills, just never much held my attention.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Owen beating Bret at Mania 10 is one of my all time favorite moments in wrestling...and it was at the time.


I was a huge Owen fan from his heel turn at Rumble 94 on.

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Guest saturnmark4life

to be honest i was a mark for most of his career, so no. I was about 10 when he beat bret at WMX, and i've ALWAYS remembered that as being cool.

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Guest nWoScorpion

As a Character I hated him, as a Wrestler i liked him. Until he become the Sole Survivor then he was cool form both parts til the drop of doom.

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Guest Bloodice

When I was living in Canada I had the priv. to watch him wrestle many times in the calgary stampeded fan and was hooked from day one. When he became the cocky king of the ring owen hart I really marked out. He was always a favorite of mine and that never changed whether he was face or heel

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Guest imajackoff?

Post WM5 knee injury, he was a steady in-ring performer. However, he was unspectatular and boring at times. He never had the charisma to draw that much heat. The Blue Blazer super hero gimmick WAS getting over though. I remember my friends and I cracking up at the highlight package and interview that was to precede his match at Over the Edge 99.

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Guest NazMistry

I liked Owen's team with the Bulldog, but otherwise I was indifferent to Owen.

Not saying he wasn't good, but I never really got into him.

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