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Guest SlowChemical6

The greatest WWE superstar of all time

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Guest SlowChemical6

Stone Cold Steve Austin

6x WWE champion, 2x I.C. champion, 4x tag team champion, 1996 KOR winner, 3x Royal Rumble winner, 4 WrestleMania main events (13, 14, 15, X-7), 3 SummerSlam main events ('98, '99, '01)


The Rock

7x WWE champion, 2x I.C. champion, 5x tag team champion, 1x Royal Rumble winner, 4 WrestleMania main events (XV, 2000, X-7, X8), 3 SummerSlam main events ('00, '01, '02)


Bret Hart

5x WWE champion, 2x I.C. champion, 2x tag team champion, 1993 KOR winner, 1x Royal Rumble winner, 4 WrestleMania main events (IX, X, XII, 13), 3 SummerSlam main events ('92, '94, '97)



5x WWE champion, 4x I.C. champion, 1x tag team champion, 1997 KOR winner, 1x European champion, 1x Royal Rumble winner, 2 WrestleMania main events (2000, X8), 2 SummerSlam main events ('99, '00)


Hulk Hogan

6x WWE champion, 1x tag team champion, 2x Royal Rumble winner, 8 WrestleMania main events (I-III, V-VIII, X8), 4 SummerSlam main events ('88-'91)



3x WWE champion, 3x I.C. champion, 1x tag team champion, 1x European champion, 2x Royal Rumble winner, 3 WrestleMania main events (XI, XII, XIV), 1 SummerSlam main event ('96)


Kurt Angle

2x WWE champion, 1x I.C. champion, 1x European champion, 1x hardcore champion, 2000 King of the Ring, 2 SummerSlam main events ('00, '01)



4x WWE champion, 6x tag team champion, 1x hardcore champion, 1 WrestleMania main event (13), 3 SummerSlam main events (,94, '97, '98)


Chris Jericho

1-2x (?) WWE champion, 4x I.C. champion, 2x tag team champion, 1x European champion, 1x hardcore champion, 1 WrestleMania main event (X8)

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Guest SlowChemical6

That's a matter of opinion. That's like saving Savage and Flair didn't main event WrestleMania VIII, or Bret and Austin didn't main event WrestleMania 13. It was a double main event situation. Maybe I should change it to "headlined".

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Guest chirs3

Fair enough.


But from that, I'd say Rock is the greatest. He didn't win KotR, and has 2 less Rumble wins, but a whole lot more titles. Well, I guess it's objective. Austin's done more, Rock's done less but done it better.

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Guest SlowChemical6

Yes, but consider this:


1. Austin's Royal Rumble wins all meant much more than the Rock & Sock Connection's title wins over teams such as the Holly cousins.


2. Rock's Royal Rumble win was shady. Big Show's feet touched the floor first.


I'm not saying that HHH is better, but he certainly has accomplished more than those guys.

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Guest Angle-plex
I'm not saying that HHH is better, but he certainly has accomplished more than those guys.


I wonder why. :rolleyes:

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Guest SlowChemical6

'Cause he's-uh railing-uh Steph-uh. It's funny to compare the accomplishments...HBK basically crammed every accomplishment that he could except for the KOR into his 3-year ('95-'98) tenure as a top guy, and The Undertaker has been given very little considering he's been in the WWE for 12 years. Look at how much guys like Austin, HHH, and Rock have accomplished in just 6-7 years.

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Guest BigTim2002

OK, well, HHH's wins didn't exactly come over the best of people.


I will say this though, Bret Hart had to have had the toughest road to the titles. He beat some really good people for every title he has owned.

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Guest bob_barron
That's a matter of opinion. That's like saving Savage and Flair didn't main event WrestleMania VIII, or Bret and Austin didn't main event WrestleMania 13. It was a double main event situation. Maybe I should change it to "headlined".

Bret v. Austin wasn't the main event- It was presented as Sid v. Taker.

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Guest SlowChemical6
OK, well, HHH's wins didn't exactly come over the best of people.


The Rock and Mankind aren't the best of people? Dammit, you're making me defend The Game-uh.

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Guest dilk bathoon

jericho is a two time, two time tag champ. held it with both rock and benoit.

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Guest SlowChemical6
Bret v. Austin wasn't the main event- It was presented as Sid v. Taker.


If we're gonna get all technical, then Hogan main evented WrestleMania IX because he was on last.

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Guest BigTim2002

But what were two of his wins over?


The Big Show...I thank you.


Yokozuna was the only bad wrestler Bret had to beat.

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Guest SlowChemical6

I wouldn't even consider Yokozuna "bad". He turned into a morbidly obese jobber later on, but in 1994 he was a monster heel that nobody could beat.


I was amazed at how many times Taker has held the tag titles...I didn't realize that he was right up there with Billy and E&C.

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Guest bob_barron

WMIX was presented as a double main event with Megamaniacs v. Money Inc.


Same with VIII

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Guest SlowChemical6

I put VIII in there, I don't consider the Megamaniacs vs. Money Inc. to be a f'n WrestleMania main event no matter how they advertised it.

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Guest dilk bathoon

did the rockers never win the wwf tag team titles? because i know shawn held them with austin (b. owen and bulldog on raw) once. anybody know?

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Guest RickyChosyu

HHH was and still is better than Taker. Take that for what it's worth.


I don't see how title reigns and what-not like this mean anything as far as "greatness" goes. If you wanna talk actuall drawing power, Austin, Hogan, and possibly Rock are the big ones to name. If you want to talk about actuall in-ring ability, Flair, the Harts, and Austin should be the names you on your list. But title reigns? Pardon me for pointing it out, but, depending on what time period you're talking about, the titles in the WWF mean everything or they mean nothing. Main events of any specific show don't mean too much, either. If they did, where are Sid, Diesel, Flair and Savage?

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Guest bob_barron
did the rockers never win the wwf tag team titles? because i know shawn held them with austin (b. owen and bulldog on raw) once. anybody know?

Rockers won the belt from the Harts but it was over turned. They were never recognised as champs

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Guest chirs3

Jericho and Rock were both Dubbya-See-Dubbya champs... Both twice.


Rock had it, lost to Jericho at... No Mercy? ... or No Way Out? I forget.


Rock won it back, then Jericho won it first round of the Vengeance Tournament.


Just thought I'd add that.


Edit: Angle too.

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Guest BigTim2002

Yes, that would be the infamous, "Phantom Reign."


Still, The Rockers should have been champs like three times b4 the split.

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Guest RickyChosyu
did the rockers never win the wwf tag team titles? because i know shawn held them with austin (b. owen and bulldog on raw) once. anybody know?

It depends. There was a title change, but it didn't make it to TV for reasons that elude me at the moment. Anyway, at the time the WWF didn't acknowledge the change and kept them on the Hart Foundation. However, when promoting the New Rockers, they put over the originial pair as "Former WWF Tag Team Champions" meaning that they did acknowledge the change so that Jannetty got the status of being a former tag champ. Not that it actually made any difference.

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Guest BigTim2002

Ricky have I told you how much your quote fucking rules all of mankind?


I remember watching Arn make that interview...I was stunned and amazed. Greatest promo he has ever made.


Oh, but where in this list is Owen Hart? I thought he would be up there?

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Guest SlowChemical6

Sid's not really in contention. He was a 2x WWE champion and he main evented 2 WrestleManias, but that's about it.


Diesel was a 1x WWE champion, a 1x I.C. champion, a tag champion (1x?) with HBK, and he main evented 1 WrestleMania and 1 SummerSlam. So basically, he did everything once. And he never won the KOR or a Royal Rumble.


Owen...1994 King of the Ring, former I.C. champion, former European champion, former tag team champion...never won a Rumble, main evented one SummerSlam...nah, he's not even close to the top.

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Guest SlowChemical6

barron...you just violated the golden rule.


Never, ever speak of SummerSlam '94 or the Undertaker vs. Undertaker match.



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